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Ginny's Prize
By takefourmoments

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Category: Muggle Picnic Challenge (2005-2)
Genres: Comedy, Fluff, Humor
Warnings: None
Story is Complete
Rating: PG
Reviews: 33
Summary: When the idea of a Muggle Picnic comes around, things go a little into hectic mode. Once everything calms down and is in order for the day to begin, Hermione comes up with plan...One thatinvolves Ginny winning a game and Harry...being her prize.
Hitcount: Story Total: 10759; Chapter Total: 3202


The next day things were running smoother than they thought they would. Harry and Ginny had carried all the tables out and set them up. They left the chairs in a pile on the ground, figuring if people wanted chairs, they could get themselves.

But they did put four to each table, so the tables looked all neat and...picnic. They left the blanket as they did the chairs. If they ended up needing more, they would go and get more. But they brought 60 chairs (they were light), carrying six at a time(three on each arm), and making five trips a piece.

The hardest thing to manage were the tables, because they were so heavy. But they worked together and got six tables outside within a hour. There was only a light breeze and it wasn't enough to blow away the tables, chairs , or blankets so they didn't worry about holding them down with anything.

To the right of where they had been setting up the stuff and were now laying exhausted on the ground, was Ron and Hermione. Ron had most of the hamburgers done and a few steaks.

Luna, who had nothing to prepare was lounging by the lake.

Justin, Colin , and Dennis were all busy setting up their own games. Colin, was placing a long table and chairs in a spot not far from the lake for the eating contest. Dennis was setting up the Easter hunt, by simply filling eggs with small candy and then hiding them. He hid about 55 before he was satisfied.

Justin on the other hand, had little to do. Colin had gotten him some string for the three legged race. The other two were both done without props. So, instead of working, he joined Luna by the pool.

With all the commotion, how were Ginny and Harry supposed to notice the secretive smiles the others had been shooting them...?


"No! Absolutely not." Harry glared at Ron who frowned. Ron had dragged him to a secluded place of the grounds. They were sitting in the grass with no one around. Ron said he had needed to talk to him.


"I don't understand why you want to give me away for a prize."

"It's just...just say it's okay."

"No!" Harry said stubbornly. Ron sighed.

"What if I told you it would benefit you more than anything?" Ron smiled slightly and Harry raised and eyebrow.

"Go on."

"Well...let's just say, that the game is the eating contest..." Ron's smile grew bigger when Harry's eyes widened.

"The...the eating contest?" Harry fiddled with his shoe.


"But..." He swallowed hard. "Ginny is definitely going to win that one."

"Exactly." Ron pushed his shoulder. "Are you seeing how this benefits you?"

"Not really." Harry shrugged and Ron groaned.

"Think about it!"

"I am. And all I see is that I will have to spend a day with Ginny. Not that I don't want to will just be uncomfortable like always."

"It's only uncomfortable because you make it that way..." Ron pointed out.

"I know, but I can't help it."

"Yea, but forget all of that. This is your big chance!"

"My..." Harry frowned. "My big chance?"

"Yea. Gin will win you for the day, you will have to be her partner in all the games and spend the day with her. During this, you knock her off her feet. Show her how much you care."

"I can't. I'm too embarrassed. Besides, she will only turn me down." Harry missed Ron rolling his eyes. "Hermione said she was over me remember?"

"Right." Ron waved his hand around absently. "So will you do it or not?"

"I...I guess so." Harry frowned as he gave in. Ron smiled and jumped up. He gave a small goodbye and ran off. Harry watched him go, thinking he just made a huge mistake.


Things were going great. There had been tons of people to show up and they were all loving it. The people ate the instant they got there, which was best since the food was already done. Once people had started getting reckless, Justin announced the Eating Contest would begin soon.

"Anyone wishing to participate should come over to the long table and sign up." Justin said, yelling as loud as he could so everyone could hear him. People glanced around happily and started to walk over to the table to watch the event.

Ginny, who had arrived with Luna and Harry, smiled and raced off. Harry ran his hand through his hair and sighed. He never should have agreed to it. Luna reached over and squeezed his shoulder.

"Nervous?" She asked.

"Yea...I just..." He shook his head and walked off leaving a smiling Luna behind.

Once they were ready to start, they had 7 contestants. All of which Justin knew couldn't eat more than Ginny. They were actually really lucky Malfoy hadn't shown up. The two baboons he hung out with were about the only people who could eat more than Ginny.

With a smile Ron walked out in front of the tables carrying a large plate of hamburgers. He placed 10 burgers on each person's plate.

"The person to eat the most burgers, wins the prize!" Justin said smiling. One of the contestants, Lavender Brown (who was beginning to wonder why she signed up), was staring at the burgers in disgust. "You may begin."

The audience watched in awe as the contestants began to eat. Some people stopping after three burgers, some after one. Ginny was the only one to even get past seven. Now not only were the audience watching in awe but the other contestants too.

Then, Ginny swallowed the last bite of her tenth sandwich and raised her arms above her head in victory. People clapped and cat called. Someone in the large group of people yelled loudly and another could be heard talking to the person next to him saying, 'She really ate all of that?!'

"Okay, now to reward Ginny with her prize!" Justin said loudly. Everyone hushed and watched as Ron pulled a struggling Harry over to the table.

"Ron, you prat, let go of me. I've changed my mind." Harry muttered. Ron just shook his head.

"That's my prize?" Ginny said confused. Justin nodded. Harry frowned at the tone in Ginny's voice. "You can't just give Harry away for a prize.." Ginny began to protest.

"Yea!" Harry added.

"...I am sure he didn't agree to this..."

"I..." Harry frowned.

"Well, actually, he did. Now, go away, so we can clean up this mess." Ron said pushing at both of them. Shooting a odd glance at one another they walked away, hear Ron and Justin (for once getting along) laughing happily.

"This is crazy!" Ginny said a few minutes later. They had stopped in front of the lake. Staring out over the lake, Harry frowned again.

"Yea, but it's not really that bad." Harry glanced over at her. "You're just stuck with me for the day." She glanced over in just enough time to see an emotion she couldn't place, flash through his eyes.

"Yea..." Ginny stared at her feet. "I guess so." They stood there for a few more minutes in silence. "Hey! Look!" Ginny said happily. "People are beginning to get in the lake." Harry glanced to where she was staring and smiled.


"I will be right back, you can go ahead and get in." Then she ran off, leaving Harry to stare after her.

Luna had been sitting a glance's length away and Ginny had caught her watching. She could tell by the happy smile Luna had on her face that she had been in on the 'Harry for a prize' thing.

"Hey." Ginny said sitting on the ground next to her.

"Hey Ginny." Luna smiled. "Shouldn't you be enjoying your prize?" Luna nodded her head towards Harry who glanced over at her and when she caught his eye, looked away quickly.

"I will be." She glared over at Luna. "Why did you all do that?"

"Do what?" Luna asked innocently.

"Don't play stupid."

"We thought that the two of you needed a little..." Luna's voice died and she stared away, her eyes wide.

"Needed what?" Ginny stared at her oddly. "Luna? You alright?" She looked to where Luna was staring and her mouth began to water. Harry had begun to strip from his shirt and shorts, into his swim trunks.

"Oh my..." Luna whispered.


"Quidditch playing is definitely doing him some good."

"What?" Ginny's head snapped over to Luna.

"Chill, Gin, chill. I'm only observing him." Luna muttered and Ginny turned dark red.

"Right. Not that I care..."

"Uh huh. C'mon , let's get into the water." Luna stood and began stripping to her bathing suit, Ginny soon did the same. She suddenly felt exposed. She felt at if all eyes where on her as she lowered herself into the water. Her face was still red when she glanced up at Harry, to see him watching her. She watched his Adam's apple bob as he swallowed. She began to make her way over to him.

"Get 'im Gin!" Luna said with a laugh. Ginny decided to ignore her.

"Hey..." She said when she had finished waddling her way over to him.

"H-hey." Harry mumbled running his hand through his hair.

"You okay?" She asked as he tried to divert his eyes.

"Yea..." Harry mumbled absently. He turned away from her.

"Harry!" She grabbed his shoulder spinning him around. "Why have you been like this lately?"

"What are you-" He was saved from answering when Justin began to announce the next game. It was called Chicken. Ginny and Harry shared a look and then shrugged.

"Now how you play. You need a partner , one of the people sit atop the other's shoulders and then the teams of two work together to knock all the others down to try to be the first one standing." Justin smiled and clapped his hands together, before jumping in the water himself. "Partner up!"

Ron and Hermione (who had gotten into the water sometime after the Eating Contest) were of course partners. Luna partnered with Neville (who had been crushing on her for years), Justin partnered with Susan Bones and Colin with Tara Taylor, a Ravenclaw girl in his year.

Ginny and Harry didn't have a chance , but to partner up with each other. Harry seemed tense when Ginny turned to him.

"We don't have to play, Harry."

"No I...I want to play." Harry mumbled and Ginny grinned.

"Me too."

" how do we do this?" They glanced around and say how everyone else was doing it. Ginny shot him a unsure glance as she walked to the back of him. Placing her hands on his shoulders she shivered. His skin felt smooth and warm under her palms.

"Harry..." She drummed her fingers along his shoulders. "You have to go under the water." Harry nodded and took a small breath. Shaking her head in disbelief, she swing her legs around his neck. He came up moments later and Ginny's heart jolted.

Harry was pretty tall and she was pretty far away from the water now. Cautiously, she placed her hands on top of his head.

"Sorry if I'm heavy."

"You're not." Harry said and began walking forward. They reached the group and Luna smiled at Ginny, who once again began to blush.

"Okay, using only your hands, the top people try to force the others off their partners. Go!" Justin shouted.

People seemed to push and shove every which way. Before they knew it, someone had shoved Ginny and she fell, pulling Harry into the water too. They both came up laughing. Ron and Hermione ended up winning, pushing Luna off Neville.

"Now, I have a twist. This time, you have the same partner , only different roles. So, I am with Sarah again but this time I am on top." Justin smiled. Harry and Ginny stared at each other.

"I can't sit on you!" Harry said after a few seconds. Ginny folded her arms.

"Why not?"

"I just can't!"

"Oh, come on, Harry. I sat on you."

"So! You're a lot lighter than I am." Harry pushed her away when she stepped closer.

"Just get on my shoulders Harry." Ginny smiled. Harry frowned.


"Just do it. You’re not going to hurt me." Ginny said sharply, glaring at Harry. Just about everyone else (not many, some quit at Justin's twist) was ready and waiting for them.

"Ginny..." Harry sighed. "Fine." He placed his hands on her bare shoulders. Tingles went through her body and her heart raced. Maybe this wasn't such a good idea.

"Harry...never mind we don't-"

"Go under." Then placing his hand on the crown of her head he pushed her under. Ginny could feel his legs on her shoulders. She had never been this close to him. Well...besides when she was on top. But that was different.

Once he seemed secure she came out of the water, finding him slightly heavier than she realized.

"Too heavy?"

"N-no." Ginny mentally smacked herself for the stutter.

"Okay!" Just shouted. "Now that everyone is ready...GO!" Once again people began to shove and push. Everytime someone would push them, Ginny tighten her grip on Harry's legs. Even though they made it far into the game, they didn't win. Eric Macmillan and Hannah Abbot from Hufflepuff became the Chicken Champs, both getting a Weasleys' Wizard Wheeze object.

After the game, Ginny walked to a quiet part of the lake and just floated around. The water seemed so...comforting.

"Hey." Ginny moved her head to see Harry coming through the water towards her. "I tried to give you a few minutes alone, but got my head bite off by Hermione." Ginny smiled.

"That's fine. I didn't necessarily want to be alone...just away from everyone."

"Oh." Harry looked around. "I can just go somewhere that Hermione wouldn't notice me, so you can be away from everyone." Ginny rolled her eyes.

"I'm not talking about you. Everyone else. The festiveness of it all. I just wanted a few minutes of quiet." She looked at him. He was still looking around...then she realized he might want to leave and she was holding him back. "But..." she began sadly. "You can go if you want."

" doesn't matter." Harry splashed his hand in the water. "I can stay."

Ginny's heart grew bigger. She had given him a chance to leave and he hadn't taken it. Score one for Ginny!

Then, like always it became quiet. Well, frankly, Ginny was sick of it.

"Say something."

"You said you wanted quiet..."

"Harry..." stared up at the sky. "I meant quiet from the party...not you."


"How come..." She glanced at him to find him staring at her. She looked back to the clouds. "How come we don't talk like we used to?"

"I don't know what you're talking about." She heard him move and looked over to see he had turned from her and she was know facing his back. She walked to him and placed her hand on his back.

"Harry..." She whispered. Harry jerked away at her touch and Ginny stared at him. She reached out again and he spun around staring at her, his eyes filled with emotion.

"It would probably be best if you didn't touch me." Harry said, his eyes now slits. But he didn't look mad, he looked...distraught.

"What is your problem?!?" She said a little louder than she meant to. Now, she wasn't allow to talk to him or touch him. What did she have? Some terrible contagious disease, that killed at the touch...?

"Just..." He closed his eyes and turned his face away from her. "Nothing."

He seemed...pained as he turned once again to walk away. In a rush of anger, Ginny, ignoring his commands not to touch him and grabbed his arm. The moment she did, Harry grabbed her hand and pulled her against him.

The slits were gone from his eyes and his emotions shown clear. Only, she didn't have time to read them because a second later, his lids slid closed and Harry lowered his mouth over hers.

They kissed. She closed her eyes as it felt like her chest was exploding. She was still as a board and didn't even think to kiss him back. She was too shocked.

Moments later Harry moved his mouth off hers and Ginny stared into his wide eyes.

"That's why." Ginny must of looked confused because he looked away and said, "That's why you shouldn't have touched me. That's why we don't talk. Because I didn't want to set myself up for something that could never be." Then he released her from his arms and walked away.

Ginny didn't try to stop him. She just watched him leave, trying to sort out what he had said. But she couldn't get it.

Set him self up for something that could never be? How is it possible for Harry to do something like that? She really had no idea and he was already out of her sight, so she couldn't ask him but...

She smiled and moved her hand to her mouth. She had kissed Harry Potter.


An hour later, they were halfway through the Easter Egg Hunt. Harry had changed back into his clothes, because it had gotten a little chilly. He sat in the same spot he and Ron had been earlier in the day. When he had agreed to him being a prize. Biggest mistake ever. He put his head in his hands.

Why in Merlin's name had he kissed her? She had looked so freaking confused. If only she had listened and hadn't touched him. It wouldn't of happened.

After playing two games of Chicken with her, and having so much contact he couldn't take it anymore. He had tried to get away for a bit. To cool his head, but Hermione wouldn't hear of it. When he felt her hand on his back the first time, it had driven his feelings nuts and he had , had the overwhelming need to kiss her.

But kissing Ginny was never an option...

Then she had to go and touch him again. She had to. And he had lost it.

But did he have to kiss her?

He ran a hair through his hair in frustration. Then a soft whimpering sound made him jump. It sounded like it was moving and coming his way. Then a small girl came into view.

Her name was Laney Dunaway. She was a first year Gryffindor and Harry had only spoken to her a few times. She was wiping her eyes with one hand and pushing her long brown hair from her face with the other.

Harry cleared his throat and Laney jumped about a mile.

Laney blushed to her roots at the sight of him, reminding him of Ginny, during her first year.

"Harry!" She smiled sadly and wiped another tear. "I...I didn't know anyone was around...I'm sorry."

"It's okay." He patted the seat next to him. "Come here." With a sniff Laney walked over and sat next to him. She pulled her knees to her chest and hugged them. "What's wrong?"

"I..." She sniffed. "Nothing."

"Laney..." Harry said in his warning tone. Laney sighed.

"It's just that..." She grimaced. "It's all so silly."

"Tell me."

"Well...Jesse...he was picking on me because I don't have any eggs." She said in a rush. Harry smiled.

"Jesse Matthews?" He asked. Laney nodded. "Well," He looked next to him at the bag full of Easter eggs he had collected (with the help of Dennis, of course) in the short while he had been playing. "Here." Her handed her the bag and the girl's eyes lit up.

"I-I can have them?" She asked innocently.

"Yep!" Laney took them happily and stood wiping away the last of her tears. "Thank you so much Harry." She wrapped her arms around his neck and gave him a hug. Harry watched her walk away.

Laney stopped when she reached the patch of trees that lead back to the lake. She smiled back at him and then looked up at something ahead of her.

"Hello, Miss Ginny." Harry almost groaned as he heard her say it. Laney skipped away happily as Ginny walked into view. Like him, she was back into her clothes. She stopped a few feet away from him.

"That was a nice thing to do." She smiled widely.

"Yea...well. Laney is a good kid." Harry said in defense.

"Yea..." Ginny walked next to him and took Laney's old spot on the grass. They both let the quiet come, but Harry knew it was coming even before Ginny looked at him with a shake of her head.

"We need to talk." She said. Her words were simple and quiet but all the same demanding.

"I know."

"" That's when Harry realized they weren't going to be talking. He was going to be talking. So he began...

"See...Gin." He stared at his hands. "I don't know where to start."

"How about the beginning?" She suggested.

"I..." Harry frowned at his hands. "It's like this. In a nutshell of course. There..." He stopped again and then smiled slightly. "Can I tell you a story?"

"I..."She sighed. "I guess so."

"Well...there's this boy. He has these two friends. One's a boy and the other, a girl. The two of them, his friends, are madly in love. Only it takes them a while to notice."

This boy, is a sad person. He doesn't really have a family, or so he thinks, his godfather recently died and he has a mad evil wizard after him." He looked up through the trees and stared at a few bird's flying by. Then back at his hands, which where twisting in his lap. "One day, the evil wizard attacks this boy and the boy wins the long fight they go into.

After rejoicing his victory, he once again became depressed. From the sidelines, he watch his best friends fall in love. He watch the world changed. Saw friends leave school...The only time he did anything was when he played Quidditch. It's when he was happy.

Then came a girl. He had known her since he was 11. This girl was cute. But when they first meet, she seemed to have an obsessive nature around the boy. She also hung around with them cause she was one of his best friend's little sister. And that's how he saw her. As his friend's little sister.

Then...all that changed. One day, the girl was mad about something and found the boy slumped in a corner. She took her anger out on him, telling him, and I quote, that he was 'a depressed prat who wanted pity because he had lost someone he loved.' She told him that was selfish and stupid , that there were more people who loved him out there and that if he didn't cheer up she would 'kick his bloody ass.'" He motioned the quote with his fingers. He never once glanced at Ginny , but could feel her gaze on him.

"After this, the two of them, the boy and this girl, began to hang out. The boy became happier and did more things, all with a smile. Then, the boy fell in love with the girl." Harry closed his eyes as Ginny gasped.

"He never expected it to happen. How could he? Then whenever he was around her, he couldn't talk to her, for fear of embarrassing himself. So, as hard as it was (and let me tell you it was hard), he stopped talking to the girl unless he had to.

“Then, they had a picnic. The boy and his friends did. And everything unfolded.”

Harry finally glanced over at Ginny. She was staring at him, tears in her eyes.

"Harry, this boy..." She paused. "Did he ever consider telling the sister of his friend that he love with her?"

"Well...he did once or twice...or about every day." He smiled. "But back in his fifth year, one of his best friend had told him that this girl was over him. That she had given up on him."

"And the friend of the boy would have been right." Harry turned his head away. "The girl had given up. Want to know why?"

"Not...not necessarily." Harry muttered knowing she would tell him anyways. What was she trying to do? Rip his heart into pieces? Last time he told her everything heart filled.

"Well, it was because she had taken her situation in to consideration. The one with this boy. And she had figured that, this boy, could never love her as much as she loved him. She never considered he would ever like her." Ginny was smiling when Harry snapped his head up to stare at her.

"So...what happens to this boy and girl?" Harry asked with a small smile.

"I'm not sure. I thought you would know."

"Well..." He looked all thoughtful. "It all would depend on whether or not this girl still loved the boy."

"She just might." Tears filled her eyes.

"Because if she did then they would kiss and live happily ever after." Harry smiled and wiped a tear of her cheek.

"Then kiss me, Harry." With a smile on his face, he pulled her to her and they kissed.


A while later, Harry and Ginny walked from Harry's hiding spot, to the lake. Ginny had her arm around his waist and Harry's was over her shoulders. They were, for the first time in a while, talking and laughing without silence.

It had began to get dark and people had pulled out blankets and were laying with friends, family or their dates, watching the stars. They found Hermione and Ron, sitting close to the water on a blanket, making out. They grabbed a blanket and threw it down next to Ron and Hermione's.

"Hey guys!" Harry said loudly after he had sat down and pulled Ginny into his lap. She sat between his legs with her back rested against him. Ron and Hermione jumped at the sound of his voice.

"Bloody idiot." Mumbled Ron.


"It's okay..." Ron and Hermione finally look in Harry and Ginny's position. They both looked from Harry's hand (which was holding Ginny's) to each other and broke out in a grin. "It's about time!"

Hermione laughed and fussed over them for a few moments.

"So what did we miss?"

"Not much..." Hermione added with a shrug.

"Not much?" Ron burst out. "Well...first of all. Laney Dunaway won the Easter egg contest. Had a huge bag of eggs." Ginny and Harry shared a look. " Then Justin had a bathing suit contest , which he picked Hermione as the winner for..." Harry heard Ron mumble 'idiot' under his breath.

"It wasn't just him Ron. They had like 10 judges. Ron's still going on about Justin liking me. We already got in to an argument."

"But we made up too." Ron said sheepishly, dropping the subject and kissing Hermione's forehead.

"Oh! So that's what you were doing when we got back." Ginny said laughing. Hermione smiled smugly.

"They are also having a three legged race. It's in about five minutes. Justin wants to do it before it gets to dark out here..." Hermione added.

"Harry..." Ginny looked at him. "Wanna do it?" She blushed. "The race, I mean."

"Sure." They stood off their blanket.

"We're coming too!" Hermione and Ron jumped up and followed after Harry and Ginny.


Both of the couples ended up rolling around into the mud during the race, all because of Ron. He couldn't keep his footing and had made him and Hermione fall. As they were falling, he had reached out the try and stop himself from hitting the ground, and caught Ginny's hair.

"RON!" She screeched as he dragged her down by her hair, Harry following. Ginny landed under Harry, who seemed all to amused with their situation. "What do you find so funny buster?" She asked as he smiled.


"Right..." She said in disbelief.


"Then get off me." He didn't budge. "And stop bloody staring at me."

"But you're so pretty." Harry said dreamily. Ginny glared at him.

"I am covered in dirt." She pushed against his chest. "Get off-" Instead he kissed her. "You're impossible."

"But you love me." Harry stated untying the rope and finally getting off.

"Who told you that?" She asked shocked. Harry rolled his eyes and pulled her to his side.

"I love you Ginny."

"I love you too."

"Oh bloody hell. Get a room." Ron said from behind him. Hermione smacked him the back of the head.

"Shut up, Ron. Just because Harry knows how to be romantic doesn't mean anything. Maybe you should take a few lessons from him and..." They couldn't hear the rest because Ron began talking back to her and Harry and Ginny walked away leaving them to argue.

"You know, Gin." Harry said as they walked away.

"What's that?"

"We should argue like them sometime." Harry smiled at Ginny's confused look.


"Well...It's not the arguing I like, really. More of what comes after." He nodded his head behind him, where Hermione and Ron had now stopped arguing and had begun...'making up'. Ginny laughed and wrapped her arm around his waist.

"Are you trying to say you want to snog me Harry?" He tilted his head in thought.

"Yea. That's exactly what I'm trying to say."

"Well, what's the sense of arguing to get a good snog?" Ginny asked pulling him to a stop. Harry smiled and pulled her close.

"I have no idea. We'll have to ask Ron and Hermione."

"Yea, we will." Then they proved to each other, that there was no use in arguing.
Reviews 33

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