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Demons In The Dreams
By YelloWitchGrl

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Category: Post-OotP, Post-Hogwarts
Genres: Action/Adventure, Comedy, Drama
Warnings: Death, Extreme Language, Violence
Story is Complete
Rating: R
Reviews: 156
Summary: Ginny and Harry are Aurors and together they struggle to survive their inner demons. Dreams plague the pair as they try to deal with the past and survive their future. Why does Ginny dream of her past as if it were the present? This is a puzzle/mystery that will keep you guessing until the very end.
Hitcount: Story Total: 127611; Chapter Total: 6530


“Bonjour.” A beautiful, slim brunette greeted them as they walked through the doors to the French Minister’s private sanctum. “I am Michelle Dupree and I shall be conducting the hearing.” She held out her hand to them after introducing herself. She had only the slightest hint of an accent.

“Ginny Weasley.” She greeted the woman.

Harry took her hand and also shook it. “Harry Potter.”

She smiled coyly at him. “Of course I know you, Mr. Potter.”

He shifted uncomfortably from one foot to the other. “It’s Harry.”

“But of course.” She indicated the chairs around a small round table. “Please have a seat and make yourselves comfortable. I will be with you shortly.” She left and closed the door.

A snort of laughter escaped Ginny. She had to laugh or she might start crying. In a fake French accent she imitated the other woman. “Of course I know you, Mr. Potter!” She started to laugh at his look of disgust. “That would be,” she continued in the same false voice. “Because I sleep with you every night.”

“Ha… Ha…” He muttered dryly. “You are so hilarious.”

“You are so easy to tease.” She retorted and winked at him. “Honestly, you would think that you would be used to the attention by now. Women are just going to throw themselves at you until your dying day, especially since you are not getting married.”

“Like getting married would solve that problem.” He snorted derisively. “Marriage isn’t exactly sacred anymore, is it?”

“No.” She said evenly. “People do have affairs, I suppose. I would hate that, if I were married. I think it’s really important to trust your spouse.”

“I agree.” He stopped speaking and looked expectantly at the opening door.

Michelle entered and sat in the chair closest to Harry before getting out some parchment. Harry glanced at the other woman nervously and Ginny had to stifle a giggle.

“I would like you to tell me what happened on October 7th.” Michelle instructed, quill in hand and poised to take notes.


“This is amazing.” Ginny breathed in the fresh autumn air as she looked down on Paris from the Eiffel Tower. She and Harry had decided to see some of the city before heading back and this had been their first stop after changing into muggle clothes.

He looked over at her. “I agree.” He walked slowly to her and put an arm around her shoulders. “The view is amazing. It’s almost like being up on a broom.” He whispered the last part in to her ear and she shivered.

“Yeah.” She replied softly before tentatively resting against him. He let his arm slide down hers to circle her waist. Part of her questioned his motivations but not too carefully because it felt imperative to simply enjoy the sensation.

“The interview was easier than I thought. I think that Michelle believed us.”

Ginny started to giggle when she remembered their time with the attractive woman. She had done everything she could to get Harry’s attention but he had ignored it, much to Ginny’s relief. “I think Michelle believed you.”

He groaned and moved slightly so that he was completely behind her as his other arm circled her waist. It felt wonderful for her to be held this way. He rested his chin on top of her head before he replied. “I wish that all these women would just leave me alone.”

She slowly moved her hands along his arms reveling in the strength she could feel in them under his jacket. “You are an eligible bachelor. They don’t know that you don’t want to marry.” She felt him stiffen before letting out a sigh and relaxing again. “Why won’t you marry?”

For several minutes he didn’t answer and when he did his voice was gruff. “The only person who understands me or could possibly begin to understand me is you.”

“That was my answer.” She reminisced.

She felt him shrug. “It’s the truth. I can’t love someone who doesn’t understand me.” She shivered at his words and he started rubbing his hands up and down her arms to warm her. “Besides, I’m too messed up to be with anyone.”

“Again, that is what I said.”

He chuckled and the rich sound of it reverberated through her. “It was a good answer.”

Another horrifying thought occurred to her. They were going to her parents this weekend and her mother was sure to be on both of their cases about settling down. “Do you think that line will work on Mum?”

“Not a chance.” He smiled down at her. “Chin up! At least we both have each other to lean on for support as we listen to her lecture us.”

They left shortly after that and walked around the streets of Paris, admiring the sculptures and the beautiful buildings along the way. They ate at café before continuing on to see the Louvre. The muggle artwork was interesting for them Ginny regretted when they returned to the French Ministry for their departing portkey. It had been an amazing day and the best part for her had been Harry holding her hand the entire time that they were sightseeing.


“How does it feel to be a fully qualified witch?” Harry asked Ginny at her one sweltering summer night as they walked behind the Burrow, searching for a nonexistent breeze that might relieve them for the oppressive heat. She felt beads of sweat running down her body leaving her entire body feeling sticky and grimy.

“I feel… hot.” She finally answered and they both laughed. She swatted absently at a bug that flew overhead and looked down at her bare feet that tread through the dying grass. Her one comfort was that she was wearing a brief dress that allowed air to move around her legs and belly.

“How does it feel to be the one to catch Draco Malfoy after he has been running from the Ministry for over a year?” He grinned at her. “You know he’s been living in that forest for the whole year? He lost all his gold when you captured his father so he didn’t have any where else to go.”

Ginny sighed. “I feel really annoyed to know I have to go through three more years of training when I’m already capable of being an Aurors. I mean, honestly!” She exclaimed. “He was insane and not even really fighting well. About the only thing he could do right was the Cruciatus Curse.”

His face took on a pained expression. “I’m sorry you had to go through it.”

“No matter.” She replied airily. “I’ve suffered worse.”

“No one should have to.” Harry said darkly before his face brightened slightly. “I’ll be glad to have you at work with me from now on.” He said before stooping to pick up a rock. He threw it in to the air and then tossed it out on to the field. “I talked with Kingsley and he thinks that you and I can be partners once you’ve completed training.”

“Really?” She stopped and looked hopefully up at him.

“Yeah. He also explained why Ron and I couldn’t work together.” He ran a hand through his damp hair. “He said that the two of us are uh… conspicuous.”

She studied him and noted that his face was flushed and she doubted it was from the heat. “Why is that?”

“The Damn Witch Weekly article.” He muttered and his face turned an even brighter shade of red. “We get mobbed every where we go now.”

“Ah. Would be that the one where you two were named the most eligible wizards in all of England?” She had been amused and revolted at the same time when the magazine had come out. She didn’t want Harry noticed by even more woman. It had been hard enough while he was with Celia but now he had all of England watching him even more. At the same time it was hilarious to think that anyone would find her brother that attractive. “It’s not even accurate since Ron is engaged.” She laughed when she remembered Hermione’s letter to her after the article was published last fall. “Hermione was incensed that they would print that about Ron. She ranted on to me for seven pages about how the author should have checked to make sure that he was actually available.”

He smiled sadly. “She went on about it with me as well.”

“What’s wrong?” Ginny touched his arm and was not surprised to feel that his skin was moist. “I know you were with Celia at the time… do you miss her?”

“No!” He denied quickly. “I’ve been avoiding dates.”

“Why?” She asked him. She was completely stunned by his announcement.

“You… you remember I mentioned not sleeping well, right? I wrote to you about it a few months ago.” He told her nervously. She could see that he was extremely uncomfortable so she nodded encouragingly. “I have these nightmares.” He continued slowly. “I relive the things that… like when I… I killed him.”

Relief washed over Ginny. He was having the dreams as well. “You too?”

He let out a sigh and smiled. “I thought I was going… well not any place good.” He pulled her in for a hug. “I knew that you were not recovering but the dreams have been plaguing me and they seem to be getting slowly worse. I didn’t know what to do about it and I was afraid to tell… tell anyone.” He finally admitted.

“I have them too and I felt the same way.” She smiled up at him. “Mum helps me when I have a nightmare. She’ll sit with me until I fall asleep again but I haven’t told her about them… how they are so real that you don’t even know…”

“You don’t even know that you are dreaming and not actually going through it.” He finished for her.

“Yeah.” She grinned up at him and felt at ease for the first time in an entire year.

“Oh sweet Merlin!” Ginny breathed as she sat straight up in bed, knocking her elbow in to Harry’s gut. He let out a groan of pain and then another she poked him hard in the side. “I just had a dream that was so real I could feel the heat of it.” She told him excitedly. “It was that day we first confessed to having dreams.”

“Really?” He asked and she could tell he was still winded.

“Yeah. I could actually feel the sweat dripping down through my breasts!” She shut her mouth and then grinned sheepishly at him.

He seemed at a loss for words. “That’s… that is quite… uh… real then.” He managed to spit it out.

“Sorry! I wasn’t thinking when I said that.” She lay back down again and put her head on his shoulder. “It was just so amazing to feel that warm when well, we’re freezing in here.”

“Warming charm must have worn off.” He muttered before fumbling on the bedside table for his wand. It wasn’t easy for him to reach since she had immobilized him by laying on him. When he found it he said the incantation and the room began to warm again. “Do you want to talk more or go back to sleep?”


“He’s dead?” Ginny looked between her brother and Harry, hoping desperately that they were going to say it was all a dream. At sixteen she still held on to a few of her hopes that life was not really as cruel as it seemed. At sixteen she still laughed. She continued to study then but their faces did not waver as they delivered the bad news. “No!” She cried and felt the tears start to quickly make their way down her face. Her whole body seemed to have become numb. “No… no it just… no!” She yelled and turned to Hermione for comfort. The other girl wrapped her in a warm embrace but the cold that had invaded her blood did not dissipate.

“Ginny?” Harry reached over and touched her shoulder. Instinctively she went to him and he held her as she had comforted him several times in the past year.

“Why him? What…?” She looked over at her brother but did not let go of the boy in her arms.

“Michael was home for Christmas. You know it’s not really safe outside of Hogwarts… yesterday they were attacked. The entire Corner family was…” Ron couldn’t finish his sentence.

“No…” She breathed and felt as though her lungs were suddenly on fire. “Oh Merlin, no.” She looked around at them all before burying her face into Harry’s chest. “He had three younger siblings. The youngest was only a baby.”

Ginny woke up crying and swiped at her cheeks. She always hated this dream. She had lost a friend and it had not mattered that he was an ex-boyfriend because he was still gone along with the rest of his family. She had come to hate Grimmauld Place after that. They were all safe in the dreary prison while everyone else had to risk their lives to see family at the holidays. It hadn’t seemed fair.

“No… Ginny…” Harry voice was harsh.

She glanced at him and realized quickly that he was having a nightmare. “Harry!” She stated firmly while she shook his shoulder.

His eyes sprang open and he looked at her in terror before crushing her in his arms. “It… that… Chamber.”

Understanding washed over her. That was the dream that haunted him the most. “I’m okay Harry.” She soothed. “But I might not be if you don’t let me breathe.”

He loosened his arms but only a little. “I just can’t Ginny… I see you and you’re so small and helpless but I was more focused on killing the snake and not in saving you. You almost died and I would never have known you as anything but Ron’s little sister.” He let out a sob. “I wouldn’t have known you.”

“Shh.” She hushed him and felt her own tears return. “You did save me and I’m fine.” It was amazing to hear him admit that he wanted to know her as more than just the youngest Weasley but at the same time it was agonizing for her to see him this upset. “You know me now and that’s all that matters.” She reminded him gently.

“I know.” He let go and looked at her. He raised a hand to wipe her tears. “I just don’t know what I would have done without you. I can’t see my life without you.”

So many emotions flooded her that Ginny was not sure if she would be able to contain it. The joy at knowing he cared so deeply for her was overwhelming but it was also heartbreaking to realize that he only saw her as a friend. She was one of his best friends and not anything more. “I can’t…” Her throat was choked up with too many emotions. “I can’t imagine my life without you either.” She looked up at him and saw a flash of hope but it was gone quickly.

“We should try and sleep. All of these dreams are affecting us at work. I can hardly keep my eyes open.”

She nodded slowly and made herself comfortable in his arms when they were once again lying down. “I’m just glad that today is Friday. Even though it is very early in the morning.”

“We have dinner with your Mum tomorrow.”

Ginny groaned. “Maybe we should just elope and skip the lecture.”

“Sounds good to me.” He replied softly and kissed the top of her head.

A/N: Thank you all for reviewing! You made me smile.
Reviews 156

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