
SIYE Time:1:41 on 7th December 2024
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Summer at the Burrow Challenge (2024-1)

Harry is spending summer at the Burrow and something strange is afoot, what could possibly be happening?

Your challenge is to write a story about the mystery and how it is solved.  The story can be set at any point you choose during or after Hogwarts.  Is the mystery something to do with Harry, or is it someone else?  Is a certain red-haired witch going to help him solve it?  The choice is yours!

The categories for judging are Best Overall, Most Unexpected, Most Humorous, and the People's Choice Award.  Multi-chaptered stories are allowed but they should be completed, or at least satisfy the challenge sufficiently by the time it is closed.

All stories should be submitted under the "Summer at the Burrow (2024-1)" section of the SIYE challenges category by midnight SIYE time on 1st May.  The winners will be announced on the 15th.

Have fun!

ginnyweasley777 on 2024.02.08 - 07:55PM ()


Count Westwest came out of the woodwork on 2024.02.11 - 10:48PM to say:

Under "SIYE Challenges new" there is no "Summer at the Burrow (2024-1)" option.

Count Westwest came out of the woodwork on 2024.02.11 - 10:49PM to say:

ginnyweasley777 came out of the woodwork on 2024.02.12 - 04:10AM to say:

Thanks for letting me know. It's showing under the "SIYE Challenges New" category when you click on it from the home page but not showing when you try to add a story to it. I'll investigate it further.

Count Westwest came out of the woodwork on 2024.02.12 - 08:16AM to say:

Thanks for all you do.

Forge2 came out of the woodwork on 2024.02.29 - 11:29AM to say:

I had the same issue, but I think it still got uploaded. Excited to read other author's entries!

Forge2 came out of the woodwork on 2024.03.28 - 02:08PM to say:

I've checked back and tried to edit my story to tag it for the challenge, but didn't figure out how to make it work. It's still live on SIYE, but I don't think it's under the challenge's umbrella.

DukeBrymin came out of the woodwork on 2024.04.30 - 06:12PM to say:

So, I'm feeling stupid. Is the cutoff for submission the end of the day on May 1st? or the end of the day on April 30th?

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