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Don't Let Me Down
By Bekah Jo

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Category: Post-Hogwarts
Genres: General
Warnings: Mild Language, Mild Sexual Situations
Rating: R
Reviews: 146
Summary: After the Dark Lord has been defeated during the Battle of Hogwarts, Harry is finally able to rekindle his relationship with Ginny and work on building a normal life. When He, Ron, and Hermione are given the chance to return to their beloved school, everyone is ecstatic, except Harry. An amazing opportunity has Harry thinking his future lies elsewhere.
Hitcount: Story Total: 53535; Chapter Total: 2978

Author's Notes:
So sorry that I'm a bit late on posting this chapter. My oldest started back to school, and my youngest is a bit lost without his big sister. It's really cut into my writing/revision/editing time. But here it is!

The song lyrics are from a beautiful song called, Songbird. It's originally from the band Fleetwood Mac, but Eva Cassidy also does a beautiful cover of it.


“Harry! There you are!” a voice cried.

Harry’s head jerked up, from his Concealment essay, and he looked back to see Hermione behind him.

“Hey, what’s up?” he asked.

“You’re supposed to be coming to Defense class with us today, remember?”

“Yeah, I know,” Harry replied, pointing to the staff robes, slung over the chair beside him. “I was just get-“

“Harry, class starts in five minutes! We need to move,” Hermione urged, motioning down the row of bookshelves.

“Damn,” Harry whispered, jumping out of his seat. He hastily shoved his materials into his bag and grabbed the robes. “Sorry, I lost track of time. There’s no clock back in this corner.”

“Why were you all the way back here anyway?” Hermione asked, walking quickly towards the library exit.

They reached the corridor and Harry handed Hermione his bag so he could slip the on spare staff robes he had been given. The black robes were the most uncomfortable thing he’d ever had to wear, outside of Privet Drive. They were hot and scratchy, and he was glad he only had to suffer through them for one more day.

“When I sit up at the main tables, people keep talking to me and I don’t end up getting much work done. Thank you,” he sighed, taking his bag back. “The last time I checked my watch, I had like forty-five minutes left. It just went by so quick. Where are the others?”

“We split up,” Hermione puffed, as they started climbing a staircase. “Ginny went to check your room and Ron volunteered to check the kitchen, because, well, Ron. We figured you wouldn’t have gone too far.”

As they got closer to the classroom, they could hear arguing.

“No, I don’t want a pasty! You were supposed to be looking for Harry, you git,” Ginny yelled.

“I was looking for him, calm down. Not my fault they loaded me up with food before I left,” Ron spluttered.

“Both of you calm down. I found him,” Hermione panted, jogging past them and into the classroom.

“Pasty?” Ron offered, holding the small pie out to Harry.

“Ooh, thanks,” Harry accepted.

“Honestly,” Ginny fumed, following Hermione into the room.

Harry shrugged and headed to the front of the classroom. Andrew Harrison was laying out his book and parchments.

“Hello Harry!” Andrew greeted. “One last day of picking your brain. I’m sure you’ll be happy to have a break from having questions fired at you.”

Harry laughed and shook his head. “I’ve gotten used to it over the years. And I’ve actually been looking forward to this class. I’m anticipating certain questions, and this time I can call in reinforcements,” Harry said, nodding towards his friends.

Ginny was sitting at the end of the second row, glaring at Ron as he stuffed another pasty in his mouth. Hermione sat between them, pushing frizzy strands of hair back from her face. Harry grinned and took the seat in the front corner of the room.

He had surprisingly enjoyed talking to the defense classes through the week. Originally the discussions were supposed to be about his Auror training, but he ended up getting just as many questions about the war. Andrew had been hesitant to allow it, but Harry found himself wanting to answer the questions. People were naturally curious about Voldemort’s downfall, and he felt they deserved honest answers.

The younger students were mostly interested in asking about silly rumors they had heard about from parents or older siblings. As the years went up, the questions started getting a bit more complex and more career focused, but also lots of specifics about the final battle. With the seventh year N.E.W.T. students, he was looking forward to having Ron and Hermione’s help in answering questions.

“Alright, let’s take our seats,” Andrew called. “I’m looking at you, Mr. Snow.” Harry recognized the Slytherin Chaser, as he scurried back to his seat. “As you know, we have had a guest with us in the castle this week. He has been gracious enough to give up some of his vacation time, to talk with us about what he’s been experiencing in his post-Hogwarts educational endeavors. I don’t think he needs much of an introduction for you lot, so I’ll just step aside and let Harry have the floor.”

Claps and cheers sounded, as Harry stood and moved to the center of the room. He smiled as he tried to adjust the robes away from his body, as much as possible. Swiping at the beads of sweat already forming on his forehead, he cleared his throat.

“Hey there,” Harry greeted. “I think this is the class I’ve been most looking forward to sitting in with and talking to-“

“I can’t imagine why,” Seamus called, winking.

“Shut it, Seamus,” Ginny snarled, causing some snickering from other students.

“No, really,” Harry laughed. “I think I know just about everyone in this room, so I feel a bit more relaxed.” Harry swiped sweat from his head agin and frowned. “Well, almost. I could do without these robes.” Seamus let out a whistle. “Shut it, Seamus. Professor, if I happened to have ‘misplaced’ my staff robes today, would it be the worst thing in the world?”

“I can see how they could easily go missing,” Andrew answered, nodding his head.

“Oh, thank Merlin,” Harry sighed, undoing the black robes and tossing them to the corner. “That’s better. So, I’ll keep my intro short and sweet. Instead of coming back here, I decided to flee the country and start Auror training. I’ll try to answer any questions you guys have, about anything.”

“Really? Anything?” a voice piped up, from the back.

“Yeah, anything.”

“What sort of classes are required in Auror training?” asked a Ravenclaw girl, in the front row.

“There’s of course a Defense Against the Dark Arts class. This semester I also have classes in Charms, Potions and Herbology, and Concealment and Disguise. From what I can gather, the spring semester will be the same, except we swap out Concealment and Disguise for Stealth and Tracking”

“What’s the Herbology class like?” Neville asked.

“It’s great, actually. It’s paired with Potions and taught by the same professor,” Harry explained. “Apparently most Aurors like to grow, and brew, their own stuff, in order to know exactly what’s going into their potions. So, everything we grow in Herbology, goes into our potions.”

“Where is this school then?” Leo Snow called out.

“Can you forgive me if I pass on that question?” Harry apologized. “I haven’t told many people. It helps keep nosey Prophet reporters away.”

The next few minutes were filled with questions about his training, and what else he would have to go through to become a fully qualified Auror. Andrew helped clear up some of those specifics, as Harry wasn’t quite sure what the final two years in London would entail.

“But, you’re definitely coming back after this first year?” a familiar voice inquired.

Harry glanced over and met Ginny’s grinning face. “Yes, I’m definitely coming home after next semester,” Harry assured, causing a ripple of giggles.

“Did you really break into Gringotts, and then escape on a dragon?” a Hufflepuff boy asked.

Harry grinned at the sudden subject change, and nodded. “Yeah, that rumor is actually true. There was no other way out, without getting snatched by Death Eaters.”

“I find that one hard to believe,” Leo Snow challenged.

Harry’s brow furrowed for a moment. He was becoming less and less a fan of this boy by the minute.

“I do have some pretty credible witnesses that can back me up,” Harry replied, motioning to Ron and Hermione.

“Totally flew a dragon out of the bank,” Ron corroborated.

“It wasn’t as fun as what it sounds, though,” Hermione supplied. “It was quite terrifying actually.”

Leo Snow narrowed his eyes, suspiciously, but didn’t say anything else. He did, however, open up a flood of questions about where the three friends had been last year, and what they had been looking for. Harry did his best to describe the horcruxes, without going into too much detail. He also left out the part about himself being the final one. That piece of information felt just a bit too personal, and not something he wanted everyone knowing. Hermione described how she was able to figure out what could destroy a horcrux, and Ron regaled the class with his tale of reopening the chamber of secrets to get more basilisk fangs.

As Harry listened to his friends tell their tales, he smiled. It was slightly odd, being able to see some humor in what had been a truly horrific time in their lives. Looking back on it all, he still couldn’t believe they were actually alive, and able to refer to it all in the past tense.

As the class was winding down, Harry was able to steer the conversation back to Auror training. He was sharing how Jason Carter went undercover as a woman, when movement in a portrait caught Harry’s attention. He looked over and smiled at the amused expression on Albus Dumbledore’s face.

Andrew walked over and clapped Harry on the shoulder. “Thank you so much for spending time with us Harry. Maybe you’ll see some familiar faces when you’re at the Auror Institute next year.”

“Thanks for letting me take over the classes, Professor.”

“My pleasure,” Andrew replied, shaking Harry’s hand. “Right, as for you lot. Whatever I told you was due today, I give you the gift of an extension. Though I expect to see nothing except Exceeds Expectations gracing my desk next week. You’re dismissed!” he declared, waving his hand towards the door. Turning back to Harry, Andrew pointed to the portrait and explained, “Dumbledore requested to be here for this class.”

Harry nodded as Ginny came up to the desk.

“You’d make a good professor,” she smiled, wrapping her arms around his waist.

“I don’t think I’d last one week,” Harry laughed, kissing the top of her head. “I’m going to go talk to Dumbledore. Can I catch up with you later?”

“Of course. Want to meet me on the pitch after my last class? I’ll nick Ron’s broom for you.”

“Sounds great. I’ll see you soon.”

She kissed him quick before scurrying out of the room. Harry gathered up his discarded robes and walked over to the portrait.

“Good afternoon, Professor,” Harry greeted.

“I have to say, Harry, I agree with Miss Weasley. You would make an excellent teacher,” Dumbledore acknowledged.

“Oh, you heard that?” Harry asked, slightly blushing.

“Apologies, but it’s a bit dull being a painting. I find myself accidentally overhearing many conversations that were probably considered private.”

“Oh, no, it’s not that. I just don’t see myself being a very good teacher.”

“You’re honest with them Harry. Children tend to respect and appreciate honesty from adults. A sentiment I learned a bit too late in life,” Dumbledore said, frowning.

Harry looked down at his feet, letting the words hang in the air, between them for a moment.

“I don’t blame you for anything,” Harry finally said, looking back up. Dumbledore started to say something, but Harry interrupted. “I did, at one time. I was angry. I thought you should have done more. But, I’ve come to realize that you did exactly what you had to do. I have to believe that any more, or any less, and we wouldn’t be here today.”

“Why do you feel you have to believe that?” Dumbledore questioned.

“If I don’t believe that, then I’ll drive myself mad with what ifs,” Harry asserted. “And that will benefit no one, aside from an asylum gaining one more patient.”

“I always maintained that you were wise beyond your years, Harry. Even when you were eleven.” Dumbledore’s painted face beamed at Harry. “I was so pleased when Kingsley told me of your decision to attend the Auror training.”

“You think I chose the right location?”

Dumbledore chortled and nodded. “I take it you’ve been fighting an internal struggle on that one.”

Harry sighed. “I wasn’t, until I learned of this new Death Eater threat. Now I feel like when I leave on Sunday, I’ll just be abandoning everyone and leaving them to fight my battles.”

“This isn’t just your battle anymore. Trust that others are taking care of this threat,” Dumbledore urged. “Again, I agree with Ginny Weasley on this one.”

“You were there the other night?” Harry felt his cheeks burn crimson. He had suffered a moment of weakness that night, and he had hoped few had witnessed.

“No, but the walls have ears,” Dumbledore replied, with a wink. “I think Miss Weasley is a good balance for you, not that I have much experience to base my comparison. But I’ve noticed how the two of you get along, and I can tell she’s someone worth holding on to. So, to answer your original question, yes. I do think you’ve chosen a great location to study, and broaden your horizons. Your home will always be here when you need it.”

“I don’t think I’ll ever stop worrying, or trying to take on more than what’s expected of me,” Harry warned.

“And I don’t think anyone would expect anything less from you,” Dumbledore conceded. “But, put your trust in Kingsley, and the rest of the Order. They have this one under control. Go on now. Enjoy the rest of your holiday. Don’t let an old man eat up all of your time.”

“It was good to talk to you again, Professor.”

“Come find me this summer and do let me know how your first year went.”

“I certainly will.”

Harry and Dumbledore bid each other farewell and Harry went back to the library, to resume his work. He made sure to pick a spot that he could see a clock this time, so as not to be late meeting Ginny. Just as he was getting back into his Concealment essay, someone flopped into the chair next to him. Harry looked up and was relieved to see his best friend grinning back at him.

“No class?” Harry asked.

“Nope. Hermione and Ginny are in Arithmancy, so it’s one of my few female free periods of the week,” Ron replied, rolling his eyes slightly. “Can I convince you to skip homework and hang out?”

“No convincing needed,” Harry answered, closing his book. After stashing his bag in the guest quarters, he and Ron went outside. The bright autumn sunshine was a welcome relief after the dim library.

“Just to give you a head’s up, Ginny plans on nicking your broom so her and I can have fly.”

Ron chuckled and shook his head. “Or I could just go get it for you, so my little sister doesn’t have to resort to petty theft.”

“If you don’t think she hasn’t already gone down that path, you’ve been living in a cave.”

The two walked down to the Quidditch pitch and Ron unlocked the Gryffindor broom cabinet. He passed Harry his Cleansweep and relocked the cabinet.

“Thanks, mate. I won’t beat it up too much.” Harry took the broom and led the way down to the field.

“You never did join a Quidditch team, did you?” Ron remarked, lying down and spreading out on the grass.

“No, never really got the chance to.” Harry sat down, cross legged, beside Ron. “I got caught up in the newness of everything over there, and then quickly bogged down with classwork. Between that, and trying to maintain a social life, so I don’t go insane missing you guys, Quidditch ended up at the bottom on the to-do list.”

Harry shut his eyes, enjoying the cool gusts of air blow across his face. Los Angeles was great, but it lacked a change in seasons. It seemed to go from hot to warm, never obtaining the perfect chill that autumn brought. Within the next month, these grounds would be covered in white, with enchanted snowballs sailing through the air, towards their gleefully screeching targets. Harry frowned, realizing how much he missed those afternoons.

“Alright there, Harry?” Ron called, breaking into Harry’s memories.

“Yeah, just getting lost in my mind,” Harry replied. He moved the broom from his lap and lied down on his back. “How is it going for you and Hermione so far?”

Out of the corner of his eye, Harry could see his friend sit up and look around, making sure they were alone.

“Challenging,” Ron groaned. “Over the summer, I got used to not being with her, every single minute of the day. We each had our own things going on, and when we got time to be together, it was great. Now, it feels like we do everything together, and it gets a bit wearing.”

“You talk to her about it?”

“No, and I know I probably should. I just really want to avoid a fight if I can.”

“Bet you if you brought it up, she’d tell you she feels the same way. Or at least would understand why you’re feeling the way you are,” Harry ventured.

Ron nodded, aimlessly pulling up blades of grass. “I was thinking about talking to McGonagall about helping George out, at the shop, on weekends. I’ve been missing it, and I have some ideas that I’d like to try out. I don’t want Hermione to think that I’m trying to get away from her, but it would be nice to have something that’s just for me. ”

“Just be honest with her about why you’re doing it.” Harry thought for a moment. “You know, I almost didn’t tell Ginny about Sophie. Didn’t want to make her upset, or make her worry over nothing.”

“If it was nothing to worry about, why’d you tell her then?”

“I love her, and she deserves to know what’s going on. The more I debated on it, I realized that I actually wanted her to know. If you want someone in your life, you need to be willing to open yourself up to them.”

“This is turning into a sappy life lesson,” Ron moaned, and Harry laughed.

“According to your girlfriend, I’ve turned into a romance master, so you could do a lot worse than taking my advice,” Harry chided, tossing a chunk of grass at Ron’s head.

“What’s up with all the music lyrics anyway? I think you’ve got about half the girls in the house falling madly in love with you!”

“How many people does she share my bloody letters with?!” Harry cried, bolting back up.

“Simmer down,” Ron chuckled. “She doesn’t pass around your letters. She shares the pictures you send, with the handwritten lyrics on them, which the girls go gaga over. I do notice, though, the hearts you put next to certain songs on those disc things.”

“Sometimes songs are just able to say things in a way that I can’t,” Harry explained, lying back down. “So maybe I’m not really a romance master. I’m just masquerading as one.”

“Well, whatever you’re doing seems to be working for you and Ginny,” Ron conceded.

Harry relaxed on the pitch with Ron, chatting about schoolwork, Quidditch matches, and merchandise ideas that Ron had been working on for Wizarding Wheezes. Caught up in conversation, neither of them noticed Ginny, until she kicked Harry’s foot.

“Hey,” Harry greeted, propping himself up on his elbows. “Your brother didn’t want you corrupting your morals, so he willingly lent me his broom.”

“You don’t need to worry about corrupting my morals, big brother. Fred and George did that long ago,” Ginny laughed, pulling Harry to his feet. “Since you’re both here, want to play a game?”

Harry gave Ron his broom back and went to grab one of the school brooms. Ginny hauled out the trunk of practice balls, but only took out the Quaffle. Ron got into the Keeper position and Harry and Ginny took turns trying to get the ball past him.

“Get it together, Potter!” Ginny yelled, diving for the Quaffle, as Harry had dropped it for the hundredth time. “You’re making us look like amateurs!”

Harry laughed and glided to the other side, anticipating her next pass. She tossed the Quaffle to him, underhanded, as though she was throwing it to a toddler. He caught it easily, and clutched it to his chest as he steered his broom towards the left goal post. His feeble goal attempt was lazily blocked by Ron, and he heard Ginny huff.

“You’re dating a seeker, not a chaser!” Harry cried, defensively. “You let that Snitch loose, and I’ll score some points. I may as well have grease on my fingers when it comes to the Quaffle.”

“You think you could still catch the Snitch?” Ginny taunted. “It seems as though you’re pretty rusty.”

“I’ll show you who’s rusty. Go on Weasley, let it fly,” Harry called.

“Which Weasley?” Ron and Ginny echoed.

Harry rolled his eyes, and Ginny flew back to the trunk. “Ok then. Let’s see how quick you think you are.”

She picked up the golden Snitch, and it’s wings instantly started buzzing. She let it go and Harry allowed about a half a minute to tick by, before he took off after it. Being back on a broom, even a beat up loaner, was exhilarating. Beach Volleyball on broomsticks was fun, but there was no where near the same rush as when he got the chance to pelt up and down the pitch. For the first few minutes, Harry didn’t even bother searching out the Snitch. He tested the limits of the broom. To his delight, the speed was still there, even if the ride wasn’t as smooth as his Firebolt.

“We haven’t got all day, Harry!” Ginny teased.

Harry waved her off and started scanning the field for a hint of gold. It didn’t take him long to spot it, hovering in front of the Ravenclaw stands. He raced after it, and the Snitch whizzed away, towards the empty set of goalposts. As Harry closed in on it, the shiny sphere darted across to the opposite posts, that Ron still guarded.

Harry zipped over Ginny’s head and coaxed the broom’s speed faster, aiming for the central hoop. Ron dove to the left, as Harry flew through the hoop and seized the Snitch, before it could skirt away again. He drifted back to the trunk and handed the Snitch back to Ginny.

“Just think what I could do with my own broom.”

Ginny smiled as she put the Snitch back in it’s little compartment. “Never doubted you for a minute. I just wanted to see that intense look you get, when you’re in pursuit.”

Harry tried to act shocked and dismayed, but Ginny just laughed again and kissed him.

“And this is where I take my leave.” Ron tossed the Quaffle to Ginny. “Want me to lock the brooms up?” Ron offered, holding out his hand.

“Thanks, mate,” Harry said, handing his broom over. “We’ll see you for dinner.”

Ron started off for the castle, and Harry followed Ginny into the Gryffindor stands. When he sat down, she snuggled into his side, wrapping her arms around him.

“I don’t want you to leave,” Ginny sighed. “It’s been so nice having you here, this week.”

“We still have one more day together,” Harry comforted. The wind picked up, and her hair tickled his nose. She huddled closer, rubbing her hands together. Harry pulled a pair of gloves from his pockets, and shifted so that he could slip them over Ginny’s fingers. “And after that, it’ll be no time at all before we’re together again.”

“But after that-“ Ginny started, but Harry cut her off.

“Let’s burn that bridge when we get there,” he said softly, pulling her close again. “I don’t want to think about that. I want to think about lying on a sunny beach, with you by my side. Or riding the ferris wheel, at the pier, and getting stuck at the top. I really want to take you up to the Griffith Observatory, so you can look out and see the entire city.”

“That all sounds lovely,” Ginny agreed. Her body relaxed against his. Together, they watched the sun begin it’s descent, as the time ticked closer to dinner. “You still owe me a song,” she said, breaking the silence.

Harry buried his face in her hair and grinned. He thought for a moment, before settling on a song he knew she hadn’t heard before.

“For you, there’ll be no more crying. For you, the sun will be shining. And I feel that when I’m with you, it’s alright. I know it’s right,” Harry sang slowly. Gently swaying, back and forth, he continued, “To you, I’ll give the world. To you, I’ll never be cold. Cause I feel that when I’m with you, it’s alright, I know it’s right.”

“Keep going,” Ginny whispered.

“And the songbirds are singing, like they know the score. And I love you, I love you, I love you… never before.”
Reviews 146

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