Reviews For The Very Secret Diary of Ginny Weasley
Reviewer: Nemo1024 Anonymous Date: 2004.09.30 - 01:05PM Title: A Fate Too Terrible To Ignore You managed to write a very intriguing story over a well-known, but little-explored theme. It felt as if reading "The Lost Chapters of CoS" by JKR herself! I liked the way you developed Ginny's character still staying true to the canon. All those little details when you connected your story with the canon and added further explanations to it were simply brilliant. You also added the much needed depth to Ginny's character, which I missed in the early canon. Reviewer: biggerstaffbunch Signed Date: 2004.07.06 - 11:31PM Title: A Fate Too Terrible To Ignore And it's finished? It's been a lovely ride... The ending was surprising too, that you didn't pick up later...but I liked it. The suspense factor was kept. Thank you. | |||||||