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Family Lost, Family Found
By Pottermum

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Category: Alternate Universe
Characters:Harry/Ginny, Nymphadora Tonks, Remus Lupin, Sirius Black
Genres: Angst, Drama, General, Romance, Tragedy
Warnings: Extreme Language, Intimate Sexual Situations
Story is Complete
Rating: R
Reviews: 73
Summary: Ginny has grown up surrounded by the love of her family. On a Halloween night when she is seven, it is lost. Years later, with the return of Harry to England, the family she thought she lost, may become the family she finds.
Hitcount: Story Total: 39288; Chapter Total: 3782


Harry fingered the collar on his shirt. He had decided to go with the formal wizard wear and wear a cloak for the occasion. Remus and Sirius had agreed and were doing the same.

Tonks and Remus's wedding had gone ahead, with one bridesmaid short. It had been a low-key affair, as most of the guests were also aware of Molly Weasley's death. They accepted that Ginny had done the right thing by stepping down, and must surely need time to grieve.

Harry longed to see her. He felt as though the universe was trying to keep them apart, and wondered if it was a sign. At the very least, he wanted to offer his condolences. He had heard of the tragedy of her family, surprised that she had lost most of her family the same night he had lost his.

Remus and Sirius had been talking quietly, and it was starting to get on Harry's nerves. They had been doing this frequently, and he would often hear them saying, “Should we tell him,” or “He deserves to know the truth.” Then they would look at him, and look away when he faced them.

Tonks came into the suite. “Ready?” she asked Sirius and Remus.

They looked at each other and sighed, then nodded. Sirius handed Harry a piece of paper. “Read this and Apparate to the address,” he said.

Harry looked down, memorising the address, and Apparated to Number twelve, Grimmauld Place. A couple of pops behind him indicated Tonks, Remus and Sirius had arrived.

“Let's go in,” said Sirius, brusquely. He brushed past Harry and went in cautiously.

Harry followed Sirius, and Remus and Tonks followed Harry. They all looked around, curious to see what the place looked like. Remus and Sirius hadn't been there since that Halloween night. Tonks hadn't been there since just before the Final Battle.

“I've been here before,” murmured Harry, looking around.

As they went into the kitchen, Harry was surprised to see a young man, similar in age to himself, and an older lady. They were conversing with an old house elf, one of the oldest Harry had ever since.

“Master Black. It is an honour that you have returned to your family home,” bowed the house elf. “I hope you find everything is to your liking.”

Sirius tried to smile. “Thank you Kreacher. The house looks well maintained. I'm not sure if I'll have time to look through it today, but I will certainly make time soon.”

The young man approached Harry. “Hello again, gentlemen. Hello, I'm Neville Longbottom, and this is my grandmother, Augusta,” he said, holding out his hand to Harry.

Harry shook it, and nodded to Augusta, who, he was aware, was watching him closely. “It's a pleasure. I'm Harry,” he said.

Neville stepped back. “So, I'm really not sure why all the secrecy in coming today but can we please get on with it. I really want to go to Shell Cottage, and see Gin.”

Harry glared at the familiarity this man had with Ginny. Tonks lay a comforting arm on Harry, as she replied to Neville. “We know, Nev. This shouldn't take long, will it Remus?”

“Remus, what's going on?” asked Harry, impatiently.

Remus sighed and stood up. “We have brought both of you here today for a reason. All those years ago, both your families faced a tragedy. You boys were only eight years old at the time. In fact, Neville is only one day older than Harry. James and Frank actually had a wager on which wife would give birth first. Frank won by a matter of hours,” said Remus, smiling sadly.

Neville and Harry looked at each other. “Our parents were good friends?” asked Neville.

Augusta nodded. “Yes, they were close with each other and the Weasley family. They were the only families in the Order with young children.”

“So, we knew each other too? Why don't I remember him?” asked Harry, pointing between him and Neville.

Sirius took over. “On that night, that terrible night, three families were torn apart. You four kids were so traumatised, we decided it would be better for you to have a partial memory charm placed on you. Harry, you wouldn't remember your close friends, the Weasleys and Longbottoms, and Neville, you only knew the Potters as the tragic figures who died by the hand of Voldemort that night.”

“What?” cried Harry and Neville, stunned at this news. They looked at each other in shock.

“Neville, please understand. By the time the shocking news of your parents torture had come through, Sirius and Remus had already taken Harry and left the country. You had Ronald and Ginny to help you, and for you to help them. Unfortunately, when little Ginny heard about the Potters she became hysterical, which upset you and Ronald terribly. We were giving you all Dreamless Sleep potions every night, but they are highly addictive. Albus and I decided to do it, and I'd do it again if I had to,” Augusta said defiantly.

Neville got up and stormed out. Harry watched him go, then turned to Sirius and Remus. “Take it off. Take them all off, me and Neville. Right now,” he demanded.

Sirius put his hand on his shoulder, but Harry shrugged it off in anger. “That's why we are here. Go and get Neville, will you?”

Neville was pacing up and down the hall. “Can you believe they did this? I want it off. I want to remember,” he said, angrily. He punched the wall.

Harry nodded, “Let's go,” he said, and together they walked back into the kitchen.

Sirius pointed to the chairs. “Sit here, boys.” They sat.

Remus stood in front of Harry and Augusta in front of Neville. They waved their wands and said an incantation.

Harry felt a sharp pain in his head, then it was like flipping through a child's picture book, as memories were restored in their right order. He placed his hands on either side of his head, running them up and down. It seemed to help ease the strain. Next to him, he heard Neville give a cry.

“I remember. Merlin, I remember everything,” he cried.

Harry sat up and looked at Neville. He remembered a round faced chubby boy. A boy who was good natured and fun. He had been Harry's best friend. They'd had sleep overs and birthday parties together. They'd traded Wizard cards with Ron, and secretly envied him his little sister-

“Ginny!” gasped Neville. He turned to look at Harry, then Sirius, Remus and his grandmother.

“You have to give her memories back too,” he said.

Augusta nodded. “Not today, though. She will be dealing with enough today.”

Neville sighed. He turned to Harry. “Will you be coming to the funeral? I-I'd really like to get a chance to talk to you, but Ginny needs me today. Tonks, you're coming, right?”

Tonks nodded. “Yes, we're all coming. Why don't you go on ahead, Nev. We'll bring your grandmother through. I think we just need some more time to think about what just happened. We'll see you at the church in Devon.”

Neville nodded. He looked at his grandmother and nodded, then turned to leave. Augusta let out a sigh. “I hope one day he will understand.”

Remus looked at Harry, who had kept quiet. “Harry? Is there anything you want to ask? Or yell at us?”

Harry looked at Remus, then Sirius. “I remember everything, too. I remember being here that night.
I was sick, so M-Mum and Dad took me home. They gave me a potion for the pain, and Mum was laying down with me, rubbing my head. It was just like...” Harry couldn't go on.

“What, Harry?” asked Sirius, quietly.

“It was just like Ginny had done for me, when we were here. We were playing upstairs, while you had your meeting. Then I started to feel sick. Ginny sat with me, and I lay my head in her lap while she rubbed my head. We were waiting for the meeting to be over. Auntie Molly came to tell us she was going to pop back to the Burrow to check on Uncle Arthur and the boys, and was going to come back for Ginny. I started to feel sick,” said Harry, lost in his memories.

“I saw you kids come down, and I teased you because Ginny was holding your hand. Then I left, thinking Ginny was with Gideon and Fabian. I went to the Ministry on guard duty. Remus wasn't there, it was the night after his transformation,” explained Sirius to Tonks.

“Mum and Dad were going to go somewhere with Uncle Frank and Auntie Alice, but when Mum saw I was sick, she and Dad took me home. Ginny, Ron and Nev went back upstairs, and that was the last time I saw them,” said Harry, sadly.

“When Molly didn't come back straight away, Gideon and Fabian said they'd go and see what was taking so long. Frank and Alice left to go to the Ministry, and the meeting was over, with plans to meet again the next day, to see what they found. They were looking for a prophecy in the Department of Mysteries,” said Augusta.

“Then everything went to hell,” said Sirius, harshly. “The Weasley men, Gideon and Fabian killed. Molly tortured into insanity. Frank and Alice the same. James and Lily...”

Everyone was quiet, as they reflected on the events of that night.

“What about the kids?” asked Tonks.

“I was taking Ron and Neville back to Frank and Alice's house. Molly was supposed to return, then take Ginny to stay with Muriel, one of Arthur's aunts. When things were taking so long at the Burrow, we all got a bit worried. We knew something had gone wrong. Molly and Arthur lived for their children, so if they couldn't get word to us about what was wrong, we imagined the worst. Finally word came through that our fears had proved true.

“We told them the next day what had happened. Ronald and Neville cried, but little Ginny was numb. She just sat there. She didn't speak for such a long time. Then she asked if she could go and stay with Auntie Lil and Uncle Prongs. When I told her what had happened to them, she became hysterical. She was crying for you, Harry. She wanted to be with you,” said Augusta.

Harry's heart ached for what Ginny had been through. “Why didn't we take her and Ron with us?” he asked, Sirius and Remus.

“Pettigrew,” spat out Remus, in disgust. “The one that betrayed us all. He was here that night, at the meeting. He listened to all our plans, then let Voldemort know. His Death Eaters were waiting for Alice and Frank, and the Weasleys. Voldemort took care of James and Lily himself. Albus had sent a Patronus to Sirius and me. Sirius left for Godric's Hollow, while I met with Peter, to find out what had gone wrong. He was the one who told me all the Weasleys had been killed, except the two eldest boys at Hogwarts.”

“If we'd known, of course we would have taken Ron and Ginny with us. But you were our priority, Harry. We had to get you away. Remus and I quickly decided to leave the country,” said Sirius.

“So, I was the priority. Why? Because of the prophecy? You needed to keep me alive, because, according to the damn prophecy, I was the only one who could defeat Voldemort. If we had only stayed another day, we would have known about Ron and G-Ginny. We could have helped them, taken them with us,” said Harry, shakily.

Remus looked at Harry sadly. “You're right, Harry, and hindsight is a wonderful thing. But we made the best decision that we could at the time. Don't ever think it was only to do with the prophecy. We didn't even know the damn thing then. You were, and will always be our priority, because we promised your parents we would always be there for you.”

Harry stood up. “I need some air. And we have a funeral to attend,” he said, stone faced. He got up and walked out of the room, down the hall and out the door.

Sirius let out a deep breath. “I don't want to go through that again,” he said.

“Well, you probably will, when we tell Ginny,” sighed Tonks. “I think she'll be just as pissed as Harry and Neville are. Come on, Ginny needs our support today, Let's focus on that.”

Ginny and Bill stood together. Hermione was at Bill's other side, while Neville stayed at Ginny's other side. They watched the coffin lower into the ground. Molly Weasley was finally laid to rest next to her beloved Arthur, and in the midst of her children Charlie, Fred, George, Percy and Ron.

Harry and Tonks stood behind Ginny. She was so pale, Harry wondered if she would pass out. The paleness of her face contrasted with the freckles on her face, and the black of her cloak. Harry saw a lone tear run down her cheek.

Bill swayed, and Hermione put an arm around him. As the priest concluded the ceremony, guests moved slowly around to pay their respects to Bill and Ginny. Neville whispered in Ginny's ear, and she seemed to come out of her daze to offer her hand to people.

Neville took her arm, and escorted her back to the church, where they had set up a tea and cake service. Harry watched as Neville lead her around to talk to people. She continually looked back to find out where Bill was. She didn't spare Harry a look.

At one point, Neville left Ginny talking to Tonks. The two women hugged, with Tonks showing Ginny her wedding ring. Harry turned away to talk to someone, and when he turned back, Ginny and Tonks were gone.

He headed out of the church, looking for some sunshine and fresh air. Tonks came out to stand with him, and Sirius and Remus soon followed.

“How is she?” asked Harry, to Tonks.

“Devastated,” said Tonks, somberly.

They stood around for several minutes talking, when Neville came out of the church. “Have you seen Ginny?” he asked, worriedly.

“No,” said Tonks. “I left her inside.”

“She's not there,” said Neville.

“What do mean, she's not there?” asked Harry.

“She's not there, all right. No-one knows where she is,” said Neville frantically.

“Is there a ladies room in there?” asked Tonks.

“It's a church, Tonks. No,” said Neville.

“Let's scout around out here. Nev, go back inside love. Maybe Bill knows where she is,” suggested Tonks.

Neville nodded, and went back inside.

Harry, Sirius and Remus explored the cemetery and nearby grounds. The groundskeeper hadn't seen her. Tonks came over after to speaking to Neville again.

“She's not in there. Bill's going crazy. We need to find her,” she said.

“I'm going to her flat. Maybe she went there?” said Neville.

Tonks nodded. “Good. I'm going to Apparate to Wales. She may have bunkered down in Holyhead. She often says flying helps her put things in perspective.”

“I'll go with you, love. Any other suggestions?” asked Remus.

Tonks shrugged. “Back to Shell Cottage?”

“I'll try there,” said Sirius.

Within seconds they were gone. A niggle was in Harry's mind. A memory popped up. Ginny and him, flying at the Burrow. She had a fight with Ron, after he'd teased her with George and Fred. Harry had come over to play with Ron, but came to say hello to her.

He had ended up flying with her, then she took him to her special spot. It was near the pond, with some lovely wildflowers growing nearby. A tree trunk was hollowed out, and it was big enough for Ginny and Harry to squeeze into.

“This is my favourite place in the Burrow. It's all mine. I'm close enough to the house that I can hear Mummy cooking in the kitchen, and Daddy working in his shed. I can Fred and George planning something in their room, and Ronnie listening to the wireless. No-one knows it's here, except me, and now you,” she said, curling her body into his so they could fit comfortably.

Harry had felt like he'd been given a gift. He had envied her big family, even though Ron complained constantly about them all. So many brothers, always having someone around to talk to or play with. Harry's greatest wish was for a brother like Neville, or a sister like Ginny.

Harry Apparated to the Burrow. He was shocked at how over-run it was. The house was torn down, since the night the Death Eaters had attacked. He tried to remember the location of the pond. He soon found the familiar path, despite the overgrowth.

He found the pond, and followed it around. He checked so many tree trunks, until finally he found her. She had fallen asleep amongst the wildflowers, her long red hair entangled in their foliage. Tear tracks marred her face.

He knelt down to her. “Ginny,” he called softly.

She stirred briefly, then stilled. He called her again, and she stirred again. She rolled over to face him. He realised it was the first time she had seen the real Harry.

“I feel like I know you,” she murmured, looking over his face.

“Yes,” he said softly. “You can't stay here.”

Ginny nodded sadly. “There's nothing left for me here. Not anymore.”

Harry spoke. “I'm sorry.”

Ginny sighed. “That's all I've heard today. Please, take me away. Away from everyone and everything.”

Harry nodded, and put her arm around his neck. He put his arms under her knees and stood up. Her head rolled against his chest. He took a step and Apparated them away from the Burrow.

They landed in the large room in a grand house. It was just as it was the other day Harry had arrived. A pop indicated that his new house elf was aware Harry was in the house.

“Oh, Mr Harry Potter sir, Dobby is so excited to see you return to Potter Manor. What can Dobby be doing for Mr Harry Potter today?”

Harry smiled at the elf's exuberance. He couldn't help but like him. “Hello, Dobby. This is my guest, Ginny Weasley. She's been through an ordeal, and needs a room to rest in. Can you take us upstairs, please?”

With a click of his fingers, Dobby transported them upstairs. Ginny appeared to be asleep. Harry looked around, pleased with the large bedroom. He lay Ginny on the bed. She whimpered at the loss of his body heat.

“Maybe some tea and sandwiches, Mr Harry Potter. For you and your Miss Wheezy,” said Dobby.

“That sounds good, Dobby. Thank you. Is the floo open?” he asked.

“No, Mr Harry Potter. Shall I-”

“NO! Please, let no-one in. Ginny needs her rest,” said Harry.

“Yes sir, Mr Harry Potter. Dobby will go now,” said Dobby, and with a click of his fingers he was gone.

Harry sent a Patronus to Tonks, asking her to let Bill and Neville know he'd found Ginny and that he'd taken her somewhere safe. He promised to be in touch soon.

He toed off his shoes, removed his cloak and climbed into the bed. He pulled the covers over Ginny and him. Ginny turned into his warmth, and put an arm over his abdomen.

Harry pulled her close. He kissed her forehead. “I don't want to be alone anymore,” she whispered tiredly.

“I won't leave you. Go to sleep. You're safe here,” he said.

Ginny gave herself over to sleep, and the comfort she found in Harry's arms.

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