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The Thorny Rose 2: A Bustle In Your Hedgerow
By Brennus

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Category: Alternate Universe
Genres: Action/Adventure
Warnings: Intimate Sexual Situations
Story is Complete
Rating: R
Reviews: 213
Summary: Sequel to (amazingly) The Thorny Rose. The Triwizard Tournament is over and Harry and Ginny are together. What has Ginny got planned for her new boyfriend next?
Hitcount: Story Total: 70606; Chapter Total: 6145
Awards: View Trophy Room

Author's Notes:
I’m back and even the rugby hasn’t slowed me down. England’s 20-0 drubbing of Scotland has definitely cheered me up, however, even if it was a pretty poor game. I honestly thought both teams were going to sink into the mud at one point.

After a few controversial moments in the last chapter (most around Ginny’s talk with Snape and her giving Romilda Vane a good kicking) this chapter is a lot lighter. I hadn’t realised it at the time I wrote it, but quite a few couples get paired-up here. I’ve previously had some criticism about the speed at which Harry and Ginny’s relationship has progressed and while I’ve explained Ginny’s motivation in all this, I haven’t really touched on what Harry was thinking. This is partly rectified here. Oh, and the ‘he was never right for you’ line was written long before JKR’s recent (and widely misquoted) comments about Ron and Hermione’s relationship. Those two won’t be paired together in this story, but I decided that ages ago. Bet you can’t guess who Hermione hooks up with.

Huge thanks to Arnel, as always. I think my comma key must be on the blink or something…


Chapter 10 — Matters of the Heart

Ginny moaned softly as she felt the covers being pulled off her shoulders. Grumbling, she gripped the edge of the duvet and pulled it up to her chin again. Sighing contently, she let herself drift back towards sleep.

“SHIT!” she swore, sitting bolt up-right.

“Ugh… what?” Harry mumbled from somewhere underneath the covers. Ginny pulled the duvet down and began to shake him.

“Wake-up, Harry,” she said urgently. “We’re still in the Room of Requirement! Someone’s bound to have noticed we're missing by now!”

“What are… oh, bugger! We fell asleep after we… oh, bugger! Oh, buggering-shit!” Harry exclaimed in a panic.

“What?” Ginny asked, alarmed at her boyfriend’s sudden fear.

“Ginny, we…don’t you remember what we did last night?” he asked, his eyes wide in terror.

“Why, we… oh. Oh, yes, I remember now,” she replied as the events of the previous evening came back to her.

“We said we weren’t going to go that far, didn’t we?” Harry said apprehensively. “God, I’m sorry, Ginny. I didn’t mean to force you into anything. I… I just got a bit carried away.”

“Don’t be daft, Harry,” Ginny scolded him. “You didn’t do anything I didn’t want you to do. Wasn’t me screaming your name and begging you not to stop enough of a clue?”

A rather foolish grin appeared on his face. “Well, I was hoping… but we did say we were going to wait until you were at least sixteen, didn’t we? Oh, sweet Merlin, what about birth control? What if you’re pregnant? Oh, buggering hell!”

“Relax, lover-boy, I’ve been taking a birth-control potion since the start of summer. I didn’t want any little accidents to happen, you know. Although I am a little cross that you’re only thinking about such things now,” Ginny frowned.

“Sorry,” he apologised, “but I really wasn’t expecting us to go this far so soon.”

“It was going to happen sooner or later,” she replied philosophically. “Let’s face it, we’ve been doing everything apart from actual shagging. We were ready to take the next step.”

“Yeah,” Harry said, sounding rather distracted. “It’s amazing, really. I mean, we… we… really did it!”

Ginny laughed. “What were you expecting?” she teased. “Do you really think we weren’t going to get round to it at some point? Merlin, Harry, didn’t you suspect that me sneaking into your bedroom during the holidays would lead to this?”

“I guess,” he replied hesitantly. “I suppose I was just afraid that with everything that has happened to me in the past I would be killed before I got the chance to do it. I just didn’t want to die a virgin.”

The laughter died on Ginny’s lips.

“You’re not going to die anytime soon, Harry, not if I have anything to say about it,” Ginny snapped. “We have a plan, a bloody good one, at that. You are going to live to a ripe old age and become a cranky old git who moans at everyone. Got it?”

“Yeah, I mean, I do feel more optimistic than I ever have before, but there’s always this niggling doubt, you know?” he mumbled. “I just wanted to make sure I lived a little, just to be on the safe side.”

“Harry, if you were worried about this, why didn’t you say something? I would have understood,” she said firmly.

“I didn’t want you to think I was trying to pressure you into having sex with me,” he replied nervously. “I wanted our first time together to be because we both wanted it to happen, not because you felt obliged to do it.”

Ginny smiled and gently stroked his cheek. “Oh, Harry, you really are about the most considerate boyfriend anyone could ask for, you know,” she said. “Most boys in your situation would have been trying anything to get their girlfriends to do it with them. For your information, I didn’t feel pressured in the slightest, in fact, I was even getting a bit frustrated that we hadn’t gone all the way. I could barely wait.”

“Was it worth waiting for?” Harry blurted. “Did you enjoy yourself?”

“It was fantastic, especially for a first time,” she said smiling. “I guess the fact that we worked up to it really paid off. It was a bit uncomfortable at first, but once we got going it was unbelievable.”

“I didn’t hurt you, did I?” he asked in concern.

“I think it’s always meant to hurt a bit the first time,” Ginny explained. “It’s just natural. But don’t worry, it only hurt a little when we started, and trust me, what followed more than made up for a little bit of discomfort.”

“I’m glad,” Harry replied, smiling in relief. “I really wanted our first time to be special.”

“It was, Harry,” she assured him. “In fact, I can’t wait until we can do it again.”

“Me neither, Ginny,” he replied, looking at her longingly, “but I guess that’s not going to happen this morning, is it?”

“Sadly, no,” she confirmed regretfully. “Do you know what time it is?”

“Just a bit after six in the morning,” Harry replied after glancing at his watch. “Do you think we were missed last night, and how are we going to get back into our dorms without being spotted?”

Ginny thought for a moment. “I don’t think trying to sneak back in will work,” she pondered. “I have an idea. As we only have our workout clothes with us, let’s jog around outside for ten minutes or so, then head back and pretend we got up early to go running. None of the girls in my room ever wake up early enough to notice.”

“Good idea,” Harry agreed. “But what if someone noticed we didn’t come back last night?”

“We’ll just say we came in very late and everyone was in bed by the time we got to our dorms,” she shrugged. “If anyone argues, we’ll just have to brazen it out.”

“Okay, that sounds like a plan,” he agreed. “As much as I hate to suggest it, I guess we’d better put our clothes back on.”

He was just about to swing his legs out of the bed when Ginny leapt over and pinned him down. She kissed him passionately for a moment before looking into his startled eyes.

“Last night made me realise something,” she said in a determined tone. “You were right when you said we hadn’t made much time for each other over the last few weeks, and that was a mistake. No matter what’s going on, we need to make sure we make some time just for ourselves. It doesn’t just have to be about sex, either. Even if we just find half-an-hour to curl up in the common room and chat, we should make sure we do it. The last thing I want to have happen is that we start to drift apart because we’re so busy.”

“I really don’t think that would happen, but I totally agree with your idea, anyway,” Harry said, holding her tight. “We talked so much over the holidays and I do sort of miss our little chats. Mind you, more sex would be brilliant, too.”

Ginny laughed. “It would,” she agreed, “and I don’t think you have to worry about that not happening. I assure you if we had more time I’d pin you to the bed and have you again right now.”

“That sounds a wonderful idea,” he beamed, before his expression turned serious. He stared at her with longing in his eyes and he unconsciously licked his lips.

A ripple of excitement ran through her as she noted his moistened lips and lustful gaze. She hadn’t been lying when she’d said she had being getting frustrated and, at this exact moment, she wanted nothing more than to re-enact the events of the previous night — repeatedly. Sadly, that would only create more problems than they could handle.

“Come on, love,” she said in a resigned voice, “if we don’t get moving now, we never will.”

“I could have lived with that,” he sighed, but reached for his discarded underwear.

As Ginny began to get dressed herself, she looked over at the young man she loved and couldn’t help but feel a bubble of joy build in her. They had taken the next step in their relationship and they were closer than ever before. Things, she thought, couldn’t be going better.

Now, how could she avoid having a smug expression on her face during breakfast?


An hour later, Ginny pelted down the stairs that led from her dorm, down into the common room. Despite a couple of hastily cast Drying Charms, her hair was still damp from the shower, but she knew she couldn’t tarry. When she reached the bottom of the stairs she sighed with happiness at the sight of Harry waiting for her.

“Sorry I took so long,” she apologised. “Was everything okay with your room-mates?”

“Yeah, although the idea that I was out running this morning caused some comment,” Harry told her. “Dean actually asked if he could come with us next time as it would keep him in shape for football, but I kind of fobbed him off. The others just seemed appalled by the whole idea of exercise.”

“My brother would be, definitely,” Ginny smirked. “It would take an attacking dragon to get him out of bed early. Mind you, my room-mates weren’t a lot better. Demelza and Vicky were both barely conscious when I went up.”

“Just as well there are so many lazy people about,” Harry smiled. “Come on, let’s head to breakfast. I’m starving!”

“Why? Been doing something to work up an appetite?” she teased as they headed out of the common room.

They made their way down to the Great Hall and found Hermione already seated at the table. They sat down opposite her a little nervously.

“Morning, Hermione,” Ginny greeted her friend with forced cheeriness. “How are you this fine day?”

“What happened to you two last night?” Hermione asked immediately. “I tried to get back into the Room of Requirement after I talked with Luna and I couldn’t get in. What were you two up to in there?”

“Ask me no questions and I’ll tell you no lies,” Ginny responded airily.

“What do you… oh,” Hermione started to say before she broke off suddenly. She was looking directly at Harry who had turned a spectacular shade of red.

“Well, I guess that answers what the pair of you was up to,” Hermione huffed. “I just hope that you’re being careful.”

“Don’t worry,” Ginny assured her quietly. “There won’t be any little baby Potters running around for a good while yet.”

“Good,” Hermione replied primly before her expression softened. “So, what was it like then?”

“Bloody great,” Ginny giggled.

“Will you two please not discuss this in front of the entire school!” Harry hissed in evident distress.

“You’re probably right, this really isn’t the time or place,” Hermione agreed to Harry’s great relief. She then looked up at Ginny in a conspiratory manner. “We’ll discuss it later.”

Harry’s face fell.

“If I could have everyone’s attention, please,” the Headmaster’s voice called out, causing them all to look towards the teacher’s table. Ginny noticed for the first time there were some unfamiliar faces sat there.

“While it is not my normal practice to make announcements at breakfast, some last minute staffing changes have made it necessary,” Dumbledore continued in a bland voice that Ginny was coming to believe meant the man was deeply unhappy. “Professor Binns has unexpectedly decided that his time in this realm of existence has come to an end, therefore I would like you to welcome his replacement, Professor Blackmore.”

There was a few second of stunned silence before the hall erupted into thunderous applause. Professor Blackmore, a small, greying, man with a neat moustache and a learned expression, looked startled by the enthusiastic welcome, but waved hesitantly at the clapping children.

“Professor Blackmore was until recently one of the curators at the Ministry of Magic’s main archive, and comes to us highly recommended,” Dumbledore explained, looking rather wistful at the warm reception the man received. He then indicated to an attractive, middle-aged, dark-haired woman sitting to his left. “In addition to a change in the History of Magic post, an opening has also occurred in the Divination position as Professor Trelawney has decided to step aside to allow her more time to work on a private research project. I have granted her the use of Hogwarts facilities, so you will continue to see her around the castle. To replace her, may I present Madam Vladimirescu, a renowned expert on the subject and author of a number of best-selling books. She comes to us on loan from the Romanian Ministry of Magic.”

The woman gave a graceful wave of her hand and received nearly as much applause as Professor Blackmore did. Most of the older boys seemed especially enthusiastic in their greeting.

“Quite,” Dumbledore said after the noise had died down. “I’m sure our new staff members appreciate that marvellous welcome and are looking forward to commencing their respective classes. Thank you for your attention and please do continue with your breakfasts.”

“So, Snape survived, then,” Harry noted sourly after the Headmaster had resumed his seat.

“Yeah, but I bet he’s having to walk on eggshells,” Ginny smirked.

“Did you know this was going to happen?” Hermione demanded.

“Not exactly, although it was just a matter of time,” Ginny explained. “Umbridge came in here with an agenda to weed out the worst teachers and it looks like she’s got her way.”

All three of them glanced up at the teachers’ table where Umbridge sat with a smug expression on her face.

“This is all well and good, I suppose, and I’m certainly not going to miss either Trelawney or Binns, but where will it end?” Hermione asked. “I mean, Umbridge seems to have taken complete control of the school. What happens if she starts sacking staff just because she has taken a dislike to them?”

“We’re working on that,” Ginny assured her.

“Yeah, if things go to plan we should soon have the means to get Umbridge removed if she starts crossing the line,” Harry chipped in.

“More secrets?” Hermione sighed. “I really hate being on the outside of everything.”

“Sorry, until you and Luna learn Occlumency we can’t risk sharing too much with you,” Harry said sympathetically.

“And speaking of Luna, what happened between you two last night?” Ginny asked. “You said you talked with her, how did that go?”

Hermione looked uncomfortable.

“It went… quite well,” she replied uncertainly. “I mean, it was a really awkward conversation, but Luna really did make me rethink a lot of my actions in recent years.”

“What, about the elves?” Harry asked.

“About everything,” Hermione explained. “Luna said some things to me that really hit home and made me step back and look at myself. I guess I always do tend to think I’m right about everything, and if things don’t fall into my neat little vision of how the world should be I get upset.”

“Everybody does that to some extent,” Ginny observed.

“Yes, but I carry it to extremes,” Hermione pointed out. “I need to learn that other people’s opinions are as valid as my own, and that I’m not always right. The mess I made of things last term when Ron was being a prat to Harry should have been evidence enough.”

“You were hung-up on my brother and not thinking clearly,” Ginny said sympathetically.

“Obviously,” Hermione sighed. “I just… I always thought it would be us three against the world, you know. No disrespect to you, Ginny, but I always just imagined that it would be me, Harry and Ron that had the big adventures and fought the bad guys. I never dreamed of a time when we wouldn’t even be friends anymore.”

“I don’t suppose it’s worth me pointing out he was never right for you, is it?” Ginny asked sadly.

“Maybe a little bit,” Hermione replied. “I mean, I keep telling myself that. But I look at him now and I barely recognise the boy I used to know. How can someone change that much in just a year?”

“This is an important time in our lives. We all change as we grow, you know,” Harry pointed out. “We’re not children anymore and some people just grow-up in ways you don’t expect.”

“Not you, Harry,” Hermione said wistfully. “You’re turning into the man I always imagined you’d be. Actually, you haven’t really changed that much since I first met you back when we started at Hogwarts. You’re still that kind, brave boy I knew then. Of course, Ginny has knocked a bit more sense into you, thankfully, but the basics are still there.”

“Thanks, I think,” Harry replied.

Hermione laughed softly. “You’re right, though,” she said. “People do change in their teenage years as they become more experienced and develop their personalities. It’s just a shame the results aren’t always what you’d hoped for.”

“You know what you need?” Ginny said suddenly.

“What?” Hermione asked.

“A boyfriend,” Ginny decided. “It really would do you the world of good.”

Hermione sighed. “Ginny, do you really think any half-decent boy would look twice at me?” she asked. “You could look up the phrase ‘plain’ in a dictionary and there’d be a picture of me.”

“Rubbish,” Harry snorted. “You scrubbed-up wonderfully at the Yule Ball last year. Boys were practically drooling at the sight of you.”

“Yeah, and do you think International Quidditch star Viktor Krum would date any old plain-Jane?” Ginny added. “He couldn’t take his eyes off you! So don’t give me that load of old bollocks about you not being attractive.

“I’m not exactly seeing a line of handsome young men begging to date me, am I?” Hermione pointed out. “Believe me, I’m not adverse to the idea of having a boyfriend, but I just don’t see many candidates.”

“We’ll just have to keep our eyes open then, won’t we?” Ginny told her. “I’m sure we can find a few good ones about here somewhere.”

“Good luck,” Hermione snorted and turned back to her breakfast.


“Harry, you did it!” Ginny yelled as she ran along the edge of the pitch, elbowing people out of her way.

Hearing her voice, Harry turned and smiled, opening his arms to receive her. Needing no encouragement, Ginny leapt into his embrace and began to plant kisses over his face.

“Ginny!” Harry laughed. “We are in public and I don’t want your brothers trying to kill me.”

“Oh, forget them,” she replied, practically bubbling with excitement. “That was the greatest Wronski Feint I’ve ever seen! You practically splattered Malfoy all over the pitch!”

“He never learns, does he?” Harry chortled. “You would think after all this time he would figure out that just trailing after me does no good.”

Ginny laughed along with her boyfriend and let all the tensions of the last few days seep out of her. Things had definitely been getting hectic over the last month or two and the first Quidditch game of the season had come as a welcome relief. Of course, the fact that Gryffindor had beaten Slytherin by one hundred and ninety points to thirty and she had just watched Harry trick Draco Malfoy into smashing head-first into the ground helped immensely.

As she linked her arm with Harry’s and they headed back towards the changing room, Ginny reflected on the last few months. After an initial burst of interest, the numbers attending their duelling club had settled down to a manageable eighty odd. Quite a few people had dropped out when they realised that the club wasn’t just a lark and actually involved some hard work, but those that remained had proved a dedicated bunch. It was a surprisingly even spread of Houses that was represented, even if most the Slytherins that took part were from the lower years. Still, the H.D.A. members were a promising group who seemed to greatly appreciate Harry’s tutoring.

Their own private training was going well, too. Initially, they found that they were taking up too much time in training Hermione and Luna, but they soon found a balance where they set the two girls up with a task for the evening and then left them to get on with it. This allowed Harry and Ginny to train by themselves in more advanced techniques while still being available if Hermione or Luna ran into problems.

Of course, normal lessons were enough of a handful by themselves, especially as it was Harry’s OWL year. Still, they were both enough ahead of the game that school work was not presenting any major difficulties… yet.

With all these activities, not to mention Quidditch practice for both of them, it was a real struggle to find any personal time for themselves. Fortunately, they had so far managed to keep most of their Sunday mornings free and this became their sacred ‘alone-time’, and woe betide anyone who interfered with it. This was something George discovered to his cost after he tried following them one day. Still, he wasn’t held in the hospital wing for more than a few hours.

They had nearly reached the changing rooms when an amusing sight presented itself. Ginny struggled to control her giggles as Malfoy strode up with an angry expression on his face and wood splinters in his hair.

“You think you’re so bloody clever, don’t you, Potter?” the blond boy snarled.

“I suppose it depends on who I’m compared against,” Harry smirked. “By the way, do you know you’ve got bits of broom in your hair?”

Furiously, Malfoy rubbed his hair with his hands and bared his teeth at them. “Oh, you’re so funny, aren’t you? Well, pretty soon you’re going to be laughing on the other side of your face!”

“Why? What are you going to do about it?” Harry taunted.

“Me? I don’t need to lift a finger,” Malfoy sneered. “You’re going to get yours, and I’m going to sit back and enjoy it.”

“What’s the matter, ferret? Haven’t you got the balls to try and take on Harry face to face?” Ginny goaded the boy.

“I could take him any day of the week,” Malfoy spat. “But why should I bother? Potter will be meeting a sticky ending soon enough without me having to exert myself.”

“Really? You know, I’ve heard all this crap before,” Harry snorted. “What are you going to do? Make a wish and hope your fairy godmother comes and drops an anvil on my head?”

“You can laugh now, but just you wait until everything is…” Draco started to say, but then shut his mouth abruptly. Without another word, he turned and walked away rapidly.

“Damn,” Harry cursed. “I really thought he was going to say something useful then.”

“Yeah, taunting Malfoy is always a good tactic,” Ginny agreed. “It’s just a shame that he’s not quite as big of an idiot as he appears sometimes.”

“Still, what he did say makes me a bit nervous,” Harry admitted. “What was he starting to say? Until everything is what? Ready? In place? He’s definitely up to something, is old ferret features.”

“Yeah, and we’re still waiting for Ron to pull whatever moronic stunt he’s got planned, too,” she sighed. “I wish he’s just get on with it.”

“You don’t think that Ron and Draco are working together, do you?” Harry asked thoughtfully.

“No way,” Ginny said fiercely. “Ron might be an idiot, but there’s no way in hell that he’d ever work with Malfoy. He’s still a Weasley at the end of the day.”

“Just remember what Neville said, though,” Harry reminded her. “He said that Ron was secretly going to a Floo address that ending in ‘Manor’. Could that be Malfoy Manor?”

“No, I refuse to believe it,” Ginny said stubbornly. “My brother would never do that. Oh, he’ll get jealous and act like a moron, but he’d never betray us to a Death Eater apprentice.”

“Possibly, but he wouldn’t see it as betraying you, he’d just be sticking it to me, and from the things he’s said previously he may think of it as saving his baby sister from nasty, old Harry Potter,” he pointed out.

“This is all speculation, we have no proof at all,” Ginny insisted.

“Okay, if you’re convinced, I’ll drop it,” Harry said reluctantly. “Just don’t blame me if this comes back to bite us on the bum.”

“Don’t worry, I’m sure you’re wrong,” she replied with a confidence she didn’t feel.

Surely Ron’s dislike of Harry hadn’t convinced her brother to join the enemy, had it?


“Anything off the trolley, dearies?” a voice called out, rousing Ginny from her sleep.

“Yeah, can I get a couple of pumpkin pasties and four chocolate frogs,” Harry’s voice said from somewhere above her. “You two want anything?”

“Oh, can I have a cauldron cake?” Luna called out from somewhere to her left.

“Nothing for me, thanks, Harry,” Hermione declared.

Groggily, Ginny sat up and looked around her owlishly. Her last memory had been boarding the train to take her home for the winter holidays and she had obviously fallen asleep. The perils of having a comfortable, warm boyfriend to snuggle up to, she supposed.

“Here you go,” Harry said, handing her one of the pasties and depositing the chocolate frogs in the small gap between them.

“Thanks,” she replied, taking the snack gratefully. “How long was I asleep?”

“Only an hour or two,” Harry assured her. “Don’t worry; you didn’t snore too loudly.”

“Thanks,” she said sarcastically before taking a bite of her pasty.

“Shame about the drooling, though,” Harry added.

“Do you want to eat that pasty or wear it?” she warned threateningly.

“Oh, but you're so cute when you’re sleeping, Ginny,” Luna assured her. “You make this wonderful little whistling sound as you breathe.”

“Yes, we were trying to guess the tune you were whistling, but we came to the conclusion it was an original composition,” Hermione added with a smirk.

“Gits,” Ginny muttered.

“We’re only teasing,” Harry insisted, wrapping his arm around her shoulder again. “I love having you fall asleep beside me. You’re so beautiful I could happily sit and just watch you sleep all day.”

“Oh, Harry, that was so sweet,” Hermione exclaimed, sounding a little wistful. “I wish I had a boyfriend who would say such lovely things to me,”

“You will one day, I’m sure,” Ginny told her friend before she planted a lingering kiss on her boyfriend’s lips. Her earlier irritation at being woken up suddenly seemed to have vanished for some reason.

“I’m not too bothered about getting a boyfriend right at the moment,” Luna announced. “There aren’t many boys at Hogwarts that I like and Ginny still refuses to let me borrow Harry on Wednesdays, so I’m perfectly happy to wait. Besides, boys always make my elbows itch for some reason.”

“Of course they do,” Hermione said fondly.

Ginny looked over at her two friends and smiled. Ever since their argument earlier in the term, Luna and Hermione seemed to have worked out their differences satisfactorily. In fact, with her and Harry spending so much time together, the two witches had gravitated towards each other and had become extremely close. Hermione Granger and Luna Lovegood were unlikely friends, but they seemed to complement each other well.

“So, you must be really looking forward to Christmas, Harry,” Hermione noted. “I expect you’re really looking forward to spending your first Yule with Sirius.”

“Oh, definitely,” Harry agreed. “I expect Christmas with Sirius about will be a riot. But I must admit, I’m a bit worried about him.”

“Why?” Ginny asked in concern. “You’ve not said anything before.”

“Well, it’s just I still have no idea what happened between him and Eva,” Harry explained. “I’ve tried to get him to give me some hints in my letters home, but it’s hard without letting on that I know what happened between the two of them.”

“Yeah, Sirius really doesn’t need to know we saw what happened,” Ginny agreed emphatically.

“What happened to Sirius? And who is Eva?” Hermione asked curiously.

“Oh, it’s nothing important,” Harry said hurriedly. “Just this girl Sirius knows.”

“Yeah, trust me, Hermione, you really don’t want to know about Sirius’s salacious activities,” Ginny assured her.

“I do,” Luna said eagerly.

“Oh, look, we seem to have reached the outskirts of London,” Harry said pointing out the window, no doubt in a desperate attempt to change the subject. “We’d better start getting our things together.”

Ignoring Luna’s slightly disappointed look, Ginny reached up and retrieved her heavy cloak from the overhead storage bin. It was bitterly cold outside and she needed to wrap up. Harry and the other girls similarly equipped themselves with winter clothing and they sat back down to await their arrival at Kings Cross station.

“Who will be meeting you at the station, Ginny?” Hermione enquired.

“I’m not sure exactly,” she replied. “I know Mum will be there, but I’m not sure who else will come. Dad’s working, but Bill said he might put in an appearance if he can get time off.”

“Is he still helping that Veela with her English?” Luna asked with a dreamy smirk.

“Apparently so,” Ginny grinned. “I’ve only had a couple of letters from Bill but most of what I did get seemed to just be talking about what a wonderful girl Fleur is. A normal girl isn’t good enough for him. Oh no, HE has to date a part-Veela.”

“He is very handsome,” Luna pointed out.

“I guess,” Ginny reluctantly agreed. “I’m just not completely sure that Fleur is the right girl for him.”

“Jealous of her taking your favourite big brother away from you?” Hermione teased.

“Nah, not really,” Ginny insisted. “I just want Bill to find the right person and Delacour seems a bit flighty to me. I would suggest Tonks would be better for him if she wasn’t arse over end in love with Remus.”

“Even if he’s being a stupid git about it,” Harry snorted.

“And how long did it take you to notice me?” Ginny asked archly.

“That’s different,” he insisted. “We were too young to be involved before.”

“If you say so,” Ginny smiled. “Anyway, it looks like we’ve arrived.”

The train had indeed pulled to a halt at the hidden platform at Kings Cross and an expectant crowd was gathering, awaiting their loved ones to disembark. The four friends stood and pulled on their heavy clothes and made their way out of the compartment. They stood patiently in line as kids of all ages waited to get off the train and be reunited with their families. It took a good five minutes for them to make it onto the platform.

“I said I’d meet my father at the station café, so I’ll leave you here,” Luna announced. “Dad has an obsession with sausage rolls, so I’d better get there before he eats too many and makes himself sick again.”

“You’re still coming over after Christmas, aren’t you?” Harry asked.

“Oh, yes, I can’t wait to visit your house,” Luna said smiling brightly. “It will be a chance for your Occlumency teacher to test me, as well.”

“If she’s still around,” Harry said worriedly.

The three of them made their farewells with Luna and the blond girl vanished into the crowd of people, dragging her trunk behind her. Hermione seemed especially sad to see her go.

“Any sign of our families?” Ginny asked looking around the busy platform.

“Nah, I… wait, isn’t that your mum?” Harry said, pointing to one side.

“How can I tell?” Ginny moaned. “I can barely see over the heads of the first-years.”

“Didn’t you once tell me good things come in small packages?” Harry laughed. “Come on, your family are over this way.”

“Ah, Ginny, there you are,” Molly Weasley declared as they approached. The twins and Ron had already located their mother and were talking to a tall, long-haired man standing with his back to them.

“Bill!” Ginny squealed and ran forward to embrace her brother.

“Hiya, little one,” Bill said, embracing his sister warmly. “Had to come and welcome my baby sister home, didn’t I?”

“She’s not so much of a baby anymore,” Fred sniggered.

“Yeah, and Mr Potter over there seems to be particularly pleased about how she’s growing up,” George added.

“Shut it, you two,” Ginny warned.

Bill looked at Harry enquiringly for a moment before he turned his attention back to her. He didn’t exactly look happy, but he was smart enough not to say anything.

“Have you seen Sirius at all, Mrs Weasley?” Harry asked, breaking the sudden tension.

“Why, yes, he said he would meet you by the platform entrance,” Molly Weasley said, smiling mysteriously.

“Okay,” Harry said carefully, picking up on the Weasley matriarch’s amusement. “Is there something I should know about?”

“I rather think your godfather has a surprise for you,” Mrs Weasley replied smugly.

Seeing that they were going to get no further information from that source, Harry and Ginny led the rest of the group towards the exit. Harry seemed a little on edge and was walking as rapidly as the crowds would allow. He had nearly reached the exit when a voice called out.

“Harry, my boy, over here!” Sirius Black called from the back of the platform.

Ginny looked over to see Harry’s godfather, smiling broadly, lounging against the far wall. It was his appearance that shocked her, however, it was that of his companion.

“Madam Eva?” Harry gasped. “What are you going here?”

“Ah, Harry, I have some exciting news I wanted to share with you,” Sirius interrupted. “I really wanted to do this in person rather than by letter. You see, after you left for Hogwarts in September, Eva and I started stepping out together. Things have been going wonderfully and last week I decided I really didn’t want to be with anyone else and I… err…”

“He proposed and I said yes,” Eva declared, holding out her left hand which now sported a fabulous diamond ring.

“You’re getting married? That’s wonderful!” Harry shouted and sprang forward to catch his godfather in a tight hug.

Ginny grinned and stepped forward to hug Eva. “Congratulations,” she told her teacher. “Although I think you deserve a medal for agreeing to put up with this old dog.”

“Oi!” Sirius protested, releasing Harry and accepting a hug from Ginny. “I’ll have you know that I’m quite the catch.”

“This is fantastic,” Harry said enthusiastically after he’d embraced Madam Eva. “I’m so glad you two have got together. You’ll be wonderful for each other.”

“Well, I think this calls for a celebration,” Sirius declared. “Molly, you and your boys would be most welcome to join us back at the house for some refreshments.”

“I want to go back to the Burrow,” Ron stated loudly, causing everyone to look at him sharply.

“Yes, well, we do have to drop your trunks off back at home, anyway,” Molly said sadly. “You can stay behind if you don’t want to share in Sirius’s good news.”

“Yeah, I do,” Ron snapped, causing the twins to frown at him angrily and Bill to shake his head.

“Very well,” Molly agreed. “Sirius, we’ll just drop off our things and meet you at your place, if that’s all right.”

“Of course!” Sirius said happily. “It will give us a chance to get things ready.”

“Alright! Home five minutes and we’re invited to a party already,” George whooped.

“Party! Party! Party!” Fred chanted, doing a strange little dance.

“That’s the spirit!” Sirius laughed. “How about you, Hermione? Will you join us?”

“Oh, well, I’ll have to see if my parents are willing,” Hermione said in surprise. She’d been hovering at the edge of the group looking rather left out.

“Well, ask them, too! The more the merrier,” Sirius announced happily.

Hermione grinned and ran off through the platform exit to find her parents. Ginny smiled at her friend’s eagerness.

Harry came over and put his arms around her shoulders. His eyes were positively shinning with joy and Ginny began to realise just how worried he’d been about his godfather.

“Isn’t this great news?” he asked her happily.

“Yeah, it is,” she agreed. “Sirius needs a strong woman to keep him in line and Eva’s just the girl to do it.”

“She is at that,” he laughed and pulled her into a quick kiss. “Go get your party clothes on, Gin-Gin; I think this is going to be a large one.”

She laughed at his enthusiasm and gave him a warm hug. George was right: they had only just got off the train and they were heading to a party already. This was promising to be a great Christmas!


“Hands where I can see them, Potter,” said a slightly amused voice from somewhere to Ginny’s left. She glanced round and saw her brother, Bill, dancing slowly with the French girl, Fleur Delacour, in his arms.

“Sod off, Bill,” Ginny mumbled, a mix of tiredness and alcohol slurring her words. “I decide where Harry can put his hands, not you!”

“Yeah, and I can decide how badly I hurt him later,” Bill replied cheerfully.

“Leeze zem alone, Bill,” Fleur protested, punching the tall red-head lightly on the shoulder. “Zey are beautiful together. Zey danced like zat at ze ball at ‘Ogwarts last Christmas and it is obvious to everyone zat they are very much in love.”

Ginny glanced up worriedly at Harry, concerned at his reaction to Fleur’s words, but to her relief he didn’t appear too bothered. Indeed, it looked like her boyfriend was bothered about much of anything at that moment.

“I think it’s time you went to bed,” Ginny decided, noting his glassy eyes and foolish grin.

“Don’t want to,” Harry slurred. “Wanna dance with you.”

“You can dance with me another time,” she promised. “In fact, I’m going to insist on it. But as you can barely stand, I think you’d better hit the sack.”

Harry mumbled something that might have been agreement and allowed himself to be led from the room. Ginny was feeling a bit unstable herself, but fortunately she hadn’t partied quite as hard as her boyfriend, who’d seemed over the moon at the news of Sirius and Eva’s engagement.

Gently, she guided Harry round the slumbering body of her brother Fred who was lying flat out on the floor. Angelina and George were snogging on the sofa just a few feet away, oblivious to the fact that she was supposed to be dating Fred. Still, it was a strange relationship that they all shared, although it did make Ginny wonder what had happened to Alicia, whom she was sure she’d seen about earlier.

It really had been a hell of a party. Things had kicked off about four o’clock once the Weasleys (minus Ron) had arrived at Grimmauld Place and further guests had been arriving steadily all evening. Quite how word had spread of the event, Ginny had no idea, but she was amazed by the number of people who had turned up. And if there was ever one person who knew how to throw a party, it was Sirius Black.

It was now the early hours of the morning and the party was winding down. Some guests had left ages ago. The Grangers were among the first to leave, mainly due to the intoxicated state of John Granger who had taken rather too much of a liking to Firewhisky. Still, Ginny was sure the man’s trousers would turn up eventually. Her own mother had also had to be taken home some hours before, after consuming an entire bottle of aged elven wine by herself. Fortunately, Arthur Weasley had arrived after finishing work and had remained relatively sober during the evening, and was thus able to help his wife through the Floo.

Between them, she and Harry managed to stumble up the stairs towards his bedroom. They were able to get his door open without him falling over and Ginny was just trying to decide if she could get away with spending the night here when a scream roused her out of her stupor. A light came on and Ginny saw a young woman lying on Harry’s bed, desperately trying to cover herself with a sheet.

“Tonks?” Harry mumbled in shock, the sight of the topless young woman obviously enough to sober him up somewhat.

“Bloody hell, Harry! Don’t you know how to knock?” the girl cursed.

“This is my room,” Harry pointed out flatly.

“What? Oh… bugger. I thought this was a guest room. I guess it does look like your room, now I think about it,” Tonks muttered while still clutching a sheet about her.

While they were talking, Ginny was looking with interest at the other body lying on the bed. The man was desperately trying to hide his face under a pillow, but only partially succeeding. Ginny broke into a wide smile when she realised who it was.

“Hello, Remus,” Ginny said loudly. She heard Harry gasp beside her.

The man sheepishly removed the pillow from his face and sat up. He was shirtless and his hair was in disarray. He also looked immensely embarrassed.

“Oh, hello, Ginny,” Remus said shamefacedly. “It appears that we’re in the wrong room.”

“Yeah, it does,” Harry said with his voice brimming with laughter. “There’s a spare room across the way if you need it.”

“Of course,” he replied. “Umm, would you two kindly give us a moment to make ourselves presentable?”

“Sure,” Ginny giggled and pulled Harry out of the room. They stood outside desperately trying not to laugh. A minute later, a harassed-looking Remus and Tonks exited the room and stood looking embarrassed.

“Err… you see… the thing is… “Remus mumbled.

“Oh, shut it, Remus,” Ginny laughed. “There’s no need to get all red in the face. Everyone’s been waiting for you two to get together for ages.”

“Yeah,” Harry agreed. “In fact, I think you pair should make good use of that spare room over there.”

Remus turned bright red, but Tonks just shook her head and grabbed the man’s arm, dragging him towards the room Harry had indicated.

“Night-night, you two,” Ginny called. “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.”

Tonks’ response was limited to two raised fingers before she and Remus vanished into the room and closed the door behind them. As soon as they disappeared from sight Harry and Ginny both collapsed in laughter.

“Oh, did you see the look on their faces,” Ginny said, tears of laughter dripping down her cheek.

“Yeah! Remus looked like a naughty schoolboy who had been caught doing something inappropriate behind the broom sheds,” Harry snorted.

Ginny looked over at her boyfriend who seemed to have snapped out of his earlier stupor. Perhaps the evening could end up even better than she hoped.

“Well, you seem to have made a good recovery,” she purred, running her hands up and down his chest.

“I was just tired before,” he explained. “I really haven’t had that much to drink. I think the sight of those two woke me up.”

“Since you’re so awake, maybe we should follow their example,” Ginny suggested.

“You know, I always did think that Remus was a fine role-model,” Harry grinned.

They hurried into Harry’s bedroom and locked the door behind them.


Next morning, Ginny carefully peeked out around the bedroom door and was relieved to find the hallway empty.

“It’s all clear, Harry,” she whispered.

“Great, let’s head downstairs and find some breakfast,” Harry said softly. “Remember, if anyone asks you stayed in the spare room on the top floor. No one would think of using that one.”

Quietly as they could, they crept down the stairs and headed towards the kitchen. Once they entered the room they found Eva and, much to their surprise, Sirius already up.

“Morning, kids,” Sirius greeted them in a pained voice.

“Three Hangover Potions and he’s still feeling delicate,” Eva laughed. “Would you believe he wanted to lie around in bed all day? Honestly, things are going to change once were married.”

“I never really got the chance to talk to you about that last night,” Ginny noted. “Just how did you manage to make this old dog pop the question? You weren’t even a couple when we left for school.”

“I guess I have Harry to thank for that,” Eva said, smiling fondly at the pair of them. “He convinced me to confess to Sirius what I’d done and what my true feelings were. I honestly thought that Sirius would demand that I leave and never return, but after a week or so he came to me and said he wanted to try and make a go of a relationship with me. Needless to say, things went very well and he proposed to me last week.”

“Nice to see you’re developing some sense in your old age, Sirius,” Harry teased.

“It’s a shocking idea, isn’t it?” Sirius laughed. “I admit, when Eva came to me and said she’d manipulated me into sleeping with her, I nearly blew my top. But when I sat and thought about it, I must confess I’d done things nearly as bad in the past, so it would be hypocritical of me to complain too much. Besides, it’s not like I didn’t enjoy the results.”

Eva blushed a brilliant shade of red.

“But when she explained why she did what she did, it really got me thinking,” he continued. “I’m thirty-six next year and for the first time in my life I have real responsibilities that I am determined not to mess up. I’m too old to be chasing young witches and staying up all hours drinking myself into a stupor. No, I realised it was time to grow-up and find a woman to have a proper relationship. The more I thought about it the more I realised that woman could be Eva, so I sat down and talked with her and we agreed to give it a go. I can honestly say that the last four months have been the happiest of my life. For the first time I can really understand what your parents had together, Harry, and now I’ve got that for myself, I never want it to end.”

“And it won’t, my love,” Eva told him, crossing the kitchen to place a gentle kiss on his forehead.

“Well, I think this is wonderful,” Harry said vehemently. “You’ll both be brilliant for each other.”

“When’s the wedding going to be?” Ginny asked eagerly.

“In the summer,” Eva confirmed. “Ginny, I was wondering, I don’t have much family left anymore, and very few close friends; would you consider being my bridesmaid?”

“Eva, I would love to!” Ginny exclaimed happily.

“I would ask you to be my best man, Harry, but I’ve already promised the job to Remus,” Sirius said apologetically.

“That’s fine,” Harry said dismissively. “He’s your oldest friend, he should do it.”

“I would have loved your father to be at my side when I finally got married,” Sirius said wistfully. “Mind you, he and Lily would have had a field day teasing me. I think I declared that I would be a bachelor for life a few times to them. They would have loved rubbing my nose in it.”

“Yeah, and quite rightly, I expect. I bet you gave my dad a load of grief for getting married so young,” Harry noted.

Sirius gave a carefree wave of his hand. “We all make mistakes,” he agreed, “however, I am in far too happy to be wound up by you, my lad. In fact, I’m in such a good mood I won’t even ask where young Miss Weasley here spent the night.”

“In the spare room on the top floor,” Harry answered automatically.

“Of course she did,” Sirius smirked and Eva laughed. Clearly, they weren’t fooling anyone.

Further conversation was halted by what Ginny at first thought was that an Inferi shuffling into the room, but on closer inspection proved to be her brother, George.

“I don’t suppose there happens to be a spare Hangover Potion about that I could borrow?” George mumbled, his eyes red and face puffy.

“Over on the sideboard,” Eva said pointing. “As soon as Sirius announced he wanted to throw an engagement party I took the liberty of stocking up on them.”

“Do you see why I love her?” Sirius grinned.

George said nothing, but lurched over to the sideboard and grabbed one of the blue bottles that were lined up there. With trembling hands, he pulled out the stopper and downed the contents of the bottle in one.

“Oh, sweet Merlin, that’s better,” he sighed contentedly afterwards.

“Come sit down and I’ll get Dobby to rustle you up a good breakfast,” Eva said kindly. “Harry, Ginny; you must be hungry, too?”

“Definitely,” Harry confirmed. “Two Dobby breakfast specials, please,”

“Morning,” George greeted them groggily as he slid into the chair next to Ginny. “I don’t think I’ve said that yet, have I?”

“Nah, I think any form of coherent speech was beyond you, before,” Harry smirked.

“Oi, I’ve got a bone to pick with you, George Weasley,” said Ginny angrily. “What were you playing at snogging Angelina Johnson last night? How can you stab Fred in the back like that?”

“What are you talking about, Gin-Gin?” George asked in puzzlement. “Angelina isn’t going out with Fred anymore.”

“What?” Ginny exclaimed. “When did this happen?”

“Oh, just a few days ago,” George explained casually. “He’s going out with Alicia now.”

“Wait a minute,” Harry interrupted. “I thought you were going out with Alicia.”

“I was, but we split up,” George replied.

“When?” Harry asked.

“Oh, just a few days ago,” George grinned. “I’m going out with Angelina now.”

“Are you telling me that just a few days ago you two just decided to swap girlfriends?” Ginny asked in amazement.

“Yep, but it’s not a great surprise really, is it? After all, it was only going to be a matter of time before Angelina noticed that I’m much better looking than Fred,” George explained happily before be frowned. “Mind you, for some reason Alicia got it into her head that Fred was much better looking than me. I can’t imagine how that poor girl started to think that.”

Ginny looked at Harry for a moment before they both burst out laughing.

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