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Don't Let Me Down
By Bekah Jo

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Category: Post-Hogwarts
Genres: General
Warnings: Mild Language, Mild Sexual Situations
Rating: R
Reviews: 146
Summary: After the Dark Lord has been defeated during the Battle of Hogwarts, Harry is finally able to rekindle his relationship with Ginny and work on building a normal life. When He, Ron, and Hermione are given the chance to return to their beloved school, everyone is ecstatic, except Harry. An amazing opportunity has Harry thinking his future lies elsewhere.
Hitcount: Story Total: 53532; Chapter Total: 3299

Author's Notes:
This chapter (and the next) gets pretty fluffy. I apologize if it gets a bit too sappy at times, but I really enjoy writing the dialogue between Harry and Ginny. As always, I hope you enjoy!


Ron’s next day off fell on the following Tuesday. They all agreed to meet at Wizarding Wheezes, after lunch, and spend the afternoon shopping. A slow panic started to creep over Harry as he realized that he had no idea what to get Ginny for her birthday.

“When you see the right thing, you’ll know,” Hermione had assured him, when Harry asked for suggestions.

Harry wanted to tell her exactly how much help she was, but he bit his tongue and just nodded. After all these years, he knew exactly what gifts to get his friends. Ron was chuffed with anything related to his favorite quidditch team, the Chudleigh Cannons. For Hermione, anything that boosted her organizational skills or expanded her knowledge, was received with excitement. But when it came to Ginny, all the contents in Harry’s mind seemed to leak out, and he was left lacking.

Tuesday came and Ron, Harry, and Ginny apparated directly into the stockroom of the shop. When they came through the curtain, they found George trying to talk Hermione into a few of the new Daydream Charms.

“Do you honestly think I’ll have any time this year for daydreams?” Hermione asked, exasperated. “They’re called NASTILY EXHAUSTIVE Wizarding Tests for a reason.”

“Tell you what,” George bargained, picking up a box. “This one’s on the house. When you want to shut your brain down, and I promise that you will, give it a go. I bet you ten galleons, you show up in Hogmeade for five more.”

Hermione eyed the box suspiciously, before accepting the box and hastily shoving it in her bag. “Let’s get going, shall we?” Hermione insisted.

The group set out along the virtually empty street. They passed a few elderly wizards and witches, sitting on benches, just watching the passing shoppers. A harried witch, arms loaded with packages, was trying to coax a toddler away from the window of a toy shop. “Rory, come along,” she pleaded. “Look! Mummy’s got a Chocolate Frog in her bag!” The promise of sweets sent the boy hurtling at his mother’s legs. Not quite ready for the impact, the witch stumbled and her packages went flying.

Without thinking, Harry drew his wand and cushioned the parcels before they hit the ground. Hermione gave her wand a wave and the boxes and bags zoomed into a neat pile.

“Oh my goodness, thank you!” the mother panted in relief. She reached into her purse and handed a small, blue box to her groping son. He squealed in delight as he opened the box and the frog hopped onto his head. The witch looked up at Harry and Hermione, and her face flushed in embarrassment. “So helpful, thank you again. My husband is never going to believe me when I tell him who saved my shopping!” She gathered up her things and shooed the little boy up the street.

Harry sighed and stashed his wand back in his pocket. “Where to first?” he asked, attempting to gloss over the incident.

“How about we stock up on Potion’s ingredients?” Ginny suggested, taking Harry’s hand.

As they approached the Apothecary, a glint of gold caught Harry’s eye from the window of the antique shop. “Can I meet you guys over at Scribbulus in fifteen minutes?” Harry said, slowing down, and letting the others pass him. “I just remembered something I want to do quick. Plus, I’m not really keen on subjecting myself to the Apothecary smell today.”

“Want me to go with you?” Ginny asked, taking a step back towards Harry.

“No, that’s okay. Go on and stock up your kit. I won’t be long,” he said with a smile, waving the others on. Once they had disappeared into the shop, Harry dashed back to the antique shop. He left several minutes later, stashing a small parcel in his pocket, and reached the stationary store just as the others walked up.

“Everything alright?” Ginny asked, eyeing Harry suspiciously.

“Of course,” Harry replied, holding the door open.

After stocking up on quills and parchment, the four made their way to Flourish and Blotts. Off the Hogwarts’ required reading list, Harry got the assigned books for Transfiguration, Potions, and Defense Against the Dark Arts.

“You really think there’s anything in that book that you don’t know?” Ron asked, as Harry set the defense book to his pile.

“Probably a good bit,” Harry answered. “Since recognizing and shutting down the dark arts is the main part of being an Auror, it’s best I’m well prepared in that area.”

Ron nodded and set off for his Herbology book. Harry browsed around the shop and ended up adding an international sports book, Beyond Quidditch, and a book called Magic in North America. He was hoping to get a gist of what life would be like in Los Angeles, so that he wouldn’t appear completely oblivious to his American classmates.

They then proceeded to lug their books over to The Leaky Cauldron for a quick drink. Tom summoned up lemonade for them all and Harry pulled out Beyond Quidditch. He turned to the section on Quodpot and started reading.

“I can’t believe Americans enjoy this,” Harry said in disbelief, placing the book on the table.

“What, Quodpot?” Ginny inquired.

“Yeah, it doesn’t seem anywhere near as exciting as Quidditch.” Harry pushed his book over so that the others could see the pitch diagram. “On one side, you have a pot full of neutralizing solution. The teams start at the other end and attempt to get a ball, called a Quod, down the pitch and into the pot, before it explodes in their face. If it explodes before they get it to the pot, the player holding the ball is out. they continue on like that till one side is completely out of players.”

“Sounds like a sport Fred and George would invent,” Ron laughed.

Hermione finished the last of her lemonade and exclaimed, “Oh, I forgot something back at Flourish and Blotts. Ron, can you come help me?”

“Since when have you needed my help in a book store?” Ron asked.

“It’s on a high shelf,” Hermione insisted, giving Ron an intense stare.

“But they-“ Ron finally caught Hermione’s look and his eyes went wide. “Oh, yeah, of course. I can help you.” Ron jumped up and scampered out of the pub after her.

“Subtle, those two,” Harry muttered, turning back to his book.

“What do you mean?” Ginny asked.

“Hermione doesn’t forget things. Bet you they’re off to find a dark corner to snog in.”

“Hmm,” Ginny hummed in his ear, grabbing his knee. “Why didn’t we have that idea?”

“Because my snogging is tomorrow’s front page news,” Harry groused.

Ginny frowned and pulled her hand away. She silently sulked over the last of her lemonade as Harry obliviously read about Swivenhodge.

Ron and Hermione returned ten minutes later, grinning and laughing. Ginny bolted up and said, “Hermione, I need to go to Madame Malkins’. Want to come along?”

“Sure,” Hermione said slowly, shooting a confused look between Ginny and Harry.

“I can go with you Gin,” Harry said, putting his book down.

“No, I’m fine,” Ginny replied, irritably. She stormed out of the pub, Hermione close behind.

“I’m just messing up left and right here lately,” Harry bemoaned.

“What’s got her knickers in a twist suddenly?” Ron asked,

“Search me. Ice cream?” Harry sighed, tossing his book back into the bag. “Maybe I can smooth things over with a sundae.”

Ron and Harry trudged to Florean Fortescue’s and ordered four chocolate toffee sundaes. They then found a shady bench and waited for the girls outside of Madame Malkin’s Robes for All Occasions.

Harry looked up when the shop bell chimed. Hermione walked out first, giving Harry a pitiful look. Ginny soon followed, carrying her bags along with several robe boxes.

“Trade you,” Harry offered, holding up the sundae. Ginny smiled, taking the ice cream, and handing over all her packages. “Thank you,” she said, and quickly kissed his cheek before gulping a spoonful of ice cream.

They walked back to Whizarding Wheezes to say goodbye to George, before disapparating back to the Burrow.

Back home, Ginny went to store her things in her room. Hermione grabbed Harry’s arm before he could go inside. “You remember telling me you had a lot to learn about the intricacies of relationships?” Hermione began. Harry nodded. “Lesson one, you’ve got to acknowledge that you have a girlfriend in public.”

Harry puzzled over the statement for a minute before her words clicked into place.

“Oh,” Harry said, finally catching onto why Ginny had been short with him in the pub. “I should go-“

“Lesson two, no, you shouldn’t,” Hermione corrected. “Not every bump in the relationship needs to be rehashed and talked through. In this instance, actions speak louder than words. Also, don’t underestimate how much we’ll forgive when a cute guy offers us a cupful of chocolate,” she winked.

“Noted,” Ron murmured.

A few days later, Molly insisted on inviting guests over and throwing Harry a birthday dinner, much to Harry’s protests.

“Honestly Mrs. Weasley, you really don’t need to go to all of the trouble,” Harry insisted that morning. He was sitting amongst a pile of the latest Wizarding Wheezes products from Ron and George, a No-Doze alarm clock from Hermione (not that he needed that at the moment), and several new pairs of jeans and shirts from Molly and Arthur.

“You’re other ones were really starting to look ragged, dear,” Molly explained as Harry had torn open her package. “I hope you don’t mind.”

“Not at all, thank you,” Harry insisted, as Molly set a full English breakfast in front of him.

That evening, the two picnic tables were enlarged, in order to play host to all of the Weasley family, Hermione, Andromeda and Teddy, Luna, Neville and his grandmother, and Kingsley. Molly pulled out all the stops on dinner- shepherd’s pie, roast lamb, Yorkshire pudding, roast, mashed, and jacket potatoes, peas and carrots, and roasted brussel sprouts. Along with a two tiered chocolate cake, there was sticky toffee pudding, scones, and treacle tart for dessert. They had just started to tuck in when they heard footsteps coming up the lane.

’Sorry we’re late,” a gruff voice called.

Harry squinted against the setting sun and saw the broad silhouette of Hagrid grow clearer, accompanied by Minerva McGonagall. Harry hurried down the path to welcome them both with a hug.

“Nice to see you again, Potter,” McGonagall greeted, patting his back.

“ ‘appy birthday Harry,” Hagrid said, thumping Harry on the shoulder. “Got ye’ sumthin’ special.” He held up a covered cage.

“Oh wow, Hagrid, you didn’t have to do this,” Harry said, suddenly overwhelmed. He took the cage and carried it back to the table. When he lifted the cover, he found a beautiful tawny owl, slumbering on a perch. He replaced the cover and grinned at Hagrid. “She’s lovely, thank you so much.”

Hagrid smiled warmly. “I know she’s not Hedwig, but I thought she might help keep ye’ comp’ny in the states.”

It was a beautiful evening and Harry was soon thankful that Molly had insisted on the gathering of friends and family. He laughed, drank, and ate more than he could ever remember. When the sun said it’s final farewell, George set off box of fireworks that lit up the night for a solid half hour. As the final spark fizzled out, the guests started to part ways. Neville and Luna assured Hermione that they would meet up with everyone at the dance club. Hagrid and McGonagall wished Harry the best of luck in America, making him promise to come visit as soon as he returned.

After helping clear the plates and returning the tables to normal size, Harry sluggishly made his way up to his room. He gently removed the cover from his owl’s cage and was heralded with a soft hoot.

“Hey there,” Harry said, slowly outstretching his arm to her. With another hoot, she hopped from her perch to his forearm. Harry smiled and gently stroked her head.

There was a knock on the door and Ginny peeked her head in. “Am I interrupting anything?” she asked.

“No, come on in,” Harry invited.

Ginny sat down on the bed, next to Harry, holding a package in her lap. “Does she have a name yet?” she asked, brushing a finger down the owl’s chest.

“I haven’t been able to think of one all night,” Harry admitted. “What do you think?”

“Oh no,” Ginny laughed, leaning away. “I’m the one who ended up naming Ron’s little ball of fury, and I still don’t think he’s forgiven me.”

“Whatever you come up with is going to be better than her having no name at all.”

Ginny tilted her head and looked thoughtfully at the speckled brown owl. “Athena,” she said finally, holding a finger out to the owl. The owl hooted and affectionately nipped Ginny’s finger.

“We have a winner,” Harry concluded. He placed her back on the perch and opened the window, in case she wanted to go hunt. “There you go, Athena.”

“Can I give you your gift now?” Ginny prodded, holding up her neatly wrapped present.

“Everyone keeps insisting on giving me things today,” Harry sighed, jokingly.

“That’s kind of how this birthday thing works,” Ginny said, forcing the gift into his hands.

“Thank you,” he whispered, kissing her quickly before ripping off the paper. He unearthed a silver framed picture of him and Ginny, napping in the hammock. The only movement was coming from the gentle swaying of the hammock and their hair fluttering in the breeze. Harry was amazed to see that his face was peaceful, no trace of nightmares infesting his mind. Ginny was nestled with her head on his shoulder, his right arm holding her tight.

“Where did this come from?” Harry asked, running his fingers across the glass.

“Hermione snuck up on us one day and took it,” Ginny replied, tucking herself under his arm.

“I sleep better with you by my side,” Harry murmured. He placed the picture on the nightstand, beside the alarm clock. “It’s perfect, thank you.” He pulled her face to his and kissed her.

“Would you like me stay a while and lie with you? Help you fall asleep?” Ginny suggested.

“That sounds nice,” Harry agreed. He swapped out his polo shirt for a t-shirt, kicked off his jeans, and climbed into bed. He lifted up the quilt, inviting her in. Ginny shucked off her trousers and climbed under the quilt, snuggling up close to Harry.

Harry wrapped the quilt around them and sighed. The last thing he remembered was kissing the top of her head.

The following morning Harry was disoriented for a moment before realizing he had just had the best night sleep he’d had in over a year. Ginny stirred beside him and slowly opened her eyes, grinning sheepishly at him.

“Good morning,” he mumbled, nuzzling her neck.

“It is indeed,” she replied, craning her neck to look at the clock. Finally seeing the time, she swore and jumped out of bed. “Mum and dad will be up in five minutes. I don’t think they’d be pleased to see me sneaking out of your room.” She pulled her crumpled trousers back on, kissed Harry quickly and whispered, “See you at breakfast!” before moving swiftly out the door.

And so it went for the next week. One of them would sneak to the other’s room, after the house had turned in for the night, and then would slip out in the morning before anyone was else was up. Harry had never slept better. Listening to Ginny breathe, as he nodded off, was the comfort he had been searching for. It allowed him to empty his mind and finally banish the nightmares. Slowly, the shadows under his eyes started to disappear. Every now and then, the thought of losing this new found comfort, when he left for America, crept into his mind, but he wouldn’t let himself dwell on the thought long. He’d cross that bridge when he came to it.

Hermione and Ginny planned to spend the day in muggle London, the day before Ginny’s birthday.

“Guys’ day Harry! What do you fancy we do?” Ron asked, that morning at breakfast.

“I assume you both have outfits for tomorrow evening?” Hermione questioned, accusingly.

“I’m sure I have something in my closet,” Ron answered, grabbing a slice of bacon.

“No jeans,” Hermione threatened.

“What’s wrong with jeans?” Harry cried.

“We’re not going to a quidditch match, we’re going some place NICE!” Ginny said, shooting Harry an exasperated look.

Ron opened his mouth to protest, but Harry kicked him in the shin.

“You’re right, we’ll head into London with you and go find something decent while you girl’s go do your thing,” Harry assured, smiling complacently at his best friend, and his girlfriend.

Once they hit the streets of London, they bid the girls goodbye and watched them scurry off.

“I don’t want to spend the day shopping,” Ron groaned.

“Follow my lead and we’ll be playing quidditch in an hour.” Harry reassured. He pointed to the nearest department store, Selfridges. “Let’s go!”

Harry and Ron wound their way through the aisles to the men’s department. Harry beelined to the first stack of black dress trousers, pulled out a pair in each of their sizes. He then darted for a rack of black button down shirts, again finding one in both their sizes. He handed Ron his outfit and concluded, “Now, just grab a vest you like and go check out.”

“Bloody brilliant mate!” Ron declared, grinning.

Ron chose a black and ivory striped vest. Harry settled on a hunter green vest that softly shimmered when the light hit it. After completing their purchase, they were back at the Burrow in time for lunch, a round of quidditch, and several games of wizarding chess, before Hermione and Ginny returned.

The following morning, Harry awoke in Ginny’s bed and enjoyed the quiet moments, watching her sleep, before the alarm clock rang. She groaned and rolled over before the clock could wake her.

“Happy birthday,” Harry chirped, kissing her quickly before pulling a small, wrapped box, from his rumpled jeans. He passed it to Ginny, who was still rubbing sleep from her eyes.

“Thank you,” she yawned. She wasted no time ripping the paper off and lifting the lid. Ginny pulled a long golden chain, from the cotton bedding, and held it up. A small golden snitch dangled on the end. “It’s lovely, Harry.” she whispered.

Harry gently took it from her, undid the clasp, and put it around Ginny’s neck. “You caught me,” he murmered, securing the clasp and pulling her hair back so that the pendent fell upon her chest. “I might struggle a bit, from time to time, but don’t let go.”

“Never,” Ginny breathed. She pulled Harry on top of her and kissed him until he couldn’t think straight.

When she finally released him, Harry laid there, twirling her hair around his finger, trying to steady his breathing. “I can’t believe we woke up so early,” he murmured.

A look of horror overcame Ginny’s face and she shot up. Grabbing the clock, she hissed, “We didn’t! We forgot to set the alarm!”

Harry groaned and covered his face with his hands. Ginny jumped up and threw on her robe and slippers.

“I’ll go out first and check that the coast is clear,” she said, frantically pulling her hair into a ponytail. “If you hear a tap on the door, it means you’re safe to leave too.”

“And if I don’t hear a tap?”

“Then you’re on your own,” Ginny replied, shrugging her shoulders.

“You’re cruel,” Harry sulked. Ginny nodded and slinked out of the room.

Harry got up to pull on his jeans as she gently tapped the door. He swiftly opened the door and scooted into the hall. When he turned around, he was staring at Arthur, just coming down from the bathroom. Arthur’s eyes went wide and swept from Ginny, to Harry, and back again.

“Dad it’s not what-“Ginny said, hastily.

Arthur held up his hand and shook his head. “Don’t know what you’re talking about, I saw nothing.” With that, he breezed past them and down to the kitchen.

Ginny and Harry shared a worried look before setting off in different directions. Ginny to the kitchen, Harry to his room for fresh clothes. When he joined the other’s, Harry’s stomach did a flip flop. Bill had dropped by to wish Ginny a happy birthday before heading to work.

Trying to blend in with the crowd, Harry slipped into the seat beside Ginny. She was gushing over the new watch from her parents and showing off the necklace from Harry. Harry silently piled food onto his plate, but shifted uneasily. Every now and then, Arthur would catch Harry or Ginny’s gaze and raise his eyebrow, suspiciously.

“Arg, I can’t take it,” Ginny grumbled. “Mum, Harry and I have been sleeping together for the last week and a half. We aren’t doing anything, it just helps him sleep and not have nightmares,” Ginny abruptly blurted out.

Bill started choking on his eggs and Ron burst out laughing. Molly stood dumbstruck, staring blankly at her daughter, while a pancake started to smoke on the griddle. Harry’s face started to burn as he tried to shrink into his seat. Meanwhile, Arthur sat reading the paper, chuckling softly as he sipped his tea.

“Oh, I see,” Molly finally spluttered. She aimlessly vanished the charred pancake. “Do you want to talk about…woman…..things….”

It was Ron’s turn to choke.

“No!” Ginny yelped. “We’re good! Just thought you ought to know.”

Molly nodded, weakly, and turned back to the griddle. Harry never ate a meal quicker than he did that morning.

Hermione arrived in the early evening and barricaded herself, and Ginny, in Ginny’s bedroom to get ready. Ron and Harry lounged in the living room. Ron flipped through a quidditch magazine and Harry read a few chapters in his defense textbook. At about quarter past six, they surrendered their reading material and went to change. They were waiting in the kitchen when the girls finally emerged.

“Wow, you boys clean up nicely,” Hermione complimented, running her hand over Ron’s vest. “We need to go out more often.”

“I’ll say we do,” Ron agreed, eyeing up Hermione’s strapless, silver dress. She had straighten her hair and then pulled it back into an elaborate, twisted ponytail.

“You both look beautiful,” Harry remarked, pulling Ginny close. She had chosen a white dress, with capped sleeves, ballet flats, and the snitch necklace. Her hair was loosely pinned back, away from her face.

“Let me get a picture before you set off,” Molly called, from the scullery. She wiped soap suds on her apron and pulled a camera from the china cupboard. “Big smiles!” The four of them huddled together and smiled at Molly. A puff of purple smoke left them coughing and wheezing. “Ok, you lot have fun. Be safe!”

“We’ve booked rooms at the local inn, no need to wait up,” Hermione informed. “Don’t want anyone ruining a good night with a splinching.”

They started to head for the back door when Ginny suddenly stopped. “I forgot my coat, give me just a minute,” she called, hurtling back up the steps. When she came back down, she was wearing a long coat, had taken the pins out of her hair, and switched the ballet flats for strappy, red sandals.

“Why did you-“ Harry started.

“Bye mum!” Ginny interrupted loudly, pushing Harry out the door.

He took the hint and scurried out. Together they apparated to the high street in Wimbourne. The street was crowded with people finishing their day’s shopping and couples heading out for a late dinner. They spotted the club right away. A black brick building, with numerous lanterns enchanted to flash neon colors, touted an enormous sign for The Mugg Club. A few wizards milled about, outside the entrance, chatting and puffing on pipes.

Hermione gave the doorman her name. He ushered them inside and directed them to the cloak check. Ron and Harry handed theirs over, stuffing the tickets in their pockets. Harry turned around to take Ginny’s coat and let his jaw drop, finally seeing the reason for the unusually long coat.

She had completely changed from the white dress into a skin tight red one, with a plunging neckline. The only piece of her original outfit left was the snitch pendent, gleaming on her chest.

“I had to make sure mum saw me in the white dress first,” Ginny explained, passing her coat past a dumbstruck Harry, to the clerk. “This isn’t exactly a Molly Weasley approved dress.” She winked and pulled Harry towards the thumping music.

“It’s not exactly a Ronald Weasley approved dress either,” Ron reprimanded.

“Sod off Ron,” Ginny called, walking off to the dance floor.

“Yeah, sod off Ron,” Harry echoed, trailing after her.

The inside of the club was quaint and inviting. The circular dance floor took up most of the space, with booth style tables lining the perimeter. Every booth was upholstered in plush red velvet, with fairy lights bathing it in a soft glow. The dance floor was dark, except for the blinking fairy lights casting brilliant hues of every color, across the wood.

Ginny squeezed her way into a clear spot and pulled Harry’s body into hers, as a hip hop song started. She placed his hands on her hips, and then gently started swinging her hips back and forth.

“The key to dancing is to just let the music guide you,” she instructed. “Start with your hips, and let it build with the tempo.” She slipped a hand onto his hip and one around his neck, guiding his body with hers.

Harry attempted to keep the beat with Ginny. He pulled her closer, hoping that her natural grace would mask his lack of coordination. If he was a lost cause, she didn’t show it. Her gaze was locked with his, smile broad and genuine, and her body moved eloquently in time to the music.

The fast tempo faded into a slow song and a few of the surrounding dancers cleared the floor.

Harry enveloped Ginny’s waist with his arms and said, “This is more my speed.” Ginny laid her head on his chest and they drifted along, as a guy sang about wanting to stand with his girl on a mountain and bathe with her in the sea. Harry was just starting to agree with the song- he could, indeed, stay like this forever- when a smack on his shoulder brought him back to reality. He quickly turned around to find a grinning Seamus Finnigan.

“Hey Harry!” Seamus laughed, reaching out his hand. “Ginny!”

“Seamus, good to see you!” Harry greeted, shaking Seamus’ hand.

“Dean and I set up camp over there,” Seamus pointed to a large booth, beside the bar. Harry waved at Dean, who appeared to be brooding over his pint. “He’ll come around. Think he was just a bit shocked to come in and see you two together.”

“Right,” Harry grimaced. He squeezed Ginny’s hand and said, “Why don’t you head over and I’ll get us all drinks. What do you fancy?”

“Something fruity,” Ginny answered.

“Thanks for narrowing that down,” Harry chuckled. “Seamus?”

“I’m good mate. See you in a mo’”

Harry set off for the bar while Ginny followed Seamus to the table. At the bar he found Neville paying for a gin and tonic, and Luna sipping a glass of red wine. They exchanged hellos and Harry placed his drink order- pint of lager for him, bitter for Ron, and two somethings fruity for Ginny and Hermione. Ron sidled up to Harry just as the bartender set the drinks down. Two tumblers were full of a dark purple liquid, over ice.

“They’re called Jolly Ranchers,” the bartender answered Harry’s puzzled look. “Girls have been going batty over them.”

Harry nodded and grabbed the Jolly Ranchers, while Ron took the beers to the table.

“Ooh, what’s this?” Ginny said, excitedly eyeing the drink.

“Something called a Jolly Rancher,” Harry answered, sliding into the booth beside her. He was pleasantly surprised to find an enchantment caused the sound of the music to soften in the confines of the table. Made it much easier to enjoy a conversation.

“Oh, that’s the name of a muggle sweet,” Hermione explained. “Growing up with dentists though, they were a forbidden treat in my house.”

“So Harry, Neville tells us you’re heading for America,” Seamus commented.

“Yeah, I leave the fourth of September,” Harry replied. He started telling Seamus and Dean about the school. Ginny and Hermione quickly finished their drinks and set off again for the dance floor. Luna sat and watched for a while before getting up to go join them.

“Oh Harry,” Luna’s lilting voice called. She turned around and started searching through her bag. “I almost forgot, I brought you a going away present.” She handed Harry a huge Dirigible plum, dangling from the end of a keychain. “That should be big enough to keep the American Nargles away.”

“Er, are American Nargles much different from ours?” Harry asked skeptically.

“They tend to be bigger and slower, so they stick around longer,” Luna explained simply, before joining the other two girls on the dance floor.

Harry shook his head and stuffed the plum in his pocket. He and the others sat and watched the girls lose themselves in the music.

“So, how exactly does one get jiggy?” Ron suddenly piped up. “And what exactly are you supposed to get jiggy with?”

His question dissolved the table into a fit of laughter that caught the girl’s attention. Luna and Ginny pranced back to the table, while Hermione detoured to the bar. She returned to the table with more drinks for everyone.

“After this drink, everyone is out on the dance floor,” Ginny declared, kicking her shoes off and downing half her drink in one sip.

True to Ginny’s word, they were all pressured back into the center. A steady stream of upbeat, muggle music kept the dance floor hopping and Ron seemed to get more entertained with each song.

“Harry, what the hell is a zigazig and why would someone want one?” he called during a particularly catchy song.

Harry laughed and shrugged his shoulders, giving Ginny a quick twirl. He had given her method of dancing a try, but quickly found that his body had no natural rhythm for the task. He had taken to shuffling his feet mildly and just letting Ginny dance around him.

A solid hour passed before they made it back to the booth, laughing and trying to catch their breath. Ginny hurried off to get the next round, despite protests of not paying for drinks on her birthday.

“This was a great suggestion, Hermione,” Harry gratefully acknowledged. “Thanks for urging us to come out.”

“You’re all very welcome,” Hermione accepted, sipping the drink that suddenly appeared before her.

The pulsing music suddenly faded into a slow song and Harry felt himself being pulled from the booth to a plea of “Dance with me.” Harry obliged and locked Ginny in a tight embrace

“This has been a perfect night,” Harry murmured into her hair. “Sorry that I’m a rubbish dancer though.”

Ginny playfully batted his arm. “I love you and your dancing,” she giggled, looking up at him. Harry smiled and kissed her. She quickly broke away, saying, “What about your snogging making front page news?”

“Let them gossip,” Harry whispered, kissing her again and feeling his head rush as she leaned into him.

By last call, Hermione and Ginny had had their fill of Jolly Ranchers and getting them into their jackets was like trying to wrestle with an octopus. Once he had Ginny secured in her coat, Harry said goodbye to the rest of this friends, promising to drop them a line when he had the chance. The inn Hermione had booked them into was only a two block walk, but this proved to be too big a task for Ginny. She stumbled through the first block, insisting she was “perfectly fine!”, before Harry swept her up and carried her the rest of the journey.

In the room, Harry gently placed Ginny back on her feet, and helped undo her coat buttons. Once her coat had been shucked, she wasted no time stripping off her dress and burrowing under the duvet.

“Ooooh, make the room stop spinning,” she moaned, as Harry set his clothes on top of the dresser. He handed her a small, blue bottle that she drank greedily. “Mmm, the peppermint is nice,” she sighed.

Harry climbed under the covers with her and brushed the hair from her eyes. “Hopefully that makes your morning a little easier.

Ginny smiled drunkenly at him and placed her hand on his cheek. “You’re such a sweet, and thoughtful, and kind, and gorgeous boyfriend.”

“Bah, that’s the alcohol talking,” Harry joked, tracing his fingers along the curve of her back. “I’m a horrible boyfriend that’s leaving you again, remember?”

“Yes, but I know exactly where to find you this time,” she sighed happily, before drifting off to sleep.

The next morning, a booming knock on the door jarred them awake. Ginny groaned and buried her head under the pillow.

“What?” Harry yelled, wanting very much to curse whomever was on the other side.

“It’s almost noon,” Ron called back. “The front desk clerk said if you’re not out in ten, he’s gonna Levicorpus your arse out!”

“Got it,” Harry replied, slumping into his own pillow. “Come on Gin,” he coaxed, lifting up her pillow. “Time to face the day.”

When they got down to the lobby, they were met by an irritated Ron and an amused Hermione. Ron tossed Harry the morning Prophet and instructed him to turn to page five.

Harry flipped to the middle of the paper and found a picture of the kiss he and Ginny had shared in The Mugg Club.

“Well, at least it’s not front page,” Harry conceded.

Ginny bit her lip and shook her head. “Mum is definitely going to see the dress now.”
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