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The Trouble with Family
By BigIve

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Category: Post-DH/AB
Characters:Harry/Ginny, Hermione Granger, Luna Lovegood, Minerva McGonagall, Neville Longbottom, Nymphadora Tonks, Other, Ron Weasley
Genres: Action/Adventure, General, Humor, Romance
Warnings: Death, Mild Language, Mild Sexual Situations, Spouse/Adult/Child Abuse, Violence
Rating: PG-13
Reviews: 19
Summary: It is after the Battle and the search for Hermione's parents uncovers some unexpected branches on a previously well known family tree.

Canon Relationships.

Some Mature/Adult Themes and Language.
Hitcount: Story Total: 51959; Chapter Total: 1673


“Yes I understand Minister. I’m standing with them right now and will ask for you.” Chief Williams said with a trace of apprehension.

“Excuse me Arthur and Molly. Our Minister would like to request your permission to come here and see Syd. If that is ok with you.” He asked.

“Is Dave indeed the Ministers son?” Arthur asked beating me to it by a heartbeat.

“Indeed he is. His only son now.” Replied Chief Williams a little sadly.

“Then by all means he is most welcome.” I replied, this time beating Arthur to it by what felt to be a heartbeat. “Will that key Dave gave us help to open the door like he did?”

“Shelly or Cassy would be the ones to ask about that. As creating doors like that is beyond me I must confess.” Chief Williams explained. Looking across to the two women he asked, “Shelly? Cassy? Can either of you open a door to the Ministers House at all?”

“Of course I can open that door to home Chief.” Shelly replied with a smile. “But I will need Arthur or Molly to unlock it first” she added.

“Minister, Arthur and Molly Weasley have given their permission for you to visit. We will open a door shortly.” Chief Williams said into his Mirror phone.

Arthur quickly moved over to the scullery door and put the key in, “Just turn it to the left till it clicks once. That will enable us to open the door from this end.” Shelly instructed.

Arthur did as she suggested and then stepped back.

Shelly stepped up to the door and touched the middle of it briefly and then turned the door handle and opened the door.

Standing on the other side was a very imposing looking man. He must have been at least 7 feet tall. Solidly built, with broad shoulders. A mass of slightly scruffy looking black hair flecked with grey covered his head. His eyes were solidly grey to the point of almost being silver. But they were perhaps the most ‘alive’ looking eyes I had ever seen.

He had an air of purpose and drive about him. He seemed to be the type of person that you would immediately notice and listen to. The scars that were visible on his neck, and arms gave mute testimony to battles in his past. I wondered if he too had been an Auror.

However, it was his face that held my attention. It seemed to hold the attention of Kingsley and Arthur as well. For they seemed to be fascinated by it.

Looking at his face I was immediately reminded of a photo that Harry has in that album Hagrid had made up for him. It was a photo of his father. Now the man standing before us on the other side of the door was certainly much older than James was in that photo. But you could not have helped wonder if James would have looked like this had he lived long enough.

He was by no means a twin of James but the similarities were far too strong to be discarded out of hand. He had no glasses for one, a heavier jaw, slightly more defined cheekbones and a more serious expression. But the similarities seemed to hint at the possibility of a family connection somewhere, I thought.

I don’t know if he was used to people gawking at him like that. Or if he was truly focused on the wellbeing of his son. He certainly didn’t give any acknowledgement or show any issue with the intense scrutiny he was getting.

Chief Williams stepped up to the door and beckoned to Kingsley, who quickly moved over to the door. “Minister Webb, it is a great pleasure to introduce to you the British Minister of Magic Kingsley Shacklebolt. Minister Shacklebolt this is our Minister of Magic Ivan Septimus Webb.” He said formally.

Both the Ministers warmly shook hands through the door way.

“Minister Webb, it is a great privilege and an honour to finally meet you. I understand we have you and the New Zealand Minister to primarily thank for sending your Aurors here during our recent troubles.” Kingsley said in his quiet deep voice.

“Minister Shacklebolt, the pleasure is mine. I have learnt a great deal about you recently and I believe that between us we will be able to restore the previously solid relationship between our two countries.” He said in a voice that seemed to begin somewhere around his toes.

“Do you mind if we save all that flowery guff for the formal visit next week Minister? As I would dearly like to find out about my son right now and political speak slows things down as well as grates on my ears.” He asked with a shy smile playing at the corner of his mouth.

“Nice to meet a Minister after my own heart.” Kingsley replied also with a smile.

“Your son is currently being tended by two of our best Healers in the next room. We expect that they will be coming back out shortly.” Kingsley explained. “While we are waiting” he said directing Minister Webb’s attention to Arthur.

“Minister I would like you to meet Mr Arthur Weasley, our temporary Director of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement. And the master of this house.” Kingsley said with only slight formality showing through.

Arthur waved Minister Webb into our kitchen, he had to be weary of the top of the door frame as he stepped through. But he greeted Arthur with a genuine smile on his face and with warmth that was clear in his voice, “Mr Weasley, it is a very great honour to finally get to meet you. When David told, me he had spoken to the son of Septimus Weasley I nearly didn’t believe him. I do hope he passed onto you my greeting and invitation earlier.” He said while warmly shaking Arthurs hand in both of his.

“Minister Webb, I’m humbled that you consider meeting me an honour. I must confess that until today I was unaware of the actions of my father in relation to yours. I can say he would be greatly pleased to know that he helped a man who turned out such a fine family. If the actions of your son and daughters today are anything to go by. And Minister please call me Arthur.” Arthur said humbly.

“Many thanks Arthur. It is indeed gratifying to an old man’s ears to hear that his children are doing some good in the world.” He said smiling. “No need to keep up with the Minster fluff, please call me Ivan.”

Nodding to Ivan, Arthur next turned to me, “Ivan I would like to introduce my wife Molly Weasley.”

As he turned toward me I saw his eyes widen and flicker with obvious recognition before quickly reverting to his usual expression.

“It is a pleasure to meet you Ivan.” I said. And before I could stop myself, adding on, “Have we met before?”

Given I had just put ‘my foot in it’ I thought I might as well go all out and explain. So, I continued, “You seemed to have recognised me just now. I must admit I thought I noticed a similar reaction on your sons face when we were first introduced earlier also.”

“A pleasure to meet you also Molly. Please forgive my startled expression before. It’s just that you bear such a striking resemblance to my wife. It caught me off guard for a moment.” He replied.

“Of course, you are forgiven. Your wife must be an exception woman to take after me.” I said cheekily

“She is most definitely one of a kind.” He replied with a smile. “Would you like to meet her? She did say she would be right behind me.”

“It would be a pleasure.” I said quickly, trying to hide my own curiosity.

Ivan quickly walked back to the door and called out, “Sandra, are you ready yet? The door is open and everyone is waiting.”

“Coming, I was just selecting a nice bottle of wine to bring.” a female voice replied.

Very soon another person joined him in the door way. As he stepped back to allow her into the room we both made eye contact at the same time.

If Ivan’s reaction to seeing me was one of surprise it was as nothing to our reactions to seeing each other. She dropped the bottle of wine she had been holding and I dropped the tea pot that I had just picked up to make tea with for everyone. Both items smashed unnoticed on the floor of the kitchen.

While I felt a great deal of curiosity it was also clear that she was feeling something much stronger. As the colour, had drained from her face and she was beginning to look horrified.

The next words from her were heart breaking, “It’s a trap” she hissed to her husband.

“They didn’t manage to kill me last time I was here. Now they have lured me back, by hurting my son.” She exclaimed.

“We must rescue him darling and get out of here, all of us. They can’t be trusted.” She almost pleaded with her husband.

“Who can’t be trusted dear?” Ivan asked somewhat confused.

“Her.” She said pointing a finger at me. To the enormous shock and surprise of everyone in the room, myself included.

“I don’t follow you my dear. Why can’t Molly be trusted?” Ivan asked of his distraught wife.

“She’s a Prewett” she almost spat the word, “Just like ‘Great’ Aunt bloody Muriel who had Fabian and Gideon killed because they tried to protect me.”

“They can’t be trusted. Let’s get our family and go. They took my little brothers, this country took my first-born son. I will NOT let them take my daughters and only remaining son.” She said with steel coming back into her voice.

The Aurors outside had obviously heard the exchange and were paying more attention to the goings on in the room. They also looked to be ready to spring into action when called. I noticed that Shelly and Cassy had moved over to place themselves between the lounge where their brother and cousin was and the group in the kitchen. They hadn’t drawn their wands, but from what we had witnessed earlier they didn’t really need them.

The potential for immediate and extreme violence in the room was almost palatable.

Arthur was trying to speak, but the words wouldn’t come. My mind was going like an out of control Hippogriff. But I couldn’t get my mouth to express my words.

What I couldn’t communicate verbally I was trying to communicate with my face. If this woman was to be believed she would have to be my sister. My older sister. As she referred to Fabian and Gideon as her younger brothers. But to me they were my older brothers. She also mentioned Great Aunt Muriel. The names alone would have given me pause to think.

But her appearance was so familiar, I could almost picture her at the dinner table in my parents’ house.

Ivan, Kingsley and Chief Williams were likewise tongue tied with no idea what to say.

Into this mix there arrived a Fireball.

Not a real fireball obviously that would have been disastrous, but the other sister of Dave had arrived. She had two more people in tow behind her. They also looked rather confused.

“What’s going on? Why does everyone look like a bunch of stunned wombats?” she asked.

“That woman over there is a Prewett, Jasper.” Sandra said through clenched teeth.

“Yeah, I know. So, what’s the problem?” asked Fireball.

“You know? How can you possibly know?” her mother demanded.

“Dave told me. He recognised it as soon as he arrived and let me know.” She said with a rather direct look at her mother.

“Dave knew? And he didn’t warn you?” she asked.

“Mum do you honestly think Dave would have stayed for even a moment if he had read any guilt from her. You know what he is like.” She said with an exasperated sigh.

“He not only stayed, he fought alongside her and her family and their friends to protect them when we found the ambush waiting.” She explained.

“Then after that he went way above and beyond to help heal the young woman over there who was hit with one of those hideous cursed knives.” She said pointing to Gabrielle.

At this comment the two people who had entered with her moved off to where Gabrielle lay.

“Now mum, do you see Dave doing ANY of that. Let alone all of it if he thought she was guilty of or involved with the attack on you and your brothers?” she asked rather pointedly.

“You said it yourself, when you were last over here that Muriel wouldn’t let you meet any more of the family. So, it’s a good bet she hasn’t told them about you either.” Fireball said with some frustration starting to show.

The two women were almost glaring at each other.

“Bloody Hell Mum, you are one of the most stubborn and frustrating women that I know. If you don’t believe me ask Dave. You know that he can read people far better than any of us. If he says it is a good bet, that we can trust her and Arthur that’s good enough for me.” She exclaimed.

“Where is Dave anyway?” Fireball asked looking around for her brother.

Concern for her son over riding any other emotion Sandra joined Fireball in looking for Dave.

Kingsley ever the Diplomat, chose this moment to speak up, “Dr Webb, your son David is in the other room with two of our Healers.” He said with more calmness than usual.

“Healers? What did they do to him?” she asked a little heatedly.

Speaking in his deceptively calm and deep voice Kingsley tried to calm her fears by saying, “He collapsed after Gabrielle here, was herself healed from the cursed knife she was struck with.” Kingsley answered.

Fireball immediately began to move to the door that was currently guarded by Cassy and Shelly.

Shelly held up one hand to her sister and calmly but firmly said, “Let them do their job FB. Let them do their job.”

Glaring at her sister for a moment, Fireball moved to one side and put her hand on the wall. She closed her eyes and bowed her head for a moment.

“What do you see?” her mother asked desperate for news.

“Dave’s hurt. Badly” she mentioned quietly, almost clinically.

Her mother on the other hand only seemed to get more concerned. “How badly?” she asked in a small voice.

“He’s broken a lot of bones, in his legs, arms, back and most of his ribs. Must have been from when the Dementor threw him through the balcony” she went on in a clinical voice.

“Dementors?” Sandra croaked. “What...” she tried to say before her husband quietened her with a gentle hand on her shoulder.

“Looks like he tried to heal himself but he must have been too tired to do it properly. I think they are going to have to re-break several of the bones to reset them.”

“The Healers in there are working hard and honestly. But they are struggling with something, as we know that Dave doesn’t respond in the usual way to most treatments.”

“I think Shelly is right. We need to let them work in peace. Although we should have something ready for them to eat and drink when they get out. As they are going to need it.” She said taking her hand off the wall and turning to face the rest of the room.

“What?” she said taking in everyone staring at her when she turned around.

When no one answered her, she walked over to the crowd that was gathered around Gabrielle.

After a quick glance between them the two Ministers seemed to make the decision to take advantage of the quiet that had descended.

“Sandra, I would like to introduce you to Mr Kingsley Shacklebolt. The British Minister of Magic. Minister, I would like to introduce you to my wife, Dr Sandra Webb.”

“Dr Webb, it is a great pleasure to make your acquaintance.” Kingsley began with a small smile, as he took her hand in a warm but gentle hand shake.

“Minister, I’m very pleased to meet you also. It is reassuring to finally meet a British Minister of Magic who isn’t a total drongo.” She said returning Kingsley smile.

“Been reading my briefing papers again I see.” Ivan replied laughing at his wife’s comment and Kingsley’s reaction to them.

“I’m glad I have filled you with confidence in my abilities” Kingsley replied after recovering from his initial shock at her rather blunt assessment.

“A sense of humour too. Things are looking up.” Sandra replied to her husband while giving Kingsley a warm smile.

“Darling, this is Mr Arthur Weasley, son of Mr Septimus Weasley and Director of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement. He is also master of this house.”

“Mr Weasley, it is indeed an honour to meet you. The exploits of your father are almost legendary in my husband’s family. I for one are very grateful to him, for without him I would have never have met my husband.”

“Thank you for welcoming us into your home.” She said very warmly.

“You do me and my family great honour Dr Webb. I was unaware of my father’s actions in regards to your family until today. I’m still coming to terms with it myself I must admit. But you are most welcome here. Please call me Arthur” Arthur replied clearly nervous with all these guests.

“Thank you Arthur. I suspect that your fathers’ actions will have affected not only my husband’s family but a great many others. But that is going to be a journey for another day.”

“I greatly suspect that I myself are about to learn some new things about my own family” she said turning to look at me.

The woman standing before me looked at once so familiar and very much a stranger at the same time. She was slightly taller than Arthur. She had the fiery red hair so common in the Prewett family, even with the flecks of grey that showed through it was still a mane that she wore with almost regal bearing.

Her eyes were the bluest that I had ever seen. They reminded me of a bright summer’s day. But you could also almost feel the mind working behind them. They were the eyes of someone who remembers all of what they see. I don’t doubt that trait caused her children no end of grief while they were growing up.

While her face wasn’t like looking in a mirror, you couldn’t see it and not think it had to be a close family connection. Her expression was now of open curiosity; it was so familiar I couldn’t help but start to smile.

However, her build was the most noticeable difference between us. She put me in mind of someone who had spent a great deal of time outdoors. Not labouring or working on a farm, but just being outdoors for the pure enjoyment of it. She probably enjoyed walking in nature or a similar active pursuit.

My emotions were in such a jumble I almost didn’t hear Arthur making the introductions.

“Molly, I would like to introduce you to Dr Sandra Mary Webb. Dr Webb, this is my wife Molly Weasley.” Said Arthur a little nervously.

Keeping in mind her earlier comments, I raised my hand to shake hers very gently so as not to cause her any alarm. She also rather hesitantly raised her own hand to mine.

The handshake was tentative, but warm. I could feel all the questions behind it, I was willing to admit they were most likely the same as my own.

“Very pleased to meet you.” I finally managed to get out. As she squeaked out a similar reply.

Looking for a starting place for a conversation I said, “You have such a beautiful name. How did you come by it?”

“My parents each picked one name for me. As I was my mother’s first child she named me after her mum, Sandra Black. Of whom she had many fond memories. My dad named me after his wife, my mum, Mary Longbottom.” She explained.

“What was your father’s name?” I asked. I was almost positive that I knew the answer but I had to be sure.

Looking at me with searching eyes she answered, “William Prewett.”

My legs went weak and I would have fallen if Arthur hadn’t of caught me. I was only vaguely aware of all my children following the conversation very intently. But at the same time trying to look like they were not overly interested in it. Except for Bill, he was opening displaying his interest.

Looking up at Arthur I asked of him, “Why didn’t they ever tell me? Why?”

“I don’t know Molly. Truly I don’t know.” He answered with tears beginning to form in his own eyes.

“May I ask after your parents?” Sandra asked tentatively.

Wiping my eyes, I answered in a rush, “William Prewett and Mary Longbottom. I also had two OLDER brothers Fabian and Gideon Prewett.”

I watched her very closely as she absorbed those names. Comprehension dawned on her as to their meaning. There was a look of hope, longing as well as apprehension on her face as she drank in my face in the light of this new information.

“Sisters?” she said to the utter astonishment of all in the room.

Not knowing what to say, I could only nod. I wanted to move forward and embrace my older sister. However, she still seemed too stunned to accept it.

“Why?” she asked her eyes still searching my face. It was the one question I feared. As I had no means to answer it.

“I don’t know. I really don’t know.” I replied. It was the most honest answer I could give.

“I never knew. Growing up I thought that Fabian was my parents’ oldest child. There was never a hint that he wasn’t.” I tried to explain.

Her face was still searching mine, for what I could only guess. Her husband came up and put his hand on her shoulder and whispered something in her ear that I could not make out.

She glanced at him in surprise and then turned back to me. Her eyes turned almost completely golden and she just stared at me for a few moments. I had the oddest feeling that I had just been weighed and measured.

Whatever she saw seemed to remove the tension from her. She lost the defensive stance she had adopted since we first met.

She approached me again holding out both of her hands.

I took her hands in mine and held them, smiling at her.

“Sisters?” she asked again.

“Sisters!” I replied, with my eyes becoming moist.

We embraced each other in rather fierce hugs. People often tell me I give very strong hugs but my sister trumps me in that department.

When we finally released each other, I looked around at the crowd in the room, as well as the gathering of DA members on the porch with some of the Aurors from Dave’s team sprinkled amongst them.

“Everyone” I called out, “I would like to introduce my big sister Dr Sandra Webb”.

This set off a roar of approval and triggered a very hasty round of introductions as my family came over to meet their new Aunty and Uncle. Charlie was the first to us and was warmly embraced by both Sandra & Ivan. He was followed by George and Ron.

When Percy was introduced he was also warmly embraced, but Ivan asked him, “Mr P?” to which Percy nodded. Ivan then proceeded to tell Percy that Dave was highly impressed with his work with his team. He also mentioned that he had endorsed the nomination from Dave for Percy to be awarded the Distinguished Service Cross. As it was the highest honour that they could bestow on an operative who worked with them.

Percy’s face was the same colour as his hair when he moved on and made way for Ginny.

When she saw my Ginny, Sandra put her hands over her mouth and said, “It’s like looking back in time to when Jasper was about to come of age.” Ginny smiled shyly at the comment.

Ginny was also warmly embraced by the two of them. She then also offered her apologies for losing her temper and trying to Hex Dave not long after he arrived.

At this statement, I could see, Shelly, Cassy and Fireball take more of an interest in the conversation. Although they still seemed to be very relaxed.

“Thank-you for telling us Ginny” Sandra said with genuine warmth, “but it is nothing to do with us. It sounds to me like it was a misunderstanding between you and Dave, which you both have already dealt with.”

“Yeah it’s not the first time one of his cousins has tried to Hex the cheeky bas…” Fireball stated before being cut off.

“Jasper!” Sandra exclaimed, “mind you tongue. You are a guest here.”

“It’s true mum.” She retorted.

“That maybe but here is no need for that language young lady.” Sandra replied.

“The resemblance just gets clearer and clearer” Charlie remarked to Bill with a smile. “Indeed” he agreed also with a smile.

“Cousin?” Ginny asked a little surprised. “He would be, wouldn’t he? Another dam boy in the family.” She exclaimed.

“Don’t forget the six new FEMALE cousins that you just found out about also.” Fireball replied with an impish grin directed to Ginny.

Ginny gave the idea some thought and must have liked it as she moved off with a smile on her face to go and talk to Fireball, Shelly and Cassy.

I went to introduce Bill to my sister, but when I looked at him I was shocked. Without meaning to I exclaimed “Bill, what has happened to your face?”

Poor Bill found himself as the centre of attention in the room now.

Sandra spoke up saying, “They are only very mild scars, Molly. There’re nothing to worry about.”

“That’s just it. They were never mild scars.” I said, “They were deep and angry red scars before.”

At this Fleur and the woman who entered with Fireball came over to examine Bill’s face.

“C'est comme un miracle” Fleur said clearly surprised. Noting the looks from the others in the room she said, “It’s like a miracle”

“What are you talking about?” Bill asked

“It’s your scars Bill.” I said, “They are almost gone. You can still see them, but you must need to be looking for them to notice them now. As they are a lot fainter than before. They are also very shallow, nowhere near as deep as before.”

Bill was startled for a moment before he borrowed a mirror from Fleur and saw for himself.

The woman who had entered with Fireball asked, “How did you get those scars originally? How long ago?”

“Fenrir Greyback the werewolf gave them to me. It would be just over a year ago.” He answered without looking up.

“Curse wounds then. Take it has wasn’t transformed at the time?” she asked again in a very clinical manner while still staring at the scars.

I could see Fleur beginning to get a little agitated from the attention that this woman was giving to Bill.

“Correct.” he replied taking his eyes off the mirror to look at the woman before him. His eyes had a curious look in them, like he was trying to place where it was that he had seen her before.

“Don’t worry Bombshell, it will come to you eventually.” She said grinning ear to ear.

At this statement Bills eyes lit up with recognition. He also started to blush slightly.

“Look a bit different when I’m not covered in scaffold wreckage, dust and sand don’t I.” she said still smiling.

“Oh my.” Bill exclaimed. “I had almost completely forgotten about that until your brother reminded me of it earlier.” He said with the blush continuing to spread.

Fleur looked at the woman standing in front of Bill and asked “You are Natalie ‘ood? Dave’s sister?”

“I try to deny it but I am.” She replied smiling, “From what your parents said you must be Fleur, Bill’s wife and sister to the young lady on the table?”

“Oui” Fleur answered returning Natalie’s smile.

“Was Bill exposed to ‘Friendfyre’ at all during the effort on your sister?” Natalie asked.

“’Friendfyre’?” Fleur questioned.

“That’s what we are calling it at the moment. It doesn’t have an ‘official’ name currently. But it is Golden flames that don’t interact with things unless they are cursed or been exposed to dark magic.” Natalie exclaimed.

“Ahh… In zat case, Oui. We were all covered in it.” She answered.

“There is your answer Mrs Weasley. The ‘Friendfyre’ as we call it has destroyed all the curse damaged tissue on Bill’s face and most likely the rest of his body also.”

“Dave must have closed up the remaining wounds and healed them. But it has been a while since he was that clumsy about something like that. But given the other things he was doing at the time, I guess we can forgive him this once.”

“Excuse me, I must get back to examining Fleur’s sister.” With that she turned and went back to the table where Gabrielle and her parents were clustered.

Taking advantage of the break in the conversation, I introduced Sandra and Ivan to Bill and Fleur.

Sandra was greatly amused to meet Bill in person.

“So you are the near mythical ‘Bombshell’ that we keep hearing about.” She said struggling to contain her laughter.

“I must say you certainly made Craig’s proposal to Natalie a memorable one.” She chuckled.

“Proposal?” Bill said surprised, “Blimey, an entrance like that would have certainly put a dampener on the event.”

“I had no idea that that’s what they were doing. I just thought it was a dinner for two. I probably should go and apologise for interrupting them like that.”

“No need for that” Sandra said, “she has gotten great mileage out of the stories.”

“You might want to get Craig a beer at some point though. As he was a little put out with you for a while.”

“Although I suspect, that was mostly because you ended up in his lap. Drove the engagement ring he had in his pocket into his thigh and then tried to cuddle him.” She said finally failing to control her laughter.

“He was happy that you decided not to kiss though.”

Fleur also joined in the laughter although she might have been laughing more at the expression on Bill’s face at the moment. It was one of abject horror as he tried to imagine the scene.

While Bill was recovering from that news Fleur was introduced. She was also warmly welcomed and unconsciously turned on some of her Veela charm. The effect on my boys (except for Bill) was most noticeable, several of the others outside on the porch was also caught by it. However, Ivan was curiously unaffected by the display, and calmly mentioned that he was pleased to meet her and expressed his wishes that her sister would recover fully from her injuries.

Fleur once she realised what she had done was only a little surprised that her charm didn’t seem to have its usual effect on him.

She graciously accepted the good wishes and moved back to be with her sister and her family.

I next introduced Hermione to Sandra and Ivan. She had been hovering in the background clearly excited at the arrival of the woman who had been involved with looking after her parents over the past year.

When I made the introductions, I made sure to stress just who Hermione was to Sandra and Ivan. They were both very pleased to meet her and confirmed the information that Dave had provided earlier to her.

Namely that her parents were well, with some slight problems in regards to the charm that had been applied to them. But now that Sandra could question Hermione about the specifics of the charm that she had applied to her parents, Sandra was confident that it could be restored and removed fully.

Arrangements were quickly made to take Hermione back to Australia two days before her parents arrived. It was felt that this would give them both plenty of time to plan their course of action.

As the healers who were working on Dave had not yet come out of the lounge I took Sandra and Ivan over to where the Delacour family were gathered around Gabrielle.

I introduced Sandra and Ivan to Monsieur and Madame Delacour. Once they understood that they were the parents of Dave, the Delacour’s were lavish in their praise of the work that had been done by Dave.

They seemed to be pleased to hear this news, but were also very startled by the very French kisses that were bestowed on them both by Monsieur and Madam Delacour. I remembered thinking that I could relate as it also took me a while to become accustomed to them myself.

Looking at his daughter Ivan asked how Gabrielle was doing.

“I do believe that she is out of the woods right now, I also believe that she will make a full recovery with no ill effects.” She said very clinically. These comments also brought a smile to Madame and Monsieur Delacour and Fleur as well. Even Gabrielle managed a small but very tired smile.

“From what I have heard Dave did a solid job in dividing up the work load so no one was burdened to heavily. However, I am worried that he may have drained himself too much in the process.” She said a little concerned.

“How so?” Ivan asked.

“Think over the events of this day dad and what Dave has been through. Late yesterday he had a significant battle with a group of Death Eaters. Then they moved a large number of people from Thailand back to Australia. With a short rest he then moved a good number of people to southern France and then came here.”

“While here he apparently fought against the ambush that had been setup. Then once the humans had been dealt with he took on 15 Dementors. Now while Shelly, Fireball and Cassy helped that is still a tall order. Especially as it is currently only Dave who can deliver the ‘coup de grâce’ on them.”

“That alone takes a huge effort on one of them. Imagine doing it 15 times.” She said.

“I got one of them.” Fireball added.

“Ok then, 14 of them” Natalie said with a half-smile to her sister.

“To put it simply dad, I’m worried.” She said, “If all those healers had to contend with were a collection of broken bones on him they should have been done well before now.”

“I want to go in there and find out just what exactly is going on with him.” She added.

Ivan nodded and looked to Kingsley who had been listening to the conversation.

“I will go and ask for an update on his condition for you” he said before quickly making his way over to the lounge door.

The women gathered around it let him pass without hesitation. Clearly they wanted an update as well.

Kingsley opened the door and stepped through.
Reviews 19

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