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Harry Potter and the Dawning of Light
By KraushPot

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Category: Post-DH/AB
Genres: Action/Adventure, Fluff, General, Romance
Warnings: Mild Language, Mild Sexual Situations
Rating: PG-13
Reviews: 4
Summary: *** The author has been reminded via the e-mail address on file that this story is listed as incomplete and has not been updated in over 2 years ***

*** The author has been reminded via the e-mail address on file that this story is listed as incomplete and has not been updated in over 2 years ***

Follow Harry and company as they begin to live in a new world free of Dark Lords and daunting prophesies. Although Voldemort is gone, the wizarding world is in shambles, and everyone is looking to Harry for guidance. How will he cope with his new responsibilities at the Ministry and his renewed relationship with Ginny?
Hitcount: Story Total: 3399

Disclaimer: Harry Potter Publishing Rights © J.K.R. Note the opinions in this story are my own and in no way represent the owners of this site. This story subject to copyright law under transformative use. No compensation is made for this work.

Author's Notes:
Just the beginning of what will hopefully become a full length fanfic...Please leave reviews and let me know what you think. This first chapter is mostly post-battle fluff, but little plot. I will develop the plot line in upcoming chapters.


Yawning and stretching out in his bed, Harry Potter lay in perfect tranquility after sleeping nightmare free yet again. He hadn’t had a nightmare in over a week, the longest stretch he could remember in the last four years. The thought that he could finally rest with only the cheerful images of his loved ones in his dreams gave Harry a warm feeling in his stomach. That warm feeling, however, was now currently concentrated a little bit further south as he recalled a particularly exhilarating dream involving a certain beautiful red-haired girl. Harry was also very pleased that the unbelievable sense of comfort he currently felt while dozing in his bed at the Burrow was not about to vanish anytime soon. After the events at Hogwarts Castle barely a week ago, Harry knew he would never have to look over his shoulder out of fear again. And as far as he was concerned, this new world devoid of crazed, mass-murdering evil wizards was a much better place indeed.

Rolling over onto his side, Harry summoned his glasses and blearily opened his eyes. As his surroundings began to sink in around him, he recognized the shock of red hair peeking out of the covers of the room’s other bed as Ronald Weasley. Harry was not surprised to see another lump beneath Ron’s sheets and a bushy brown head, as Hermione Granger had taken to sneaking into their room to cuddle up next to her newfound beau. Smiling fondly at the peacefully sleeping couple across the room, Harry was again flooded with an overwhelming sense of peace and rightness. It may have taken his two best friends years longer than it should have, but they eventually found each other.

As he slowly drifted back to sleep, Harry recalled the events of the last week. Although it was and should have been a time of joy and jubilation, the loss of so many withes and wizards left a damper on all celebrations. Though he had lost so many loved ones before, the deaths of Fred, Colin, Lupin, and Tonks still hit him with as much force as Sirius or Dumbledore’s had. Harry sometimes felt it hard to breathe when he remembered the faces of the people who had meant so much to him. He could hear Fred in the laughter of people celebrating good’s triumph over evil. He could imagine Colin behind every camera that snapped a photograph of those who had survived. And he could see Remus and Tonks smiling back at him in the chubby face of little Teddy, who would grow up never knowing just how wonderful his parents really were.

The funerals for all of those lost in the struggle against Voldemort were difficult to bear. After going through both Fred and Colin’s funerals, Harry thought he might not have any tears left to shed. That was until Remus and Tonks’ funeral. Harry was able to sit through the entire service dedicated to the two fallen members of the Order of the Phoenix without shedding a single tear. However, when Andromeda brought little Teddy over to him after the ceremony, Harry lost control of himself. As he held the small child in his arms, Harry cried harder than he could ever remember. He cried for his lost friends, he cried for Teddy. With tears spilling down his face, Harry silently vowed to himself that he would never let his godson feel the pain of loneliness. And when Ginny, Ron, and Hermione wrapped their arms around him and Teddy, Harry knew that his vow would never be broken. Teddy would feel the type of love that Harry had never felt growing up. Teddy would feel the type of love that Harry himself was just beginning to understand.

Harry knew that Molly and Arthur Weasley considered him as one of their own, but he never fully understood the depth of their love until after the final battle. Looking on at the Weasley family mourning the loss of Fred, Harry had felt unsure of himself. The day after the battle, Harry had tried to give the Weasleys space, to give them a chance to mourn together as a family. Mrs. Weasley’s words, though, let Harry know exactly where he was supposed to be. “You are a part of our family, Harry,” she had told him, hugging him fiercely and pulling him towards the knot of redheads. “We love you as a son and we won’t ever let you feel alone again.” Harry finally knew what it was like to really have a family. Amid the tragedy of losing one son, the Weasleys had gained another. For good.

Allowing the seductive power of his fluffy pillow and comfortable bed to overtake him, Harry fell back asleep knowing that he was loved. As he slumbered in those lazy morning hours, Harry dreamed of family and of love. Love was what got him through the week of funerals. Love was what gave Harry hope. Thinking about love always made Harry think about Ginny. She was the one person Harry loved above all others, and it was of her that he dreamed the most.

******************************* **************************************** *******

Slowly and silently ambling down the spiral staircase leading from the Headmaster’s Office, Harry finally became aware of just how tired he really was. Thinking back, he realized that he hadn’t properly slept in close to two days. Glancing at his two best friends walking together, holding hands, Harry failed miserably at holding back a smirk.

“You two really have wised up then, haven’t you? Well, I can’t say it hasn’t taken long enough!”

“Isn’t this how the story’s supposed to end, mate? Help kill the villain, get the girl, live happily ever after?” Ron said grinning ear to ear like a child on Christmas morning.

“I sure hope you are not referring to me as some sort of prize, Ronald. I can make sure that this story does not have a happy ending for you!” Hermione interjected, breaking apart from Ron.

“Like bloody hell you will!” Ron barked, pulling Hermione back towards him and kissing her senseless before she could even scold him for his language.

“Alright, alright! Enough of that already!” Harry exclaimed, clearly alarmed at his two best friends’ open expression of affection. Ron and Hermione slowly parted, each looking a little bashful. “Well, at least it all ends like a fairy tale for you lot. What am I left with? A world full of witches and wizards looking at me to put everything back in place? And no girl to boot!”

“I think you’ve done more than enough already, mate. And you’re barking mad if you think you haven’t got a girl,” Ron said.

“Yes, Harry, Ron’s right. You don’t have to fix anything else,” Hermione chimed in. “You have done quite enough all ready. It’s time you start doing things for yourself instead of others. I know that Ginny is out there waiting for you to come back to her.”

“Do you guys think she’ll have me after what I’ve put her through?” Harry asked sheepishly.

“Blimey, Harry, you
are daft! Ginny’s been waiting for you her whole life. Now I think it’s time for you to make things right. She’s been waiting long enough.”

“You’re right! I’ve got to find her…I need to find her!” With that, Harry bolted down the corridor away from the smiling couple. Forgetting all thoughts of tiredness and sleep, Harry raced through passageway after passageway until he realized that he didn’t have the slightest clue where Ginny actually was. Opening the pouch Hagrid had given him for his birthday, Harry pulled out the Marauder’s Map. Muttering, “I solemnly swear that I am up to no good,” Harry opened the map and began searching for the familiar G and W pinpointing Ginny’s exact location. However, Harry could not find Ginny’s name anywhere on the map. She was not with the rest of her family in the Great Hall and neither was she in the Gryffindor common room. It only took Harry a brief second to know just where she had gone.

Once again, Harry was blazing a trail through Hogwarts Castle until he reached his destination, the wall along the seventh floor corridor opposite the tapestry of Barnabas the Barmy.
I need to find Ginny, he thought frantically as he paced past the hidden doorway to the Room of Requirement. Finally, after he passed by for the third time, a door appeared where previously there had only been a wall. Knowing that the person he so desperately needed was on the other side of the door, Harry hastily grabbed the handle and yanked the door open.

Walking into the room, Harry thought for a second that the door handle must have been a portkey that had shot him straight to the Burrow. The room he stood in looked exactly like the living room at the Burrow, complete with a fireplace and even a grandfather clock that had far too many hands. Seated in a chair directly in front of the fire was Ginevra Weasley. Slowly making his way towards the young woman before him, Harry inexplicably began to feel quite nervous.

“Hello, Harry,” Ginny said as Harry moved to place a hand on her shoulder.

“How did you know it was me?” he asked, startled by Ginny’s apparent clairvoyance.

“I just knew. I can feel when you’re around me. Plus I told the room not to let anyone enter but you.” With this Ginny turned to face him, a small, but slightly sad smile on her face.

“That’s cheating,” Harry chuckled softly, taking a seat on the arm of the chair.

Although they both had so much they needed to say to each other, Harry and Ginny sat together in silence for several long minutes. Looking down at the witch next to him, Harry noticed the drawn look on Ginny’s face and the dark circles under her eyes. She looked as though she had not had a good night’s sleep in weeks. Ginny also sported several scratches across her face and a dark purple bruise was forming on her right arm. Despite her generally disheveled appearance, Harry thought she had never looked more beautiful. Finally, after minutes of stolen glances between the two, Harry finally broke the silence.

“I knew I would find you here. Your name wasn’t on the Marauder’s Map, so I knew that you’d be here. I like what you’ve done with the place, too.”

“I used the Room of Requirement a lot this year before my parents took me away to Auntie Muriel’s. Whenever I needed a place to feel safe, to feel at home.”

“This year must have been torture for you, Ginny. I’m so sorry I wasn’t there for you.” Harry stared down at his hands, unable to bring himself to look at Ginny.

“I know why you had to leave, Harry. I know you thought that I would be in danger if you didn’t break it off. But I was always going to be in danger. My family is the biggest lot of blood traitors there is, remember?”

“I just thought it would be safer for you if everyone thought we weren’t together. I couldn’t bear it if Tom had used you to get to me. Because if he hurt you, I would have died inside. I don’t think I would have been able to go on.”

“And how do you think it was for me here?” Ginny’s true feelings of panic and anxiety were now beginning to show through her tough demeanor. “Months and months with little or no news about how you or Ron or Hermione were. Every day I woke up I was afraid that the
Prophet would finally confirm my fears.”

“I’m so sorry, Gin–”

“Harry, stop apologizing.” Grabbing his arm, she forced him to turn and look at her again. “I said I know why you left, and I forgive you. Even though I was scared and worried, I knew that that was how it had to be. Even though I didn’t like it and I wanted you with me, I knew you had a job to do. So I did what I could here. Knowing that you, Ron, and Hermione were out there fighting made everyone believe that we could make a difference. You may not have been here in person, Harry, but you gave everyone hope.”

“You gave me hope too, Gin. Every night before I went to bed, I would get out the map and watch your name until I fell asleep. Knowing that you were safe at Hogwarts gave me a sense of comfort. The thought of you…us…it kept me going.” Harry had now grabbed both of Ginny’s hands in his and was gazing directly into her eyes, trying to tell her exactly how much she meant to him.

“Do you want to know what I thought of before Voldemort tried to kill me in the Forest? I thought of you and me, in the common room after you won the Quidditch Cup. I thought of how much I love…you.” At first Harry hadn’t meant to say it, but as those words escaped from his mouth they felt too natural to not be true. Nodding its head in agreement, the creature in Harry’s chest confirmed what he just said.

Before he had any time to react, Ginny pulled him down to her and pressed her lips forcefully upon his own. Harry instantly remembered why he enjoyed kissing Ginny so much. The softness of her lips against his, the closeness of her body; it all made Harry feel at home. Ginny affected him in a way that nobody else could. She could make his heart beat faster, but bring the world into slow motion. She made him feel inexplicably warm inside, yet could send shivers shooting throughout his body. After only several seconds that seemed like hours, Ginny pulled away from Harry. Softly breathing against his lips, she whispered, “I love you too, Harry. Always and forever.”

Wrapping his arms around the woman in front of him, Harry kissed Ginny with more passion than he ever had before. Sitting in front of the fire in the imitation sitting room at the Burrow, the two teenagers became lost in the unbelievable bliss of the moment, pouring out nearly a year’s worth of anxiety and frustration. Some minutes later, the two slowly pulled away from each other, fatigued from their throes of passion.

“So he really did try to kill you,” Ginny said solemnly, looking at Harry with a puzzled expression on her face. “I thought you were just pretending. What happened? Why didn’t it work? Why couldn’t he kill you?”

“I’m still not completely sure exactly how it all happened,” Harry began, trying to come up with a way to explain the events of the last battle. “I think that for a moment I really was dead.”

“What are you talking about?” Ginny nearly shouted at him. “How could you have died if you are sitting here with me right now. This doesn’t make any sense.”

“I don’t completely understand why or how it all happened the way it did to be honest. All I know is that Voldemort hit me with the Killing Curse and I died.” Noticing the look of utter terror on the youngest Weasley’s face, he added, “Don’t worry, it didn’t hurt. It was quite painless actually, like falling asleep.

“After he hit me with the curse, I went to this place. I don’t know how to describe it other than it was like King’s Cross. When I got there, Dumbledore appeared. It seemed so much like a dream, but I know that it wasn’t.

“When I talked to Dumbledore, he explained it all to me. How Voldemort had left a part of his soul in me when he tried to kill me as a baby. How using my blood to resurrect himself in the graveyard had tied us even closer together. I guess that because Voldemort didn’t understand the power of love, he couldn’t kill me. I had a choice to live or die.”

Harry paused in his recollection of the morning’s events, trying to make sense of everything for himself to understand. Ginny wore an expression of deep confusion and fright, almost like a child hearing a particularly scary bedtime tale.

“You had a choice?” Ginny finally offered, breaking the momentary silence.

“Yes. I could have…gone on. And I really could have too. It would have been so easy to leave everything behind. All the pain and suffering. But then I thought of you again. I thought of the chance that we might have to really
live together. So I decided to go back, to finish Voldemort once and for all.

“When I woke up, I had to pretend that I was dead. It was the only way I knew I could get back to the castle, to finish the job. Narcissa Malfoy checked to see if I was dead, but she lied because I told her that Draco was alive. In the end, family meant more to her than Voldemort.

“So then they had Hagrid carry me to the castle. I couldn’t let on that I was still alive or else everything would have gone wrong. So I just had to wait, play dead. It tore my heart to pieces hearing everyone scream when they finally brought me to the castle. When I heard you, I just wanted to tell you it was all going to be okay, but–”

“You were dead!” Harry was silenced by Ginny’s hysterical shriek. Burying her head in Harry’s chest, Ginny finally let her guard come tumbling down, and with it came a flood of tears. Initially startled by her outburst, Harry hastily recovered his wits and started to comfort Ginny. After a few minutes, her tears began to subside and she spoke in nothing more than a faint whisper.

“Seeing you there on the ground, dead, I thought I would never feel happy again. It killed me to know that I would never get to be with you again. I was sad when I found out Fred was dead. I still am. But when I saw you, I thought I would die too. For a moment, I wanted to die so I could be with you.”

“I never meant for you to feel like that, Ginny,” Harry mumbled into the top of her head. Gently stroking her hair he continued, “I went to the Forest to give myself up so that you could live. I wanted you to be able to grow old, raise a family, love again.”

“I couldn’t ever love anyone else as much as I love you, Harry.” Raising her self up to him, Ginny kissed him with a tenderness that told Harry that he was the only one for her. Then, her eyes hardening, she said, “After seeing you dead, I felt like I could kill. I wanted to make Tom pay for taking you away from me, but Bellatrix got in the way.”

“Ginny, if you had died trying to avenge me, I don’t think I would have survived. When Bellatrix almost hit you with
Avada Kedavra I completely forgot about Voldemort. I wanted to come help you. Your mum beat me to it, though. If she hadn’t taken out Bellatrix, I certainly would have.”

“Yeah, Mum was really amazing. I didn’t know she could duel like that! After she killed Lestrange, though, I thought Voldemort was going to kill her. Then a shield came out of nowhere and there you were, standing face to face with Voldemort, alive. That was when I knew everything would be alright. I could breathe again. I could feel again. I knew then and there that you were going to win. We all were going to win.”

“I could feel it too. For some reason I knew that it would all work out once it came down to Tom and me. It finally dawned on me that Voldemort couldn’t hurt me using the Elder Wand. I tried to give him a chance to save himself. A chance to feel some remorse, but even then he was incapable of feeling.”

“Honestly, Harry, I think you are the only wizard alive who would even consider offering Voldemort a chance at redemption,” Ginny said exasperatedly, her sadness evaporating as she contemplated the amazing man before her.

“Well, I guess I figured that everyone deserves a second chance. A shot at redemption, you know. Voldemort seemed to think otherwise, though. So, he tried to kill me again, but the wand backfired and he died instead.”

“You act like it was nothing. Aren’t you going to take any credit for taking down the most powerful dark wizard of all time?”

“When you put it like
that, I guess I am pretty wonderful, aren’t I,” Harry answered cheekily, stretching his arms over his head.

“Prat!” Ginny said, hitting him playfully on the arm. Feigning injury, Harry fell off the chair and on to the floor. Then, grabbing Ginny’s wrists, he unceremoniously pulled her onto the ground next to him.

Before they knew it, Harry and Ginny were again tangled together in a passionate kiss. After an elongated period of time spent without air, the two were forced to part. Feeling a peace he never felt before, Harry cuddled up next to Ginny and finally rested. They spent the next few hours slumbering nestled happily in each other’s arms, sharing kisses and enjoying the moment.

After some time, Harry broke the peaceful stillness, murmuring in Ginny’s ear, “You know what, love?”


“I couldn’t have dreamed of a better happily ever after…”

************************* **************************************** *************

Quietly crossing his room, Ron Weasley stopped to glance down at his best friend, his brother, dreaming peacefully in the tranquility of the late morning. It was a landmark occasion for Harry to go one night without a nightmare, but he had now gone a full week without any terrors visiting him in his sleep. Watching a smile dance across the face of his slumbering roommate, Ron knew that everything was finally just as it should be.

Reviews 4

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