
SIYE Time:4:12 on 8th September 2024
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Happy Birthday, Ginny

Happy Birthday, Ginny!  May your day be as fiery and bright as your spirit, filled with laughter, love, and a bit of mischief! Here's to another year of adventures, Quidditch, and magical memories. 

Gin110881 on 2024.08.11 - 04:54AM ()


MyGinevra came out of the woodwork on 2024.08.11 - 06:10PM to say:

In honor of Ginny’s birthday I asked ChatGPT to write a Shakespearean sonnet about her. The result: In shadows lurked a flame, Ginny’s heart ablaze, Fair maiden, fierce, with fiery hair aglow. From humble roots, her spirit did upraise, A phoenix soaring, casting off its woe. With courage vast, she faced the darkest night, In Hogwarts’ halls, where magic’s whispers hum, Her wand alight, she battled with her might, Against the evils that would her love overcome. Yet ‘neath her strength, a tender heart does beat, For Harry’s love, a flame that never wanes. Through trials dire, their bond remains replete, A love that weathers life’s tumultuous strains. So let us raise our wands to Ginny fair, In tales of love and magic, she’ll be there.

MyGinevra came out of the woodwork on 2024.08.11 - 06:12PM to say:

Unfortunately, the line breaks were lost in the submission, but you can easily figure them out.

Mitch_Reller came out of the woodwork on 2024.08.12 - 01:51PM to say:

I'm a little late, but happy birthday Ginny

Mitch_Reller came out of the woodwork on 2024.08.12 - 01:51PM to say:

I'm a little late, but happy birthday Ginny

Count Westwest came out of the woodwork on 2024.08.12 - 06:54PM to say:

Happy birthday to my favorite redhead since Lucille Ball.

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