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Take on the World
By Anneliese

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Category: Muggle Picnic Challenge (2005-2)
Genres: Fluff, Humor
Warnings: None
Story is Complete
Rating: G
Reviews: 19
Summary: Harry is terrified of caring for anyone, because they might become a target for the Dark Lord. It takes a picnic, a starry night, and a certain Weasley daughter to change his mind.
Hitcount: Story Total: 4670


A/N~ I only like to play in JK Rowling's world. Sadly, I do not own any of the characters that I manipulate, or the places where I manipulate them. Also...if any of you have questions about why Ginny's eyes are a different color than the accepted brown, you can blame Jim Dale, who apparently mispoke in the book-on-tape of CoS. "Harry caught sight of a pair of bright "green" eyes staring at him..." and I have been

The sun was just setting over the Forbidden Forest, turning the horizon to a wash of crimson, purple, orange and
gold. Stars were blossoming in the royal blue of the sky, and those tiny diamond-bright lights were mirrored in the
ceiling of the Great Hall in Hogwarts castle, where dinner was currently in progress. The chattering that filled the
hall sank to a murmur and then silenced completely as a man at the front of the hall stood up.

“Ladies and Gentlemen! Settle down please...I have an announcement that I would like to...announce!” Albus
Dumbledore’s bright blue eyes sparkled as the crowd chuckled. He twisted the end of his silvery beard around the
end of one long, gnarled finger as he spoke. “Our very able head boy and girl have a highly intriguing idea that I for
one am very excited about.” Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger both ducked their heads as every eye in the hall
swung towards them, sitting side by side at the Gryffendor table.

“Miss Granger and Mr. Weasley came to me to suggest a school-wide activity, which will take place next Saturday.
Since we have had such beautiful weather lately, there will be a picnic held beside the lake.” The crowd started
murmuring to each other, but were interrupted once again by the headmaster. “But I am not finished! I am sure that
you are all aware of the circumstances that have becoming more and more prevalent over the last two years, we
have decided that this event will be a little different. This picnic will be a Muggle-style barbeque!” Dumbledore
smiled enthusiastically. “You will find answers to all questions on the flyers that have been put in your common
rooms. Now, off to bed with all of you! Scoot!”

There was a outbreak of noise as people started to make their way to their common rooms, talking excitedly. Ron
and Hermione got up, and were joined by a tall black haired boy. Harry Potter smiled amusedly at his best friends,
both of whom were trying to be as small as possible, which (at least in Ron’s case) was quite a feat. As per usual,
Ron and Hermione were arguing.

“Why do I have to cook? Have you ever seen me cook, Hermione? I ruin peanut butter sandwiches...and now you
want me making hot cats and futon?” Ron strode out of the hall, looking down at his girlfriend, his fiery hair
sticking up every way, as though it were agitated, his ears very red.

“ many times do I have to tell you? Its hot dogs and fondue!” said Hermione exasperatedly, tossing
her brown hair over her shoulder, glaring up at Ron and stalking out ahead of him.

“Futon, fondue...what’s the difference?” Ron shot back. But Hermione was now ignoring him quite effectively,
engaged in a conversation with Dean Thomas.

Ron fell into stride with Harry, who was chuckling. “What are you laughing at? You won’t find it so funny if I give
you food poisoning.”

“No. I don’t plan on eating anything you cook. No offense, but I rather like my nose.” Ron blushed to the roots of
his hair, remembering the eventful day last summer when he had tried to make a romantic dinner for Hermione, but
had only succeeded in blistering Harry’s nose rather badly...but that’s another story.

Harry laughed, thinking that Ron would probably do alright with Hermione helping him. The two of them were
good for each other, though they were as different as they could be. Hermione thought that this picnic would be a
good way to promote understanding and acceptance of the Muggle community, but Ron simply looked at it as a
way to see his girlfriend in her bathing suit.

Harry was brought out of his reverie by Ron hitting him lightly on the side of the head. “Did you hear me, mate?
Who’re you going to ask?”

“Ask?” Harry repeated, alarmed. “Ask what?”

“Almost all of the events are boy/girl, mate. Mione’s idea...not mine. I think she thinks people will be more
enthusiastic if its planned that way. So, anyone you going to ask?”

Harry looked up at his best friend through his glasses and swore. It seemed that every time he was getting to be
content with his life, forgetting about, or at least coming to terms with Voldemort and their imminent
confrontation, something like this would happen to make him feel uncomfortable again. His first foray into the
world of romance had ended in disaster; Cho Chang still would not look him directly in the eye, and it had been
two years since their little fling.

He hadn’t really made an effort after that. For one thing, since Dumbledore had revealed his fate to him at the end
of fifth year, he had felt separated from everyone else. For another, he was frightened that if he really began to care
for a girl, she would end up a target for Voldemort and the Death Eaters. Harry had had too much experience with
losing those he loved to the Dark Lord.

Harry sighed and glanced back at Ron, who was still waiting for his answer. “Do I have to?” Harry asked, looking
at Ron with tangible desperation in his bright green eyes.

“Yes!” Crowed Ron, his face painted all over with good-natured mischief. “You can’t go if you don’t have
someone to do the stuff ‘Mione’s planned with, and you know she’ll never forgive you if you skive off!”

“Do you think I’d get away with it, Ron?” came a light female voice from behind them. Both boys turned around to
see Ron’s younger sister Ginny walking up the corridor toward them. “I don’t think Hermione’s keeping as close a
watch on me...and I don’t have anyone to go with either.” She said this with complete casualty, but a sidelong
glance from those grey-green eyes made Harry’s heart beat faster.

Ginny Weasley had really grown up within the last couple of years. As Ron and Hermione became closer, Harry
found that he sought Ginny’s company more often. She was funny and smart, but powerful and brave as well. She
never missed a chance to tell Harry that he was being a prat, and she was the one who had most helped him
through the difficult summer following Sirius’s death. Lately, however, Harry had found himself wishing that she
would blush when he looked at her, like she had when they were younger.

It didn’t help his case that she was beautiful. Her hair fell to her waist in a river of copper tinged all over with gold
and bronze. Her fair skin was dusted with freckles, and her grey-green eyes were direct, rimmed with their
impossibly long lashes. Harry felt himself grow red as he realized that these thoughts had left him gazing into those
eyes, without a plausible reason. He quickly looked away, clearing his throat as he did so.

“Hey, Gin! I have an idea!” The mischief in Ron’s face had been replaced with an evil grin worthy of his elder
brothers. “Why don’t you go with Harry? You’d have fun, I know it.” Harry looked at Ron as though he had
lobsters crawling out of his ears. Ron would usually prefer it that Ginny joined a nunnery rather than her going
anywhere with a male who wasn’t red-headed with freckles. Harry looked quickly at Ginny, to see how she would
react to this suggestion. She just smiled at him and raised a questioning brow.

“Well...erm...would you like to go with me, Gin? You don’t have to, but since neither of us has anyone...erm...?”
Ron was sniggering behind Harry’s back as he made his little speech. Harry made a mental note to put something
squishy in Ron’s pillowcase very soon.

“Sure Harry! That’d be great! I’ll meet you in the common room on Friday noon, then?” Ginny smiled another of
her heart-stopping smiles and skipped away. Harry couldn’t help but watch her go. ‘Wow.’ He thought to himself.
‘Quidditch playing is definitely doing her some good!’ He and Ron walked back up to the common room, Ron still
sniggering, and Harry mentally psyching himself up for a whole day spent in the company of Ginny Weasley. *~*~*

Saturday came in a flurry of excited comments and confused questions from the students from wizarding families. A
fair few of them could not understand the point of Muggles going outside without the use of magic and playing
games with sacks and horseshoes. Hermione was very helpful to those students, as were the other students from
half-blood or Muggle families. Dean Thomas was to be seen helping Colin and Dennis Creevey explain to a dazed
Euan Abercrombie how Muggle cameras worked. Colin would be the official photographer for this event, and he
had asked Euan to help him, hoping to help achieve Hermione’s goal of “Muggle comprehension” as she called it.

Harry walked down to the common room on the day in question wearing cutoffs and a black t-shirt. Hermione had
tried to talk him into wearing a Fonzie type outfit (there was going to be a Best Dressed Muggle Couple contest),
and she had tried to convince Ginny into a poodle skirt. The revolted protestations that she had got from them both
(“I’d like to see you and Ron in these dratted outfits! Wouldn’t you, Harry?”) had led to her grudgingly let them
off the hook, and allowed to wear their own clothes.

Harry made to flop onto the couch to wait for Ginny, but landed on her instead. She had been sprawled out on the
seat in question, and was obviously amused at having been sat on. “Oh, Ginny! I’m sorry! I...didn’t see you.” Harry
finished rather lamely.

“That’s okay, Harry. No harm done.” Ginny took the hand that he offered to her and pulled herself up. Harry
caught his breath as he saw what she was wearing. Short, frayed jean shorts and a white tank top covered a black
bikini. Her flaming locks were braided loosely and thrown over one shoulder.

Her eyes sparkled as she took a dazed Harry by the hand and pulled him through the portrait hole, chatting easily
about hot dogs and sack races. ‘I’d like to get in a sack with her!’ Harry thought, before he could stop himself. he
knew he had gone red, because Ginny gave him an odd look. “You okay, Harry. You look all hot and bothered.”
Harry simply nodded that he was okay, grinned and took her hand, trying to ignore how good it felt in his. *~*~*

The picnic was a huge success. True, Ron did burn his first few batches of hot dogs and burgers, but with
Seamus’s guidance, he got it fairly quickly. Ginny and Harry spent hours lounging by the lake talking, flying kites,
and doing every activity that Hermione had organized. They actually won the three-legged race; mostly because all
of the other couples tried to run to the finish line. They quickly became entangled and fell, most of them getting a
mouthful of grass. Harry and Ginny, however, used the race as more of a promenade. They ambled to the finish
line, arms around each other’s waists, smiling like idiots.

To no one’s surprise, Crabbe and Goyle tied for the pie-eating blue ribbon. They ate their way through so many
apple, berry and lemon pies that Madam Rosmerta, who was overseeing the contest, demanded a recount. (“They
really ate all of that? They can’t have! Count the tins again.”)

Neville and Luna had impressed everyone with a kite that they had made. It was the Hogwarts crest, big enough to
give Hagrid a hard time flying it, with all the animals in the respective house colors surrounding the huge purple H.
Dumbledore had applauded loudest of all when he saw it, and Harry and Ginny thought they might have seen a tear
or two leak from beneath his half-moon glasses. No doubt he was remembering the Sorting Hat’s admonitions of
the past few years.

By the time that the sun was setting, most people had raced, eaten, and played in the water to their hearts’ content.
The teachers had started a bonfire (it had been funny to see Professor McGonagal lugging timber from the Forest)
and now some of the students were introducing the concept of smores. The newly crowned Best Dressed Muggle
Couple (Hannah Abott and Justin Finchfletchly) had slipped off right after the awards were given, and Harry and
Ginny were sitting together on a blanket that they had laid out next to the water, watching the festivities
surrounding them.

“I had a really great time today, Ginny.” Yawned Harry, stretching his legs out in front of him.

“I did too, Harry.” Ginny smiled as she lay down next to him, propping her head on one hand so she could speak to
him. “We make a good team at these things.”

Harry smiled too, and looked up at the stars. He could see all of the constellations, sparkling like tiny chips of ice.
He found himself thinking how right this felt; to be laying next to this beautiful girl, talking easily to her, feeling
more alive and at the same time more at peace than he had in ages. He glanced over at Ginny, to see her watching
him intently.

“What are you thinking about, Harry?” She inquired gently, brushing a stray lock of inky hair out of his eyes. This
little gesture, so innocent and yet so intimate, made Harry’s breath catch in his chest. He rolled onto his side so that
they were looking directly at each other.

“You.” He said simply. She blinked, but held his gaze. Harry elaborated. “Today was one of the best I’ve had in a
long time, Ginny. Well,” he laughed, “I might go so far as to say it was one of the best ever. I haven’t had a great
many wonderful days. But, it wasn’t the food or the weather or the games that made this day so great, it was you.
You’re funny and smart and I love to be around you. You make me laugh, you make me forget about...certain
things...” Harry trailed off and looked down at the blanket.

Ginny put her hand to his face, raising his eyes so that he was looking at her again. “Harry, my life hasn’t been half
as hard as yours, but this has been one of the best days of my life, too. You make me so happy; its like, when I’m
with you, everything else doesn’t seem half as bad as it did before.” She smiled at Harry, who looked both
bewildered and deliriously happy, and continued, looking more serious now.

“I know you. You care so much about people that you isolate yourself to keep them safe. But Harry, we’re all in
danger, wether you let us in or not. No, hear me out.” Harry had made to interrupt her, obviously going to deny
this pronouncement. He fell silent, however, and looked at her again, unconsciously taking her hand as he did so.
“You need people. You say that this was one of the best days of your life? That could be every day! Let us in,
Harry. We love you...I love you. Don’t deny us both something so good, just because something bad might happen
in the future.” She looked him directly in the eyes, determined and firm.

Harry simply gazed at her. He wasn’t quite finished processing what she had said. How could he put her in a
situation like that? How could he risk her life? But then he remembered the day they had had together. Ginny
laughing with delight as they watched a sack race, Ginny splashing him and grinning as they played in the lake,
Ginny, the firelight turning her hair to molten copper, looking at him just as she was now, with tender
understanding and astonishing power in her gaze. Harry wanted to tell her how much she meant to him; to show
her how he felt. His eyes alighted on her soft lips, but flicked back up to her eyes, uncertain.

“Just do it, Harry. You aren’t going to hurt me.” Harry summoned all his courage and leaned closer. A thrill
shot up his spine as his lips met Ginny’s in a soft, tender kiss. The hand that had unconsciously been grasping
Ginny’s made its way back to cradle her head in one Quidditch-roughened palm. Ginny sighed as Harry
deepened the kiss, and he could feel her lips curve up in a smile. He smiled as well as they broke the embrace,
Ginny snuggling into the curve of Harry’s arm. He kissed the top of her head...and became aware that the
entire student body seemed to be staring at them.

“About time, mate!” Ron walked toward them, chef’s hat lopsided, grinning from ear to ear. “‘Mione and I
had a bet about when you’d come to yourself. Hey Hermione!” he turned away, still grinning, to look for her
in the crowd, who had started to go back to their marshmallow activities.

Ginny giggled and snuggled closer to Harry’s side. Harry pulled his arm tighter around her, gazing up at the
stars. He found that he suddenly had a newfound courage; an optimism that before now had been a novelty.
Now, with this powerful, beautiful witch whom he loved in his arms, he felt as though he could take on
anything the world threw at him. And time would tell.......but that’s another story. *~*~*
Reviews 19

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