Reviews For Changing Partners
Reviewer: Gryffinclaw_31 Signed Date: 2020.04.27 - 02:12AM Title: -- This is really good!! I liked it a lot :) Reviewer: Clearly Signed Date: 2009.11.22 - 12:08PM Title: -- That was a very cute story. I just looked up the song on you tube having never heard it before, it's a very pretty song! Reviewer: magical_hannah Signed Date: 2007.08.02 - 05:47AM Title: -- awww. Reviewer: Anastashia197 Signed Date: 2007.05.11 - 10:23PM Title: -- I lyk it, its lyk one of those fairytales that make you feel the characters are at peace. The ones you just LOVE. The ones that you would dream to just even listen to. Reviewer: HarrynGinnyfan Signed Date: 2007.03.20 - 03:38AM Title: -- Awwwwwwwwwwwwww! Such a sweet story. :) Reviewer: HarrynGinnyfan Signed Date: 2007.03.20 - 03:19AM Title: -- Awwwwwwwwwwwwww! Such a sweet story. :) Reviewer: txreina Signed Date: 2006.03.03 - 10:30PM Title: -- What sweet story. They are so cute together. It's obvious Harry just needs someone to love him. Reviewer: Circe Anonymous Date: 2005.12.21 - 01:18AM Title: -- Once again, a really good story of yours :-) None of it was rushed, and I like the fact that H&G didn't lovey-dovey kiss. I enjoy the dialogue that is exvhanged between the characters. Keep writing!!!! Reviewer: critmo Signed Date: 2005.03.08 - 09:21AM Title: -- Fluffy, but not without a finer point - very nice. Reviewer: Dobbey Anonymous Date: 2005.03.02 - 06:27PM Title: -- Another good 1 shot story. Keep it up! Reviewer: Blonde_angle Anonymous Date: 2005.02.22 - 03:25PM Title: -- Sweet, nice, kind, GREAT!! sqeal! Reviewer: Rhiannon Signed Date: 2004.11.14 - 02:11AM Title: -- Neat! That's actually one of the better fanfics I've read here. But why can't Ginny be "drop-dead gorgeous"? Shouldn't she at least be like that to Harry, and not just "innocent pretty"? Reviewer: toolazytosignin Anonymous Date: 2004.09.05 - 05:07PM Title: -- Did you write that at the end? It sounded really good. I loved the whole story. I've read it before and once I saw the title I was like, "Yes, I love that story!" Reviewer: mary loves ron Anonymous Date: 2004.08.30 - 11:14AM Title: -- that was so cute and sweet !!! def. one of my favorites...everything was perfect! also i love how it did not jump right into a relationship...they wanted to get to kno each other better at all. I thought that was just to cute Reviewer: ginnyfan Anonymous Date: 2004.07.09 - 06:19PM Title: -- I loved it,it was soo sweet I agree I also felt like I was there I'm kind of jealous of Ginny though I kind of fancy Harry (lol) | |||||||