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Harry Potter And The Marauders Of The Phoenix
By The Englanderish

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Category: Alternate Universe
Characters:Albus Dumbledore, Draco Malfoy, Harry/Ginny, Hermione Granger, Luna Lovegood, Minerva McGonagall, Neville Longbottom, Nymphadora Tonks, Other, Remus Lupin, Ron Weasley, Severus Snape, Sirius Black
Genres: Action/Adventure, Angst, Drama, Fluff, Humor, Romance
Warnings: Death, Extreme Language, Mild Language, Violence, Violence/Physical Abuse
Rating: PG-13
Reviews: 15
Summary: 'AU. Sirius Black has his name cleared and raises Harry (with help from Remus) in the Potters' ancestral home. One day a year, Harry must return to the Dursleys for a full day to keep his Mother's protection spell. He meets and befriends several characters early. On his eleventh birthday, Harry is given a diary and keeps it secret. Ginny finds out about it and they both write in the diary together secretly. They are taken slightly aback when it writes back at first but quickly get used to their new friend, Tom.

After all, it's not as if it could be dangerous, right?'
Hitcount: Story Total: 22083; Chapter Total: 2410

Author's Notes:
There are two more chapters fully written which I'll be adding over the course of the week. Chapter 6 is partially done. If you want to get involved on the writing side of things and provide more direct live feedback then please come join us on SV where the fic is listed under the same name!

[Swills tea]

As you may have noticed, there is rather a lot that is unrevealed; this is very much intentional.

In the meantime, here's an Addendum on Susan Bones:

You may be wondering why Susan is one of Harry's friends.

Or, if you are feeling less charitable, you may be thinking 'Who is this bitch and what is she doing as one of Harry's friends?'.

I wanted an extra friend in Harry's friendship group. I considered Cedric but decided it would be too conveniently contrived. So why did I pick Susan? Quite simply she won the raffle. I picked several non-muggleborn people from Harry's year and numbered them each. I then hopped onto the random number generator and Susan won. The other candidates were Ernie Macmillan, Seamus Finnigan, Hannah Abbot, Theodore Nott, Daphne Greengrass, Mandy Brocklehurst, Terry Boot and Blaize Zabini. Functionally, she's going to serve as the most minor friend of Harry's, but a friend none the less.​


“Sure,” said Harry. The girl took a seat by Susan.

“Isn't all this crazy? I had no idea about magic until I got the letter!” the girl gabbled at breakneck speed. “My parents are both muggles; they were ever so surprised when I got my letter! I'm so glad to be going to Hogwarts — it's supposed to be the best school for magic. Well, that's what I've heard. Being a muggle, I've not got the best opportunity to learn as much as I'd like. I've been learning all our books by heart — I just hope that will do. I'm Hermione Granger by the way, who are you?”

Harry and Ron stared at each other. Susan was gaping at Hermione and Neville's eyes appeared to have glazed over.

Ron recovered first.

“I'm Ron Weasley.”

“Harry Potter.”

Hermione started, “Really? I've read all about you-!”

“Wait, there are books about me?” asked Harry.

“Oh. Yeah,” said Susan, “Sirius made sure we didn't tell you. He didn't want it to go to your head.”

“You're in Modern Magical History, The Rise And-”

“Okay, okay,” said Ron, who appeared to be getting somewhat annoyed, “We get it.”

“Anyway,” said Neville, “I'm Neville.”

“And I'm Susan.”

As if disturbed by the commotion, Ron's top pocket began to twitch. Ron sighed and pulled a rat out of it.

“Calm down, Scabbers.”

“Is that a magical rat?” asked Hermione curiously. Ron snorted.

“I doubt it. Percy's had him for years and all he does is sleep and very occasionally squirm. Fred gave me a spell to turn him yellow — I think he was joking though.”

The compartment door opened. Standing in it was Draco, flanked by two rather burly individuals.

“Sorry I ducked out on you — I was making connections on the advice of Father. This is Crabbe and this is Goyle,” He gestured to the two on either side. Crabbe was thick-set, yet short. Goyle was tall, yet thuggish. Draco then saw Hermione. “Who is this?”

“Hermione,” said Neville, “She just came in here.”

“Charmed, I'm sure,” Draco drawled and sat down beside her in the remaining seat. He gestured to Crabbe and Goyle. “I'll see you two later.”

They both turned and left them, sliding the door behind them.

“So, are you any good at magic?” Draco asked Hermione.

“I've only tried a few simple spells, but they've all worked. I've had to be careful not to give away my magic to the neighbours — it would be pretty bad if I blew the secret of magic open as soon as I found out about it, wouldn't it?”

Harry couldn't help but notice Draco's lip curl at Hermione's words.

“I see... so you are one of them.”

He was, however silenced by a glare from Ron.

“Anyway, you'd all best get changed; I expect we'll be there soon.”

“Then would you mind leaving, so we can change?” asked Ron.

“Alright, alright,” said Hermione as she threw up her hands defensively. She got up left.

As soon as she was gone, Draco found everyone else glaring at him.


“You know what you did,” said Susan as she got up and took her trunk down from the overhead rack. “Anyway, I'll see you guys later.”

As they were pulling on their school robes, Draco spoke up.

“I hope you're not planning on befriending that... girl.”

“What, Hermione?” asked Harry. Draco nodded. Harry shrugged. “I dunno really; she's... weird. What do you two think?” He turned to Ron and Neville.

“She's annoying,” said Ron.

“I think she's okay,” put in Neville.

“Well, at any rate, this is going to be... interesting,” said Draco as he straightened up. There was shortly an announcement about nearing the station and Susan returned, also changed. The train pulled into the Station and they were escorted to the castle by Hagrid.

As they were crossing the lake in the little rowing boats, Susan frowned and turned to Ron.

“What happens if there's a storm?”

Ron shrugged, “Guess everyone gets soaked.”

When they arrived in the castle, they were met by a rather severe-looking woman in green robes with a matching hat. She brought them into an antechamber off the entrance hall.

“Welcome to Hogwarts. The start-of-term banquet shall begin shortly,” she said, “However, before you join your House's table, you must naturally be sorted into your Houses. At Hogwarts, your House is very much akin to family. Successes and good behaviour will earn House points — rule-breaking will cost House points. At the end of the year, whichever House has the most House points shall win the House Cup. I trust you will each do your utmost to aid your House in its campaign for this year's Cup. I shall return in a moment to bring you through.”

She left. After a brief intrusion by an assortment of arguing ghosts, she returned.

“They are ready for you now. If you would all please follow me.”

She beckoned imperiously and they followed.​

“Right,” said Ron as they neared the doors to the great hall. “Good luck guys.”

------------------------------ ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- --------------------------------------

About a month later, Ginny was bored.

Ginny was very bored.

Had Harry sent it yet?

Was he going to send it?

'Bored. Bored, bored, bored, bored, bored, bored!' she thought irritably.

“Ginny,” called her mother from the direction of the kitchen, “You have a parcel.”

As if triggered by a starting pistol, she leapt up off her bed and almost flew down the stairs. She dashed into the kitchen, grabbed the book-sized parcel off the kitchen table, gave Hedwig a quick head-rub and an owl treat, then evacuated the room almost as quickly. Her mother watched all this in bewilderment.

“What on Earth...?” She shook herself, then turned back to the letter she had been writing.

Ginny locked her bedroom door then flopped onto her bed, unwrapped the diary and grabbed a quill and inkwell.

'Hi, Tom.'

'Hello Ginny. How have you been?'

'Bored. Very bored. How's Harry?'

'Harry is quite well. Here is his message for you (yes, I did make corrections):

“Hi, Ginny!

Hogwarts is great! The first night was pretty mad. There was this ceremony (can't tell — it's a secret) and a massive feast and we all got dormitories and I AM A GRYFFINDOR! So are Ron and Neville. Susan's a Hufflepuff and Draco is a Slytherin.

We met this weird girl on the train. Her name's Hermione and she's reeeeaaally into books. And the library. And studying. She's in Gryffindor too. Ron and Draco don't like her much.

There's also this teacher called Snape — HE HATES ME! And I'm not even exaggerating. He took 2 points from Gryffindor in our first potions class.

There's a poltergeist! A real poltergeist! Fred and George never said anything about him — he's called Peeves.

Our Charms teacher, Professor Flitwick, is really short. He needs to stand on a pile books when he's teaching.

The Transfiguration teacher is our head of house. She's called Professor McGonagall and she's really strict. But she got me onto the Quidditch team instead of detention when me and Draco were messing around in our flying lessons! They made an exception — I'm the youngest seeker in a century! Madame Hooch wasn't too pleased. I now have a Nimbus 2000 broomstick! McGonagall got one for me (she never said, but I know it was her). I could have bought one myself, but it was still nice.

Defence Against The Dark Arts is... weird. Professor Quirrell is always scared of something.

We have Professor Sprout for Herbology, she's quite easy-going.

History of Magic Is boooooooooooooooooooring. Professor Binns is a ghost who didn't let dying stop him teaching.

And for Astronomy we have Professor Sinistra; she gives too much homework.

There are two other boys in our year in Gryffindor — Seamus and Dean. They're alright. Dean keeps talking about something called football. It's some kind of Muggle sport (I think). Seamus keeps blowing things up when he tries to do magic.

I think that's everything interesting.

Oh wait, one more thing.

WE RAN INTO A GIANT THREE-HEADED DOG! We were exploring the trophy room (Draco's idea, I swear) when we had to run away from Filch (grumpy caretaker). Hermione was with us too — we kinda got her shut out of Gryffindor Tower. We hid in a corridor on the third floor. AND THERE WAS A THREE-HEADED DOG THE SIZE OF A HUT IN THERE! Obviously we got away but Hermione reckons it's guarding something since it was standing on a trap-door.

How are you? Do write back soon.

From Harry.”'

Ginny read and reread Harry's letter several times, drinking in every detail; every little piece of the wonder of Hogwarts. She could almost feel herself there. Almost, but not quite.

She reached for her quill.

'Thanks Tom. It's been really boring here.'

'You're quite welcome. Are you ready to write back?'

'Yes. Are you ready?'

'I am always ready. Begin when you wish to begin.'

'Hi, Harry.

I wish I could write anything as exciting as your letter, but it's been pretty quiet here. Dad goes to work, Mum looks after the house, and I get schooling from Mum. As usual. There's nothing to do around here. I suppose I could go see the Lovegoods, but have you seen their house? No way am I going there. So I just sttu stuu study from Mum, play with the chickens and throw gnomes around sometimes.

Don't worry about Snape; I think Fred and George said he was horrible too.

This Hermione girl sounds like she has no friends.

I think Dad once tried to learn about football — pretty sure it's Muggle.

Wonder what they could be guarding at Hogwarts?

I'm really looking forward to your next letter. Please let this month go quickly.

From Ginny.'

'That's a lovely letter, Ginny. Don't worry about being alone — you're with your family after all.'

'I guess.'

'I can tell you're pouting.'

Ginny snorted at that. Then she sighed and returned quill to paper.

'I guess it's time to send you back now.'

'I'm afraid so. I am, after all, Harry's diary. I hope to see read you soon!'

'Thanks Tom. Bye.'

'Until we meet again.'

Ginny closed Tom and sighed again. Then, taking as long as she could, she rewrapped the diary and plodded downstairs, where Hedwig was waiting. Her mother was now out in the yard, feeding the chickens.​

Ginny held out her wrist and Hedwig hopped on. Ginny attached the diary and solemnly went outside. As Hedwig took off and flew out of sight, Ginny couldn't help but feel like a month was too long.

------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- -------------------------------------

October 31st.

“'Oh, look at me! I can say Leviosa correctly',” imitated Ron, “And she wonders why she doesn't have friends?”

Susan froze mid-giggle as they saw Hermione stop dead in front of them. There was a quiet stand-off.

Then Hermione turned and ran off.

“I... I think she might have heard you,” Harry said, somewhat worriedly.

Really?” said Draco, his eyes fake-bulging, “Whatever gave you that idea, Harry? I mean it's not as if she was right in front of us or anyth- oh. Yeah. She was. And it was funny.”

Harry glowered at him.

They thought little more of it, however; until the evening, when she failed to show up at the feast. Harry discreetly asked Parvati Patil about her.

“She's shut herself in one of the girls' toilets — she won't come out. No-one knows why.”

Harry and Neville gave Ron a look.

“What?” asked Ron, “I just told the truth.”

Harry bit his lip. Then he turned to Parvati.

“Which toilet?”

“The one on the first floor. Why?”

Harry got up and went over to the Hufflepuff table. Quickly finding Susan, he spoke hurriedly.

“Susan, can you check on Hermione? She's shut herself in the first floor girls' toilet.”

“Why can't you?”

Harry gave her a look.

“Oh. Umm...” she looked at her food, then to the boy she had been talking to, then back to Harry. She found him adopting puppy-dog eyes. She sighed. “Fine, fine. You owe me one though.”

She got up and left. Harry returned to the Gryffindor table.

“Susan's gone to check on her,” Harry told Ron and Neville. They both shrugged and went back to their food.

Parvati stared at Harry.

“That was a very nice thing to do.”

Harry blushed a little.

“I... um, I guess.”

They were interrupted by the doors of the Great Hall being viciously thrown open. In dashed Quirrell, looking very pale.

“Troll!” he cried, “In the dungeon. Thought you should probably be warned.”

Then he fainted.

In a hitherto unprecedented time-frame; absolute chaos descended. Eventually Professor Dumbledore was able to restore order and ordered the prefects to lead their houses back to their dormitories while the teachers would go with him to the dungeons.

As they were leaving the great hall, Harry suddenly thought of something and pulled Ron aside. He had lost Neville and he hadn't the faintest idea where Draco was.

“What?” asked Ron.

“Susan and Hermione — they don't know.”

Ron blanched.​

“Bloody hell. Fine, lets go. We'll have to be careful though.”

---------------------------- ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------

“Hermione, are you in here?” called Susan. She quietly walked up to the cubicles.

“What do you want?” came the vicious, but shaky, response.

“We're worried about you. Come to the feast.”

“I'm really, really not in the mood,” Hermione choked out through the door.

“You'll be missing out,” Susan half-heartedly replied.

There was a strained sob.

Then Hermione spoke up again, “I'm already missing out. Aren't I. Is that why you're here? Haven't had enough of a laugh at me yet?”

“No, it's... I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. Please Hermione, come out.”


Susan sniffed. There was now a nasty smell in the air.

'That wasn't her was it?'

Then she heard a grunt and a clunk.

Susan turned.

Then she wished she hadn't.

Standing near the door, just inside the room, was a mountain troll. It was trailing a club bigger than its own considerable arms.

“Hermione,” said Susan, quietly, “Whatever you do, don't come out of there. And don't make a sound.”

“What? Why?”

The door suddenly clanged shut. There was a locking sound. Susan went chalk white.

“Just don't.”

“What's going on? Why are you whispering?”

Susan had by now backed up to the wall, her eyes firmly locked on the Troll, as it slowly advanced, .

“Just shut up and listen to me!” she snapped at Hermione's cubicle.

“You think you're better than me? You think all it will take for me to come out is to tell me not to?” cried Hermione.

The troll was turning towards the sounds coming from Hermione's cubicle. Susan pulled out her wand and pointed it at the troll. She had no idea what to do next.

Hermione, meanwhile, was still ranting.

“You want me to come out there so you can tell everyone how you fooled me! Well fine, see if I care. Here I come so you can all laugh at how stupid I am!” She wrenched open the cubicle. “HA! HA!...” She gaped up at the troll in front of her.

“Ha,” she quietly whispered.

Then the troll swung its hefty club.

Hermione ducked and suddenly there was splintered wood, porcelain and mangled piping everywhere.

Both girls screamed.

The troll swung again, this time at Susan. She too ducked and the club was embedded in the wall she had been against. Susan frantically crawled away under a shower of shattered tiles.

Then the door unlocked and was pulled open. Harry and Ron dashed inside. They took in the scene before them. The troll seemed torn as to who to attack. It settled on Hermione, who was beginning to crawl out from under the rubble.

Quickly, Harry and Ron grabbed handfuls of rubble and threw them at the troll to little effect. Susan scrambled up and added tile shards to the barrage. One of the tiles sliced the troll's arm. It grunted in annoyance, then turned to Susan. It raised its club.

Harry ran up behind it and grabbed onto the club. He was hoisted up and dropped onto the troll's shoulders. The troll stopped mid-swing, confused. Then it started shaking itself. Flailing around, fighting to stay on, Harry did the first thing he thought of. He stuck his wand up its nose. This only made things worse. The troll careened around the room, howling in agony. Ron was elbowed off his feet as he tried to pull out his wand. The wand clattered to the floor and was lost amid the wood fragments. The troll thrashed towards Susan, who almost took a hit to the face, but ducked just in time. Thinking (or rather, not thinking at all) fast, she jabbed her own wand up the troll's other nostril. The agonised monstrosity knocked her off her feet and flailed around even more frantically than before.

“WHAT DID YOU DO THAT FOR?” yelled Harry as he tried to avoid being smashed against the ceiling.

“YOU DID IT TOO!” she shouted back.


Ron had given up looking for his wand and was now pulling Hermione out of the wreckage of the cubicle. He managed to drag her clear, somehow avoiding the troll's maniacal throes and propped her against the wall. She was shaking heavily. Wordlessly, she watched Harry and Susan trying to not get crushed while Ron searched the debris once more for his wand. She tugged on Ron's sleeve.

When he turned to her, she handed him her wand.

It was an elegant thing, with vine-like carvings all over it.

Ron nodded at her and turned to the troll.

Suddenly it got a hold of Harry and lifted him aloft, raising its club in its other hand.

Eyes widening, Ron cried the first spell he thought of.

“Wingardium Leviosa!”

He even said it right. Which was probably why the troll's club lifted out of its hand as it tried to swing at Harry.

There was a moment of silence as everyone, including the troll, gazed up at the hefty chunk of wood. Then the spell was figuratively and literally broken as the club dropped squarely onto the troll's head.

It swayed dimly (well, more dimly), then collapsed; depositing Harry in a heap into the rubble.

Before anyone could do more than stare at each other in amazement at what had just happened, there was a clattering and Professors Dumbledore, McGonagall, Snape, Flitwick, Sprout and Quirrell entered the devastated room.

The children all looked at each other, then at the teachers.

“This is not what it looks like,” said Ron.​

------------------------- ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- ---

“So... Hermione's our friend now,” Harry concluded his tale to Neville and Draco.

“Are you sure?” asked Draco, “I mean, think about it. Do we really have to have her around?”

“Yes,” stressed Ron.

“Do we really have to?” Draco added again.

“Yes,” said Susan.

“No, I mean do we really, totally, completely, finally, utterly, irrevocably, unequivocally-”

“For goodness sake, Draco, you're just using words you don't know now. Hermione's one of us. Deal with it,” Harry snapped.

Draco paused, looking at Hermione with a frown.

“But are we sure?”

“YES, DRACO!” all three thundered at him.

Draco pouted. “Fine.”

Neville shook his head at Draco. “I'm pleased to have you here, Hermione.”

She smiled slightly at him.

Then the savage expression of Madame Pince loomed over them and they were evicted from the library for making too much noise.​

----------------------- ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- -----

Ginny had forced herself to contain her excitement when Hedwig had arrived with the diary. She, of course, lost no time in secluding herself in her room to confer with him.


'Hello Ginny, it has been far too long. How are you?'

Ginny found herself smiling as she wrote back.

'Bored mostly. It was Mum's birthday the day before yesterday, so that was intresting, but I was pretty sure she and Dad wanted to be alone in the evening. No idea why.'

'Don't think on it; you find out why when you're older. Are you ready for Harry's message? Oh and it is spelt 'interesting'.'

“Am I ever,” she muttered to herself as she wrote back.

'Yes please.'

'Here it is, then:

“Hi Ginny,

This month was... odd. Remember Hermione? Well she's our friend now. A troll somehow got into the castle and me, Ron and Susan ended up saving her (well kinda). We got points for it too! Snape wasn't happy!

Draco's got some other friends. Nothing wrong with that; Susan has her Hufflepuff buddies and me, Ron and Neville hang out with Dean and Seamus. It's just, they're not the nicest people. They pick on Neville quite a bit and when I talk to Draco about it, he avoids the question.

How've you been?

From Harry.”'

Ginny pondered to herself for a little while before writing her reply.


It's been boring as usual here. Please tell me you're going home for Chrismas; I'd be able to see you then. It was Mum's birthday two days ago, but apart from that, there's not much to tell.

Looking forward to next month,


'Christmas, not 'Chrismas'.'


'Ar e you alright?' Tom asked after a moment's pause.

Ginny shook herself.

'Yes, just... I wish I was there. Bye Tom, see you next month.'

-------------- ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- --------------


The month hadn't taken as long as Ginny had thought it would, which was somewhat conciliatory. But only somewhat. She resisted the urge to cackle to herself when Hedwig arrived.

'Hi Tom.' she wrote almost as soon as she opened the package in her room. And by opened, I mean tore the packaging off like a frenzied child.

'Well, hello. You seem in better spirits.'

'Sure am, it's coming up to Christmas time!'

'Ah, I see. I told you things would fly by.'

Ginny had to hold in her disbelieving laugh.

'Tom, if you think the time has flow, you are sadly mistaken.'

'I think you mean flown. But anyway, do you want Harry's letter or not?'

'I most certainly do.'

'Here it is:

“Hey Ginny,

(Kinda) Bad-but-good news. Sirius and Remus think it's a good idea for me to stay for Christmas at Hogwarts. So, I'm really sorry, but I won't be seeing you until the end of the year. I did manage to get them to host you, Mr. and Mrs. Weasley, and a couple others at Cwpan Tân so hopefully you won't be too bored.

Draco and Hermione really don't get on. For that matter, he's been spending less time with us. It is fun to watch them argue though. For that matter, it's fun to watch her argue with Ron too.

Really worryingly though, in my first Quidditch match, Snape tried to kill me! Hermione saw him muttering some kind of spell at me that made my broom go out of control. What's more, me and Ron saw him skulking around upstairs during the troll attack. He's been limping ever since. We reckon that Snape let the troll in to distract everyone so he could get past the trapdoor, but got bitten by the dog.

We also reckon that something Hagrid took out of Gringotts for Dumbledore during our Diagon Ally visit is what's under the trap door. We asked him about it. Apparently the dog is called Fluffy.

No, seriously. Fluffy.

Hagrid was pretty secretive, but he did let slip that someone called Nicholas Flamel was involved. The library's not helped us with that, whoever he is. Tom says he sounds familiar, but can't remember where from.

Have you heard of him?

How are you doing?

From Harry.

P.S. Sirius loved that pocket watch you thought of for his birthday.”

This is Tom back again. The plot thickens, no? I find this all most intriguing.'

Astonished, Ginny had to re-read the letter several times. Frowning, she dipped her quill into the inkwell and began to write again.

'I've never heard of this Flamel person. Why would Snape want to kill Harry? What would he get out of it?'

'He must think that Harry's on to him, I suppose.'
came the reply.

After a little more pondering, Ginny put quill to paper again.

'Well, I'm ready for my reply. Here goes.

Hi Harry,

Not much has been really going on here, just the usual.

Thanks for arranging a visit to Cwpan Tân. Mum's a soft target, but Mabel is a Challenge. Should keep me busy.

Have you tried talking to Professor Dumbledore? If anyone can stop Snape, it's him.

Only Hagrid would call a giant monster 'Fluffy'...

I've never heard of this Nicholas Flamel. Sorry.

Hope to hear from you again soon,


'Oh. Your literacy is getting better.'

She blew a raspberry at the book in response; even if he probably couldn't see or hear her.

'Only because you're so unforgivving.'

'And you were doing so well. 'Unforgiving'. One 'v' only.'

'Damn. See you next month then! Bye!'

'Farewell, fair maiden.'​

------------- ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- ---------------

December 27th.

Remus was in the Drawing Room in Cwpan Tân when Mabel called from the entry hall.

“Remus, there's a letter for you.”

He got up and wandered over to her.

“Who from?”

“Harry, by the look of it.”

Perched on Mabel's shoulder was Hedwig, clutching a letter addressed to Remus in her beak. Slightly perplexed, Remus took the note and Hedwig flew off out the open front doors. Opening it, he read:


Can I talk to you alone in the fire tonight at midnight? It's important.'

“Hmm... strange,” Remus said to himself.

That night, in his usual guest-room, Remus indeed crossed to the room's fireplace and waited. Sure enough, Harry's head appeared there.

“Hello Harry, whatever can I do for you?” he asked.

“I saw something in a mirror that I found while exploring the castle. It was... weird.”

“How so? And why talk to me? Why not talk to your friends or Sirius.”

“Well...” Harry bit his lip.


“I saw you.”
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