
SIYE Time:10:05 on 8th October 2024
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Plans Change by MyGinevra starstarstarstar [Reviews - 8]
Ginny springs a big surprise on Harry. Now he must make a major decision, and pretty quick.

The sequel to this story is "Call Me Mum."
PG-13 - Post-HBP, SIYE Challenges new, Elopement Challenge (2020-3) - Fluff, Romance - Warnings: None - Words: 5379
Completed: Yes - Chapters: 1 - Published: 2021.01.12 - Updated: 2021.01.12 - Hits: 3197

Overprotective Gits by millie starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 4]
** Honourable Mention in the November 2020 Dumbledore's Silver Trinket for Best One-Shot **
What happens when the Weasley Brother's confront Harry about his relationship with their little sister?
G - Post-HBP - General - Warnings: None - Words: 2398
Completed: Yes - Chapters: 1 - Published: 2020.12.25 - Updated: 2020.12.25 - Hits: 4267

Vita Post Mortem (Original One-Shot) by LordCroussette starstarhalf-star [Reviews - 3]
Harry end up alone in the graveyard and when he duel with Voldemort, their wands connect. However, Harry isn't strong enough and the connection break when it hit his wand. Harry fall on the ground, dead. Ginny has to deal with the death of her boyfriend and decide to train hard to avenge the Potters. ONE-SHOT H/G
PG-13 - Post-OotP, Alternate Universe, Post-HBP - Drama - Warnings: Death, Violence - Words: 4873
Completed: Yes - Chapters: 1 - Published: 2020.11.22 - Updated: 2020.11.22 - Hits: 1888

Path Diverged II by hp_fangal starstarstarstarhalf-star [Reviews - 220]
** Winner of the July 2020 Dumbledore's Silver Trinket Award for Best Romance **
The Wizarding world finally knows that Lord Voldemort has returned, and the Second War has begun. As Harry prepares to enter his sixth year at Hogwarts, he is forced to deal with the trauma from his last encounter with Voldemort, the upcoming trial of Dolores Umbridge, Sirius's uncomfortable questions about his childhood, his budding relationship with Ginny Weasley, and the unknown shadow of what lies ahead as the "Chosen One" who must defeat Voldemort once and for all. This is an AU take of Half-Blood Prince following my previous story, Path Diverged.
PG-13 - Alternate Universe, Post-HBP - Action/Adventure, Angst, Romance - Warnings: Disturbing Imagery, Mental Abuse, Mild Language, Mild Sexual Situations - Words: 212702
Completed: No - Chapters: 36 - Published: 2019.07.02 - Updated: 2020.11.21 - Hits: 131098

Between the Lines by fresh_pickled_toad starstarstarstarhalf-star [Reviews - 8]
A series of one shots covering several missing moments in HBP... It's my first fanfic, so please do review!
G - Post-HBP - Action/Adventure, Angst, Comedy, Fluff, General, Humor - Warnings: None - Words: 2072
Completed: No - Chapters: 2 - Published: 2020.10.03 - Updated: 2020.10.04 - Hits: 4892

No Need To Care by Mad-Madeye starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 4]
Number 3 in the 'No need to...' Series. Ginny's has an unexpected conversation the day after Bill and Fleur's Wedding. Rated M for language
R - Post-HBP - Angst - Warnings: None - Words: 1022
Completed: Yes - Chapters: 1 - Published: 2020.08.04 - Updated: 2020.08.05 - Hits: 1820

Changes by _kb_ starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 13]
Ginny accidentally discovers Harry while he’s undergoing his Magical Maturity which leads to unexpected consequences for them, others, and the war. Deviates from the end of book six.
R - Post-HBP - General - Warnings: Mild Sexual Situations - Words: 23958
Completed: Yes - Chapters: 2 - Published: 2020.07.24 - Updated: 2020.07.28 - Hits: 6116

The Devil by ginnyweasley777 starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 5]
Ginny and Harry help heal each other while falling in love.
G - Alternate Universe, Post-HBP - Angst, Romance - Warnings: None - Words: 2094
Completed: Yes - Chapters: 1 - Published: 2020.07.23 - Updated: 2020.07.23 - Hits: 1968

No Need to Feel by Mad-Madeye starstarstarstarhalf-star [Reviews - 5]
Number 2 in the 'No Need to...' Series. Harry learns to deal with the weight of his decisions. Rated M for language mainly
R - Post-HBP - Fluff - Warnings: None - Words: 1439
Completed: Yes - Chapters: 1 - Published: 2020.07.06 - Updated: 2020.07.07 - Hits: 1689

Make this go on forever by Mah Potter starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 4]
Glimpses through Ginny Weasley's mind during the last months of her fifth years at Hogwarts. Missing scenes from Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince.
G - Post-HBP - Comedy, Romance - Warnings: None - Words: 10327
Completed: Yes - Chapters: 1 - Published: 2020.04.13 - Updated: 2020.04.13 - Hits: 2369

The Weight of the After by Paperyink starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 14]
** Honourable Mention in the February 2018 Dumbledore's Silver Trinket for Best New Story **
As the trials against those complicit in Voldemort's regime begin, Ginny Weasley must come to terms with the worst year of her life- on record. But not every war story should be told.
R - Post-HBP, Post-DH/AB - Action/Adventure, Drama, Romance - Warnings: Mild Language, Violence - Words: 34521
Completed: No - Chapters: 6 - Published: 2018.03.05 - Updated: 2019.11.17 - Hits: 19464

Vis Insita by Caleb Nova starstarstarstarhalf-star [Reviews - 92]
Every body persists in its state of being at rest or of moving uniformly straight forward, except insofar as it is compelled to change its state by force impressed. The seventh year sequel to That Terrifying Momentum.
R - Alternate Universe, Post-HBP - Action/Adventure, Drama, Humor, Romance - Warnings: Disturbing Imagery, Extreme Language, Mild Sexual Situations, Violence - Words: 410742
Completed: No - Chapters: 47 - Published: 2015.07.23 - Updated: 2019.09.07 - Hits: 159615

Decades by gryffins_door starstarstarstarhalf-star [Reviews - 31]
Trapped in a world where my ex-girlfriend thinks the irony is bloody hilarious, I have foreknowledge - a powerful (and dangerous) tool that should help me win the fight before the enemy knows what hit them. Little did I know that the fight was not only with the enemy.

Pre-seventh year, canon ships, celebrating the 10th anniversary of the Deathly Hallows release.
PG-13 - Alternate Universe, Post-HBP - Action/Adventure, Romance - Warnings: Mild Language, Violence - Words: 49056
Completed: Yes - Chapters: 10 - Published: 2017.07.21 - Updated: 2018.04.28 - Hits: 33944

Kiss Me by Celtics534 starstarstarstarhalf-star [Reviews - 24]
Some moments just require a kiss, something Harry and Ginny are happy to partake in. Multiple moments throughout their relationship that prove a kiss makes everything better.
PG-13 - Post-OotP, Post-HBP, Post-Hogwarts, Post-DH/AB - Fluff, Humor, Romance - Warnings: Mild Sexual Situations, Sexual Situations - Words: 19784
Completed: No - Chapters: 12 - Published: 2018.03.18 - Updated: 2018.04.08 - Hits: 70976

Feelings Detained by snarky24 starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 47]
** Honourable Mention in the November 2017 Dumbledore's Silver Trinket for Best Comedy **
Harry and Ginny struggle with their complicated feelings for each other as Ginny takes her first steps to pursuing a Quidditch career. A series of detentions, a lucky adventure, and a new invention from Fred and George help them cut through the tension and find their way to each other. Set alongside the events of HBP and sequel to “Secrets and Slugs.”
PG-13 - Alternate Universe, Post-HBP - Action/Adventure, Angst, General, Humor, Romance - Warnings: Mild Sexual Situations - Words: 73778
Completed: Yes - Chapters: 17 - Published: 2017.12.30 - Updated: 2018.01.28 - Hits: 56852

Finding Hedwig by Gin110881 starstarstarstarhalf-star [Reviews - 7]
** Winner of the September 2017 Dumbledore's Silver Trinket Award for Best One-Shot **
In the summer after Dumbledore's death, Harry feels lonely and forlorn. He already felt miserable when he had to break-up with his girlfriend, Ginny, but now his beloved owl and faithful companion Hedwig has disappeared. How are these two events connected?
PG - Post-HBP, Magical Creatures Challenge (2017-3), Magical Creatures Challenge (2017-3) - Drama, Romance - Warnings: None - Words: 7858
Completed: Yes - Chapters: 1 - Published: 2017.11.11 - Updated: 2017.11.11 - Hits: 5239

Erasing The Future by Moxterminator starstarstarstarhalf-star [Reviews - 545]
** Winner of the September 2007 Dumbledore's Silver Trinket Award for Best Action/Adventure **
Harry goes back in time to redo his Hogwarts years after losing the war, his family, and his wife, Ginny Potter, to Voldemort. Changes need to be made, but can all changes be good? Years 1-4
PG-13 - Alternate Universe, Post-HBP - Action/Adventure, Angst, Fluff, General, Humor, Romance, Tragedy - Warnings: Extreme Language, Mild Sexual Situations, Violence - Words: 495029
Completed: No - Chapters: 63 - Published: 2006.08.22 - Updated: 2017.02.13 - Hits: 467597

Secrets and Slugs by snarky24 starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 36]
While at the Burrow over Christmas holidays, Harry struggles to keep his feelings for Ginny secret, Ginny learns to let go of her secrets, and everyone is burping slugs with Fred and George’s newest invention. Sequel to "The Not-So-Lucky Potion"
PG-13 - Alternate Universe, Post-HBP - Action/Adventure, Drama, Fluff, Humor - Warnings: None - Words: 20785
Completed: Yes - Chapters: 5 - Published: 2016.11.11 - Updated: 2016.11.23 - Hits: 20857

The Not-So-Lucky Potion by snarky24 starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 14]
Harry learns about what Ginny would do with Felix Felicis and inadvertently gets stuck in the middle of a Quidditch quarrel. A HBP missing moment that explores what happened after Harry returned to Slughorn’s party.
PG-13 - Post-HBP - Comedy, Fluff - Warnings: Mild Sexual Situations - Words: 2488
Completed: Yes - Chapters: 1 - Published: 2016.10.16 - Updated: 2016.10.16 - Hits: 6098

A Glimpse of a Future by Pottermum starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 10]
Set after Harry and Hermione's visit to Godric's Hollow. The two are barely speaking and unsure of their next move. Harry is despondent, wondering how he can go on. Hermione offers him a glimpse of a future. Will it be enough? Canon compliant.
PG - Post-HBP - General - Warnings: Mild Sexual Situations - Words: 1806
Completed: Yes - Chapters: 1 - Published: 2016.08.24 - Updated: 2016.08.24 - Hits: 4772

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