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The Commoner Queen
By Pilargirl

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Category: Alternate Universe, Post-Hogwarts
Characters:Harry/Ginny, Hermione Granger, James Potter, Lily Potter, Luna Lovegood, Neville Longbottom, Oliver Wood, Other, Remus Lupin, Ron Weasley, Sirius Black
Genres: Drama, Fluff, General, Romance
Warnings: Mild Language, Mild Sexual Situations
Story is Complete
Rating: PG-13
Reviews: 238
Summary: AU. A 1000 years ago, a magical Plague extinguished three quarters of Britain's magical population, including three of the four founders; Godric Gryffindor remained and founded a new world, with a monarchy that would last for years and years to come.

Now, Ginny Weasley is the Holyhead Harpies' star Chaser and a simple commoner, but Harry James Potter of Evans and Gryffindor, Prince of Wales, has an eye on her.
Hitcount: Story Total: 109628; Chapter Total: 3601
Awards: View Trophy Room

Author's Notes:
A/N: Here it is guys. Once again. Thank you. And hope you enjoy this last part of The Commoner Queen.

And, just to let you know, for the sake of this story, the next gen (except for Teddy and Victoire) were born a few years later than they were in Canon (that's why there's a bigger age difference between some characters.) Hope you enjoy it!



5th August 2034 — 28 Years Later

"You cannot be serious," Harry's voice boomed through the office he had taken control of for the last 28 years. "That's it, isn't it? Sirius put you up to this, didn't he? That bloody old…"

"Harry!" Ginny, who was sitting on the desk, shouted, still shocked by the news but reacting better than her husband.

"Dad…" The sweet voice came from the sofa which stood opposite the desk and the pacing king.

Lily Luna Potter, named after her grandmother and one of her mother's friends from school, looked up to her dad with the exact same look her mother always used when Harry got angry. However, it wasn't Ginny that the woman resembled, it was her namesake. As she grew up she grew more and more alike the woman who had passed away only a few years after her birth. Lily Potter had outlived her husband by seven years, without a cause and without a solution, the life left her slowly, as did her magic; the only possible explanation was the one she gave: it was leaving her to go elsewhere, ready to be given back when she arrived at the place she was truly supposed to be: next to her king.

"Don't look at me like that," Harry stated angrily. "Using your mother's eyes on me isn't going to work this time, Lily Luna."

"Harry, I…" Teddy Lupin's voice also sounded in the room, next to the scared Lily.

Harry eyed him slowly. "I think the only wise thing you've done today is keep your mouth shut, Edward Remus, so you might as well keep that up."

"Dad, there's no need to…" Lily tried again, but she could tell by now that it was pointless to try and make her father see sense. The only person who could even try and make a stubborn Harry Potter see sense was Ginny Potter.

"Do Remus and Tonks know about this too?" Ginny interrupted her in a soothing voice. She wasn't sure how she was feeling about this but she sure as hell knew she needed to stir the conversation in ways that would make Harry's head less likely to explode.

Ted and Lily looked at each other and then at Ginny.

"Mum knows," the metamorphagus spoke. "She found out a month or so ago, and made us promise to tell you. Dad doesn't. He's likely to be angry too."

"Which is pretty stupid!" Lily couldn't help herself. She stood up and leaned on the arm of the sofa, so she was more level with her father. "I'm an adult, Dad! I have been an adult for five years and I think I'm old enough to decide who I want to be with."

"This has..!" started shouting Harry, but Ginny placed a hand on his shoulder to stop him and calm him down.

"Let's all just relax for a minute. It's been a stressful week and you guys have got to realize we weren't expecting this at all," Ginny told her daughter and Harry's godson. "Harry, do you think you could let me do the speaking from now on."

Harry looked at her for a second and lifted his hand towards the couple, as if to say: "give it your best."

Ginny looked at both of them and then moved to the chair beside the sofa, so she could face them both in a calm manner.

"No one can understand better than your father and I what it means to fall in love with someone who's not right for you, Lily, you have to know that…" Ginny started. Lily was going to say something but her mother raised her hand to stop her. "And so we would never stand in the way of you being with whom you love, or being who you want to be. You realize we completely accepted Albus's choice, even with the shock it would mean to the wizarding world. And you also know we are nothing but positive about James being single. We've never wanted to push you children to do anything you don't want to do, or to stop you from being happy. However, you have to give us a break here, guys…Two people who have known each other their entire lives and who have an almost 15 year age difference do not just look at each other one day and decide they want to be together."

Ted looked at Harry warily before taking Lily's hand in his.

"I know I'm nowhere near to whom Lily should be with, Ginny. But…We haven't really grown up together. The age difference meant that we truly didn't even know each other until we started working together when Lily left school.

"Yes," Lily continued. "We cared for each other like family, of course…But, to me Ted was just Victoire's boyfriend and to him I was just his godfather's baby girl."

"Which you still are," muttered Harry under his breath, but Lily decided to avoid his comment and continue.

"The thing is, when I started working as an assistant at the Auror department, me and Teddy got so close. We would always eat lunch together and meet after with some other Aurors and, we just go to know each other. We weren't even family there, just adults who got to know each other and became very good friends."

"You broke up your engagement with Victoire because of Lily?" Ginny spoke slowly, almost afraid of the answer.

"Oh, Merlin, no!" Ted said quickly. "Our friendship started four years ago, but things with Victoire were fine until she met Brady. Then I worked too much and she began to fall in love with someone else. We realized we were only following a path that we set for ourselves when we were just kids and we realised there was a reason we kept on postponing the wedding. It still took me ages to get over with, though. But, luckily, Lily was there to help me through it."

"This thing between us two only started about a year and a half ago. And it only got serious around September last year," Lily explained. "I don't really know what else to say to you guys except that, it happened…One day we just realized we were only happy when we were with each other. And that led to a lot of confusion and discussions and trying to run away from it but, in the end, we realised that this was what we wanted."

"I would never do this to you if we weren't truly invested in this. I…I want to marry Lily, Harry. I want to start a family with her. I've never felt about anyone what I feel for her," Ted told his godfather, standing up from the sofa and moving so that he was in front of the king.

"You're too young to get married," Harry spoke sharply, looking in Lily's direction.

"Albus is getting married, and he's only two years older than me! And Aunt Lizzie got married at 19!" protested the 22-year-old red-head.

"That was 30 years ago…And Albus has been in a relationship for almost 8 years. And a relationship that has had to be completely solid and strong to face its complications. He's mature enough to get married. You…" Harry told her.

"Lily's an adult, Harry," Ted told his godfather softly. "Believe me when I tell you I had a hard time accepting that. But she is as much of an adult as I am, and being a stable and responsible 35-year-old. I think I can tell. I wouldn't be here if she was anything other than a mature and rational adult."

"What about the crown, kids? Have you thought about that?" Ginny asked them both. "James isn't married, nor does he have a girlfriend, Albus signed off his rights when he announced his engagement, the power could very well end up falling in your hands if anything were to happen. Are you ready to accept that?"

Lily and Ted looked at each other and their hands came together in a tight clasp. They both nodded. "This isn't something that we've thought of on a wimp. We're serious about this."

Harry was about to say something else when Albus Severus Potter, named after the famous wizard that saved the Wizarding World and the man who allowed James Potter I to live up to 6 more months than what he had been promised, walked into the office, followed by his fiancé. They both wore a happy smile on their faces as they carried various boxes magically behind them.

"We've bought the decorations! Are we moving into the small ball room to start putting them up? James is going to be here in less than an hour," the middle son announced. Only catching the tension in the room a second after his mouth stopped moving. He looked from his parents to his sister and godbrother and tied the loose strings up quickly.

"You told them?" he asked the couple in disbelief.

"You knew?" Ginny and Harry asked their son in unison, with even more disbelief echoed in their face.

Albus looked from one side to another. He looked back for moral support, but Scorpius Malfoy, the youngest member of the Malfoy blood line and the prince's other half, could only shrug. He hated getting in the middle of family disputes.

"Scor, Albus, James, Victoire, Uncle Charlie, Uncle Max and Tonks," Lily confessed. "That's everyone who knows."

"And Anabelle and David, of course," Ted added.

Everyone fell quiet for a second until several Apparating pops were heard next door.

"Well, how about Al and me go welcome the guests while you guys resolve this?" Scorpious asked, still with his wand out and the levitating decorations beside him.

"That'd be great, Scorpious, dear…We'll be there in a second," Ginny told them, shooing them smoothly outside.

When they'd gone, she turned back to Ted and Lily.

"So you two want to get married?" she asked.

Harry was going to say something, but Ginny's look shushed him.

"Eventually," Lily said slowly.

"But it's not official yet," Ted added quickly. "Not until we have your blessing. We understand it might take a while to get it and we're ready to prove to you that this is what we want and need."

Ginny smiled sweetly at them. "We'll have to talk about this a lot more. Although, Lily is right…You two are adults and have a right to decide. Now, let's go help Scor and Al with the decorations and we can continue this conversation at some other time."

They both nodded and walked towards the door. Ginny took Harry's hand and followed them, but she stopped when the odd couple walked into the ball room and she kept Harry next to the door.

"You have got to see this like when Federico was marrying your sister. You didn't want it to happen, but you'd rather it be him that anyone else."

Harry looked down and Ginny raised her hand to reach his cheek.

"Come on, big guy…We can deal with this some other day. It's a big day, we should concentrate on James today."

Harry made a sound that resembled a chuckle.

"He has a birthday every year you know, right?" he told her. "And this isn't even about her being my little girl. It just scares me that our children feel the need to complicate their lives so much. It was hard enough for us…I just would've liked for them to go for a simpler way."

Ginny laughed. "Harry…Your father fell in love with a Muggleborn, you fell in love with me…It's only natural our kids will fall in love with people who are completely wrong for the monarchy. But, we can also always choose the other option."

"And what's that?" asked Harry curiously.

"You can just be immortal. That way our kids don't even have to worry about their partners being wrong or right for anyone except them."

Harry laughed as he caressed her cheek. So many years together and Ginny could still make him feel better when everything was going wrong. She had helped him through the loss of his father, the guilt of everything that they made them go through, the loss of his mother just a few years later, and all the problems, stress and misfortunes that came with the throne that he was so ready to give up for her. His children weren't choosing the wrong people. If they'd found in their partners what he'd found in Ginny. They had chosen perfectly.

"Immortal?" Harry repeated. "I like the sound of that. Maybe I can search for Nicholas Flamel's ghost somewhere. But only with one condition. You stay immortal with me."

Ginny eyed him, unconvinced. "I don't know, Harry. A whole eternity with you sounds a little extreme. But I'm fine with you not dying before I can't stand looking at you anymore. You know, with old age and all that?"

"You reckon that will really happen? That you'll get tired of my old face?" Harry asked, trying to keep a serious face.

Ginny leaned up and kissed him softly on the lips. "Never," she told him with a smile but a blazing look in her eyes.

"So, immortal then?"

Ginny shook her head. "The thing is…You will be immortal. You and me. What we have, Harry, everything that happened to us and everything we made…It's immortal. It's like the crown above my head and the commoner roots I have. None of them were there all the time, and they weren't supposed to be a part of me, but they are and I will always be the commoner queen, forever…And the love between us, the love that made me carry this title and that changed the British Wizarding Monarchy forever…That will always be immortal."

Harry kissed her once again and tucked her into his embrace. "I love you."

"I love you, too," Ginny said with a smile. "And try and see the positive side in this. James still hasn't chosen anyone. He might end up choosing better than the last 5 generations of the Potter family."

The words were barely outside on her mouth when James Sirius Potter, the man that was born 27 years to that day and was held by his namesake for the first time hours before dying, Apparated in front of his parents. Between his arms stood a beautiful tall woman, with strawberry hair and two beautiful light green eyes.

"Dad, Mum, I know I was supposed to come a little later but there's someone I need you to meet…"

The woman looked so confused, lost and dizzy that both Harry and Ginny could tell she had been side-along Apparated. And for the first time.

"Maria, these are Harry and Ginny Potter. Dad, Mum…this is Maria Velasco."

Harry and Ginny already new the next sentence he was going to speak.

"And she's a Muggle."

The older couple turned to look at each other and just sighed with a smile before shaking the girl's hand and leading the couple back to the office to make time until the surprise party was ready. They had a lot to talk about.

But in the end they knew there wasn't much anyone could say. You don't fall in love with a person who suits the situation. You don't fall in love with someone who's perfect for you. You fall in love with a smile, with the way a person says things, with their jokes and with the sound of their laugh. You fall in love and you're lost in about a second, but as Harry and Ginny looked at each other, they knew…Loosing yourself in someone else is the only way to truly find home.


IMPORTANT AUTHOR'S NOTE: So that's it guys I do hope you enjoyed this story. I definitely enjoyed writing it :D

On the Epilogue Couples: Sorry if some of you see them with bad eyes. I normally ship Scorpious with Rose, but, since I know many people ship Albus/Scorpious, I thought it was fitting for this situation, which I think is bound to happen in some real Royal Family soon (and, which, most unfortunately, will probably still mean a bit of a scandal).

James with a Muggle also seemed fitting in this "no-one-right-for-the-throne" theme.

And Teddy/Lily…Is actually my favourite new-gen ship. Yes, I know some of you don't share that but I've always thought it makes for a great story. I always thought (in canon) they'd be really when Lily was a kid but would then become quite separated while Lily was at Hogwarts…and suddenly, when she was an adult (who had had a very "Ginny-on-Harry-like" crush on Teddy during her teenage years). And then, suddenly, they'd start having feelings for each other…And so On. And I'm telling you this because: if any of you isn't completely repulsed by the idea of them. I've just published a new story here about them: Happy Birthday, Lily. Which is basically an 8-chapter-fic that explores their relationship one day every year since Lily turns 18 to 25. If any of you feels like it: please check it! Some chapters will have some H/G in them too

And well, this is all! There won't be a sequel as such to The Commoner Queen but, if some of you show enough interest, I had thought about doing an A-Z drabbles on Harry and Ginny's Life as King and Queen or even things not seen in the fic, like their wedding. You know: like C could be Corronation. L could be Lily's death. F- First Fight as a Married Couple.

If anyone's interested please REVIEW and let me know what you would like to see if I did it.

Once Again: THANK YOU. For everything.

Reviews 238

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