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The Trouble with Family
By BigIve

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Category: Post-DH/AB
Characters:Harry/Ginny, Hermione Granger, Luna Lovegood, Minerva McGonagall, Neville Longbottom, Nymphadora Tonks, Other, Ron Weasley
Genres: Action/Adventure, General, Humor, Romance
Warnings: Death, Mild Language, Mild Sexual Situations, Spouse/Adult/Child Abuse, Violence
Rating: PG-13
Reviews: 19
Summary: It is after the Battle and the search for Hermione's parents uncovers some unexpected branches on a previously well known family tree.

Canon Relationships.

Some Mature/Adult Themes and Language.
Hitcount: Story Total: 51972; Chapter Total: 1540


We walked back out to where the tables had been setup for breakfast. Once the members of Dave’s team saw him they were quickly on their feet and at his side.

It was interesting and enlightening to watch. It was more like a family gathering than a boss being re-united with his employees. Dave seemed far more concerned with the health and wellbeing of those in his team than he was with his own.

The members of his team seemed used to this however as they quickly updated him on how they were, before they began to pester him with questions about his own wellbeing.

Dave seemed to be trying to down play the extent of his injuries, so that they wouldn’t worry about him. Sandra quickly stepped in and told them all that Dave is well on the way to being fully mended.

However, he would have to have a ‘movement assessment’ at some point to assess his suitability for field operations. This seemed to placate his team more than Dave’s own comments.

After finding that out Mick asked Dave very directly how he felt.

“When I first woke up I felt like I have been a dozen rounds each with the ‘Iron Lady’ and ‘Master Yoda’.” He replied with a bit of a grimace, but to which Mick only smiled broadly.

“However now that I have been moving about a bit, I’m starting to feel a lot better.” He answered Mick.

After giving him a long look Mick eventually nodded and embraced Dave again and then let him move on to the others.

“Who are the ‘Iron Lady’ and this ‘Master Yoda’?” I asked Sandra.

“They are nicknames for two of his favourite instructors from the Auror Academy back home.” She replied with a smile.

Eventually Dave made it passed his own team and was properly introduced to Monsieur and Madam Delacour. Monsieur Delacour was the first to great Dave with a hearty handshake followed by a warm embrace and some very French kisses on his cheeks which Dave clearly wasn’t used to.

“Ah Monsieur Webb. Thank you for saving our bébé Gabrielle.” He remarked while still holding tight to Dave’s shoulders and beaming at him.

“You are very welcome Monsieur Delacour” Dave replied still clearly very embarrassed by the attention, “It was very much a team effort from all involved. Including yourself.”

“You are too modest Monsieur Webb. Your sœur Natalie told us in great deal just how much effort was involved for you to do what you did. You have our eternal gratitude for the life of our little Gabrielle.” Monsieur Delacour said smiling at Dave.

“Once again Monsieur Delacour you are very welcome. Your Daughter is a very brave young woman who willingly stood up to defend others at great risk to herself. That sort of bravery should always be rewarded, I could not in good conscience stand by and do nothing after seeing that.” Dave replied.

“Merci Monsieur Webb. Merci. You do us great honour with your words.” Monsieur Delacour said with very moist eyes.

“No Monsieur Delacour the honour is mine. I’m extremely grateful for the help your daughters willingly gave us yesterday. They are both very special and brave young women you should be very proud of them both. And please call me Dave.”

“Merci Dave. Merci” Monsieur Delacour said once again hugging Dave.

“Does Dave realise that Gabrielle was standing right next to him while he was saying that about her?” I asked Sandra who had been standing next to me along with Fleur.

“He might but I doubt it. He tends to speak his mind before he thinks too much about the consequences. It gets him into trouble from time to time. But today I think it might be getting him into a different sort of trouble.” Sandra replied as she looked over at Gabrielle with a smile.

Fleur and I looked over at Gabrielle while Dave was being hugged and kissed by her mother. She was clearly very happy with what she had heard Dave saying and was looking forward to her own turn at greeting him.

“Oui, I do zink zat ‘e ‘as caught Gabrielle’s attention. I just ‘ope it is for ze right reasons.” Fleur remarked thoughtfully.

“From what I can see” Sandra replied with her eyes once again displaying that golden tint, “she has an honest interest in Dave. Steaming not from what he did for her but from what she saw and what he said to her before the attempt was made.”

Sandra looked over to both myself and Fleur and then asked us both, “Just what exactly did Dave do before he tried to heal Gabrielle?”

“I remember ‘e asked permission from papa to talk to Gabrielle’s soul. As ‘e wanted to get ‘er permission and support for ze attempt.”

“’e seemed very nervous and even slightly embarrassed about doing zat even with permission.” Fleur answered.

Sandra’s eyes widened in surprise, “You mean he stood before her soul core with no defences in place at all?” she said with a touch of awe in her voice.

“What do you mean by defences?” I asked.

“When we interact we other people we all want to display the best possible version of ourselves, to try and make a ‘good impression’ on others.”

“If Dave did what you said he did, he would have had to stand in front of the core of Gabrielle’s soul with no defences in place and she would have seen him as he truly is. No sugar coating on anything, all his scars, insecurities, fears, worries, hopes and dreams would have been wide open for her to see and question him about.”

“He would have also been bound to answer her questions without deception as well.” Sandra explained to us.

“Shelly did say zat she was questioning ‘im about ‘is wife when we noticed zat ‘e was crying.” Fleur replied.

“So she has seen the core of his soul uncovered then.” Sandra remarked while staring at Dave, then across to Gabrielle.

“What does zis mean?” Fleur asked a little concerned but also very interested in the answer.

“If they have both seen the core of each other’s soul and been able to successfully communicate on that level, it will be extremely difficult if not impossible for them to deceive each other. As they will have an intimate understanding of each other on a very fundamental level.”

“It will also make it very easy for them to talk to one another as well.” She said smiling.

“Why are you smiling like zat?” Fleur asked Sandra.

“The men in my husband’s family are notorious for being rather dense about women. As well as for their ‘skill’ in talking about their feelings.”

“My mother-in-law describes them a bit like nuts.” She said giggling.

I must admit here that both I and Fleur joined in the laughing at that analogy. Many more of the women in the family have found it rather apt over the years as well. It has become something rather like an inside joke.

As unbelievable as it may sound the boys still have not picked up on that ‘inside joke’ that us girls all share about them.

“Nuts?” I had to ask. I could see Fleur also bursting with curiosity as well.

“Yes nuts. As according to her once you finally get past the rather dense outer layer, you discover the true treasure that lies within.” She said smiling, clearly remembering her own journey with Ivan.

“Is zat what you found?” Fleur asked.

“Beyond my own wildest dreams. Beneath that rather dense exterior of my husband lay an ohhh so soft and gooey centre overflowing with love, compassion and support. As well as a very cheeky sense of humour. It is a cocktail that I’m still thoroughly enjoying to this day.” She said with a very naughty little smile.

“Gabrielle may have gained an inside track advantage to a similar treasure. I just hope she is not one to toy with his emotions. For despite Dave’s own rather rough exterior I know that he is a truly gentle soul inside.” She asked Fleur.

“I do not believe zat she is likely to toy with ‘ez emotions. As she is only two familiar wiz ‘ow it feels to ‘ave someone toy wiz ‘er own.”

“I’m sorry to hear that she has experienced that” Sandra replied to Fleur.

“Merci. As we are part Veela we are often considered as trophies or prizes by some. Zus we learn early, sometimes too early how to deal with powerful emotions. Boz our own and zose of others. We also ‘ave to learn very early about deception and falsehood and ‘ow zey are used to take advantage of ozers.”

“It is always refreshing to meet someone who can talk to us as zey would to anyone else. Or to be recognised for something other zan our beauty.”

“I zink zat may ‘ave been where Dave really put ‘ez ‘foot in it’ with ‘ez comment about Gabrielle’s bravery” Fleur smiled.

“Oh he often does that. His sisters often say that the reason he has such a big mouth is so that he can fit both his feet into it at the same time.” Sandra said then burst into laughter with the two of us joining in.

Dave by this point had managed to extract himself from Madam Delacour and turned to the three of us with a look of profound puzzlement on his face at our antics.

“He is just so cute when he is confused like that.” Sandra remarked still laughing

“Oui, ‘e is” Fleur replied and this set off another round of laughter.

While this exchange was going on Gabrielle had obviously got tired of waiting and flung her arms around Dave and brought him into a fierce embrace which she seemed to hold longer than was really necessary. That might have been partly due to the fact that Dave had to hold tight to her to stop himself from being knocked to the ground.

When he regained his balance, and drew back from her embrace slightly Gabrielle seized her chance and planted two kisses on Dave’s now flaming cheeks.

“I would also like to zank you for saving my life, Monsieur Webb.” Gabrielle said with a radiant smile.

“Please call me Dave. And you are very welcome Mademoiselle Gabrielle.” Dave replied returning her smile while staring into her eyes.

It now appeared to be Gabrielle’s turn to blush.

“I probably should be thanking you for helping us fight off that ambush. Your bravery in that situation was clear for all to see” he replied.

“’ow can you say I was brave? When I was terrified ze entire time it was ‘appening.” Gabrielle replied with her eyes downcast.

Dave reached out and lifted her chin with his finger, when he was again looking into her eyes he said, “It is not the absence of fear that makes us brave.”

“It is acknowledging that we are indeed afraid and then still doing what needs to be done.”

“Without fear, one cannot be brave. Does that make sense?” he asked her.

Gabrielle’s smile could have lit up a Quidditch stadium.

“I think he just ‘put his foot in it’ yet again” I said to both Sandra and Fleur.

Sandra only smiled while Fleur replied “Oui” and then smiled.

“Merci Dave.” Gabrielle replied before again embracing Dave (which he also returned) and then kissing his cheeks once more.

“Would you sit wiz me?” she asked him.

“If it is your wish, I will happily do so” he replied smiling.

Gabrielle returned his smile and grabbing his hand almost dragged Dave off to the empty seat that she had evidently kept next to where she had been sitting.

Neither of them noticed the smiles from Dave’s sisters and cousin. Nor the smiles from myself, Fleur, Sandra and surprisingly Ginny and Hermione.

The conversation around the table flowed with an ease that almost surprised me. For while the topics covered were mostly around everyone’s different experiences in the recently ended war there were enough light hearted moments covered that the laughter never truly died from around the table.

Eventually the topic of all the rather unique names of Dave’s team came up. I could see my children, in particular Ron and Ginny were intrigued by the different names. In the end, it was Shelly who explained that the names they used were their ‘call signs’ when on the radios or communication equipment that they use.

The purpose of the call sign being that it was easy (and quick) to say and clearly understood by the people listening to the conversation.

Most of the names used were based on the person’s actual name. But in the case of Rowdy, Guz, Goose, Fireball and Dave there seemed to be stories behind the names.

Rowdy appeared to have gained his name as he was always the quiet one in the group. Even when they were out celebrating he was apparently a ‘quiet drunk’ as they called him. Seeing as how he hardly said anything the entire time he had been here I could believe the story.

Guz had earned his name from Guzzling large amounts of drink very quickly. He came by this name in school due to his house mates nicking his drinks at meal times.

Goose got his name through an incident while he was courting his wife where he made a complete Goose of himself in the process. His wife one day made the mistake of relaying the story to his co-workers and the name stuck. His tendency to ‘mother’ the younger team members often resulted in him being called ‘Mother Goose’ frequently.

Fireball ended up with her name due to her fiery temper and personality. She is also very proficient in the use of various types of fireballs as well. Given that she is also one of the explosive experts on the team the name is very apt.

Once we got to Dave however he displayed a remarkable level of skill in redirecting the conversation into other areas or outright changing the topic. Eventually Gabrielle and Ginny both realised what was happening and pinned Dave to the mat as they say and rather directly asked him the meaning behind his name of ‘Syd’.

Of course, when they did this ALL of Dave’s family were openly grinning at him along with his fellow team members. Looking around at the ‘supportive’ faces all smiling down at him he eventually had to admit defeat and explain the story. Although even then it had to be dragged out of him.

“It’s short for Sidchrome.” He replied and it was all he would give up for a while until Hermione spoke up, “Isn’t Sidchrome a muggle tool company? Don’t they make screwdrivers and spanners things like that?”

At this Dave started to blush slightly and could only nod.

“So you mean to say that they are really calling you a ‘Tool’ when they use that name?” George asked with an evil light in his eyes.

“Not quite” was Dave’s reply to the general laughter of his team.

“It’s more along the lines of I’m the ‘Right Tool’ for the job. Rather than being a tool if you take my meaning.” Dave tried to explain when Fireball jumped in.

“I much prefer Emma’s explanation of it.” She said with a truly evil grin to Dave’s now worried expression.

“What was her explanation?” Ginny asked Fireball with a very similar evil glint in her eye.

“That he HAS the right tool for the job.” Fireball answered to the cat calls and cheers of Dave’s team and the laughter of his family.

Dave meanwhile had his head in his hands trying to hide his embarrassment. When he eventually looked up and caught Gabrielle’s amused and questioning look his cheeks turned so red I was worried that they might burst into flame.

Eventually Dave extracted his face from his hands, although his cheeks were still flaming. Looking over to his father he remarked, “Less than a day she has known we are family and already she is teaming up with Fireball like a seasoned pro.”

“Outnumbered and out gunned son.” Ivan replied with a smile of commiseration.

“Outnumbered?” Ron asked confused.

“Yes outnumbered. In our family, the girls vastly outnumber us guys. They also hunt in packs and that makes them even more dangerous.” Dave answered with mock angst, while Fireball, Shelly, Andrea and Cassy all fixed him with looks that wouldn’t have been out of place on a Lioness hunting her prey.

Noticing the looks on their faces Dave pointed them out to Ron and remarked, “See what I mean”.

By the time that Ron had looked at the girls they were all wearing looked of feigned innocence.

“No I don’t.” Ron replied.

“Ron, if you want to survive ‘The Horde’ of girls in this family learn to catch the signs of impending doom and quickly. Or you will not last very long. As they are relentless and more often than not without any pity.” Dave replied.

“Horde? Just how many are there?” he asked.

“Let’s see, 6 sisters and 45 female cousins.” Dave replied.

“You forgot your 7 Aunties as well Dave” Ivan said ‘helpfully’.

“Yeah, thanks dad. And 7 Aunties. They are all as bad as each other and they always back each other up over us boys. So, don’t even both asking them for help as you won’t get it.” He said.

“Oh I almost forgot Grandma Webb and Great Grandma Vogt. Those two are probably even worse than all the others put together. More than likely as they have had longer to practise.” Dave laughed.

“How many guys are there?” Ron asked.

“I have 3 male cousins with which to try and counter balance that.” Dave answered.

“Your uncles?” Ron asked hopefully.

“Are you kidding? They are not silly enough to stand against ‘The Horde’.” Dave chuckled.

“I was hoping the discovery of 5 new male cousins would provide a glimmer of hope. But you seem to bring a female cousin with you who is almost as bad as Fireball here.” Dave chuckled while pointing to his sister who threw a bit of toast at him which he easily ducked.

“But one on one you can take them, can’t you?” Ron needled him with a grin.

“Have you been listening Ron? They are never alone; they hunt in packs. There is no ‘one on one’, at least outside of training.” Dave explained.

“But surely…” Ron began.

“How about a demonstration?” Dave asked with a rather suspicious smirk on his face.

“Ok. I’m game” Ron replied with a smile.

“Oo pick me, pick me!!!” Fireball almost jumped up and down in her seat.

“Ah… No I don’t think we will do that Fireball. You tend to be too rough.” Dave said reprovingly.

“We will do this with his sister.” Dave decided.

“Me?” Ginny exclaimed.

“Yes you Little Fireball. Or should I say LFB.” Dave smirked at Ginny’s surprise.

Harry laughed at this exchange before Ginny fixed him with one of her looks.

“Pick a side Scruffy and quickly. These women are getting more dangerous every day.” Dave advised Harry before Gabrielle elbowed him in the ribs.

Staggering back in mock pain and hurt Dave exclaimed “Et tu Gabrielle?” This got a laugh from Fleur and Sandra.

He quickly ‘recovered’ and gave her a bow and a smile (which she returned) before excusing himself. But not before asking her to hold his seat (which she agreed to do).

“Guz and Goose, can you make us a temporary sprung training floor here? Usual dimensions?” Dave asked.

“Can do skipper.” Came the reply as the two of them quickly conjured up a flat square floor that seemed to be a little springy as they walked across it.

“Ginny, Ron will the two of you please come up here.” Dave asked as everyone turned in their seats to watch ‘the show’.

Dave seemed to notice some commotion amongst his team as he quickly spoke up, “All bets are off at this point guys and gals. Don’t let Fireball or Mick lead you astray. This is only a demo.” He said smiling at the two named conspirators.

Fireball made a rude gesture and sound in Dave’s direction. This made him laugh and respond, “And I love you to sis. Now behave.”

Fireball reluctantly sat down at this comment but she did watch the proceedings with interest.

By this time both Ron and Ginny had approached the training floor. Noticing that Dave had taken his shoes off they also took their own off as well.

“Ok Ginny, grab Ron’s wrist.” Dave instructed and she did so.

“Ron get out of it.”

Ron twisted and turned a few times and eventually managed to twist his way out of it.

“Ok, now swap.” Dave asked them, which they did.

“Ginny, get out of Ron’s grip.” Dave asked her.

Ginny had a much tougher time trying to get out of Ron’s grip. Ron seemed to get more and more smug as the time went by. But she did eventually get out of it.

“Ok, interesting. You both tried to use brute strength to get out of that. Why?” Dave enquired.

“How else would you do it?” Ginny answered

“How else? Well there are several alternatives. Let me show you a simple one now.”

“Ron. Look away for a moment.” Dave instructed.

From where I was sitting I could see Dave got Ginny to grab his wrist and then proceeded to show her some sort of movement involving making circles with his arms.

Ginny’s face was a delight to watch as it was obvious she was clearly intrigued by this and she was watching very intently.

After a few moments Dave asked Ron to turn back around and grab Ginny’s arm again. This time however when Dave asked Ginny to get out of Ron’s grip she not only got out of it very quickly she also had him on the floor and clearly in an uncomfortable position.

I’m not sure who was the more surprised Ron or Ginny. As they both wore rather startled expressions.

“That was a very simple demonstration of ‘It’s not what you have, but how you use it. That counts.’” Dave said helping Ron to his feet.

“That was achieved with a few moments of instruction. Just imagine what can be achieved with years of study?” Dave asked Ron.

“All the women in my family are fully trained in these sorts of skills.” Dave explained while the girls in his family were openly grinning at them like predatory animals.

This time Ron noticed the looks on the girls faces and he seemed to have gotten the message, but Dave drove it home further by saying, “That’s not all they are trained in either.”

“Now do you see the predicament us boys are in?” he said grinning.

“If you and your brothers want to play, we will gladly welcome the re-enforcements. But we do want you to know what you are getting yourself in for.” Dave said as he prepared to head back to the table.

“Does that also apply to how you use your magic?” Kingsley asked standing up.

“It applies to just about anything Kingsley.” Dave answered.

“Can you demonstrate for me? With me?” Kingsley asked with a smile.

“But of course Kingsley.” Dave said returning Kingsley smile with his own one, “step this way”.

Kingsley eagerly joined Dave on the training floor and removed his shoes.

“A demonstration with shields and stunners?” Dave enquired.

“Agreed” Kingsley replied.

A roughly human shaped dummy appeared at one end of the training mat opposite Kingsley.

“Draw your wand Kingsley and when I ask you send a stunner at the target over there. However, make the first stunner rather general and the second one targeted on the chest.” Dave asked.

Kingsley drew his wand and pointed it at the target.

“Now” Dave shouted and Kingsley sent a stunner racing to the target. But like in the kitchen yesterday Dave ‘caught’ it and made it stand still. He then raised the stunner up a foot or so to enable Kingsley to see the target.

“Again with the focused one.” Dave instructed and again Kingsley sent a stunner at the target and again Dave caught it and placed it next to the first one.

“Come join me down here and tell me what you see as the differences between the two stunners here.” Dave invited Kingsley.

Kingsley came down and joined Dave and began to look at his two stunning spells with mixture of interest and awe.

“The rest of you can come and look also if you wish, but I do advise you not to touch them, for the obvious reasons” he chuckled and got a few nervous ones in reply.

We all gathered around the two stationary stunners and closely examined them. It was a very interesting experience as I had never seen spells motionless like this in the air before.

When we all had been looking at the two spells for several minutes Dave again asked us what we saw different between the two red bundles of energy.

“I will give you a clue.” He said sounding very much like a teacher, “It’s to do with the front of the spell.”

So, we all shifted our focus to the front of the spells.

After a moment or two Harry spoke up, “The second one looks a little more pointed than the first.”

“Give that man a red jelly bean.” Dave remarked grinning broadly.

“You are absolutely correct Harry. As the second stunner, had been cast with a more specific target in mind it has more of a point to it than the first.”

“What difference does that make?” Ron asked a moment before George did.

“That’s the second part of the demonstration” Dave answered.

“Harry if you could stay for this bit, then rest of you can sit down”

We all went and sat down while Harry stayed on the training floor with Dave and Kingsley.

“I’m going to release these now so that they will hit the target, so stand back a moment.” Dave instructed.

Once everyone was clear Dave released the spells and they both struck the target producing large red marks that were displayed for a few moments before fading away.

“Ok, this time Kingsley is going to send stunners at the target while Harry casts a shield to protect it and himself.”

“Are you two ready?” Dave asked them both. Getting affirmative responses Dave asked Harry to cast his shield. Once that was done he asked Kingsley to send a general stunner at the target.

The stunner hit the shield and stopped.

“Ok send the second stunner but this time aim for the black dot on the targets chest.” Dave requested.

Kingsley sent the second stunner at the target. While this one was also blocked by the shield it was also evident that Harry had to try harder to keep it out.

“You ok Harry?” Dave asked.

“Yeah, I’m good.” Came the reply.

“From your point of view what was the difference between the two stunners.” Dave asked him.

“The first one felt very familiar like a push against my shield. The second one felt almost like a knife stab instead of a push. It took more of an effort to keep it out.” Harry remarked.

“Exactly the point I was trying to make. Both stunners had roughly the same energy. But it was how that energy was used that made a difference.” Dave said.

“If you can narrow your focus of a spell sufficiently you can send it straight through most shields.” Dave replied. “Even multiple shields under the right conditions.”

Both Kingsley and Harry had slightly sceptical looks on their faces at this.

“I take it you want a demonstration?” Dave asked them with a knowing grin.

“If you are offering one” Kingsley replied also with a grin.

“Ok who wants to go first? Or do you want to do a shield together?” Dave asked.

After a quick conference, together was the option that they chose.

“Tell me when you’re ready.” Dave requested.

A moment later there was a shield in place that could be seen clearly so it must have been a very significant one.

“Ready” came the call back.

Dave quickly pointed his finger at the target and what looked like a very long stunner raced out and hit the target.

Both Kingsley and Harry were very startled and all the rest of us were shocked. Except for Dave’s team and family.

“Are you both ok?” Dave asked them.

“We are fine. Surprised but fine.” Kingsley replied catching his breath.

“Tell me how you did that.” Kingsley requested.

Dave nodded and waved for Fireball to join him on the stage. Once Kingsley and Harry were out of the way and Fireball indicated that she was ready Dave cast another stunner that Fireball caught and held in place.

“What do you notice that is different?” Dave asked Kingsley and Harry. Then raised his gaze to us all.

While Kingsley’s stunners had appeared to be about as thick as a medium sized log or as thick as a man’s arm. Dave’s stunner looked more like a knitting needle.

“It’s a lot thinner.” Kingsley replied.

“Is that all?” Dave answered with a slight smile.

When no one else could add anything after a few moments Dave nodded to Fireball who then moved her hands like she was opening a cabinet. To my surprise what I thought was a single stunner turned out to be three separate ones. Just very close together.

Kingsley looked to Dave with a question plain on his face. Dave saw this and answered, “The best shield in the world will fail if hit hard and fast enough. By casting spells in this manner, you greatly increase their effectiveness. Especially if you need to send them through an opponent’s shield.”

“If the shield is of a sufficient quality then the failure caused will only be brief and small. That is the reason why those stunners were cast in such a manner.”

“I do believe that if the target is checked it will show that the first stunner was blocked but that the 2nd and 3rd ones got through to hit the target close to each other. In the black dot, itself.” Dave answered.

Kingsley went over to check the target and must have confirmed Dave’s statement as he came back muttering under his breath about show offs or something. Dave seemed unfazed by it however.

Obviously aiming to head off an argument Dave asked, “Do your Aurors all train in the Muggle Martial Arts?”

“Some do. But it isn’t compulsory. Why?”

“Did you?” Dave asked.

“I trained in boxing. As I wasn’t too keen on the other choices.”

“Ok. Well in boxing do you always expect your first punch to land? And if it did would you expect it to knock your opponent out?” he asked Kingsley.

After a moment of thought Kingsley replied, “No you never expect your first punch to land let alone knock them out.”

“It is the combination of blows…” Kingsley trailed off as recognition of what Dave was saying dawned on him.

Once he grasped the idea he couldn’t stop himself from grinning like a mad man.

“It is the same principle as demonstrated earlier. Using what you have more effectively rather than relying on brute strength alone.”

“If I may make a suggestion as to your training schedule here. I would strongly suggest that Muggle martial arts be made required training. Then once the basics are masted you take those skills and combine them with magic so that casting spells flow as naturally as punches and kicks do.”

“Also the movement skills are very beneficial as well.” Dave explained.

“I see your point Dave. I do think I will indeed suggest just that.” Kingsley answered.

“What are Muggle Martial Arts” Ginny asked and I could see Arthur becoming interested in the topic at the mention of muggles.

“They are a variety of fighting styles created by muggles all over the world. Primarily they are unarmed but there are a wide variety of weapons also available in them as well.”

“When taught properly they cover not only the physical fighting, but also self-discipline, focus, balance, co-ordination and above all self-control.”

“Could you show us?” Arthur asked hopefully.

Dave seemed a little hesitant but Ivan quickly stepped forward and said “That can be organised. As he needs to be put through a movement assessment anyway.”

“Is that really required?” Dave exclaimed.

“You had 37 different bones re-broken and re-set last night Dave. Even with your rapid healing ability I’m not willing to put you back into the field until I’m convinced that you’re fit and able.”

“Now we can either do this here or back at the academy. It’s your choice.” Ivan asked his son.

“Ok, let’s get this over with”. Dave said with a resigned sigh.

While Dave might not have had much enthusiasm for the event, the same couldn’t be said for Dave’s team. They were all clearly excited by the prospect of it.

“Who am I up against?” Dave asked.

“Me.” Replied Ivan. This seemed to only increase the excitement of Dave’s team.

“Rules?” Dave asked.

“Let’s start out with ‘Muggle Rules’ and no weapons or armour.” Ivan answered.

Dave only nodded his head in reply before his clothing seemed to ripple and change. The ripple travelled from his shoulders downwards and it left a different set of clothing behind.

When the ripple had passed, Dave was dressed only in a T-Shirt and shorts.

I noticed that his T-Shirt had a larger version of that pirate type figure I saw yesterday on his other shirt. Only this time the pirate figure covered the whole back of the T-Shirt. While above the pirate figure was the word, ‘Marauders’ followed by ‘Be Different’ below it.

This T-Shirt seemed to be the cause of some amusement for Harry, Ginny, Hermione, Ron and George.

“What exactly is about to happen?” I asked Sandra. Although the other members of my family all seemed to be listening for the answer as well.

“They are going to engage in some mock combat drills. These are prearranged moves where they each know what the other is going to do and needs to do.”

“Because they each know what the other has to do it makes it easier to assess the other persons capability.”

“If for instance Dave has lost some mobility because of his recent injuries it will show up rather clearly as he will not be able to offer the correct response.”

“Because these two have spared so often over the years they know each other’s style very well. Ivan will start out with ‘simple attacks’ that will have a simple response. He will then move onto ones that are a bit showier to make Dave really stretch out.”

“Finally he will move onto much more complicated attacks that will require a far more complicated response from Dave.”

“Once Dave has been able to satisfy Ivan that he can move sufficiently they may perform some freestyle sparring where they are both free to attack and defend as they see fit.” Sandra explained.

“I see. It sounds like it will be interesting to watch.” I replied as we all turned back to Ivan and Dave who had both just turned to face each other on the training floor and bowed.

They then both stepped back into an odd-looking stance before Ivan darted forward with a punch, to which Dave responded by simply moving out of the way.

Next Ivan tried a punch and followed it up immediately afterwards with a second one aimed at Dave’s head. Dave avoided both attacks simply by moving.

Very quickly the number of attacks grew until the point where Dave was required to use his hands to deflect them.

Not long after this Ivan added some kicks into his attacks and then things really started to heat up. They were both soon jumping and spinning on the mat with their hands and feet flying in all directions.

It was very impressive to watch. The part that most amazed me was that these two men who were both over 7 feet tall could move like that. They seemed to have a fluid grace to their movements that completely disregarded their size. It put me in mind of those Muggle Ballet Dancers I had once seen a long time ago.

Looking around at the other members of my family I could see that they also were stunned by what they were seeing. They were also keenly following the action with rapt attention.

Eventually after a particularly impressive combination of a jump and spin followed by a kick by Dave, Ivan clapped his hands together twice and they both came back to the middle and bowed to one another again.

“It seems like he can still move as required.” Was the comment from Ivan after the assessment.

“Is that all you’re going to do?” Fireball asked them with a rather cheeky grin, “Seems like that was only a warm up. Come on dad push the little bugger some more will you.”

This comment resulted in a round of good natured laughter from Dave’s team and his family.

After a quick conversation between the two they seemed to reach an agreement. After which Dave shrugged and pointed to his seat, Ivan nodded and headed to his own seat as well.

“Are you to going to play or not?” Fireball asked.

“In a moment. We are just going to grab a drink first, as this is thirsty work.” Ivan answered.

“Unless you want to sub in for Dad?” Dave asked his sister.

“Not just now thanks. I want to see you two boys work hard for a change.” She said with a grin at him.

“We always work hard.” Dave protested while gulping down water.

“At what?” Fireball needled him in what appeared to be a frequent game between the two of them.

“Everything of course. That’s why I’m so good at what I do.” Was Dave’s rather cheeky reply.

“hmmph. The only thing you’re good at is trying to embarrassing me.”

“Good? I’m a master at that particular task.” Dave responded with an evil grin.

“All I need to do is dress as you and the rest is easy.” He said still grinning at a slightly nervous Fireball now.

“How are you going to embarrass her if you’re the one in a dress?” Ginny asked confused.

“I would have thought that you would be embarrassing yourself. Not the other way around.” Ginny said grinning at him.

“Is that a challenge there cuz?” Dave asked with a raised eyebrow.

“Yeah, I guess it is cuz. Do your worst and let’s see who gets embarrassed here.” Ginny said with a smug little smile on her face. “I can even lend you a dress if you like.” She added breaking out into laughter.

Her brothers joined in the laughter as well, along with Harry and Hermione.

Dave glanced over at Ginny and then Harry and seemed to reach a decision. He walked around from his seat to hers, “My worst huh? I don’t think we will need to go that far” He remarked, with a grin growing on his face.

Holding out his hand he proclaimed, “Challenge accepted.”

Ginny took his hand and said, “Challenge accepted” while they shook on it.

Dave then walked a short way away from the table while everyone turned to look at him.

He stood still for a moment while he appeared to be thinking. After a moment or two more he looked up and with the evilest grin on his face he looked into Ginny’s eyes and winked. This seemed to startle her a bit.

Dave then spun on the spot and when he stopped and faced everyone we all broke into hysterical laughter. With one exception. Poor little Ginny was sitting at the table with an absolutely horrified expression on her face.

‘Dave’ on the other hand seemed to be enjoying himself a great deal.

The cause of Ginny’s horrified expression stemmed from the fact that Dave was now her identical twin and was cheekily waving to her. To further compound the horror for poor little Ginny, Dave/Ginny was now wearing a very formal and very girly ball gown. Of the type that little Ginny would not have been seen dead in.

After allowing everyone to enjoy the view for a moment or two Dave/Ginny sashayed up to Harry with an overly extravagant swaying of ‘his’ hips and promptly sat down in a very startled Harry’s lap.

He then proceeded to put his arms around Harry’s neck and leaned in as though he was going to kiss him.

Thankfully for poor Harry, Dave/Ginny stopped just sort and simply asked him, “Well what do you think?” all the while displaying a particularly evil smirk on his face.

“Do I measure up to the real thing?” he asked in Ginny’s voice while battering his eye lids at Harry.

“Bloody Hell.” Was all Harry could say in response, in between his laughter.

“I’ll take that as a yes.” Dave/Ginny replied.

He then got up off Harry’s lap and walked over to a very embarrassed Ginny and stood there with ‘his’ hands on ‘his’ hips. A pose that was so very familiar. Then he asked Ginny, “Well do I win?” all the while grinning like a Cheshire cat.

Ginny was completely lost for words. The poor girl simply couldn’t find her voice let alone the words to go with it.

‘Dave’ then wandered over to poor Arthur and sat in his lap and asked his opinion of his ‘outfit’.

Between tears of laughter Arthur answered that he thought it suited him. This of course just set everyone but Ginny off into a fresh round of laughter again.

Getting back up Dave walked a short distance from the table and said, “Since little Ginny seems to have misplaced her voice for the time being, I’m asking this group for a ruling on who won this bet.”

“The vote is simple. Who is the more embarrassed here? The young lady seated at the table” ‘he’ said pointing to Ginny.

“Or this one.” ‘He’ said pointing to himself.

“Her” came the unanimous response (minus Ginny) while everyone pointed to Ginny who now had cheeks that were so red they basically glowed.

“I thank you all for your assistance in this matter.” ‘He’ said with a bow.

When he straightened up again it was Dave once more standing before us as himself.

Giving himself a shake he exclaimed, “That always feels so bloody weird.” As he began walking back to the table shaking out his legs.

“Why would changing your face feel weird?” Ron asked confused.

Dave glanced over at him looking more than a little surprised, “It wasn’t only just the face that changed Ron.”

“EVERYTHING, has to change for it to be convincing.” Dave exclaimed.

“Everything?” Ron asked to the amusement of us all.

“Everything!” Dave answered.

“Ouch” Ron answered.

“That doesn’t cover the half of it Ron. Women have all these extra organs and odd substances in their blood. Not to mention the funny way their hips work, it makes walking very strange.” Dave explained.

“We blokes are much simpler creatures.” Dave said while walking back to Ginny’s spot.

“Do you want to play again Ginny? Or are you good for now.” Dave asked to a still very embarrassed Ginny.

“No, I’m good thanks. You win.” She said while trying to hide her head under her mass of hair, which incidentally was a good colour match for her cheeks just now.

Dave then wandered over to face Fireball, “How about you? Do you want to play some more?” he asked still with a wicked grin on his face.

Fireball seemed to feel a little trapped, as her sisters and cousin were egging her on to not let her little brother ‘get away with it’.

Eventually she gave in to the peer pressure and answered Dave’s challenge, “Ball gowns don’t frighten me. You’re on.” She said throwing caution to the winds.

Dave bowed to her and walked back to the same spot as before. Ginny meanwhile seemed to be peeking out from under her mass of hair to see what would happen next.

Once more Dave spun on the spot and when he stopped Fireball’s twin stood there dressed in a set of Orange and Black Quidditch Robes.

Fireball’s face had gone white with shock.

No one seemed to have a clue as to what was going on. Dave seemed unconcerned by this though. He cheerfully walked over to his father (with a little more ‘hip swaying’ than was needed I must add) and then quite happily sat in his lap.

Pulling his Mirror Phone from his pocket he held it up and took something called a ‘selfie’. This turned out to be a photo of himself (as Fireball) and his father both of whom were smiling at the camera.

Thanking his father, he got up and showed the photo to Fireball who was now looking rather worried.

“It is a great shot don’t you think?” Dave/Fireball said to Fireball.

“It’s so good in fact, that I think I need to share it with a certain Quidditch player from the…” Dave started to say before Fireball launched herself from her seat and took off after Dave.

Dave seemed to be equal to the task though as he was able to keep out of Fireball’s grasp. Although he like the rest of us was laughing a great deal.

Running past his father I noticed him throw his Mirror Phone to his dad before heading off to the training floor. Fireball must have not seen him throw the phone as she took off after him.

By the time Dave/Fireball was on the training floor he/she was again dressed in T-Shirt and Shorts but this time matching Fireball’s attire. Fireball got rid of her shoes and joined him on the floor as well.

They gave each other only the briefest of bows before they needed to hide their grins and focus.

The display we watched before was very impressive with what they were doing. This display was something else. Sandra made the comment that this was free form sparing with no pre-set moves.

It was also significantly faster and involved them both frequently making contact with each other. Although it was very obvious that they were not actively trying to hurt one another.

It didn’t take very long at all until we had lost track of who was the real Fireball and who was Dave/Fireball. While they each had their own group of supporters neither group really knew when to cheer for their champion.

Neither one of them did anything to give away who was who until Dave’s Mirror Phone gave out a rather annoying buzzing sound. Unlike the other sounds it had made before.

I didn’t know what it meant but it had the instant attention of Dave’s team along with Chief Williams, Ivan and Sandra. Both of the combatants up on the training floor also heard it. One of them stopped and looked over to Ivan and quickly changed back into Dave only to receive a very swift kick in the bum from the real Fireball.

Fireball let out a yell and fell onto her own backside holding her ankle. Dave quickly crossed to her and tended to her ankle before racing to his father to get his phone.

Once he had it in his hands he quickly stopped the buzzing and then was reading something.

When he looked up he had a neutral expression and he motioned his team to gather round.

“Ok, I can see you’re all interested in this latest news. To put you all out of your misery I will just tell you now.”

“That was a message from Semi.” He said with a pause while he looked at his team.

“He says and I quote, ‘We got her’” at this statement Dave had a huge grin on his face. His team also let out a great roar of celebration.

“Ok, ok settle down.” Dave told them.

“The rest of the message reads, ‘Captured the two minders. No injuries to all involved. Moved to secure location near Marseille with team, target and minders. Awaiting further instructions.’ So, they pulled it off and are ‘home’ safe and sound.” He said clearly happy at the news.

Dave moved amongst his team speaking to them all individually about this latest news. There were many hugs back slapping and handshakes all round. They were all clearly excited by the rescue of this person whoever it was.

Eventually the group quietened down and Dave moved back to sit down next to Gabrielle. She happily moved over and made room for him.

Once he was seated Kingsley was the first one in with the question of, “Just who did your team get?”

“The wife of Gawain Roberts.” Dave replied still smiling.

Kingsley eyes widened in surprise and then he to (along with Arthur) began to grin like mad men.

“I can understand the celebrations then.” Kingsley said extending his hand to Dave, “You have my most sincere thanks for the work of your team in this matter.”

Taking his hand and enthusiastically shaking it Dave replied, “No thanks are necessary. My team harbours a ‘special’ deep dark hatred of kidnappers. Especially those that go after kids. So, we are ALWAYS happy to recover someone from people like that.”

“I do think that we should get the news to Gawain as soon as possible. As I can’t control what the opposition will do once they find out she is missing.”

“If we get to him first we can at least give him the facts and take him to his wife, so that he will be prepared for their inevitable counter move.” Dave suggested.

“A great idea. I will go and get him now and bring him here.” Kingsley offered.

“If I may Kingsley, I have a suggestion I would like to put to you.” Dave said carefully.

“Go on, suggest away” Kingsley replied.

“It has been a while since we last observed Gawain and we don’t know what sort of controls the opposition may have placed on him since then.”

“With that in mind I would like to accompany you to the Ministry. As I can get Gawain and you out of there with no one knowing anything about it.”

“I can bring him back here without even him knowing where he is. Then we can assess what if any controls are on him and deal with them as required.” Dave said in a very confident sounding manner.

“A sensible precaution Dave. I agree.” Kingsley said after a moment’s thought.

“How will you get us out of the Ministry without anyone knowing?” he asked.

“Just off the Ministers office is the private conference room. If we all go into that room and you seal it, with a slight modification I can use the door to the hidden liquor cabinet to open a doorway to my tent.”

“If we have the main door of my tent sealed Gawain, and anyone who may be watching him. Will not know where they are.” Dave explained.

“How do you know about the liquor cabinet?” Kingsley asked.

“Do you remember what I told you yesterday? About extracting information out of your Ministry.” Dave enquired.

“I do indeed Dave.” Kingsley answered.

“A lot of the times I just waltzed into the Ministers office, dressed as him and made copies of the files I wanted right off his desk. Then walked right on back out.” Dave said smiling.

“You cheeky bugger.” Kingsley said also smiling.

“I hope you haven’t done that as me, have you?” Kingsley asked slightly alarmed.

“No Minister I haven’t. Not yet anyway.” Dave said with his evil grin once more on display.

This took Kingsley a little by surprise. He quickly recovered and said, “I think it will be a good idea to maintain good relations with your Minister so that he doesn’t turn you lose on me as well.”

Dave sat back with a look of feigned hurt and remarked, “Are you trying to get rid of me Minister?” while winking at his dad who just chuckled.

“How do we get you into the Ministry without anyone realising it?” Kingsley asked Dave.

“I think the simplest approach would be for me to dress as Arthur, if he has no objections.” Dave said looking over to Arthur to see his response.

“No objections from me Dave.” Arthur replied.

“Ok. Then after we get into the Ministry we both go and collect Gawain and take him up to your private board room. Once there you tell your secretary that you, Arthur and Gawain are going to be having a highly confidential meeting and that you are not to be disturbed for the next hour or two.”

“Once inside you will seal the room with the stipulation I mentioned before. I will then open a door to my tent here and we will take Gawain through.”

“There are wards in place on our tents that I will activate before we go that will prevent just about any tracking spell from giving the location away.”

“Once we have him here we can work on him to ensure that he isn’t tracked or have any controls on him. If possible I think it would be a great idea to borrow Bombshell to help with this task as he has some serious skills in that department.”

Once again Dave looked over to Bill for his views and received a curious nod in reply.

“Excellent. Once Gawain is ‘free and clear’ we can give him the news about his wife and what we intend to do about it. Then if he is agreeable I will dress as him and go back to the Ministry with you and Arthur.”

“From there we can split up and meet back here once we are sure that we are not being followed.” Dave said sitting back and looking for comment.

“Why do I get the feeling that you have done this before Dave?” Kingsley said with an amused expression.

“Maybe because I have done it a time or two.” Dave smirked.

“Ok, I like it. It is simple and direct. Given the element of surprise is with us I believe it will work.” Kingsley said, “How quickly can you be ready to leave Dave?”

“Give me a moment or two to have a very quick wash and get changed into something a little more tactical. Then I will be ready.” Dave said getting up.

“Will do” Kingsley replied.

Dave looked to Gabrielle and asked “Could you please find Mick as well as my sisters Shelly and Fireball. Tell them we are putting on a ‘bait and switch’ and ask them to meet me in my tent ASAP?”

“Oui” she replied smiling at him.

“My thanks to you, mi lady” Dave replied also smiling at her.

“Excuse me all, I have to run” Dave said as he stepped away from the table and removed his T-shirt as he quickly walked to his tent wiping himself down with his T-Shirt as he went.

“W’at are zose scars on ‘is back?” Gabrielle asked following Dave with her eyes as he walked away.

Sandra quickly glanced over at her son and replied, “Claw marks from a Griffin.”

“Aie, zat must ‘ave ‘urt a great deal.” She answered still following Dave with her eyes.

“It did indeed,” Sandra answered “but that is a story for another day.”

Then looking at Gabrielle with an amused expression she asked, “Don’t you need to round up some people for him?”

“Oui. Excusez-moi” she replied with a slight blush and ran off.

Those of us at the table were smiling as we watched her race off and track down the ones Dave had requested. She seemed to be gathering them up rather quickly.

Andrea then walked over to us and said, “Why do I get the feeling that I’m walking in on this story half way through?”

At this comment Sandra, Fleur and I all burst out laughing again.

“Oh Sweety,” Sandra said, “I get the feeling that this story hasn’t even got started properly yet.” We were all smiling at that statement.

“Is she the young lady that Dave helped heal yesterday?” asked Andrea.

“Oui. Zat ez Gabrielle, my little sister.” Fleur answered, just as Gabrielle lead the procession of Aurors into Dave’s tent. I could plainly see Fireball and Shelly smiling from where I was sitting.

“I would like to examine her if I may to make sure that nothing was overlooked in the chaos of yesterday.” Andrea said to Fleur.

“Zat can be arranged, our parents would be ‘appy to confirm zat everyzing is well.” Fleur answered.

“Excellent. Once her distraction has left, I think we will be able to get enough of her attention to get it over with very quickly.” Andrea said smiling before we all started to giggle uncontrollably again.
Reviews 19

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