
SIYE Time:8:42 on 8th December 2024
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Tomorrow Will Be a New Day by ark the wanderer starstarstarstarhalf-star [Reviews - 14]
My take on Harry and Ginny's reunion after the final battle. Actions speak louder than words, excerpts speak louder than summaries, so here goes:

"Ginny looked at Harry, she held up her hand to touch his face. Harry took her hand and kissed it, looking into her eyes. They stayed that way for a long while, green drowning in pools of brown, brown sinking in a sea of green."
R - Post-DH/AB - Romance - Warnings: Mild Sexual Situations - Words: 5156
Completed: Yes - Chapters: 1 - Published: 2008.12.06 - Updated: 2008.12.10 - Hits: 8164

Towards Kings Cross by everylittlething starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 87]
It's nearly two months after the Battle of Hogwarts and, after so much sadness, Harry wonders if it will ever be the right time to tell Ginny how he feels about her. The battle has taken its toll on everyone and in the time before Harry returns to Platform Nine and Three Quarters for his final year at Hogwarts, Harry, Ginny, Ron and Hermione have plenty of things to take care of. Post DH, Pre- Epilogue.
G - Post-DH/AB - Comedy, Drama, Romance - Warnings: None - Words: 48347
Completed: Yes - Chapters: 11 - Published: 2007.09.11 - Updated: 2008.12.08 - Hits: 71904

The End Of An Era by Manxman1831 starstarstarstarhalf-star [Reviews - 39]
*** The author has been reminded via the e-mail address on file that this story is listed as incomplete and has not been updated in over 2 years ***

*** The author has been reminded via the e-mail address on file that this story is listed as incomplete and has not been updated in over 2 years ***

Follows on from Deathly Hallows 'The flaw in the plan'. Also follows on from my other story 'A Hallows Named Ginny' (to be found on HPFF and GinnyPotter, may put it on here eventually).

Tom Riddle is dead. For one group, this means healing the pain of the past seven years.

This story is presently abandoned.
PG-13 - Post-DH/AB - Action/Adventure, Angst, Drama - Warnings: Death, Mild Language, Sexual Situations, Violence - Words: 88755
Completed: No - Chapters: 19 - Published: 2008.08.27 - Updated: 2008.12.02 - Hits: 102159

More Than Enough by GWP4ever starstarstarstarhalf-star [Reviews - 5]
“What’s wrong? Are you hurt? Would you like something? You should lie down.” Harry said, standing. “No, no, sit back down.” She sat down on Harry’s lap and put her arms around his neck. “Actually, I’m great.”

PG - Post-DH/AB - Fluff, Romance - Warnings: None - Words: 1079
Completed: Yes - Chapters: 1 - Published: 2008.11.25 - Updated: 2008.11.26 - Hits: 6851

Undeniably Perfect by Blissful_Oblivion starstarstarstarhalf-star [Reviews - 15]
*** The author has been reminded via the e-mail address on file that this story is listed as incomplete and has not been updated in over 2 years ***

*** The author has been reminded via the e-mail address on file that this story is listed as incomplete and has not been updated in over 2 years ***

Voldemort has finally been defeated, and the Wizarding World is eternally grateful to Harry. But will Harry have the picture-perfect future he’s earned at last? Lots of Harry/Ginny fluff as they tackle grief, rogue death eaters, nightmares, and everything in between, together. A pinch of Ron/Hermione thrown in for good luck!
PG-13 - Post-DH/AB - Drama, Fluff, General, Romance - Warnings: Sexual Situations - Words: 3314
Completed: No - Chapters: 2 - Published: 2008.08.02 - Updated: 2008.11.18 - Hits: 11493

From End to Beginning by Emmaw starstarstarstar [Reviews - 3]
*** The author has been reminded via the e-mail address on file that this story is listed as incomplete and has not been updated in over 2 years ***

*** The author has been reminded via the e-mail address on file that this story is listed as incomplete and has not been updated in over 2 years ***

The story begins where Deathly Hallows ended. The story will end at the beginning of the epilogue. What happens in between? You'll just have to read it to find out. Please read and review. Thanks. Update should be soon.
PG-13 - Post-DH/AB - General - Warnings: Mild Sexual Situations - Words: 1537
Completed: No - Chapters: 1 - Published: 2008.11.02 - Updated: 2008.11.05 - Hits: 4109

It Was Hers All Along by deenas starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 27]
He was an idiot. But then he had to go and be utterly...Harry.
PG - Post-DH/AB - Angst, Fluff, General, Romance - Warnings: Mild Language - Words: 1518
Completed: Yes - Chapters: 1 - Published: 2008.11.03 - Updated: 2008.11.03 - Hits: 8454

Life Goes On by MegElemental starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 7]
*** The author has been reminded via the e-mail address on file that this story is listed as incomplete and has not been updated in over 2 years ***

*** The author has been reminded via the e-mail address on file that this story is listed as incomplete and has not been updated in over 2 years ***

6 years after the final battle, and Harry and Ginny have drifted apart. Will they ever get back together? And will Harry ever get over the final battle?
PG-13 - Post-DH/AB - Romance - Warnings: Sexual Situations, Violence - Words: 4257
Completed: No - Chapters: 2 - Published: 2008.11.01 - Updated: 2008.11.02 - Hits: 10815

Obvious by MarauderWannabe starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 5]
Harry has always been a person of very few words. Ginny has always been the talkative one.

That much is obvious.

H/G; written from Harry and Ginny’s POVs.
PG-13 - Post-DH/AB - Drama, Fluff, Romance - Warnings: Mild Language - Words: 2794
Completed: Yes - Chapters: 1 - Published: 2008.10.23 - Updated: 2008.10.26 - Hits: 7898

An Unceremonious Beginning by Kezzabear starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 41]
"This day sucks, it really does. It's the worst day ever." Harry is having a very bad day...
PG - Post-DH/AB - Drama, Humor, Romance - Warnings: None - Words: 3066
Completed: Yes - Chapters: 1 - Published: 2008.10.15 - Updated: 2008.10.18 - Hits: 13858

The Family Life of a Hero by pennyreth87 starstarstarhalf-star [Reviews - 10]
This story does not follow the Deathly Hallows. After the Final Battle Harry Potter becomes a professional Quidditch player and gets married with Ginny Weasley. A year after the wedding, a misunderstanding between Harry/Ginny and Molly Weasley made the couple leave England for a long time. After many years, they return and they welcome to their house a reporter for an exclusive interview.
G - Post-DH/AB - General - Warnings: None - Words: 2026
Completed: Yes - Chapters: 1 - Published: 2008.10.12 - Updated: 2008.10.17 - Hits: 4978

'Cause Waking Up Is Hard To Do by Tom NotRiddle starstarstarstar [Reviews - 16]
Ginny Weasley is not a morning person. So, even on the most wonderful of days, waking up is hard to do ...
PG-13 - Post-DH/AB - Humor - Warnings: None - Words: 1215
Completed: Yes - Chapters: 1 - Published: 2008.10.13 - Updated: 2008.10.17 - Hits: 12072

No by millenium starstarstarstarhalf-star [Reviews - 5]
Harry returns to the Burrow, battle weary, to see the love of his life again.
PG - Post-DH/AB - Drama - Warnings: None - Words: 1107
Completed: Yes - Chapters: 1 - Published: 2008.10.10 - Updated: 2008.10.10 - Hits: 12578

Lost and Found by believeinthegods starstarstarstarhalf-star [Reviews - 7]
There are some things that, once broken, cannot be mended - but he doesn't know if this is one of them. All he knows is that he needs to see her, and she needs to know - now this final battle has ended, he wants to know if everything between them has too - no matter what the cost. Because that's what love it all about, in the end - isn't it?
PG - Post-DH/AB - Fluff, Romance - Warnings: None - Words: 1838
Completed: Yes - Chapters: 1 - Published: 2008.10.02 - Updated: 2008.10.07 - Hits: 5794

A Late Night Visit by drawjones starstarstarstarhalf-star [Reviews - 18]
*** The author has been reminded via the e-mail address on file that this story is listed as incomplete and has not been updated in over 2 years ***

*** The author has been reminded via the e-mail address on file that this story is listed as incomplete and has not been updated in over 2 years ***

Harry and Ginny are now married and just welcomed their first child, now a late night visit threatens to upset the balance of the new family. How will Harry respond? Will he overcome his past and build a family of love or will he succumb to his time with the Dursleys and be like them?
PG - Post-DH/AB - General - Warnings: Intimate Sexual Situations, Mental Abuse, Mild Language - Words: 4679
Completed: No - Chapters: 1 - Published: 2008.09.28 - Updated: 2008.09.30 - Hits: 5059

The Hogwarts Express by firestar starstarstarstarhalf-star [Reviews - 18]
Harry has hidden away from the world since the Battle of Hogwarts, but now it's the First of September and Harry is going back to platform 9 3/4 again. How will people react and what will Harry do when the train pulls away from the platform?
G - Post-DH/AB - Romance - Warnings: None - Words: 1293
Completed: Yes - Chapters: 1 - Published: 2008.09.28 - Updated: 2008.09.29 - Hits: 5803

Reflections by believeinthegods starstarstarstarhalf-star [Reviews - 10]
Echoes of your own past are often found in others - but for Ginny Weasley, there's something about this young girl's tale that touches her more than any other; and she discovers that sometimes, the echos can be found in the most unlikely of places...

PG - Post-DH/AB - Romance - Warnings: None - Words: 2481
Completed: Yes - Chapters: 1 - Published: 2008.09.22 - Updated: 2008.09.22 - Hits: 4965

Learning to Live Again by seeker68 starstarstarstarhalf-star [Reviews - 50]
*** The author has been reminded via the e-mail address on file that this story is listed as incomplete and has not been updated in over 2 years ***

*** The author has been reminded via the e-mail address on file that this story is listed as incomplete and has not been updated in over 2 years ***

So, what happened after Harry wondered about getting a sandwich?

The story picks up the morning after the Final Battle. Follow along as Harry tries to cope with the aftereffects of the war and the damage done to his life thus far. Sure, he’s conquered Voldemort, but how does that prepare him for a ‘normal’ life? Is a normal life even possible?

We know that 19 years later ‘all was well’. The real question is what did it take to get there?

A Harry/Ginny....
R - Post-DH/AB - Action/Adventure, Humor, Romance - Warnings: Death, Mild Sexual Situations, Sexual Situations - Words: 27589
Completed: No - Chapters: 6 - Published: 2008.07.08 - Updated: 2008.09.18 - Hits: 40789

We've Got It All Worked Out by ginny_lola starstarstarstarhalf-star [Reviews - 13]
Harry and Ginny re-unite after the Final Battle. Oneshot.
PG-13 - Post-DH/AB, Post-DH/PM - Fluff, General, Romance - Warnings: Mild Language, Sexual Situations - Words: 1450
Completed: Yes - Chapters: 1 - Published: 2008.09.13 - Updated: 2008.09.16 - Hits: 9702

Start All Over by ginny_lola starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 10]
Suddenly, Harry wheeled around, his eyes fixed on mine, as though he could feel them boring into his back. He looked at me, somewhat pleadingly - even desperately - and smiled sadly.
PG-13 - Post-DH/AB, Post-HBP - Angst, Fluff, General - Warnings: Mild Language, Sexual Situations - Words: 4009
Completed: Yes - Chapters: 2 - Published: 2008.08.29 - Updated: 2008.09.01 - Hits: 16028

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