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Unity in Diversity
By hgromance

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Category: Alternate Universe
Characters:Dumbledore, Harry/Ginny, Hermione Granger, Minerva McGonagall, Neville Longbottom, Other
Genres: Action/Adventure, Drama, Romance
Warnings: Mild Sexual Situations
Rating: PG-13
Reviews: 118
Summary: Sequel to The Beast Within. Highly reccommend you read that first. Harry and Ginny make new friends, find a few rivals, and generally enjoy themselves until danger is thrust upon Harry once again.
Hitcount: Story Total: 61519; Chapter Total: 2796


Trust your instincts, and make judgments on what your heart tells you. The heart will not betray you.
---David Gemmell, Fall of Kings

Suddenly energized, Ginny jumped up, thanked Sirius for going through all the trouble to bring her back, then rushed off in the direction of the stables where Sirius had last seen Harry. She couldn't wait to see him again, despite the fact she'd seen him just yesterday. She hoped what Sirius had said was true, and that Harry had been able to have some fun. Well, she'd know soon enough.

Her smile widened as she drew close enough to hear Harry's crooning voice as he talked to some creature. Just outside the open stable door, Ginny stopped and took a moment to catch her breath, to calm her racing heart. When she had gained some control, she stepped inside and paused to let her eyes adjust to the darker interior, even though sunlight streamed in and lamps were lit on the walls.

Once she could see clearly, she saw Chris a short distance away, manually sweeping the dust from the wooden floor. Harry's voice drifted to her from somewhere beyond Chris but she couldn't see him. Chris' back was to her and she started to speak up when he turned, saw her and smiled. He quickly motioned for her to remain quiet. He glanced over his shoulder before stealing over to her.

“Nice to see you're back,” he whispered. “Harry's missed you. I'm going to take a quick bathroom break, give you time to yourselves for a few minutes.” Chris pointed towards the end of the stable. “He's in the last stall, currently brushing a Granian, a new mother who has taken a liking to him.”

Again, before Ginny could respond, Chris called out to let Harry know he would be alone for a few minutes. Chris winked at Ginny when Harry acknowledged Chris' announcement. As quietly as she could, Ginny made her way toward the stall Harry occupied, barely breathing, hoping Harry's sensitive hearing didn't pick up her approach, completely ignoring the other creatures in the stable. She couldn't wait to see Harry's expression when she made her presence known to him.

Reaching the last stall, she peeked in — and nearly gave herself away. Harry had his back to her, standing on a wooden crate so that he could fully brush the gray, overlarge winged horse, talking softly to the mare. All that Ginny could actually see of her boyfriend was his mop of messy hair and his lower legs and feet. The rest of him was hidden behind one wing, though she figured it could be worse. He could be completely hidden by an Abraxan's wing. Thank Merlin for small favors! She quietly set the treacle tart on the floor beside her.

Casually leaning against the wall, Ginny folded her arms across her chest. “Should I be concerned, Harry? Stepping out on me already?”

An instant silence followed her words. Then, the brush Harry had been using clattered as it bounced off the wooden crate and onto the floor. His head popped out from behind the horse's wing, absolute joy lighting his face. It was an expression Ginny knew she would never forget.

“You're back!”


All day, Harry had tried to keep his mind off Ginny. What was she doing? Was she alright? He missed having her close. He had actually found himself grateful for this odd holiday. Rather than sitting idle and brooding about what he couldn't immediately change, he'd been kept busy out in the stable. For the most part, the labor successfully kept his mind from wandering, with only the occasional lapse in his focus. It had been a little better when Chris had come to join him. They'd talked and laughed as they'd worked.

Now, however, Harry found himself alone again as he brushed the Granian mare, making sure to get up under her wing. He smiled when she exhaled a deep fluttering breath.

“Feel better, do you? That's good. Wouldn't want you out of sorts with that little one to keep up with.”

Chris had teased him about the apparent attachment the mare had, but Harry didn't mind. He'd actually responded by telling Chris what Ginny had told him once: Horses were rather excellent at sensing a person's intentions, and perhaps, even their characters. In Harry's opinion, a magical horse would be the same.

His movements slowed as his thoughts centered on Ginny again, but the mare shifted her weight, gently bumping him to get him moving once more. “Sorry, Fráliga. I'm not very focused today. You see, my girlfriend is due back at some point today, and I can't wait to see her again. I mean, I just saw her yesterday, but it seems like she's been gone much longer than that.” The mare carefully lifted her wing and pulled Harry against her in what could only be interpreted as a hug.

Then, the sweetest voice Harry had ever heard jerked him away from the mare, and caused him to drop the brush he'd been using. Had he heard right? Surely he hadn't imagined the sound of Ginny's voice. Harry managed to look past the Granian's wing. Ginny leaned against the doorway to the stall, her arms over her chest as she watched him with brows raised. What had she said? Harry decided it didn't really matter. Ginny was back!

“You're back!”

Elation surged inside, kicking his pulse into high gear. Leaping off the crate, Harry reached Ginny in a few long strides, enthusiastically wrapping her up in his arms and kissing her. Eventually, breathing became necessary, so he ended the kiss, letting his forehead fall to hers.

“I missed you,” he whispered, “more than I thought was possible.” Harry inhaled deeply, her flowery scent comforting him.

“I missed you, too, Harry. It seemed like I could actuallyfeel every mile between us, and it wasn't pleasant. Harry, I hope you don't think I intentionally left you.”

Harry squirmed a bit but didn't move away from her. He couldn't make himself let go of her — not yet. “I did, at first, and I'm really sorry. I should never have doubted you. Please don't be mad at me.”

Harry felt Ginny's hands slide out from around his waist and he sighed, thinking he'd pushed her too far this time. He actually startled when he felt those small hands cup his face. When he opened his eyes, he found her watching him, compassion and love shining in her bright brown ones.

“Of course I'm not angry with you, Harry. Why would I be? Because of a moment of doubt? I'm not a fickle girlfriend. My heart doesn't work that way. Once it's given, it's given forever. Now and forever, Harry, you have my heart.”

Harry couldn't help himself. Leaning forward, he brushed her lips with his in the sweetest, the most tender kiss he'd ever shared with her. He could have continued kissing Ginny like that for hours, but the mare behind him impatiently shuffled around, bringing his mind back to what he was supposed to be doing.

Ginny snickered after he stepped back. “So, Harry, you never answered my questions. Have I been replaced?”

Harry took one of Ginny's hands, lacing their fingers together, then dropped a brief kiss to her fingers. “Of course not. Come on. I'll introduce you.” He led her back to the Granian, picking up the brush as he approached the mare's head from the side so they could be seen. “Fráliga, this is Ginny, my girlfriend. She loves horses. I think you'll like her, too.”

The Granian nickered softly, took in Ginny's scent, then, using her head, nudged Ginny's hand. Ginny took the hint and rubbed the mare's nose. “Hello, there. You're beautiful. You're a lot bigger than I thought Granians were, though. When Chris said Harry was with you, I was expecting you to be the size of a regular horse.”

“Oh, yeah, she's the exception, it seems,” Harry explained. “At least according to Miss Fossey, the Care of Magical Creatures teacher. She's currently giving Fráliga's foal a check-up. When did you see Chris?”

Ginny giggled. “Chris saw me when I stepped into the stable, shushed me before I could say a word. That's really why he left, to give us some time alone.”

Harry grinned. “I'll have to thank him later.”

Harry let Ginny brush Fráliga awhile — after first washing his hands and sharing the treacle tart Ginny had made. He and Ginny talked, Harry telling how Miss Lena had chatted with him and actually made him feel a little better. He steered clear of the embarrassing talk with Sirius. There wasn't any need to go there. Since Ginny needed both hands to do the job of brushing the mare properly, Harry stood behind her and let his fingers trace her plait, occasionally dipping a fingertip into it, enjoying her hair's silky softness.

Standing so close to her brought about a rather physical response, and twice, he leaned forward to kiss Ginny's neck, only to stop himself before he could. Hoping she hadn't noticed a thing, he slid his fingers into the hair above her plait, and imagined it spilling into his hands. As hot as it was here, he figured she wouldn't be wearing her hair down very much, and that was a shame. Swallowing with a bit of difficulty, he forced himself to not think those sorts of thoughts, though he couldn't give up playing with her hair.

A short time later, Miss Fossey brought the foal back into the stall, greeted Ginny, praised the two of them on their work, then asked them to check the salamanders' fire, to give it a bit of stoking if necessary. She assured them the fire was no hotter than the average fire in a fireplace. They spent the remainder of the morning making sure all the animals that needed it had food and fresh water. By lunchtime, they were starving. Each quickly washed, then returned to the dining room, grabbed something to eat and wolfed it down. Luckily for them, everyone else was just as hungrily eating.


Hermione looked up as the door to the magical room opened, admitting Ron and Neville. She'd told them that morning that she would be contacting Harry and Ginny after dinner. She was mildly surprised that Ron had managed to drag himself away from the table in time to accompany Neville. She supposed he was more eager to talk to Harry and Ginny than he let on.

“Have you called them yet?” Ron asked, dragging out his own magical mirror from his front pocket.

“No. I was just going to, though.”

She waited while the boys took seats opposite her. She'd made the room a small copy of the Gryffindor common room. They currently sat next to a roaring fire. Looking into her own magical mirror, she called out to Harry. Ron and Neville echoed her call, looking into their own mirrors.

“I hope I'm not disturbing them. It's just half noon there; maybe I should have waited a little longer.”

Before either of her companions could respond, her friends' faces appeared in her mirror. “Hermione! Ron! Neville!” they exclaimed at once. Ginny continued with, “It's good to hear from you! Harry and I had hoped it wouldn't be too much longer before we did.”

“How are things there, Hermione?” Harry asked somewhat warily. “Not too bad I hope.”

“Things are improving, but the Hogwarts rumor mill was certainly grinding away a few days ago.”

Ron scrunched up his face in disgust. “Right. That first day was awful. The things that were being spread about you were just … I mean, bloody hell, how do people come up with that kind of stuff?”

Hermione could feel Harry's anger as she watched the muscle in his jaw flex. Hoping to smooth things over, she said, “No one who matters actually believes any of it.”

“What's being said?” Harry asked, his voice tight with barely suppressed fury. “Is it just my name, or are they dragging Ginny's name through the dragon dung, too?”

Hermione winced and stammered. Ron had no such problem. He spat his response with such venom that it drew Hermione's gaze. The tips of his ears were red, as were his cheeks. “My personal favorite, though,” Ron continued bitterly, “is the one Malfoy keeps spouting about Ginny being pregnant! With pups! It's all over the Prophet, too!”

In her mirror, Harry and Ginny were a study of contrasts. Harry's face had turned ashen, eyes wide with shock. Ginny, on the other hand, had fire burning in her eyes, two spots of color blossoming on her cheeks. Hermione started to reassure the two again that no one really believed what was being said, but her view suddenly tilted and all she could see was strips of grass. Harry's and Ginny's voices were muffled. It dawned on Hermione that Harry's mirror had been placed, face down, on a bench. Ginny's muted voice grew heated, while Harry's voice remained unemotional — or maybe morose, knowing Harry as much as Hermione thought she did.

Hermione looked over at her companions, catching Neville's eye. Neville simply shrugged. Her gaze landed on Ron; her irritation spiked. “You just couldn't leave it alone, could you? You just had to say that, didn't you? It would have been sufficient to say that rumors were going around about both of them. You didn't have to give them any details! And did you really have to sound as if you were blaming Harry? I'm almost certain that's how he took it, if his expression was anything to go by!”

Ron sighed. “Yeah, I know. I shouldn't have said anything. It just still makes me angry thinking about it. I'll apologize as soon as they come back.” A half-second later, Harry and Ginny returned. “Harry, I'm sorry for that. I didn't mean to sound as if I was blaming you. I don't blame you. The both of you leaving was necessary. Don't worry about what happens here. Me, Hermione, and Neville will take care of things.”

A burst of pride at Ron's words warmed Hermione and she smiled. “Well said, Ron.”

“Thanks, Ron,” Harry said. “I know you didn't mean it the way it sounded. I'll be writing to the Prophet. I won't be giving much away, of course, but at least it'll be some sort of explanation. I should have thought of that sooner, really. I'm sorry Ginny's reputation is being ruined.”

Ron waved away Harry's apology. “As Hermione said, no one who matters actually believes all that drivel. Don't worry about Mum and Dad, either. We all rather expected things to get public. I just never expected the extent of some people's imaginations.”

“Now that that's settled,” Ginny said after a moment of silence, “has Dumbledore been hard on you at all? Has he pushed you for information?”

“He visited once, just before term began,” Hermione replied. “Then, he requested I see him after the Welcome Feast. Again, he asked me if I knew where you two were. I told him I didn't know, which of course, I didn't. He hasn't asked me again.”

“He detained me after breakfast that first morning,” Ron added. “He asked me the same thing he asked Hermione. Of course, all I could say was that I hadn't a clue where you were.”

“He talked to me Saturday, after lunch,” Neville replied. “I don't think he was too happy about not getting the answer he wanted.”

“Oh, but if you could have seen his face when he realized you two weren't there!” Ron crowed gleefully.

“It was a bit comical,” Neville agreed with a slight smile. “He was making a special announcement about the upcoming year after the Sorting and looking around at everyone. Right in the middle of his speech, he stopped talking as he studied the Gryffindor table, looking for the two of you.”

Hermione continued the story. “I almost felt sorry for him when he went pale. Notice I said almost. I glanced over at Professor McGonagall to see if she'd noticed. She had.” She felt heat flood her cheeks. “I think she saluted me with her goblet when she took a drink. I'm certain I saw her give a little nod, and she had the tiniest of smiles on her face.”

“Well, it's Dumbledore's own fault we're not there,” Ginny said with a bit of sarcasm. “He obviously doesn't know where we are because he hasn't shown up here, either. I have to say, I'm a bit anxious for today to be over. Once classes begin here, he'll have a harder time trying to take us back if he ever does discover where we are.”

“What was the special announcement?” Harry asked. “Does it have anything to do with why you had to get dress robes?”

Enthusiasm rushed through Hermione, making her smile wider and her brown eyes sparkle. “Oh, it's fantastic! There's some sort of Tournament that Hogwarts is going to host this year! Dumbledore said it's between three schools. A champion from each school competes. At the end, the champion with the most points wins the Triwizard Cup, one thousand Galleons and -”

“And eternal glory,” Ron dreamily spoke over her. “Imagine what that would be like. All that money …”

“Yes, well,” Hermione sniffed somewhat disdainfully at Ron, not the least bit interested in glory or the prize money, “it's a rather dangerous Tournament, which is why the last one was held in 1792.”

Ron came out of his daydream, smirking at Hermione. “Done some research, have you?”

“A bit,” Hermione responded imperiously. “After all, we're going to be host to this thing. Shouldn't we know what it's all about?” She shook her head at Ron's unconcerned shrug. Turning back to Harry and Ginny, she continued with what she'd discovered, sounding as if she'd memorized the information from one of her books. “The Tournament consists of three daring tasks designed to test the Champions' courage, intelligence, resourcefulness, and magical ability. Each time the Tournament has been held, the tasks have been different. I'm rather excited to see what happens.”

“Where do the dress robes fit in?” Ginny asked.

“On Christmas Day, there's to be a Yule Ball held here at school since we're the host school! Isn't that exciting? I'm just sorry you'll be missing out, Ginny.”

Ginny shrugged. “That's okay, Hermione. I don't mind. I've done a lot of fantastic things already. Do you know what other schools will be competing?”

Anxiety fell onto Hermione like a wet blanket, dampening her enthusiasm. “Well, Dumbledore didn't say much, just that one school would be from Asia and the other from America.”

“Then, I'm extra glad classes start tomorrow — and I never thought I'd say that.”

“But you still don't think he knows we're here?” Harry asked, a bit worried. “That's an amazing coincidence if he doesn't.”

Hermione thought about it a minute, ultimately shaking her head. “I really don't think he does, Harry. He would have shown up by now if he did. He was that determined to find out where you are just a couple of days ago, determined enough to speak to the three of us independently. No, I think it's just one of those weird happenstances.”

Harry looked down for a moment, then back up. “We should go. It's almost time to start working again. It's been great to hear from you three. Oh, and Neville?”

“Yes, Harry?”

“I need you to do something for me. I need you to ask Dumbledore for the information regarding that Transformation Suppression Potion. According to Sirius, with it having been lost for so long, it now belongs to me and Ginny. Cite Article 24, Section A, Clause 10 if he gives you any trouble. I'll be sending Hedwig to you. Let me know if he doesn't cooperate. It's a bit of a test, to see if he's changed at all. Can you do that for me?”

Neville gulped audibly. “I, er, I suppose so, but why me? Wouldn't Hermione be a better choice?”

“Neville, your Gran is a very influential member of society. Unless I'm mistaken, she has the ear of several Wizengamot members. If Dumbledore refuses to follow the Ministry's own laws, contact her. The Longbottoms are a Noble House, Neville. People will listen.”

Hermione gaped at Harry. “How do you know all this, Harry? If I didn't know better, I'd have thought you were a Slytherin!”

A sly grin stole across Harry's face. “Sirius explained a few things to me, things Uncle Remus hadn't had a chance to tell me. Remember what I said to Seamus last year, Hermione. We're not all just one thing. All of us embody a bit of each of the Houses' characteristics; it's just what's predominant that placed us in our Houses.”

“That's true, I suppose.” Hermione smiled. “I think I like this side of you, Harry.”

“Which makes me glad we're here and you're there,” Ginny quipped, “or you might have a fight on your hands, Hermione. I have no plans to give Harry up — and I don't share.”

Harry chuckled and draped an arm over Ginny's shoulders, unself-consciously placing a kiss to Ginny's temple. Hermione grinned at the display. She couldn't recall seeing Harry so relaxed and uninhibited. The time away from Britain was already doing him a world of good. Ginny, too, looked more at peace. While Hermione would miss her friends, she knew this was exactly what the two of them needed. She let out a little envious sigh as she watched them. Chancing a peek at Ron, she rolled her eyes at his scowl.

Turning back to Ginny, she said, “Don't worry, Ginny. I have no designs on Harry.” Though, she almost wished she did. Certainly, the torture of seeing Harry with Ginny would be less painful than this waiting to be “seen.”

“Good to know,” Ginny said with a cheeky wink. A clanging bell sounded over Hermione's mirror. “That's our cue. Time to get back to work. It was good to see you all again. Take care. Hermione? Don't wait around. Enjoy yourself.”

Hermione knew exactly what Ginny's cryptic words meant. A blush blossomed on her cheeks. Refusing to look at either of her companions, she said to Ginny, “You know, I think you're right. I think I should have some fun this year.”

Harry grinned. “You deserve it. Feel free to contact us again, just keep in mind that we're six hours behind you. Neville, I'll be sending Hedwig off to you today, though it'll be several days before she gets there. You can do it. I know you can.”

“Thanks, Harry,” Neville said timidly. “I'll try.”

“Well, until the next time we can chat, goodbye.”

The surface of Hermione's mirror returned to normal. She had to admit to feeling a bit lonely without Harry and Ginny. Not that she wasn't happy to be friends with Ron and Neville, because she was, it was just that she had grown closer to Harry and Ginny in the past year. She straightened her shoulders. She was determined to be the best Hermione she could be; she hadn't lied to Ginny about wanting to change.

As she returned her mirror to her handbag, Ron's question froze her for half a second. “What did Ginny mean by waiting around?”

“Nothing, Ron. It's just girl talk.”

“Has anyone asked you to the Yule Ball, Hermione?” Neville asked as the three of them left the magical room.

“What kind of question is that?” Ron asked, disbelief coloring his voice. “Of course no one has asked yet. It's months away!”

Hermione huffed an irritated breath through her nose. “For your information, Ronald, some blokes don't leave things for the last minute. Some understand that girls like to have time to figure out what to wear or how to fix their hair. Some blokes know that those things are important to girls.”

“And some blokes are just mental for thinking like a girl,” Ron muttered.

Hermione whirled around to face Ron, her eyes narrowed in anger. Pointedly, she ignored Ron, turned to Neville and smiled sweetly. “Thanks for asking, Neville. To answer your question, however, no, no one has asked yet. Now, I should go to the library. I have Arithmancy homework and it's much easier to concentrate when it's quiet.”

As she stalked away, she was certain she heard Ron call her mental. It hurt. How could he be so thick? How could she be interested in someone so unsuitable? Perhaps a crush was all she felt and she'd get over it rather quickly. Who knew? Maybe someone from one of the other schools would take an interest in her. It would be absolutely brilliant to get to know someone from another country. Feeling a bit better, she put it out of her mind for the moment so that she could focus on the things she'd learned that day in Arithmancy.


Harry lay in bed, wide awake and staring up at the ceiling. Maybe it was just the fact that it was the second school he'd attended in as many years. That, certainly, would make anyone nervous, wouldn't it? Neither of his roommates sounded as if they were having any trouble sleeping. The good news was, neither of them snored. Harry rolled to his side, closed his eyes, and tried to relax. After a few moments, he opened his eyes again, sighing. It was no use. He just couldn't sleep!

Deciding it was best if he simply got up, Harry grabbed his glasses, donned his dressing gown, then stole out of his room, down the corridor and into the commons area. Sitting on one of the sofas by the unlit fireplace, he listened to the utter silence of the building. It was comforting somehow, relaxing. As he sat there, he attempted to imagine how the school year would be. Of course, with his limited experience, he really couldn't imagine much.

Muffled footsteps reached his ears and he quietly turned to see who else was up and about. He blinked in surprise when he realized who it was. “Ginny?” he called softly.

A soft gasp. “Harry?”

“Yeah, it's me. I'm over here by the fireplace. You couldn't sleep, either?” When Ginny joined him on the sofa, he reached out and took her hand. Giving it a gentle tug, he pulled her close to his side, draping his arm across her shoulders. “Why can't you sleep?”

Ginny shrugged. “I don't know. Too excited, I suppose.” She paused a moment before continuing. “A small part of me still expects to see Dumbledore come walking through the door. Until the first class begins, we could still be pulled out of school.”

“True, but I don't think we have to worry about it. That Tournament they have going on will surely take up all of his time, making sure everything is set. I don't see how he'd have time to track us down and try to force us back to Hogwarts in the short amount of time that's left.”

“Yeah, that's true. Maybe it's just nerves. I mean, everything is new here.”

“It is but we're already acclimating. Both of us used the term teacher the other day, rather than professor. I've found myself thinking bathroom instead of loo, and first floor instead of ground floor. It won't be long before this place becomes as familiar to you — us — as Hogwarts.”

Ginny quietly giggled. “Not to mention the food. Pancakes? Maple syrup? Biscuits? I actually get two pictures in my head when I think of biscuits. Oh, and that steak fried like chicken! That's good!”

Harry chuckled. “Why am I not surprised that you're on about the food? Maybe they'll have some other stuff, too, like shepherd's pie or steak and kidney pie.”

“Maybe.” Ginny scooted enough to be able to rest her head on Harry's shoulder. “Right now, I'm enjoying trying all the new stuff.” She was quiet a minute and Harry thought she might have gone to sleep. But then she said, “That was nice of you to ask Neville to get that information for you. Longbottom isn't the only Noble House.”

Harry shrugged, feeling his cheeks and ears heat up. “He needed to be included, needed the boost to his self-confidence. I wasn't going to tell him that, though.”

Gooseflesh broke out along his arms and rose the hair on his neck when Ginny kissed the underside of his jaw. He found it difficult to focus on her next words. “Thanks,” he rasped in response, promptly clearing his throat. “I know what it's like to feel as if you don't belong anywhere. If I can do something to prevent someone from feeling that, I will do whatever it takes.”

Ginny burrowed into his chest, wrapping her arms around him as best she could, and squeezed him in a sympathetic hug. Harry shifted on the sofa a bit so they weren't sitting so awkwardly. He let his head drop to the sofa back, suddenly becoming drowsy. Not really wanting to move, he succumbed to sleep.


The next thing he knew, Harry was awakening to early morning light coming through the windows. Rubbing his eyes, he looked around him and instantly wished the floor would open up and swallow him whole. Miss Lena stood next to him, and while she didn't look particularly angry, she didn't seem very happy, either.

“Ginny,” he whispered urgently, shaking her roughly. “Ginny, wake up. We spent the night out here and Miss Lena is standing over us.”

Ginny shot up and away from Harry so quickly, Harry was afraid she'd fall off the sofa. She didn't, however. She looked up at Miss Lena with fearful eyes. “We didn't mean to sleep out here, Miss Lena. Neither of us could sleep and came out here to sit. It was an accident. Honestly. Nothing happened.”

Miss Lena pulled her wand, transfigured the low table into an ottoman, then sat down facing them. Harry thought for sure they were about to be lectured. Then, the Headmistress actually smiled, and Harry let out the breath he'd been holding.

“Calm yourself, chérie. I understand. Nerves can play havoc with our abilities to relax. There will be no disciplinary actions taken as long as this doesn't become a habit. If I see that you are taking advantage of my generosity, then something will be done. Fair enough?”

“Yes,” Harry said in a rush. “That's more than fair. Thank you.”

“Alright, then. Off you go. The others will be getting up soon. I'm sure the last thing you want is to be found out here in a serious discussion with me.”

Harry nearly cringed at the thought of starting the new school year amidst rumors. Definitely not a good thing. He looked up at Miss Lena, dreading the answer to his next question. “Er, you're not going to say anything to Sirius, are you?”

“I see no reason why I should — at this time. Now, back to your rooms.”

As Miss Lena returned the ottoman to its original form, Harry stood, took a moment to stretch, then told Ginny he'd see her at breakfast. Calling himself all manner of names for falling asleep on the sofa with Ginny then getting caught by the Headmistress, he slipped down the corridor and into his room. Harry let out another breath, relieved to see that his roommates still slept. Tip-toeing to his bed, making as little noise as possible, he pulled out what he needed for his shower. While Chris and Harry's other roommate, a brown-haired bloke named Dylan, seemed to be sound sleepers, Harry didn't want to push his luck. Very quietly, he slipped back out of the room.

He returned to find his roommates stirring. Chris was the first speak. “Harry, are you one of those up with the sun kind of people?”

Harry collected his uniform, then returned to his bed. “If I had a choice? Not really. I have to warn you, though, that I will be getting up rather early most days. I'll be as quiet as I can.”

“Why will you be getting up so early?” Dylan asked through a yawn.

“Workouts. Strength and endurance work, as well as wand work.”

Chris snorted. “I'm not sure you need to work on the strength part.” He looked Harry over a long moment. “Does this have to do with why you're here instead of back in England?”

Harry didn't want to admit to too much, but he also didn't want to completely ignore Chris' question, either. He settled for, “Yes, but it's also good to be in shape, you know?”

“Well, yeah,” Dylan agreed, stretching, “but who are you trying to impress? You've already got a girl. I'm pretty sure she doesn't mind how you look now.”

Harry merely shrugged. Ducking behind his bed curtains, he donned his uniform, then combed his hair, though it didn't make any difference. It still looked as if he'd just rolled out of bed. Mentally shrugging, he stepped away from his bed in time to hear Dylan grumble about tying the tie.

“There should be a spell that could tie these stupid things for us. Better yet, how about doing away with them altogether?”

Chris laughed as he prepared to take his own shower. “Sure, you go ahead and work on that spell. Just don't choke yourself in the process.”

Harry laughed, deftly tying his own tie. “You've been attending school how many years now and still can't tie it?”

“I know, right? I should be able to do this by now.” Noticing Harry already had his tied, he grumbled again. “Well, no need to ask if Hogwarts used ties in their uniforms, apparently.”

Harry shrugged. “I was tying them long before I ever went to Hogwarts. The uniforms there aren't much different than ours; just the colors, mostly. And robes.”

Dylan paused in his task to look over at Harry. “What is Hogwarts like? Is it really a castle? What are the teachers like? I wanted to ask before, but I got the impression you didn't really want to talk about it much. Feel free to tell me to mind my own business.”

Harry slipped his hands into his pockets. “Sorry. Didn't mean to give you that impression. Some things I can't explain right now, but most things I can. Yes, Hogwarts is really a castle — a very drafty one. It's rather large with so many students they have to separate them into four Houses, named after the four school Founders. Gryffindor and Ravenclaw common rooms and dorms are at the tops of two towers. I think, below the school are the Hufflepuff and Slytherin common rooms and dorms.”

“It's really that big?” Harry nodded. “I can't even imagine a school big enough for all of that. Which House were you in, then?”

“Gryffindor. The colors are red and gold.” Warming to the topic, Harry leaned against the wall and continued describing the school: the moving staircases, the trick stairs, all the polite or rude paintings, and the formality of the staff to the students.

Dylan finally managed to get his tie passably knotted. “We must seem really different, then.”

“Different, yes, but a good sort of different. I'm thinking I'll be learning a lot this year.”

Chris had returned to the room during Harry's narrative description of Hogwarts and now stood, dressed, in front of a mirror to make sure his own tie was properly knotted. “I don't know about either of you, but I'm hungry. I'm heading out to breakfast.”

Harry followed Chris and Dylan out to the commons area. Not seeing Ginny, he wondered if she'd come out yet. Walking over to the dining room, he peeked in. She wasn't there, either, so Harry told his friends he'd see them later, then returned to one of the sofas to wait for Ginny. Fingering his tie, he thought it a bit odd to be wearing navy blue and turquoise green rather than black, red, and gold, which in and of itself was odd since he hadn't been at Hogwarts long enough to develop any sort of real attachment to the school. Unlike the previous year, however, he was actually looking forward to the school year.

“Hey, kiddo! Feeling alright?”

Harry turned to his godfather, smiling. “Yeah, surprisingly, I am.”

Harry happily chatted with Sirius while waiting for Ginny.


Ginny returned from her shower to find both of her roommates up already, discussing hairstyles. Well, Raven was trying different styles and getting Amelie's opinions on them. Upon Ginny's entrance into their room, Raven dropped her hair, and whirled to face Ginny, her hands folded over her chest.

“Oh, please let me do your hair. It's so pretty. I love styling hair.”

Taken aback, Ginny could only stammer out a reply. “Er, I-I suppose so. I normally just wear it down.”

“Oh, believe me, you won't want to here. Not with this heat, at any rate. Go ahead and get dressed.” Raven gathered her shower things. “I'll be back in a few minutes.”

Amelie followed suit. “Me, too.”

Pulling out her uniform skirt, shirt, and tie, Ginny laid them out on her bed, sadly reflecting on the differing colors to her old uniform. She lightly traced the lines of the turquoise green plaid on the navy blue background of her pleated skirt. In a way, she missed the traditional ride on the Hogwarts Express, missed the usual Sorting of the First Years. Her eyes suddenly watered and she quickly wiped the moisture away. There wasn't any point getting emotional. Really, she liked the school and the people here; the teachers and Headmistress were rather nice and talked to them with familiarity, as opposed to Hogwarts' staid restraint shown to the students.

Ginny firmly shoved those solemn thoughts from her mind. By the time her friends had returned, she was fully dressed, her hair wrapped in a towel to keep her clothes dry.

“Oh, good, you're ready,” Raven said, obviously looking forward to getting her hands on Ginny's hair. She patted her bed. “Come sit down. We'll dry your hair first.”

Ginny had one condition for her friend. “Nothing too outrageous or anything, okay?”

“Don't worry. I won't make it fancy. Okay, so, all of it up, or just some of it? What do you think?”

“Well, Harry likes my hair down.” Ginny giggled. “He loves playing with it.”

“And I can certainly understand that; it's fabulous. What do you want, though?”

Ginny shrugged. “I don't know. Show me a few ideas and we'll go from there.”

“Sounds like a plan.”

Ginny patiently sat through the styling. Some ideas were instantly discarded as being too formal, while others had been deemed too plain. Several minutes passed before they hit upon the perfect — according to both Raven and Amelie — style for Ginny. Raven wouldn't let Ginny see until she'd finished, to Ginny's mild irritation.

It was another few minutes when Raven stepped back. “Done! I have to say, Ginny, that really suits you — better than it ever did me, at any rate.”

“Well, can I see it now?”

Raven handed her a mirror and Ginny gasped. She had small sections of hair from the top of her head near the front loosely braided and pulled to the back of her head at her nape where the remainder of her hair tucked up and into the braids, forming a messy bun. Long tendrils of her hair framed her face. Ginny had to admit, it looked rather nice. In her mirror, she could see Raven biting her lip nervously in anticipation of Ginny's verdict.

“It's amazing, Raven. Thank you. You need to show me how to do that.”

Raven beamed. “I'm so glad you like it. You had me worried there for a minute. It's really pretty easy. You just have to get used to doing it in front of a mirror or by feel.”

“It really does look nice, Ginny,” Amelie said. “It almost makes me wish my hair was long again.” She grinned mischievously, her brows jumping. “Now you have the best of both styles. It's up off your neck, and Harry has some hair to play with.”

All three of them laughed. Once they were dressed, Raven threw her arm around Ginny's shoulders. “Come on, let's go see if Harry's waiting for you. I'm dying to see his expression when he sees you.”

Ginny blushed, but in reality, she couldn't wait to see his face, either. Seeing herself in that mirror, she thought she looked a bit older. Not much older, but older, nonetheless, and it made her feel really good, like she had shed the old Ginny and had blossomed into this new person. She liked this new person, and wondered what other changes this new person would make. Maybe her hair was only the beginning. Did she dare try make-up? Ginny knew her mum wouldn't like it, but Ginny needed to do what felt right for her, not for her mum.

She startled at the waving hand in front of her face. “Sorry. I was thinking about some things. If, I, er, wanted to wear make-up, would one of you help me?”

Amelie answered instantly. “Of course, we would. You wouldn't need much; you have a natural beauty. Maybe a little around your eyes to enhance them. Whenever you're ready, just say the word.”

That settled in her mind, Ginny grinned. “Let's get to breakfast. I'm starving.”

As they reached the commons area, Ginny immediately saw that Harry was, indeed, there. Currently, he was talking with Sirius, so she didn't know if he had been waiting for her or if Sirius had just stopped Harry from proceeding to the dining room. It surprised Ginny a little to have Amelie ask who Harry was chatting with. After all, Sirius had been with them on Sunday when they'd toured the school. Ginny supposed proper introductions hadn't been made.

“That's Harry's godfather, Sirius. He brought us here.” Ginny noticed the disappointed expression on her friend's face. “Why? What's wrong?”

“Oh, nothing. He just looks like someone else, a musician my parents like.” Amelie suddenly blushed. “I always thought he was kind of cute. The musician, I mean.”

The three of them stopped just inside the commons area. Ginny turned to her friend, confused. “How would you know what that musician looked like? I thought both of your parents were magical.”

“They are, but Dad's family isn't. He grew up listening to a radio and watching a television. Anyway, my parents had these … records, I think they were called, that had pictures on the covers. One of them had a picture of the band on it. Each member had longish hair, wore black leather jackets, and ripped up jeans — the whole 'bad boy' image.” Amelie studied Sirius again. “I'd swear Harry's godfather was an older version of one of those guys. They were together for a little while, then seemed to fade away.”

Ginny bit the inside of her cheek to keep from laughing. Oh, this was gold! Who would have thought she'd have a friend who was crushing on Sirius' old persona? She couldn't wait to tell Harry about this! He'd think it just as hilarious. There had to be some pranking material in this! Maybe she and Harry could put their heads together and come up with something. This was simply too good to pass up. Certainly, the Marauders wouldn't have ignored such a rich opportunity.

Sirius spied her and whistled appreciatively. “Nice, Stuff.” At Ginny's glare, he added, “What? I didn't call you Short Stuff.”

“No, but you implied it.”

“I could have called you Red. Ginger?”

Ginny scrunched up her nose. “Not any better.”

“Ginny, we'll see you later,” Raven said, grabbing Amelie by the arm and dragging her away. She threw a look back at Ginny, her eyes meaningfully moving to Harry and back. Then, she winked.

Turning to Harry, Ginny nearly jumped for joy. He stared at her with such appreciation that she could feel heat wanting to crawl up her neck and into her cheeks. “You like it?”

Harry reached out and ran one of the loose locks of hair between his fingertips. “I do.” His voice came out a little raspy. “You look … different. Not in a bad way or anything.”

“I feel different, and I like that. I feel like … well, it's a bad metaphor, but I feel like a snake shedding its old, dull, too-tight skin, and becoming more comfortable, shiny, and new.”

Harry's hand dropped to his side. “Don't change too much or you may decide you don't want me around anymore. Then again, if it comes to that, just say the word, and I'll go.”

Ignoring Sirius — who stood a few feet away — and all the comings and goings of the other students heading to breakfast, Ginny cupped Harry's face, stared him straight in the eye, and vowed, “That will never happen, Harry. I told you already. You have my heart. No, you are my heart. Without it, I can't live.” Then, she kissed him softly. Stepping back, she said teasingly, “Now, I'm starving, and you should know by now not to keep a Weasley from food.”

A laugh full of happy relief escaped him. “That I do. Come on, then. Let's get you fed.”

Ginny reached out and wiggled his tie. “You know, I think I like this better than Gryffindor's red and gold.”

Harry, still smiling, agreed. “I think I do, too.”

Ginny pulled Harry away from Sirius. “I might have some prime pranking material on Sirius. I just need to talk to someone first. Well, two people actually.”

Harry's smile turned sly. “Pranking material, you say? I look forward to hearing all about this.”


Ginny met back up with Harry once he'd freshened up after Herbology. He'd been awfully sweaty when she'd seen him, his shirt sleeves rolled to his elbows and his tie loosened with the top button of his shirt undone.

“How was Herbology?” Ginny asked, taking his hand into hers and leading him to the dining room for lunch.

Harry shrugged. “Mr. Hadley just reviewed everything from last year. I'll admit, I was relieved that they studied the same things we did last year. He's a bit odd, though, always talking about the plants as if they had feelings or whatever. Professor Sprout did that to some extent, but Mr. Hadley is really bad about it. He reprimanded a couple of students for saying the plants couldn't feel a thing done to them.”

“I imagine the heat didn't really help, either.”

“No, definitely not. When do you have Herbology?”

Ginny checked her schedule, as it was called here, and sighed in relief. “In the morning tomorrow. I would absolutely have hated it if I had to take it in the afternoon.”

“Yeah, I feel sorry for anyone who does. So, how was Arithmancy?”

“Interesting. We learned who founded the art form of Numerology, how numbers have specific characteristics associated with them, and then spent the class time finding our personal numerological numbers and finding others in the class with the same numbers. I think I'm going to like it.”

“That's good.” Harry stomach rumbled. “I'm starving. I hope it's something good today. Well, exceptionally good, since nothing has been bad so far.”

Indeed, it was something good. One food warming table held hamburgers, along with everything one could possibly want to put on it, as well as a pan of French fries. On the same side of the dining room, a short distance away, was another warming table that held a small selection of vegetables and sliced ham. On the hamburger table's other side, a table had been set out with three kinds of fruit and desserts, as Ginny had begun to think of them, ranging from cookies, slices of pie, and cake. Pitchers of juice and water sat on the tables. Against the opposite wall, more tables stood, holding the same food choices.

Her own stomach growled in anticipation of the food. “I feel like having a hamburger today.” Ginny laughed. “I can hear Mum's voice in my head insistently urging me to eat my vegetables, but I'm going to ignore it.”

Harry shrugged, grinning. “Potatoes are vegetables, if you have the French fries. And so are lettuce and onions, for that matter. Really, you are doing what she's telling you to do.” He snorted. “You have your bread, your meat, cheese, and your veggies all in one meal. If you add fruit, it's completely balanced.”

“I like the way you think. I'll have to remember that if Mum complains about them.”

As they filled their plates and sat, Harry said, “Sirius is giving us this week to get used to the school, but then he's having us really get busy with our workouts. He said it with such glee that I'm almost worried.”

“He's just winding you up, I'm sure. I don't expect him to go easy on us, but I don't think he'll overdo it. I suppose we'll just have to wait and see.”

After lunch, they had over an hour before their next class and spent the time in the Rec Room, doing their best to outscore the other while playing air hockey. As competitive as she was, Ginny refused to give up, despite losing to Harry more than once. The last game they played, Ginny handily beat Harry, having furiously smacked the puck across the table each time it came her way. The instant the puck ricocheted past Harry's defense and slammed into his goal for the final time, Ginny threw her arms up and crowed her victory.

“Yes! Ha! Thought you'd win again, did you? Well, I made you think again.” She continued her little victory dance, causing Harry to laugh. “Yes,” she added after a moment, “I realize you won all the others, but I will take every victory I can get. With my older brothers, victories were few and far between.”

Harry snorted as he walked to her and dropped his arm over her shoulders. “Somehow, I think you had more than your fair share of victories.”

Ginny feigned a hurt expression, giving him big puppy eyes. “How could you even think that?”

Grinning, Harry said, “Because of that right there, that expression. I'm sure it got you out of trouble and your brothers into trouble faster than anyone could believe.”

Unable to hold her expression, Ginny laughed. “You're right; I did — and they did. It served them right for all that they did to me, or wouldn't do with me.”


“What time is it?” Harry checked his watch; told her the time. “Do you mind if I talk to Mum for a few minutes? I'd like to tell her about class, even though there's not much to really tell yet.”

“Of course I don't mind. Go ahead. If I don't see you before one o'clock, then I'll see you at dinner.”

“Thanks, Harry,” Ginny said, kissing him briefly. “You're the best.”

Ginny stepped out of the Rec Room and happened to spot Sirius walking across the commons area. “Sirius! Can I ask you something?”

Turning at the sound of her voice, he waited for her to catch up. “What can I do for you?”

“I was wondering if you could possibly make another mirror. I know it's a lot to ask after everything you've already done, but —”

“Ginny, you're not asking for too much. Never worry about that. Who do you plan to give it to, and shall I assume you want it keyed to Harry's?”

“I was thinking of giving it to Bill. Without his help during the summer, things would have been so much harder, I think. He deserves to see the school he had a hand in getting me to.”

Sirius rubbed his chin thoughtfully. “I think that's a nice idea. I'll get started on one. You should have it in a day or two.”

Surprised at the speed at which it would be done, Ginny cocked her head to the side, and grinned. “What exactly do you do here, anyway? You obviously don't teach. Are you so thoroughly bored that you're jumping at the chance to do something?”

Sirius' nose rose into the air, haughtiness in every ounce of his posture and expression. Only the laughter in his gray eyes let her know it was all for show. “I'll have you know that I have been very busy. You'll find out on Sunday morning.”

Adopting her own snooty attitude, Ginny nodded. “Very well. Good day to you, then. I wish to speak with Mum before the afternoon session of classes begin. I shall take my leave.” She performed a perfect curtsy, then laughed when she caught sight of how hard he was holding back his own laughter. “See you, Sirius, and thanks for making another mirror.”

“It's not a problem, Stuff,” he said, now grinning widely. “I should have thought of it myself.”

Ginny waved a hand airily. “Yes, well, that's why you have me.”

“Oh, really? You think so, do you?” Sirius laughed out loud. “You've gotten cheeky on me, Stuff. I like this side of you.”

Ginny shrugged and tried to express what she felt inside. “I feel … freer … here than I did at Hogwarts.” It was a lot more than that, but she really didn't want to get into it at that moment. If she wasn't careful, she'd miss her chance to talk to her Mum. As it was, she was only going to get a few minutes. “Anyway, I'll see you later. And yes, I'm ignoring the fact that you called me that again.”

In her room — Raven was in the library and Amelie was wandering the grounds, quite possibly searching for Sirius — Ginny pulled out her mirror and called her mum. Once the mirror's surface changed to reveal her mum, Ginny greeted her. “Hi, Mum. I don't have long. I just wanted to tell you a bit about the class I went to this morning.”

“Ginny? Ginevra Weasley! What did you do with your hair?!”

Taken aback by the near-Howler-level demand, Ginny simply stared, unable to speak for a few seconds. “Er, I just put it up so it's off my neck. It's really hot here, remember?”

“I remember quite well.” Her voice had lowered, but her displeasure was still very evident. “What happened to just plaiting your hair as you used to do? Or pulling it back into a ponytail?”

Ginny picked her next words carefully, not wanting to antagonize her mother further. “Full plaits and ponytails are styles most little girls wear, Mum. I'm not that little anymore. I like my hair like this.”

“Well, I don't. You're much too young to be wearing your hair like that.”

“Mum, it's a simple bun into plaited sections of hair. It's nothing, really.” Ginny took a deep, calming breath. “Can we not argue about this? I really don't have much time before the afternoon classes begin and I wanted to tell you about Care of Magical Creatures and Miss Fossey, the teacher.”

Mrs. Weasley agreed to shelve the discussion for another time. Ginny quickly moved on to the subject she wanted to discuss, telling her the structure of the school day, contrasting it with Hogwarts' school days. They chatted amicably for fifteen minutes before Ginny noticed the time and decided she needed to say goodbye.

“Mum, I have to go. I have Transfiguration in just over five minutes. I'll talk to you again after I've had all my classes and can tell you more.”

After their goodbyes, Ginny rolled her eyes as she thought of her mum's insistence on Ginny wearing her hair in the single braid. She shook her head. “She just doesn't know what it's like to finally be able to become the person I'm meant to be, with none of her, or other, familial expectations or past history holding me back.”

Deciding she'd worry about it later, she stuffed her Transfiguration book, parchment, ink, and quills, along with her Potions supplies, into her book bag. With only a final couple of minutes left before the start of class, Ginny dashed out of her room, throwing the strap onto her shoulder, and ran for the classroom. It wouldn't do to be late, especially on the first day.

Passing by the Defense Against the Dark Arts room, she thought she caught a glimpse of Harry's unruly hair. She felt only a bit guilty for not getting back with him in time. If she thought about it, she would think it for the best that they separate a little, that they didn't have to be all about the other all the time. She wanted to have friends that were just her friends. This was the best opportunity for that. Not that she wanted to be away from Harry, she simply didn't want to depend on him for her own happiness. Like Harry, she wanted to take control of her life. As it was, the thoughts foremost in her mind were of the pleading variety that she made it on time. She did, but only just. Sitting next to a rail-thin boy with reddish-blond hair, Ginny pulled out her things and settled in.


Harry was highly impressed with Miss Ward. Despite her size, she packed a strong magical punch. They had spent the entire class time with wands out, actively reviewing what had been learned the previous year. Everyone had partnered up, with Miss Ward taking Harry on, herself. He'd seriously underestimated her. She'd not wasted any time throwing a jinx his way, which he had barely blocked. Also, she was quick, making her hard to hit. By the end of class, Harry had been frustrated with his lack of ability to hit his target. At least he'd impressed her with his Shield Charm, despite the fact that it wasn't as strong as it could be.

Harry looked up when Chris and Dylan joined him at one of the sofas in the commons area. “Nice display in class, Harry,” Chris said by way of greeting. “How did you get to be so good?”

Harry shrugged. “Just something I'm good at, I suppose.”

“And that Shield Charm!” Dylan exclaimed, shaking his head in awe. “That was amazing! That's a fifth year spell here! Do they teach it earlier at Hogwarts?”

“Er, no.” Harry rubbed the back of his neck, then ran it through his hair, a sure sign of his discomfort with discussing himself. “It's a fifth year spell there, too. I just received permission to work ahead. I suppose they didn't want me to be bored. I'm sure you could learn it, too, if you simply practiced it.”

Chris bumped Harry's arm. “You impressed Miss Ward, that's for sure.” He laughed. “You're in for it, now. She'll likely use you as her guinea pig every time she shows us something new.”

“Wonderful,” Harry muttered, not liking that idea at all.

“Oh, come on, Harry, don't be like that. I mean, what did you expect after that little display?”

Harry studied Dylan a moment, then shrugged. Dylan was right. Showing his actual ability in the subject perhaps wasn't the smartest move he'd made — not that he'd planned to hold back, either. Well, there wasn't much point in worrying about it, now; the Kneazle was out of the bag. Harry had the sudden suspicion that she'd known about his advanced skills and had been ready. He had certainly felt as if he'd been drawn out and pushed to perform at his best.

“I suppose,” he relented, finally responding to Dylan's question. “I just don't really care for being the center of attention, you know? The last thing I ever need is more attention.”

“Well, you have it now, man,” Dylan said, before declaring, “I'm going to dinner.”

Harry could feel Chris' steady gaze, but refused to meet it. Eventually, Chris said, “The whole school is going to hear about your prowess in class. That's the drawback to a smaller school. Be prepared for the looks that will be coming your way.”

“It's nothing I haven't faced before. Trust me, this school has nothing on Hogwarts' rumor mill.” Harry shook his head in disgust as he thought about the rumors that were circulating at Hogwarts regarding his and Ginny's disappearance. “It's annoying, really. I mean, are people so thoroughly bored with their own lives that they have to make up stuff about someone else to get some excitement?”

Chris folded his arms over his chest and leaned on the back of the sofa, staring out the glass entrance around the front door, contemplative. “It's a sad commentary, isn't it? Doesn't say much for our society, or society in general, really.”

“No, it doesn't.”

A moment of silence stretched out, then, Chris spoke again, this time facing Harry. “Look, Harry, I know there's more to this story than you've said, and that's okay. Just know that I'd like to help, in whatever capacity that I can.”

This was it. This was the moment in which Harry had to decide whether to continue on as he had been, keeping secrets and not trusting anyone except for a select few. He looked up at Chris, studied him carefully, searching for any hint of deception. Deciding to trust his instincts, Harry gave him a nod.

“I'll tell you after dinner. I'll answer any question you ask. I have to insist that you not tell anyone else, however. Not unless you've discussed it with me and Ginny first.”

“Of course. I hope you don't feel pressured to say anything. I'd be perfectly happy not knowing anything. I just get the impression you have something huge looming ahead of you and I want to help you out. Friends do that for each other.”

A slow smile spread across Harry's face. “Yeah. That's what Ginny's been telling me for nearly a year.”

Chris laughed. “A bit slow on the uptake, are you?”

“Something like that.” Ginny walked in at that moment, making Harry's smile widen exponentially.

Chris snorted. “Go greet your girlfriend. I'm going to dinner.”

Harry dragged his gaze away from Ginny. “Sit with us. That way, we can talk about some things before the major discussion.”

“Only if you keep the mushy stuff to a minimum. Seriously, it's sickeningly sweet watching you two together.”

Harry laughed. “Yeah, okay, though we really aren't that bad. Just wait until you find the girl for you. We'll see then who's complaining.”

Chris slapped Harry on his shoulder and walked away, greeting Ginny as he passed her. Harry watched Ginny return Chris' greeting. Grinning, he headed that way, stopping after taking a few steps when Ginny's friendly smile for Chris brightened as she left him and became the one Harry loved to see, the one she reserved only for him that said 'I have so much joy inside when I see you that I can't contain it.' The love shining in her bright brown eyes stirring his own emotions, he lifted his hand the instant she was within reach and ran his fingers down one of the loose bits of hair framing her face.

“You're back early,” Ginny noted. “How was Defense Against the Dark Arts? Wait, don't tell me. You dueled Miss Ward, and now everyone knows how gifted you are at Defense. Am I right?”

Harry sighed, running his hand through his hair. “Yeah, something like that. I think Sirius told her because she didn't seem the least bit surprised at me being able to cast the Shield Charm, just impressed it was as strong as it was, even though it wasn't really very strong.”

“Perhaps. You'd have to ask her to know for sure. So, how was History of Magic?”

“It was, again, a review, but since I learned next to nothing from Binns, it was all new to me. I take that back. Not all of it was knew. Uncle Remus had taught me some. In class, we also talked about a witch named Ignatia Wildsmith, the inventor of Floo Powder.”

“Interesting. It feels weird to actually be anticipating that class. I don't have it until tomorrow after lunch. I'm going to put my books up, then we can go to dinner.”

“Alright. Er, Ginny, I told Chris I'd explain everything to him after dinner. I know I probably should have talked about it with you first, but I feel he can be trusted. He's been great to me, not asking any questions when I know he's been curious. He deserves to know.”

“Harry, if you want to tell him, I'm fine with it. Do you want to do it alone?”

“No. Just like in everything else, I want you by my side. You can help me explain because I'm certain I'll just muck it all up. We don't have to mention anything about your first year at Hogwarts.”

Ginny shrugged. “If it makes things clearer, it's okay if we talk about it. We'll see. I'll be back in a minute.”


Walking hand in hand with Ginny, Harry led Chris to one of the gazebos on the front grounds, hoping it wasn't currently occupied. They were in luck. Even with the Cooling Charm on the structure, it was still a bit warm, but it was their best option, as anywhere inside there were too many people. If he missed anything about Hogwarts, Harry missed having all the little nooks and crannies one had at one's disposal when looking for an out-of-the-way spot for a private conversation.

After getting comfortable, Harry blankly stared off into the distance. “I'm not sure exactly how to start.” He shrugged. “From the beginning, I suppose.” He went on to tell of the events, leaving out the contents of the prophecy, that led to the loss of his parents, his becoming a werewolf, and the belief that Voldemort hadn't been truly defeated.

Chris stared, in shock, seemingly unable to say much of anything for several long seconds. “So, you were turned at a very young age, then.”

Harry nodded, tensely gripping Ginny's hand and waited for his friend's verdict. “I was, yes.”

Chris eyed Harry a moment, then nodded, as if coming to some conclusion and agreeing with it. “That would explain the note in our letters that another lycan was attending school this year. Not to mention how you managed to throw Lew the day you two got into it, and how you always seem to know when someone is behind you. I don't know if you noticed, but whenever you hear someone coming up behind you, you instantly turn in that direction, like you're not comfortable with having your back to anyone.”

“There's one here already?” Ginny asked, latching on to the first part of Chris' comment, mildly surprised.

Chris shrugged. “There is, but I don't know who it is. We're not given any names, just the general information.”

“I didn't realize I did that,” Harry murmured, obviously caught up in what Chris had said about him. He shrugged. “I guess it's instinct or something. I suppose the one good thing about being a werewolf is that one of your senses sharpens. Or, as you now know, your strength increases. Normally, it's one or the other.” Harry snorted derisively. “I just happen to be the exception to that. As if being a werewolf didn't set me apart from everyone already.”

“This is why you don't trust very easily?”

Harry ran his free hand through his hair, taking a deep breath. When he spoke, bitterness crept into his voice. “Werewolves aren't exactly welcome in Britain's Wizarding society. Once people learn what we are, we're shunned. No one wants to hire us. Growing up wasn't easy. My uncle was also a werewolf. He was sacked from every job he had, Muggle or Wizarding, either because he missed too many days or the Wizarding family put two and two together and figured us out. More times than I care to admit, the ones who celebrated the event that killed my parents were the same ones who condemned me for something out of my control.”

Taking comfort from the hand that was soothingly rubbing his back, Harry leaned against Ginny and waited to see how Chris would react to what he'd heard so far. He didn't have long to wait. Chris sat back against his bench seat, watching Harry and Ginny a moment before speaking.

“That's sad. Sad and ridiculous. I won't say that you won't find that attitude in some parts of this country, but here, and in a few other areas I'm told, we're not like that. It's why we use the term lycan. It puts the emphasis on the person rather than the wolf.” Chris leaned forward. “Harry, nothing I've heard has changed my opinion of you. You're still my friend. I'd still like to help with whatever you have going on. I know there's more you haven't told me, something to do with why you're here.”

Relief flooded through Harry. His instincts had said he could trust Chris, and Chris had proven them right. “Thanks for that. I really appreciate it.” He briefly looked to Ginny, who nodded encouragingly. “You're right. There is more, but it's dangerous information. Suffice it to say, Voldemort and I will be meeting again one day, and I plan to take him down — permanently.”

Chris nodded, thoughtfully. “That's why you warned me you'd be up early most days. You're going to be working towards that goal.”

“Right.” After hesitating for a moment, Harry went on. “You don't seem all that surprised about my plan. You're not going to tell me I'm too young? That I shouldn't be worried about it, to let someone else handle it?”

“That would be because I'm not all that surprised, not really. From the moment I met you, I knew there was more to you than met the eye. I knew there had to be some significant reason you'd come all the way over here when you could have easily stayed in your own country. I wasn't about to pry, though. Now, you're going to need a sparring partner — other than Ginny. I'd like to volunteer.”

Harry, stunned, could only stare at his friend. He had a hard time believing Chris was so accepting of everything. He almost wished he had come to this school from the beginning. Almost wished, because if he'd been here instead of Hogwarts, he never would have met Ginny, and that was something he'd never regret. He'd endure the worst torment imaginable if it meant Ginny would be in his life. Letting go of the hand he held, Harry wrapped his arm around her shoulders and pulled her close.

To Chris, he said, “You do realize we'll be up before the sun each day. The workouts will be tough. Sirius won't be taking it easy on us.”

“While I'm not fond of the early hour, this is important. I'd still like to help.”

A moment passed before Harry nodded his assent. “I'll talk to Sirius.”

Several minutes of silence passed between the three of them before Chris asked, “So, how did you two meet?”

Harry snorted. “I ran into her at Hogwarts.”

Ginny laughed. “Quite literally. Knocked me onto the hard, stone floor, and sent my school things flying. I was so angry at him for not paying attention to where he was going.”

Sheepishly, Harry added, “Twice. Well, the second time I caught her before she fell, but yeah … she told me off, blasted me with her temper.” His amusement faded as he thought back to the early part of the previous year, his voice filling with awe. “Then, she started sitting with me during meals. No one else had made the effort. She had me completely confused.”

Ginny took up the story. “We kept nearly colliding. I figured maybe someone was trying to tell me something, so I decided to try to get to know him. I mean, I knew who he was, everyone did, but Harry put off these Do Not Disturb signals.” Ginny shrugged. “What can I say? He seemed so lonely.” She turned to Harry. “And what do you mean my temper? You're one to talk Mr. I'll-Bite-Your-Head-Off-If-You-Dare-Say- One-Word-To-Me! You weren't exactly the nicest, either.”

Harry grinned. “Yeah, I know. I didn't put a lot of effort into getting to know anyone, either.” He turned back to Chris. “No matter how awful I was to her, she kept coming back. I couldn't understand why.”

“You stood up for me against some bullying girls. It wasn't that difficult to figure out. I couldn't not talk to you after that.”

Chris laughed. “She wore you down, didn't she?”

Laughing again, Harry nodded. “She managed to make me feel guilty for not being nice to her!”

Harry and Ginny continued the story of their previous year, including their awful fight when Harry had pushed her away before she'd learned his secret, how they'd become a couple, and how his secret had come out at the Burrow, as well as at Hogwarts. Included in the tale were the attacks on Harry and the lack of discipline there.

Chris shook his head. “I don't know what to say. Actually, yes I do. Welcome to Magnolia House. I'm glad you're here.”

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