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By potterfan2008

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Category: Alternate Universe
Genres: Drama, Romance
Warnings: Intimate Sexual Situations, Violence
Story is Complete
Rating: R
Reviews: 410
Summary: The summer after the Chamber of Secrets was hard on everyone. How come no one can remember what happened? Prior to starting his seventh year at Hogwarts, Harry realizes he is missing some memories from his second year. Together with Remus Lupin, Harry sets out to discover what happened. He hopes to find out about that pretty red head he has been dreaming about as well.
Hitcount: Story Total: 353540; Chapter Total: 9226
Awards: View Trophy Room

Author's Notes:
Sorry it has been so long since I updated. I got a bit distracted by my other story. I want to thank everyone for the gentle hints and reminders to return to this story.


“I’m sorry, you have a daughter?” Harry asked as he looked from Ivan to Peggy.

Peggy nodded as she held out a framed picture. Harry took the picture and saw a young girl playing with a kitten. Every once in a while the young girl would look up and smile. She was young, younger than Hogwarts age, Harry thought, with long brown hair and big brown eyes.

“Her name is Phoebe,” Peggy said softly as she took back the picture after Harry, Ginny and Bill had looked at it. “She is eleven years old. She is a beautiful, happy child. For the past two years, she has been attending Le Rosey, a boarding school in Switzerland. Le Rosey is not a magical school and Phoebe wants to attend a magical school. Obviously, Ivan and I also want her to be able to embrace her magical heritage. “

“Are you planning to have her attend Hogwarts?” Ginny asked. She knew firsthand how hard it was to attend school in another country.

“No,” Ivan said firmly. “I don’t want Phoebe mixed up in all of this.”

“All of what? I don’t really understand,” Harry said. That was not entirely true. Harry was fairly certain Ivan was referring to the Death Eaters running the Ministry, but he was not going to make it easy for Ivan. He still didn’t know which side Ivan was on.

Ivan sighed. “I am sure that you have heard that I am a Death Eater and that I support the pureblood agenda of the Ministry. Is that so?”

Harry exchanged glances with Ginny and Bill before nodding. He didn’t say anything else, not certain of Fedorov’s allegiance.

“Bulgaria is a country very different from England. While many of my countrymen are good hardworking souls, we also have a history of supporting any number of Dark Wizards, including Grindelwald and He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named. Most of our Magical children attend Durmstrang, which of course has a strong association with the Dark Arts,” Ivan explained. “I was in Durmstrang when the Dark Lord rose to power the first time. Like most of the boys my age, I was…entranced with the Dark Arts. It is hard to explain, but the Dark Arts can be very seductive.”

Harry just barely restrained himself from rolling his eyes. Why was that the refrain of every Death Eater?

Ivan continued. “I never took the Dark Mark. I attended some meetings. I only actually saw the Dark Lord once. Usually we held meetings to discuss the Dark Arts and how to advance his pureblood agenda. I am ashamed to say that we would terrorize and threaten some, but we didn’t kill or worse as some other groups were reported to have done.”

Ginny reached over and took Harry’s hand as she felt his anger spike. She squeezed his hand and he glanced over at her and smiled slightly.

Oblivious to his guests’ reaction to his revelations, Ivan continued, “I met Peggy in 1980. Her father is well known in the Ministry for his stance against the Dark Arts.”

Looking over at his wife, she took up the story. “My mother is from England. She actually attended school here. She was a Hufflepuff. While she was in school here, she became very involved in the efforts to rebuild Europe after the wars. Europe had been devastated by both the Magical and Muggle wars. My father’s family has always been against the Dark Arts, sometimes to their detriment. After the war, there was a serious effort at cleaning up the Bulgarian Ministry and my father started working in the Department of International Cooperation.”

Ivan resumed the story. “Her father, Anton, is very vocal against the Dark Arts, but he knows the pressure put on young boys at Durmstrang. I met him when he came to talk to my graduating class, talking out about the Dark Arts and helping us see the insidious nature of the Dark Arts. It took some time, but I realized how wrong it was to use the Dark Arts and how wrong it was to torment Muggles.”

He looked up at Harry. “I know you might find this hard to believe, but I do not support the Dark Lord and I do not support your Ministry’s pureblood agenda.”

“Why do they think you do?” Harry asked.

Ivan sighed. “After I graduated from Durmstrang, I apprenticed to a Transfiguration Master for several years. After completing my apprenticeship, I started working at Durmstrang as an instructor. It took several years, but I worked my way up to Transfiguration Professor. By this time, the Dark Lord was gone and Igor Karkaroff had been named Headmaster. He remembered me from the meeting I attended and he took me under his wing.”

“So you didn’t repudiate your past,” Bill said, making it a statement, not a question.

From Ivan’s expression, Harry could tell that was true.

“No, Bill, I did not.” Ivan sighed. “I thought that it was in the past so I put it behind me. By that time, I had married and we had Phoebe. We didn’t advertise our relationship and decided to keep Phoebe’s birth quiet. At Durmstrang, it is not encouraged for families to live at the school. When Phoebe was young, she and Peggy lived with my in-laws.”

“Ivan would join us on weekends and school breaks. It was a lovely life,” Peggy broke in. “Until You-Know-Who returned. Headmaster Utrobin is a staunch supporter of the Dark Lord and expected all of his staff to do the same. Dark Arts was being offered as an elective and Muggleborns were being excluded from the school.”

“That is why I took this position when it was offered,” Ivan concluded.

Harry nodded as he thought over everything he’d been told. “So why do you need my help with Phoebe?”

“Mrs. Potter,” Peggy said. “I understand that you attended Beauxbatons for several years. I was hoping that you could help smooth the way for her to attend.”

“Mrs. Fedorov,” Ginny said with confusion, colouring her voice. “You don’t need my help for that. All you need to do is contact Madam Maxime. I am sure she would be more than happy to help you enroll Phoebe.”

“Yes, I’m sure she would,” Peggy replied. “But…we were hoping…we are afraid she would be targeted. I know you still have friends and contacts at Beauxbatons. We were hoping that you would introduce us to those who could help arrange for her protection.”

She looked imploringly over at Harry. “I don’t need to explain to you that the fact that she is a child won’t stop the Dark Lord. I am afraid that he will come after her. Ivan has already made some waves by not agreeing to all of their demands. If they find out about Phoebe…I am afraid of what will happen to her.”

Bill looked over at his sister uneasily. “Sir, may I talk this over with my wife? She has many contacts at Beauxbatons and may be able to help. My sister-in-law, Gabrielle, started the upper division this year. She might be persuaded to help as well.”

“I agree,” Ginny added. “I am sure Gabrielle will be happy to help Phoebe adjust to living in Beauxbatons.”

“That would be wonderful. Any help you can provide would be excellent,” Ivan replied with a smile.

______________________________ ______________________________
Ginny sat at the kitchen table, watching her husband pull the roast out of the oven. “So what do you think?”

“I don’t know,” Harry replied as he transferred the roast onto the serving platter. “It seems to be a huge coincidence that our new Death Eater Headmaster is really a good guy.”

“I know,” Ginny said as she started spooning potatoes and vegetables onto their plates. “He seems…I don’t know. I wouldn’t exactly call him a good guy. He basically sounds like he follows whoever has the most power.”

“Like Wormtail,” Harry said darkly.

“You are right, love,” Ginny agreed as he sat down at the table. “He just gets along with whoever is in power.”

“I don’t understand why he showed his hand to us,” Harry said as he carved the roast. “Why tell us all of that and tell us about his daughter?”

“I’m not sure,” Ginny answered. “They certainly don’t need our help to enroll their daughter in Beauxbatons. Madam Maxime has always helped those fleeing Voldemort or his followers. There is a community of Muggleborn students enrolled at Beauxbatons.”

Harry nodded as he started to eat. “Maybe he wanted to gain sympathy or wanted to let us know what side he is on.”

“It doesn’t make any sense,” Ginny stated. “I am sure that Gabrielle will be happy to befriend Phoebe and Madam Maxime will be able to keep her safe.”

“I’m sure they will, but I don’t trust Fedorov. I don’t want to repeat Dumbledore’s mistake. We’ll need to keep a close eye on him, on them both really.”

Ginny nodded. “We still don’t know who has been leaking the pictures and the stories to the press. One of the Fedorovs could be responsible.”

Harry looked chagrined. “I hadn’t even thought of that. We will need to be careful.”

They ate quietly for a few moments. Harry looked over at her and smiled. “I’m going to miss this.”

Smiling, Ginny reached across the table for his hand. “Me, too. I love living here in our very own house. Part of me wants to just stay here and get ready for the baby. Fleur and I looked at the top floor. I want to make that totally a floor for children. There are two bedrooms and the other room I want to set up as a playroom.”

“That would be brilliant.” Harry smiled. Ginny was breathtaking when she was as enthused as she was about their new house. He sighed. “Unfortunately we can’t do that. We’ll be able to come over Christmas break and do some decorating. You and Fleur have done a lot in the last week.”

“Andromeda said she would come over and set up the Potions lab on the first floor and Remus is going to oversee setting up the training room,” Ginny said with excitement.

“I can’t wait to see what they will be able to do,” Harry said with an indulgent smile. “We’ll be able to celebrate our first Christmas together in our own home.”

______________________________ ________________________________________
It was still dark when Harry woke up. He propped himself up on one elbow as he watched his wife sleep. Her beautiful red hair was tangled all around her as she lay on her side turned toward him. Gently he smoothed her hair over her shoulder.

Leaning down, he pressed a gentle kiss on her bare shoulder. It still amazed him how his life had changed over the summer. He had started the summer broken and depressed about his relatives. A smile crossed his face as he realized that he would never have to stay with them again.

He ran his hand through Ginny’s hair. Out of all of the changes that had been made in his life, Ginny was by far the most amazing. The strength of their love had bonded them together for life and broken through the memory charms that had been placed on them by those they had trusted. Ginny turned onto her back. Harry smiled as he gently caressed her flat stomach. The thought of their baby growing inside of her filled him with an indescribable joy.
Scooting down on the bed, Harry gently placed soft kisses on her belly. After a moment, he felt a soft hand threading through his hair. He lifted his head and smiled at his wife.

“Good morning, Beautiful.”

Ginny tugged on his hair and pulled him up to her. “Good morning, my love.”

Harry leaned in and kissed her briefly. “I was just thinking of all of the changes that had taken place this summer. I can’t believe how lucky I am to have you in my life. You and the baby.”

Ginny smiled up at him. “I know what you mean. I can’t believe I am heading back to Hogwarts with my husband.”

“I can’t really wrap my head around the fact that I am heading back for my last year at Hogwarts,” Harry said as he pulled her closer. “I remember that Hagrid told me that after seven years I wouldn’t even recognize myself. I think I would have to agree with that.”

Ginny giggled. “I remember how cute you were.”

“Cute?” Harry laughed. “I think your memory is a little faulty. I had those horrible taped up glasses and I was wearing some of Dudley’s huge hand-me-downs. If that doesn’t scream poor orphan, I don’t know what does.”

Ginny remembered with a smile, “You were so polite and you looked so sad. I just wanted to give you a hug and help you.”

“I was in such a panic. My aunt and uncle had left me there and I had no idea where to go. When I heard your mum talking, I was so happy,” Harry reminisced. “I heard her asking where the platform was and I just followed you guys.”

“Mum always used to do that. She would pretend she couldn’t remember the platform number so that one of us could answer and feel so proud and knowledgeable.” Ginny laughed. “I was always so happy when I could give her the answer. It took me a while to realize she knew the answers the whole time.”

Harry laughed. “Well, for whatever reason I am glad that I found you, and if you want to hug me at any point today, please feel free.”

Her response was lost as he kissed her, softly at first and then more passionately. Ginny pulled him down over her, reveling in the feeling of his body against hers. “I love you.”
_________________________________ ____________________________________
Th e second time Harry woke, he realized they would need to get up and start getting ready. He turned to wake Ginny when she suddenly bolted up and out of bed. Harry winced as he heard her vomiting in the loo. He had learned from experience that Ginny did not like to be fussed over when she was sick.

Heading down to the kitchen, Harry quickly prepared the morning sickness potion that Alicia had taught him to make. Hearing the shower, Harry mixed up some batter for scones. Bacon for breakfast was out as Ginny had recently started gagging at the smell of bacon frying.

The tapping of a bird on the window caught his attention. Walking over to the window, he opened it and in flew an owl bearing an official Hogwarts letter addressed to Ginny. The owl gratefully partook of the offered water and owl treats before taking off again.

He set the letter on the table next to the vial of potion and a basket of scones fresh from the oven. The young wizard cast a warming spell over the basket and cleaned up the kitchen while waiting for Ginny to join him. He did not have a long wait.

To his relief, she didn’t look as pale and tired as she had the previous morning. “Good morning, love.”

She smiled as she saw the potion waiting for her at the table. “Morning. Thank you for the potion.”

Downing the potion, she saw the letter with her name on it. She looked at the letter nervously for a moment. With a slightly shaking hand, Ginny opened her letter.

Ordinary Wizarding Level Results

Pass Grades:

Outstanding (O)

Exceeds Expectations (E)

Acceptable (A)

Fail Grades:

Poor (P)

Dreadful (D)

Troll (T)

Ginevra Molly Potter has achieved:

Arthimancy E Transfigura tion E

Ancient Runes O Charms O

Herbology A Potions E

History of Magic A Defence Against the Dark Arts O

Ginny smiled shakily as she handed the results to Harry.

“Wow!” Harry read through them and smiled. “These grades are amazing. Eight OWLS with three Outstandings. That is great!”

“Thanks, love.” Ginny sat back and read over her results again. “I really didn’t think I was going to do so well. I was so worried about you and finding out I’m pregnant.”

“If that is how well you do when you are distracted, I can only imagine how well you would do if you were focused,” Harry said as he leaned over and kissed her.

Ginny hurriedly finished her breakfast. “I want to write a quick note to Hermione and let her know. She really helped me keep on track.”

By ten o’clock, the couple had their trunks packed ready to go and Hedwig and Emerald were both in their cages. Ginny laughed. “I don’t think I’ve ever been ready to leave so early.”

Harry smiled. “I usually am. Well, except for the two years your family took me to the train station.”

“Two years?”

“Yeah, before my second and third year. The summer before my third year when they were running around Obliviating us, my Aunt Marge came to visit. She is Vernon’s sister and she hates me. Toward the end of her visit, she started in on my parents, how they were drunken lay abouts and on and on. I just lost it. I accidently blew up my aunt.”

Ginny laughed as Harry told her of his escape from Little Whinging and his glorious two weeks of freedom on Diagon Alley.

“I ran into Hermione and Ron out on the Alley and found out that your dad and brothers were staying at the Leaky Cauldron, so we all went to the train together,” Harry explained.

“How have you gotten to the train the last few years?” Ginny asked. “I’m pretty sure Hermione was with my parents.”

“She was. I was so jealous that she got to go to the World Cup with your family and stay the rest of the summer. Sirius and Remus would visit and they usually took me to the train, so I would be ready early. They would pick me up early in the morning, take me out to breakfast and spend time with me before taking me to the station. Sirius came along as Padfoot. He walked right next to me until I got onto the train.”

_____________________________ ________________________________________ _
Twenty minutes before eleven, the couple walked through the barrier between platforms nine and ten. They were brought up short at the sight of a small room, which they had entered.


Turning to the voice, Harry saw an older witch in official Ministry robes. She had a clipboard and quill in her hand. Glancing around the room, he saw several other Ministry officials doing the same thing.

“What is your name, sir?” the witch asked again.

“Harry Potter.”

The witch looked up at him and her eyes made the familiar glance up to his scar. Slightly flustered, she checked his name off the list. She turned to Ginny.

Before the witch could ask, Ginny quickly said, “Ginny Potter.”

After checking Ginny’s name off the list, the witch said, “You can go through to the train.”

As they exited onto the platform proper, Ginny smiled at the sight of the bright scarlet engine in front of them. Harry grinned at the look of excitement on her face. “Are you happy to be going back to Hogwarts?”

She nodded happily. Harry nodded to a few friends as they made their way onto the train.


Turning, Harry caught sight of Neville. “Neville! It’s great to see you, mate.”

“Thanks. It’s good to be going back. I haven’t seen anyone but my Grandmother for the past two weeks.”

Harry laughed. “Believe me, I understand. This is the first year I wasn’t incredibly ready to head back.”

“Hi, Neville. It’s good to see you again,” Ginny greeted him.

“Hi, Ginny.” Neville blushed slightly. “Are you excited to be going back to Hogwarts?”

“I am,” Ginny said with a smile. “I’m a bit nervous, but I’m excited to be headed back.”

The three of them climbed onto the train and found an empty compartment. Harry stowed their trunks and secured Hedwig’s and Emerald’s cages. He reached in and stroked Hedwig through the bars. She nipped his fingers lightly before tucking her head under her wing and going to sleep.

Peering out the window, Ginny caught sight of her mother. Tapping Harry on the shoulder, she said, “I want to talk to my mum.”

Reaching for her hand, Harry led the way out onto the platform. Molly Weasley was fussing over her youngest son when Harry and Ginny arrived.

“Ginny!” Molly looked up in excitement. While she had briefly seen her daughter at Dumbledore’s funeral and the party for Remus and Tonks, she hadn’t spoken to her in over a month.

“Mum.” Ginny hugged her mother briefly.

“Ginny, you look so beautiful,” Molly said with a smile. “I was very happy to receive your letter.” She glanced around the platform before adding, “It is very good news.”

Ginny smiled as she embraced her mother more warmly.

“I’m so sorry, Ginny-love,” Molly whispered. “I love you very much and I am very excited for you.”

“Thanks, Mum,” Ginny said as she wiped her eyes.

Harry looked up from his conversation with Ron. He could feel the happiness radiating from Ginny. He was glad that Molly was trying to make amends.

Glancing up at the large clock, Harry called, “Ginny, we need to get on the train.”

After one more hug for her daughter, Molly hugged Ron and Harry. “I am very sorry,” Molly whispered to Harry.

Harry looked into her eyes, noting for the first time how identical they were to Ginny’s eyes. “Don’t hurt her again. I will not allow you to hurt her or anyone else.”

“I understand,” Molly replied with tears in her own eyes.

_______________________________ ____________________________________
Ro n, Harry and Ginny settled into the compartment with Neville. Shortly after the train started, they were joined by Seamus Finnegan and Demelza Robbins.

Ginny was enjoying her first train ride to Hogwarts in more than five years. She had vague memories of Neville and Seamus from her disastrous first year and she found she liked both of them. Neville was rather reserved and quiet, but his loyalty to Harry showed through. Seamus was a very gregarious flirt, who made her laugh. He seemed to be attached to Demelza, who took his flirting in stride. To Ginny’s delight, she found out that Demelza was one of the chasers on the Gryffindor Quidditch team.

Soon after the train started, Harry turned to Ginny. “Love, Ron and I need to head to the prefects meeting. Please be careful and don’t leave the compartment without someone with you.”

“I can take care of myself,” Ginny replied heatedly.

“I know, love,” Harry reassured her quickly. “It’s just that every train ride the Slytherins have paid us a visit. After my fifth year, I was ambushed as I left the bathroom and I was rescued by a group from the D.A.”

Ginny softened as she saw the truth in his eyes. “Okay. Do you know how long you’ll be?”

Harry shook his head. “No, this is my first prefect meeting. I hope it won’t be too long.”

He kissed her briefly before heading to the prefects’ compartment with Ron.

________________________________ __________________________________
Daph ne looked up and nodded as Ron and Harry entered. Ron headed to sit with the other seventh year prefects, while Harry took his seat next to Daphne. He looked around the room curiously. The wizard had always wondered what it was like in the prefect compartment. He was mildly disappointed to find it was rather like most of the other compartments, except it was a bit bigger. There was a small two person desk in front of the compartment facing the room for the Head Boy and Girl. There were six cushioned benches facing the front of the room.
Harry watched as the prefects from each house paired up, four to a bench — seventh years in the back, sixth years in the middle and fifth years sitting nervously in the front of the room. Harry noticed with some trepidation the new Slytherin pair of Tracey Davis and Ted Nott was sitting in the back of the room with Ted glaring daggers at him.

“What happened to Pansy? Not that I’m sorry she’s not here, but I thought she was a prefect,” Harry whispered to Daphne, gesturing subtly towards the Slytherin pair.

Daphne rolled her eyes. “She wrote to the Headmaster and told him she couldn’t bring herself to work with a murderer and so she turned in her badge. Tracey is a mate of mine. She is fine with you. Her family, like mine, is more moderate. Ted is more in the mold of Malfoy, junior Death Eater with a daddy in the real Death Eaters.”

“I know,” Harry said dryly. “I’ve met him before.”

Daphne seemed flustered for a moment by his honesty. “Oh, I guess you would have.”

With a flick of her wand, Daphne caught the attention of the rest of the room. “Welcome to the prefect meeting for the 1997-1998 school year. Both Harry and I have met with our new Headmaster and want to convey to you that he expects this year not to be marred with the strife and violence of the past year.”

“Professor Fedorov had said he will allow Hogsmeades visits, Quidditch games, clubs, and everything we have come to expect from our years in Hogwarts,” Harry said. “That is on the condition that all of the houses get along. We are the student leaders so we need to lead by example. I know there are rivalries between the houses. I don’t expect everyone to suddenly be best friends with their rival houses. I do expect that there will be no attacking others, especially based on their house or blood status.”

No one commented, but Harry was sure he saw Nott roll his eyes. Daphne started discussing rounds and patrols. At the end of the meeting, the Slytherins were the first group out.

Ron made his way up to the table. “Good job, mate. I even stayed awake for the meeting.”

Laughing, Harry just shook his head. “Thanks, Ron.”

As they were about to leave, a voice called out, “Harry.”

Turning, Harry saw a very nervous Hannah Abbot, standing there fidgeting nervously. He had gotten to know Hannah a little better last year during his disastrous relationship with Susan and liked what he had found. “Hi, Hannah. How are you?”

“Harry, can I talk to you two in private?” she asked, gesturing to him and Ron.

Curious, Harry waited until everyone had left the compartment. With a wave of his hand, he cast a wordless Muffliato, before he gestured for the three of them to sit on the bench in the front row.

“What’s going on, Hannah? Is everything okay?” Harry asked with concern. He could see Hannah was very upset.

She smiled wanly, touched by his concern. “I’m fine, Harry. It’s Susan. I am so worried about her.” She could see the ice in his eyes when she mentioned Susan’s name and rushed on. “I know she did something wrong, Harry.”

Taking a deep breath, she asked, “Did she use a love potion on you?”

Harry nodded tightly while Ron shifted uneasily at the reminder of how he had failed his friend. Hannah sighed. “I was afraid of that.”

She looked Harry in the eye. “I swear I didn’t know that at the time. She had a crush on you for a while, but you never really noticed her. Just before the two of you started going out, I saw her talking to Pansy Parkinson a few times. I was very concerned and asked her, but she just said Pansy was helping her with a project. I didn’t believe that, but I didn’t push her on it. I never imagined it was something illegal.

“Susan has been one of my best friends for years, even before we came to Hogwarts and I didn’t want to think so badly of her. I knew something wasn’t quite right. You had always been polite to her, but you had never shown any romantic interest it her. She was so shattered when you broke up with her.”

It was Harry’s turn to shift uneasily. While he was angry at Susan, he had not meant to hurt her. Hannah shook her head. “It’s not your fault, Harry. She had built your relationship up in her mind to an epic romance. She would say things sometimes that didn’t make sense.”

“Like what?” Ron asked, speaking up for the first time.

“She would say that she had to give you things or it was working,” Hannah explained. “At the time I thought she was talking about your relationship. But after you broke up with her…one night she lost it completely. She was crying and almost getting hysterical. She said that she didn’t understand how it didn’t work and it should have still been working. I saw her talking to Pansy and Professor Snape the next day. Professor Snape even gave her detention for her behavior.”

Hannah wiped her eyes before continuing, “She seemed to get over it, but I did notice she never stopped watching you. I talked to her over the summer after the news of your marriage. She was upset, but she seemed resigned to it. But the past two weeks, she’s been acting strangely. She spent the night at my house last night and I’d gone into her trunk for some reason. She has a whole rack of ready-made potions in her trunk. I don’t know what they were. Harry, I’m worried she will try something.”

“Do you know what the potions were?” Harry asked.

Hannah shook her head. “No, they weren’t labeled with names. There were pictures on them, a plant or flower. I asked her and she just said they were for cramps. Those aren’t any potions I’ve ever seen before.”

“Thanks, Hannah,” Harry said. “I know it is hard to suspect a friend. If you get a chance to see the potions again and get a sample, I would appreciate it. I could get a friend to test the potions to see what they are.”

Hannah left and Ron turned to Harry. “Harry, I am so sorry. Looking back, I should have realized something was wrong. Hermione was right. You had never talked about her or seemed interested in her at all. I should have connected telling my mum about your dream and you’re asking Susan out.”

“I know,” Harry said. “It’s over. Don’t beat yourself up about it. Just don’t do it again.”

“I promise,” Ron said sincerely. “I promise I will watch your back.”

______________________________ ________________________________________
Ginny and Demelza were having a great time talking about Quidditch. To Ginny’s delight, Demelza was also a Harpies fan. They had let Emerald out of her carrier and were playing with the kitten.

After they had been talking for a while, Ginny noticed Demelza stealing glances at her hand. Smiling, she held out her hand. “Isn’t it beautiful?”

Blushing at having been caught staring, Demelza reached out to take Ginny’s hand. “It is gorgeous.” She looked up at her new friend. “So you two are really married?”

With a laugh, Ginny nodded. “I know. It seems a bit unreal, but yes we are married.”

Demelza glanced over at the boys, who were now caught up in a game of Exploding Snap before asking in a whisper, “So what is it like being married?”

“I always imagined being married would be really different, but it really isn’t. We train together and study together. Harry is an excellent cook so he does most of the cooking. I’m better at laundry. We’ve been living with Harry’s godfather and his wife, so we’ve all being cleaning and doing household chores,” Ginny explained. “Harry and I actually just bought our own house. My sister-in-law and I have been decorating it and buying furniture. It’s been really fun.”

The younger girl shook her head in amazement. “I can’t even imagine.”

“Believe me,” Ginny said. “Last year I would have said the same thing. I started off the summer at Quidditch camp. My mum wanted me to stay in France — safe and out of the war. I ended up married to my soul mate — it has been an amazing summer.”

“So how did you and Harry meet?” Seamus asked, obviously having heard the last part of the conversation.

“We met years ago, but lost touch,” Ginny explained. “We met again at Quidditch camp and fell in love.”

“That’s good,” Seamus replied. “You are good for Harry. I have never seen him so calm.”

Ginny was surprised to hear this from Seamus, who she had always heard was more of a flirt and never serious. “Thank you.”

“So do you really have a soul bond?” Demelza asked curiously. She blushed suddenly. “I’m sorry. We are being incredibly nosy.”

Ginny laughed. “No, it’s okay. You are all Harry’s friends. It is natural to be curious. Yes, we do have a soul bond. When Remus first told us, my first thought was it was a joke and my brothers had put him up to it.”

“I can understand that,” Neville replied.

“Can you…read two read each other’s minds?” Demelza asked.

“No,” Ginny replied. She and Harry knew people would have questions so they had already decided what they would share with others. “Harry and I have been investigating soul bonds and we think there must have been at least one couple in the past who could read each other’s minds. We can sense each other’s emotions.”

She concentrated for a moment. “He’s a little bored right now.”

“That is so cool,” Demelza replied, enthralled with the romance of it all.

“Where will you be sleeping?” Seamus asked slyly.

Rolling her eyes, Ginny explained, “We have a room at the top of Gryffindor tower. The school or the elves realized we would need a room and created a room for us.” She fixed a mock glare on Seamus. “We are not allowed to lend it out, so don’t even ask.”

Seamus laughed. “You wound me. I think someone has been telling stories about me.”

________________________________ ____________________________________
Ha rry had been gone for almost an hour when the door of the compartment opened. Standing in the doorway were three people Ginny vaguely recognized from her first year — Pansy Parkinson, Gregory Goyle and Blaise Zabini.
Neville and Seamus stood and faced them while Ginny subtly drew her wand. Neville asked, “What do you want?”

Pansy ignored him and looked straight at Ginny. “How does it feel to be married to a murderer?”

“Harry is not a murderer!” Ginny shot back. “He was attacked and he defended himself.”

“What about Vince?” Goyle growled. “It’s all Potter’s fault he is dead.”

“Voldemort murdered him. How is that Harry’s fault? All he did was escape from the cell where he was being held,” Ginny replied angrily.

“Of course you would defend him,” Pansy replied angrily. “Without him, you never would be able to afford your fancy clothes and expensive jewelry. I can only imagine what you had to do to earn them.”

“That’s enough, Pansy!” Neville broke in angrily.

Pansy laughed. “It is not nearly enough, Longbottom. Isn’t it a huge coincidence that the year Potter comes into his inheritance, this tramp suddenly realizes they have a soul bond? Obviously a ploy by her family to get their hands on Potter’s money. He is such a moron that he doesn’t even realize they are using him -”

She looked scared suddenly as she was wordlessly silenced. Looking over her shoulder, she paled at the sight of a visibly angry Harry Potter heading her way. Blaise spoke up for the first time. “Let’s get out of here, Pansy.”

“That is a very good idea,” Harry ground out angrily.

Pansy turned and stalked off, followed by Blaise and Goyle.

Harry quickly entered the compartment and hurried to Ginny’s side. “Are you okay, love?”

“I’m fine,” Ginny replied soothingly. “She was just…”

“Being a nasty bitch,” Seamus filled in. “Don’t worry, Harry. No one will believe the crap that she is spewing. She’s just bitter and angry.”

Harry nodded as Ginny wrapped her arms around him. The fact that his friends were so quick to defend his wife warmed him.

Gesturing for them to sit, Harry casually sealed the compartment with a wave of his hand. He and Ron filled the others in on what Hannah had told them.

“Do you think she will try another love potion?” Neville asked.

“It is possible,” Harry replied cautiously. “I don’t know that it would work against our soul bond.”

Ginny looked over at him and nodded. She and Harry needed allies who would be in class with them. Harry took a deep breath as he looked around those in the compartment. He had never been as close to Neville and Seamus as he had Ron and Hermione, but they had both been loyal friends and members of the DA. He had gotten to know Demelza through the Quidditch team and she had been a good friend.

“I am more concerned about Ginny,” Harry said.

“Why?” Neville started to ask. He turned to look at Ginny and blurted out, “Merlin, she’s pregnant, isn’t she?”

Ron started to rise next to Ginny, but Harry waved him off. “Yes, she is. We know we won’t be able to keep it a secret forever, but we hope to keep it secret a bit longer.”

“I promise I will not say anything,” Neville responded solemnly. He was echoed by Seamus and Demelza.

“When are you due?” Demelza asked excitedly.

“May 15th,” Ginny responded with a smile. “I should be able to make it through most of the spring term before the baby is born.”

“A baby, blimey mate, you don’t do anything halfway, do you?” Seamus said in amazement.

Harry blushed, but before he could say anything Seamus burst out, “You have your own rooms, right?”

“Yes,” Harry replied guardedly. “At the top of the Gryffindor tower.”

“Is it just a bedroom or is there more?”

“There is a small study area and a bathroom,” Harry explained.

“Do you think you could get a small kitchen?” Seamus asked. “Ginny said that the room was created for you. Maybe you could get a small pantry. That way you could be certain what you were drinking was free of any potions.”

“What?” Seamus asked defensively as the others stared at him in astonishment.

“Sorry, mate. We’re just not used to you coming up with such good ideas,” Ron said.

Everyone laughed at the look on Seamus’s face. “So where do you think she got the potions?” Harry asked when the laughter died down.

“Pansy,” Demelza said.


Demelza coloured under the scrutiny, but replied, “It’s kind of an open secret that if you need…certain types of potions, you can ask Pansy and she’ll get them for you.”

“What types of potions?” Harry asked in confusion.

“Love potions, contraceptive potions,” Demelza explained. “I’ve even heard that you can get…you know potions to take care of…”

Demelza trailed off as all of the boys looked at her in confusion. Ginny, however, understood. “Abortion potions?”

The younger girl nodded. “That’s what I’ve heard. She charges a lot of money, but I’ve heard her potions are very good quality. Romilda’s older cousin had to use one of her potions.”

___________________________ ______________________________________
Ginny lay back in Harry’s arms, looking out of the train window. She was currently sitting on his lap while he rested with his eyes closed. Ginny could tell he wasn’t really sleeping. Ron and Neville had gone for a walk to see who else they knew on the train. Seamus and Demelza were playing a game of Exploding Snap.

“What is wrong, love?” Ginny asked as she traced circles on his arm. She could feel the tension in him.

Harry opened his eyes and kissed on the top of her head. He shrugged. “I don’t know. I just wish people would leave you out of all of this craziness. I would like to think no one would believe such horrible things about you, but I know that they will. Once they find out about the baby…I’m just afraid they will try to hurt you and hurt the baby.”

“I know, sweetie. I’m worried about that too, but we just have to take the proper precautions. Seamus’s idea was really good. I’m sure we will be able to add a small kitchen area. I’ll talk to Alicia and see what she would recommend.”

With a smile, Harry nodded. “You always know what to say to make me feel better.”

She laughed. “I love you.”

He leaned in and kissed her. “I love you, too.”

_______________________________ ____________________________________
Se veral hours later, Harry and Ginny were relaxing in the common room with several of their friends. It had been a bittersweet return to Hogwarts for Harry. The castle itself was very much as it had always been, but there were subtle differences that kept jumping out at him. No Hagrid to greet the first years, Professor Fedorov presiding over the staff table instead of Professor Dumbledore. Of course, not all of the changes were unwelcome. Harry was reassured at the sight of his oldest brothers-in-law at the staff table. Professor McGonagall was reassurance that not everything had changed.

Ginny squeezed Harry’s hand. “I’m tired,” she whispered.

Nodding, Harry bid goodnight to their friends and retired to their quarters. As he lay back in bed listening to Ginny’s shower, he realized he was indeed glad to be back at Hogwarts.

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