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By potterfan2008

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Category: Alternate Universe
Genres: Drama, Romance
Warnings: Intimate Sexual Situations, Violence
Story is Complete
Rating: R
Reviews: 410
Summary: The summer after the Chamber of Secrets was hard on everyone. How come no one can remember what happened? Prior to starting his seventh year at Hogwarts, Harry realizes he is missing some memories from his second year. Together with Remus Lupin, Harry sets out to discover what happened. He hopes to find out about that pretty red head he has been dreaming about as well.
Hitcount: Story Total: 353578; Chapter Total: 7620
Awards: View Trophy Room


Harry sat quietly at the end of the Gryffindor table watching the controlled chaos still taking place around him. It was now almost four in the morning and he had been busy during the hours since the battle. First he'd had to tell and retell his story, and then he'd talked to all of the officials and others who just wanted to talk to him and to thank him for what he'd done. Everyone seemed to want to talk to him — those in official positions, those who'd fought with him, those who wished they'd been there, and family members trying to make sense of what happened. While it made him a bit uncomfortable, Harry spoke to everyone and graciously shook hands with everyone — he felt he owed it to those who had not made it to honour their memory.

Kingsley had been named interim Minister of Magic and those wrongfully imprisoned were being released. Headmaster Fedorov had been released from his quarters a bit shaken and a bit angry, but after talking to Professor McGonagall and Minister Kingsley he conceded it had been a wise precaution.

The bodies of the dead lay as if in state over half of the floor of the Great Hall. Harry had erected the strongest shield he knew of around the body of Tom Riddle and his most devoted followers. Decisions would have to be made about what to do with his body, but he didn't want anyone making off with the body in the meantime. Kingsley had made certain that photos were taken of Voldemort and the other members of the inner circle to prove they were dead. The Daily Prophet had rushed a surprisingly accurate account of the battle complete with pictures out for the morning edition.

A sigh next to him caused him to look over at his wife. She was obviously exhausted, but she insisted on staying with him. He could still see the dried tear tracks on her face — the loss of Angelina had been hard for her, she'd been quite fond of the young woman.

"Do you want to go to bed?" Harry asked quietly. "I don't think there is much more we can do here tonight. The Ministry is rounding up the remaining Death Eaters and notifying those that need to be notified."

Ginny nodded, "Can we stop by the Infirmary first? I just want to see Fred."

"Of course, love." Harry stood and reached out a hand to help up his wife. As they walked out of the Great Hall, several people seemed to be making their way towards the famous couple, but to Harry's relief they were headed off by others leaving the couple in peace.

"I really can't believe that it's over," Harry said.

Ginny gave him a soft smile, "I know. It's been hanging over our life and now we are free." She squeezed his hand, "So what do you want to do now that you don't have to worry about Tom?"

Harry shook his head, "I really have no idea. Right now, I'm just going to look forward to the babies being born and be happy that they won't have to grow up in his shadow."

"That sounds wonderful." Ginny replied sincerely.

As they approached the Infirmary, the noise level rose slightly. Upon entering, Ginny headed straight for her brother. George was sprawled in a chair next to his brother's bed. At first Harry thought he was sleeping, but he straightened up when he saw his sister approaching.

Standing, George hugged his sister and nodded at Harry. "You two okay?"

Ginny nodded, "We're good, a bit shocked at everything, but good. How's Fred?"

George sighed, "He's okay. Mrs Tonks still isn't sure if he'll be able to keep his leg. He's pretty broken up about Angelina."

Reaching down, Ginny took Fred's hand and squeezed. He blearily opened his eyes, "That you, Gin-Gin?"

Ginny laughed, "Don't call me Gin-Gin." Harry conjured up a chair for her to sit on. She smiled back at him before sitting next her to brother.

Fred looked past her to Harry, "Did you do it?"

"Malfoy?" Harry asked. When Fred nodded, Harry said, "Yes. Right after Ginny and I got rid of his Master."

"Good," Fred smiled. "I heard about Narcissa. What a family!"

"I know," Ginny said. "I think little Garnet will do much better with his aunt and cousin."

Fred nodded and Ginny saw a look of pain cross his face. "Do you need a pain potion?"

"Please." George hurried over to Madam Pomfrey to get a potion for his brother.

"Did you hear about Angelina?" Fred asked.

"Yes," Ginny replied shakily. "She was shot off her broom. Oliver felt horrible about it."

"She was one of my best friends," Fred said sadly. "Poor Alicia was really upset about it. Oliver took her home a little while ago."

Madam Pomfrey bustled over with a vial of potion for Fred. "Here you go, Mr Weasley, this should help."

George helped his twin sit up to take his potion. Ginny stood and kissed Fred on the cheek after George helped him lay down. "Get some sleep, I'll come and see you tomorrow."

Fred nodded, he was already drifting off.

Madam Pomfrey turned to Harry and Ginny. "Has anyone checked you two over yet?"

When they told her no, she quickly ushered them over to an empty bed. Harry wanted to protest, but he did want Ginny to get checked over. Madam Pomfrey looked them over with an expert eye.

"Take your shirt off please, Mr Potter."

Harry sighed and peeled off his shirt, wincing as he realized he had more cuts and bruises than he'd realized.

Ginny gasped, "Baby, why didn't you say anything?"

"I'm fine," Harry said. "I just…I…" He trailed off at the look Ginny gave him.

Running her wand over him, Madam Pomfrey shook her head. "Cruciatus curse and multiple cutting curses. No broken bones at least." Conjuring up a flannel and bowl of water, she handed them to Ginny. "Why don't you clean up some of the blood, dear? I will go get some potions for him."

With a shaky hand, Ginny cleaned the blood off his back and upper arms. She leaned over and kissed him on a clear spot on his back. "I should have known."

"I didn't realize I was hurt," Harry tried to justify himself. "I think I was just caught up in the fight and didn't really feel anything. Besides there were a lot of people hurt much worse than me."

Ginny rolled her eyes as she continued cleaning off the blood. Harry winced a bit as she hit a tender area.

Madam Pomfrey returned with several vials of potion. She handed them to Harry, "There is a post-Cruciatus potion, a muscle relaxer, and a mild pain potion. It won't make you sleepy, but it should take care of the pain."

"Thank you," Harry said as he downed the potions. "Were you guys okay up here?"

She graced him with a warm smile, "We were. Between Mrs Lupin and young Mrs Weasley I felt quite safe up here."

"Good," Harry said as she handed him a small glass of water.

She then turned her attention to Ginny. Running her wand over Ginny she found a few cuts that were rapidly healed. She held her wand over Ginny's abdomen. After a moment, she smiled, "The babies are fine."

"Thank you," Ginny said with a smile. Harry helped her up and they left the Infirmary hand-in-hand.

Once they reached their room, Harry touched the wall. As Ginny watched, Harry's hands glowed and the walls glowed briefly.

"I'm just adding some extra protections to our rooms," Harry explained. "I know we got most of the high ranking Death Eaters, but I don't think we got them all. I just want to be able to get some sleep without worrying about anyone getting in here."

Ginny quickly changed and climbed into bed while Harry went to shower. As he let the water flow over him, the events of the evening replayed in his mind. Tears pooled in his eyes and streamed down his face as he realized that he had in fact done it. Voldemort was dead. Malfoy was dead. Wormtail was dead.

The cost had been higher than he'd wanted it to be, but for once he didn't feel smothered by guilt. He felt free — he and Ginny had survived and they would raise their babies in peace.

He quickly finished washing off all of the grime and muck from the battle and pulled on a pair of sleep pants before climbing into bed with his wife. He spooned her from behind, wrapping his arm around her and resting his hand on her belly. As he drifted off to sleep a kick from Ginny's stomach made him smile — this is what he was fighting for.
__________________________________ ________________________________________
It was almost noon the next day before Harry woke. He looked around the room blearily and couldn't find his wife. As he sat up and grabbed his glasses, he realized that the sound of the shower was what woke him up.

Stretching, he could feel the pull of his sore muscles. The cuts and bruises of the night before were bothering him more now. As he started to get out of bed he saw a vial of potion on his nightstand. He recognized it as a mild pain reliever. Cautiously picking it up he saw it was sitting on a piece of parchment. It read: You will need this, please take it. I love you. Ginny

With a smile, he downed the potion and got out of bed. He made his way over to the kitchen and began rummaging through his cupboard. He pulled out eggs, sausage and some bread for toast.

He was so busy working that he hadn't heard the shower stop. As he slid the plates onto the table, he heard the door to the bathroom open.

"Good morning, love."

"Good afternoon is more like it." Ginny replied with a smile. Standing in the doorway, she watched him work as she finished brushing her hair. "That smells really good."

He looked up with a smiled, "Thanks. Have you been up long?"

"No, I actually slept pretty well," Ginny said sounding a bit surprised. She gently caressed her stomach. "They let me sleep most of the morning, but I guess they got bored and wanted me to get up."

Harry laughed as she joined him at the table. Leaning over, he kissed her gently. "I guess that's good practice for when they get here."

They ate quietly, each lost in their own thoughts. As Harry finished eating, he sent his plate to the sink and with a wave of his hand started washing the dishes. He leaned back in his chair.

Ginny smiled at him, "What are you thinking about?"

"I'm still in a bit of shock," Harry replied. "I…I've been so focused this past week on the battle and I never really thought past it. I can't believe it's over."

"I know," Ginny said. "It's been like a dark cloud hanging over us and now it's gone. We can just look forward to the babies being born."

He smiled, "I like the sound of that."

Standing, Ginny walked around the table to stand in front of her husband. He automatically put his hands on her hips and smiled up at her before kissing her lightly on the belly. She reached out her hand to him, "Come with me, my love. Let's celebrate our victory."

With a smile, he followed her back to their bed and they did indeed celebrate.
____________________________ ________________________________________ ___________
It was late afternoon before Harry and Ginny ventured out of their rooms. As they made their way down to the Great Hall, they ran into a refreshed looking Kingsley Shacklebolt talking to Professor McGonagall.

"Mr Potter."

"Professor, Minister."

"Harry," Kingsley replied. "I am glad to see you looking so well. You were not injured?"

Harry shook his head, "A few cuts and bruises, but surprisingly I wasn't injured."

"Good," Kingsley looked around the Entrance Hall. It was still rather busy; there were dozens of house elves working on repairing the castle.

"Minister, perhaps we should retire to my office," Professor McGonagall said.

He agreed and the four of them headed up to Professor McGonagall's office. Once they were settled, Kingsley said, "We were discussing what to do with Voldemort's body."

"Burn it," Harry replied promptly. "I think enough people have read my account of what happened three years ago when he regained his body. He cannot come back now, but I don't think that it would stop someone from thinking it was possible."

Kingsley nodded, "That is what I was leaning towards myself. I don't want a tomb that can act as a gathering place for those inclined towards the Dark Arts. I've heard horror stories about stolen bodies or selling body parts or blood for potion ingredients. After the last war, I remember my father talking about people selling vials of Grindelwald's blood. I certainly don't want the same thing happening with Voldemort."

He looked at Harry, "Will you assist me this afternoon? I wish to have some witnesses. The French Ministry has sent representatives to assist with the rebuilding and they will witness as well as some of our Ministry. I have spoken to the Daily Prophet. They are sending both a reporter and a photographer so it will be well documented."

"I will be happy to assist you," Harry replied.

"What about the Malfoys?" Ginny asked. "If Voldemort is not available, they might turn to the Malfoys. They are a very prominent pureblood family."

"Draco Malfoy is buried in their family graveyard; it has many enchantments upon it," Professor McGonagall explained. "The enchantments are similar to those placed upon Grimmauld Place. I believe that we can allow the Malfoys to be buried there without concern. I have already spoken to Andromeda Tonks and she was in agreement."

Kingsley nodded, "I believe that should be fine."

"I have spoken with Professor Fedorov and he agrees that we should close the school for a short period of time to allow for not only rebuilding, but also grieving." Professor McGonagall explained. "I have already spoken to the Creeveys and they are coming to claim their son's body. The Great Hall will continue to allow the bodies to rest in state until their families can come and claim their loved ones."

She looked at the Potters. "The younger students who were evacuated to Beauxbatons will stay there until Hogwarts reopens. Those of you who have stayed here and fought in the battle will be sent home until Hogwarts reopens. We plan to reopen in ten days on the 16th of March."

"That sounds great," Harry said. "I could really use the time off."

"What about the wounded?" Ginny asked.

"They are welcome to stay as long as they need," Professor McGonagall replied. "Many of them have been evacuated to St. Mungo's or sent home. There are only a few left here, your brother among them."

Kingsley stood, "Harry, if you will meet me down in the Great Hall in thirty minutes we'll take care of our problem and you can be on your way."

"Okay," Harry agreed.

He and Ginny headed out of the office and down the corridor. "Can we stop and visit Fred?" Ginny asked.

"Of course."

The Infirmary was much quieter than it had been in the early morning hours. There were only a few beds left occupied and most of the extra healers had left as well. Bill and Ron were sitting at Fred's bedside.

Ginny smiled, happy to see her brothers in one piece. She hugged all three of them and looked around. Fred answered her unasked question. "George finally went to get some sleep."

"How are you feeling?" She asked as she sat down in a chair vacated by her oldest brother. He stood behind her with his hands on her shoulders.

"I'm moody." He laughed. "Get it — moody, like Mad-Eye."

His siblings forced smiles at his feeble joke, but they could tell he was still nervous about his leg. When Fred looked over at Harry, Ginny looked over her shoulder at her oldest brother. Bill shrugged, they didn't know yet what might happen with Fred's leg.

"Alicia came by," Fred said sadly. "Angelina's service will be on Saturday. I don't think I will be out of here by then."

Harry looked over at his wife before he said, "Ginny and I will be there."

"Me too," Ron said. "We can represent the Weasley family. Angelina was my first Quidditch captain and I learned a lot from her."

"She was so wonderful this summer," Ginny said. "She was so…I don't know, she was so sweet and helpful." She blushed a bit, "The night of Harry's birthday, he and I were heading into town to have dinner with Remus and Tonks. I was so nervous. Angelina was wonderful; she kept calming me down and helped me pick out my clothes."

Fred smiled, "She thought you and Harry were so cute together. When we went to see you in your match at Quidditch camp, she warned me and George not to bother you, especially before the game."

He sighed, "She was really looking forward to Alicia's baby being born." He rubbed his face with his hands.

Harry looked around the Infirmary. Lavender was still in one of the beds across the room. He stood and started walking around the room. Gawain Robards was recovering in one of the beds.

"Hello, Mr Robards." Harry stopped by his bed. "Were you injured last night?"

"A few cutting curses and a broken arm," he replied. "Madam Pomfrey healed me up in no time, but Healer Tonks wanted me to stay and recuperate here a bit."

Harry nodded, "Kingsley said you were under the Imperius Curse."

The older Auror looked down shamefaced, "Yes, I've always had problems resisting the Imperius Curse. Dave Williamson, he put me under the curse. It's been awful. I was there when he killed Rufus."

"That's awful." Harry had been able to resist the Imperius since his fourth year, but he remembered how run down Barty Crouch had been after a year under the Imperius. "Do you know who killed Professor Dumbledore?"

He nodded, "It was Narcissa Malfoy. I was never at any of their Death Eater meetings, but Williamson didn't mind talking in front of me. I think he needed someone to hear how clever or brilliant he was. He was trying to convert young Weasley, but he was having difficulty."

"That's something at least," Harry replied.

"Mr Potter," Robards began.

"Please, call me Harry."

"Harry, thank you. After listening to Dave, I can only imagine what atrocities would have been imposed if they had taken over. I've spoken to Kingsley and plan to work with him to rout out any of the Death Eaters or sympathizers I know about."

Harry smiled, he was still a bit uncomfortable with the thanks, but he realized it would be part of the price for getting rid of Voldemort. "I hope you recover soon."

Heading over to where Lavender lay, he smiled down at her. "Hello, Lavender. How are you feeling?"

She smiled up at him as she sat up a bit straighter. "I'm okay. These scars are taking their time in closing, but at least I'm alive. Thank you for that, Harry."

"You're welcome," he replied with a smile. "I'm glad I was able to help you. The…creature that attacked you, Greyback, was the one who turned my godfather, Remus."

"He told me," Lavender said softly. "Professor Lupin was great; he stopped by and talked to me. He told me that Professor Weasley's scars are from that monster as well. I was a bit upset at the thought of that, but at least my scars are in my abdomen, not my face. Madam Pomfrey said he missed all of the major organs and I should recover with just the scars."

"That's good," Harry said with a smile. His opinion of Lavender had changed dramatically over the past year. While she still tended to be a bit gossipy and giggly, she had been very nice to Ginny, and really that's what counted with Harry.

She nodded, "Parvati was here earlier, she said she'd come by this evening. Her parents want her and Padma to come home while the school is closed, so she'll be leaving tonight."

He reached out and squeezed her hand, "If you need anything, Lavender let me know."

After leaving Lavender's bedside, he wandered around the room and stopped by each bedside. He was surprised to find that he knew each of them. Justin Finch-Fletchley was recovering from a Reductor Curse to the shoulder, and Professor Sprout had been injured when Greenhouse Three had collapsed, but Harry was happy to see that no one was seriously injured.

He returned to Fred's bedside and conjured up a chair next to his wife. She reached out for his hand.

"Has your Mum been around?" Harry asked.

"Of course," Fred replied. "She was here most of the battle and she was either fussing over me or fussing over the returning prat. She was here this morning." He winked at his oldest brother, "I don't think she was too comfortable with Fleur here."

Ginny sniffed, "She shouldn't be. She's being completely ridiculous. I know we won't get one, but she owes all of us an apology."

Bill squeezed his sister's shoulders before dropping a kiss on top of her head. "I know, she is being completely unreasonable."

Harry could see the fatigue on his brother-in-law's face. "I've got to go. We're getting rid of Voldemort's body."

Reaching over he shook Fred's hand and waited while Ginny leaned over and kissed her brother on the cheek. Looking back at Fred he said, "Let us know if you need anything."

As the Potters reached the Entrance Hall, they found Minister Shacklebolt standing with a group of people, Arthur Weasley among them.

"Those in the dark robes work the Ministry," Ginny whispered. "Those in the blue robes are from the French Ministry."

"I'm glad they found a different reporter," Harry whispered back when he saw an unfamiliar witch with a press pass standing next to a photographer.

"Me too," Ginny said. She giggled causing Harry to look over at her. Blushing slightly she explained, "I was just imagining what Skeeter would be writing about. Probably that our robes don't match or speculation on how far along I am."

He looked down at her belly, "Don't you still have that glamour on?"

She smiled at him, "Yes, love. That wouldn't stop Skeeter from making something up."

He agreed. Kingsley stepped up next to them, "Hello, Mr Potter, Mrs Potter."

"Do you need me to leave?" Ginny asked.

"No, Mrs Potter. I'd like for you to be a witness as well." Kingsley said. He introduced the young couple to the Ministry officials.

Ginny hugged her father and Harry shook his hand. "How are you doing, my boy? It looked as though you were a bit battered last night."

Harry gave him a self-deprecating smile, "You know me, Mr Weasley. I'm fine, Ginny took care of me."

Having kept his arm around his daughter, Arthur squeezed her. "You're okay, love?"

"I'm fine, Dad."

Kingsley cleared his throat, "I'd like to thank everyone for agreeing to be here to bear witness to the destruction of Voldemort's corpse."

To Harry's disappointment, some of the Ministry officials still squealed at the mention of Voldemort's name. He smiled to see Tonks back in her Auror's robes. She and another Auror levitated Voldemort's body out to the front of the castle.

Kingsley nodded to Harry who stepped forward in front of the group. He could hear the clicking of the photographer taking pictures.

Taking a deep breath he said, "Incendio Maximus!"

The body burst into a bright white flame. Harry kept his wand trained on the body until there was nothing left but ashes. At a nod from Kingsley, he then Vanished the pile of ashes.

As he sagged in relief, the gathered officials started applauding. He smiled shyly as he stepped back next to his wife.

The reporter called out, "Can I ask a few questions, Mr Potter?"

Harry looked over at Kingsley for some guidance. The Minister nodded, "It's okay, Harry."

"Whose idea was it to fight a battle at a school with children?"

"Voldemort's," Harry replied, taken aback at the tone of the question. "He was looking for the Sword of Slytherin that had been left in the Chamber of Secrets. I was made aware of that by some of the Slytherins who did not believe Voldemort had the right idea.

"With the warning, we were able to plan to evacuate all of the younger students. Any of the older students who wanted to stay were permitted to stay. I worked closely with Kingsley and Professor McGonagall to ensure that this would be the battle that ended everything."

Kingsley added, "Every precaution was taken to ensure the safety of the students. Mr Potter is not to blame for the decisions of a mad man."

The reported nodded approvingly. "Thank you, Mr Potter."
______________________________ ________________________________________ _
Harry smiled as he looked around the kitchen at Grimmauld Place. All of the other students had gone home, so it was just the Lupins staying there at the moment. It had been a rough weekend. He and Ginny had attended the funerals for Ted Tonks, Colin Creevey, and Angelina Johnson. It was heart breaking to see up close the devastation that was the cost of their victory. Harry was so thankful to Ginny, he knew without her he would be wallowing in guilt.

Ginny was sitting at the table chatting with Hermione while he was finishing icing the cake for his godfather's birthday. Remus had gone over to his in-laws' for lunch, but they were all scheduled to come back to Grimmauld Place afterwards.

"So will you be happy to be back at Hogwarts?" Harry asked Hermione as he joined the two of them at the table.

"I will," Hermione said happily. "I will miss this school and the small classes, but I am very happy to be back at Hogwarts. Do you think it will open on time? Ten days just doesn't seem like a long enough time to repair all of the damage done during the battle."

Harry shrugged, "Professor McGonagall seemed certain they could repair all of the damage. Dobby and the other elves are helping the professors and the Ministry with the repairs."

Hermione grimaced at the mention of the elves, but did not say anything. Instead she asked, "What about the Headmaster?"

"Apparently, he was telling the truth. He renounced the Death Eaters and their beliefs. Kingsley was telling me they questioned him under Veritaserum." Harry explained with a laugh. "I did apologize to him, but honestly I don't know what else I could have done. I didn't trust him enough not to run to the Death Eaters with our plans."

"I still can't believe Professor Vector sided with the Death Eaters," Hermione said as she poured some more pumpkin juice. "She always such a good teacher, I guess I never thought about her political leanings. I wonder what they will do about Arthimancy."

"Didn't you hear?" Ginny said. "They offered Fleur the position. She's due at the end of May so she should be able to teach until almost the end of the term. She's promised to prepare notes and lessons through the end of the term so a substitute will be able to finish out the semester."

"That's great," Harry said. "She won't have to be travelling back and forth to London."

Hermione nodded a bit uncertainly. She still wasn't entirely comfortable around Fleur and really didn't understand how Ginny was so trusting of her. Fleur made her feel rather insignificant and very plain.

Ginny seemed to understand what Hermione was thinking. "Hermione, you really need to try to get to know her better. She is really very nice. She's been a great friend to both me and Harry this past year."

The Floo flared up ending the discussion, but Ginny resolved to talk to her friend later about Fleur. Harry stood and the Lupins, the Tonks, and the Grangers came through. Hermione hurried to greet her parents.

"Happy Birthday, Remus." Harry said as he embraced his godfather. Ginny also hugged him and wished him a happy birthday.

"Thank you both." Remus smiled.

"How are you feeling?" Ginny asked.

"I'm fine. I only received a few cuts and bruises, honestly I'm fine."

As Ginny drifted over to see baby Garnet, the Floo flared to life once more and Professors Flitwick and McGonagall entered the kitchen, quickly followed by Bill, Fleur, and Charlie. Soon all were seated around the large kitchen table enjoying the delicious chocolate cake Harry had made.

"How's Fred?" Ginny asked Bill as she finished up her piece of cake. After several days of trying to save his leg, the healers had to amputate Fred's leg below the knee.

He shook his head, "He's okay. He's been out of it most of the day. Madam Pomfrey said that is only to be expected and he should be more awake tomorrow. George has hardly left his side and Mum has been there quite a bit."

"Do I want to know?"

"Mum is all upset that Kingsley won't let Percy back to work," Bill explained.

"What the hell?" Ginny exclaimed. "He passed all kinds of crazy legislation and Harry told me he even spent time with Lucius Malfoy. Why should he be allowed to go right back to work? He doesn't think for himself, he just agrees with whomever is in power."

"I know," Bill replied. "Mum doesn't know this yet, but he might face jail time."


"Yeah, Kingsley is very serious about prosecuting all of the collaborators as well as the Death Eaters. He doesn't want to allow them to just fade back into society like they did the last time. Kingsley's having people he trusts going through all of the legislation that's been passed in the past years. It's pretty awful. The Werewolf Legislation is at least easy to identify, but they added a lot of awful laws to larger pieces of legislation and unfortunately Percy was a part of that."

"Will he be sent to Azkaban?" Ginny asked horrified at the thought. She had only heard horrible stories about Azkaban and couldn't imagine one of her brothers there.

"I'm not certain," Bill replied. "They are opening another prison without the Dementors that they are planning to use for those accused of lesser crimes. Percy would fall into that group."

"Kingsley's been in touch with his French counterpart to help with building a better prison." Tonks said. "Sorry, I couldn't help overhearing your conversation."

Ginny smiled, "No, that's okay. Are you back at work?"

"Not officially," the older witch explained. "I'm helping my Mum out quite a bit, but Kingsley has been sending me rules and regulations to review at home. I'm working with Gawain to revamp the Auror training."

"How is Mr Robards?" Ginny asked. "I can't even imagine being under the Imperius Curse for so long."

"He's doing better," Tonks said. "He's started sleeping better and he's put a little bit of weight back on. Mum put him on a bunch of different potions — nutritional and things like that."

"That's good. He looked so thin and worn out."

Harry looked over at Tonks, "So are you picking a nice star name out for your little boy?"

She rolled her eyes and threw her serviette at him. "No, you prat. I think the star names need to stop."

"No, I've been researching star names for you. How about Altair or Izar?" He ended up ducking behind Ginny so Tonks would stop throwing things at him.

Remus reached over and lightly tapped his godson on the back of the head. "Cub, quit giving my wife such a hard time."

He smiled at his godson, glad to see that he was acting his age for once. He loved seeing this happy and playful side of Harry.

"The cake is wonderful, as always. Thank you." He grinned at his godson, "This has got to be the best birthday I've had in years. James and Sirius and I all had our birthdays in March so we would basically have a party all month long."

"Really?" Harry smiled wistfully as if trying to imagine such a thing. "When are their birthdays?"

Remus felt the weight of his responsibilities as a godfather fall heavily on his shoulders. How could Harry not know this? With a start Remus realized that Harry had never been to Godric's Hollow and had never seen his parents' grave. He cleared his throat as he realized that Harry was still waiting for an answer.

"Sirius' birthday is March 15, James' birthday is March 27, and your Mum's is January 30."

Harry smiled, glad to have even just that tiny bit more information on his parents. Remus watched as Harry leaned over to Ginny and whispered to her. It really wasn't fair that Harry didn't know these things. Maybe once things calmed down a bit he would take Harry to Godric's Hollow so he could see the monument to his family and visit his parents' gravesite.

"Are you alright, love?" Tonks leaned over and whispered.

Remus nodded, "I just hate the reminders that Harry knows hardly anything about his parents. I mean, I just took for granted that I knew my dad loved music and my mum loved to bake. He doesn't know any of that."

"I worry about Garnet," Tonks admitted. "One day we will have to explain this whole mess to him. My mum has a bunch of pictures of my aunt when she was younger, but I don't know a whole lot about Lucius or Draco for that matter."

"We will have to make sure that we remind him every day that he is loved," Remus said simply. "Harry never had that; we need to make certain that Garnet does."
________________________________ ________________________________________ ____
After the party for his godfather, Harry and Ginny headed out into Muggle London. A short walk later, they found themselves in front of a flat. Harry knocked on the door.

"Jack!" Harry greeted his sword instructor.

Jack was thrilled to see Harry and Ginny. "Come on in, you two. How are you?"

"Good," Harry said.

Ginny laughed, "Great, you mean."

Jack had led them into the sitting room. Melanie entered from the kitchen when she heard who their visitors were. The Potters happily greeted her and joined the older couple in their sitting room.

"So what has been going on?" Jack asked. "I got your owl about the end of the war." He laughed. "My son, Nick, has been talking about the owl all week. He thought that was the coolest thing ever. My parents had a persnickety old barn owl who would take a nip at your finger as like as not. Your owl is beautiful."

"Thanks," Harry smiled, proud of his owl. "Her name is Hedwig, she is wonderful."

Harry and Ginny spent the afternoon telling the Meadows about the battle that ended the war.

"My word," Melanie exclaimed when they were finished. "I can't even imagine what that must have been like." She looked at Ginny, "Your poor brother, he must be devastated."

Ginny nodded sadly, "He is, losing his leg has been awful for him. Add the fact that his girlfriend was killed and he's feeling a bit lost. His twin, George, has been trying to help him out and still run their shop at the same time. It's been really difficult for him. One of my other brothers, Ron, will be helping them out at the shop once he finishes school. He's in his seventh year now, like Harry and me."

Jack shook his head, "I'm glad that V-voldemort's finally gone. I can't believe it's taken so long to get rid of him."

Nodding approvingly at Jack's use of Voldemort's name, Harry agreed. "I know it's been going on since longer than Ginny and I have been alive. This time, he's gone for good."

"And unlike last time, we're not allowing his followers to simply fade back into our society." Ginny added. "Last time, even though many of his followers were in prison, those that got away either faded into society or claimed they were forced to follow him. They won't be able to make that claim twice."
_______________________________ ________________________________________ _________
Harry fell to his knees in front of the bright white headstone. Reaching out with a shaking hand, he traced his mother's name. He could feel Ginny's hand on his shoulder steadying him and providing him strength.

"Mum, Dad, we did it," Harry whispered. "Voldemort is gone. We got him and most of his inner circle. I wish we hadn't had to pay such a high price…I wish you and Sirius were here with us to celebrate."

Bowing his head, he wiped his eyes. He looked up and caught his wife doing the same thing. Reaching up to the hand she'd placed on his shoulder, Harry grasped her hand and placed a gentle kiss on the palm of her hand.

He looked back at the gravesite. "Mum, Dad, I'd like you to meet my beautiful wife, Ginny. We've been married for a little over seven months now. Guess what? You are going to be grandparents."

Looking at his mother's gravestone, Harry smiled. "I wonder what my mum would think of becoming a grandmother at the ripe old of age of 38."

Ginny laughed softly, "I hope she'd be thrilled about the babies, but yeah, 38 is rather young to be a grandmother. She was so beautiful; I bet no one would believe it."

After touching both of his parents' names, he stood and wrapped one arm around his wife. They stood staring down at the gravestone for a moment, each lost in their own thoughts. With a wave of his hand, Harry conjured up a wreath of pink roses that he placed at their gravesite.

Turning, the couple made their way out of the churchyard. Harry smiled at his godfather who was waiting for them by the statue in the centre of town. Remus stood when he saw them.

"Thanks, Remus."

Reaching over, Remus pulled his godson into a hug. "You are so welcome, cub. I wish with all my heart it could be different, but I know your parents and Sirius would be so incredibly proud of you."

Harry blushed slightly; thrilled to hear the words, but not at all used to hearing someone was proud of him. "Thanks."

Smiling at his godson, Remus led the way down the street towards a row of cottages. Harry asked, "What do you think my parents would think of becoming grandparents?"

Remus paused mid-step, a funny look on his face. Harry laughed, "You do realize that me becoming a dad makes my parents grandparents, right? I don't have to explain that to you, do I?"

Laughing, Remus shook his head. "Sorry, I guess I never really thought it through. Whenever I think of your parents…well I remember how they were. They were so young and so in love, it's a bit hard to connect that with grandparents. I guess that's right — Prongs could be a grandparent before I'm even a parent." He smiled at his godson, "Your parents would be thrilled. Your grandmother would be over the moon. She always wished she had a bigger family. I don't know the whole story, but I know they had trouble getting pregnant and staying pregnant. She had given up on even having children when she got pregnant with James. She died shortly after you were born, but she was so happy her baby had a baby."

"What was my grandma's name?" Harry asked shyly.

"Elizabeth," Remus replied promptly. "Your grandparents were called William and Elizabeth Potter."

Harry didn't respond verbally, but he gripped Ginny's hand a bit tighter and silently repeated their names to himself. It was an amazing feeling. He had grown up so alone, but to find that there were people out there who had loved him and been happy he had been born was almost overwhelming.

As they neared the end of the lane, Harry quickened his steps. He stopped in front of the ruined remains of his parents' home.

"I double checked," Remus said softly. "All of the furniture and other belongings were moved into the Potter family vault."

Harry had a hard time pulling his gaze away from the blown away top floor. "So the house is empty?"

Remus nodded. "I want to show you something."

He pushed open the gate and led the younger couple around the house. Harry gasped as he saw the back garden. It was overgrown and rather sparse, but the idea of the garden was beautiful. There was a formal garden on one side with overgrown beds and even a small maze. The other side, Remus told them, had been a vegetable and herb garden.

"This is amazing," Ginny said. She walked over to a small pond that had been created in the centre of the garden. There was a waterfall as well as some statuary.

"Lily loved this garden," Remus said with a smile. "She spent quite a bit of time designing and creating this garden."

Harry wandered over to a small bench that had been placed near the pond. Waving his hand over the white stone, he cast a warming charm before sitting down. He looked around the garden in amazement. He could imagine how beautiful it must have been when his mother had been alive.

"Can we restore this garden?" Harry asked. "I'd rather tear down the house and restore the garden as a monument to my parents and everyone else who died fighting Voldemort."

Remus nodded with tears in his eyes, "That would be wonderful."

Harry stood and reached out his hand to his wife. Together they wandered around the garden. Remus watched with a smile as the pair explored. He knew that Lily would be thrilled her son was enjoying the garden she put so much time and effort into. After a time, the younger couple re-joined Remus. Harry reached out and hugged the older man, "Thank you."

"You are so welcome, cub." Remus whispered. "I wish I'd brought you here earlier."

Harry smiled, "No, I think it's best to have come with Ginny."

Remus nodded, he could see the strength and support Ginny provided her husband.

"Let's go home," Ginny said gently. "We need to get ready to head back to Hogwarts on Monday."
______________________________ ________________________________________ _______
Arthur sighed as he set down the parchment he'd been reading. Thankfully the previous administration had been fanatical about documenting everything. While it made for some difficult reading, it made it easy to right some of the wrongs that had been done. The Muggleborns had all been released from Azkaban as well as those who had been imprisoned for opposing the Death Eaters.

The French government, as well as the Canadians and Americans, had sent representatives to help with the prisons and prisoners. A secondary prison had been built on the island with Azkaban and the Dementors had all been sent away. Arthur had been impressed with the new process for guarding and detaining the prisoners. The Americans and Canadians had been teaching the Ministry the spells they used to track and secure the prisoners.

A knock on his door caused him to look up. A rather anxious Kingsley stood in front of him.

"Good afternoon, Minister."

"Arthur," Kingsley sighed as he joined his friend. "I am so sorry to have to tell you this, but I have just signed off on an order for Percy's arrest. His work on the legislation was bad enough, but we have evidence of him collaborating with the Death Eaters to wrongfully imprison Muggleborns."

Arthur buried his head in his hands. He had been afraid this would happen. "Thank you for coming to tell me. I need to get home. Molly won't take this well."

"I understand, my friend. I wish it had turned out differently."

Arthur nodded and grabbed his cloak. He hurried down to the Atrium to get home.
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