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Reviewer: dejavu Signed Date: 2008.01.15 - 12:10PM Title: Chapter 20: Blood, Sweat and Tears


I read it again and I still laugh, please write soon.

Author's Response: Thank you. I'm glad you enjoyed it. Humor is painfully difficult for me to write. Not because I don't possess a sense of humor, but because I have a morbid and dark sense of humor that doesn't apply well in these instances.

Reviewer: Francheesecake Signed Date: 2008.01.10 - 06:32PM Title: Chapter 20: Blood, Sweat and Tears


ahahahahaha Harry's in for it!! love the end of this chap...funny stuff

Author's Response: Thank you, I'd like to hope that Harry learns his lesson eventually though. I mean a Bat Bogey and unable to defend yourself would have to get old really quickly.

Reviewer: pokecharm Signed Date: 2008.01.10 - 08:50AM Title: Chapter 20: Blood, Sweat and Tears


very nice continuation :) I hope this story continues to progress this well in future chapters :)

Author's Response: Thank you for your comments and I hope you enjoy what I have in store for the next few chapters. I think it will be very interesting.

Reviewer: HGRHfan35 Signed Date: 2008.01.08 - 05:49AM Title: Chapter 20: Blood, Sweat and Tears


poor Harry, Go Ginny, Hilarious! LOL

Author's Response: With the upcoming chapters, things are going to get much harder for Harry, so I'm going to try to keep a good level of humour mixed in as well. Luckily, Ginny's passion and fire, plus Harry being Harry tend to give me a lot of material to work with.

Reviewer: bouncerok Signed Date: 2008.01.08 - 01:07AM Title: Chapter 20: Blood, Sweat and Tears


please update apag great chapter

Author's Response: Currently 1,300 words into next chapter. I hope to have it ready to post by the end of the week. Also, fair warning that next week, I will be working and sleeping with no time for anything else as I am assigned to the ICU for a week so I will make every effort to ensure the chapter gets out by the end of this week.

Reviewer: DebbieO Signed Date: 2008.01.07 - 09:13PM Title: Chapter 20: Blood, Sweat and Tears


Great job. The end was downright funny. Smart girl.

Author's Response: Thank you... as I've said before the Chapter didn't start out to have a humorous tone to it, but in the end, I think it worked out quite well.

Reviewer: skiutahnum1 Signed Date: 2008.01.07 - 07:03PM Title: Chapter 20: Blood, Sweat and Tears


i know boys are dumb...but even i know i would not have taken the chance and get pertrifade and bat bouged....words are one thing experence is another and maybe harry will learn...but ginny needs to use harrys head more...and kick the other head to get his attention...kutgw...and yes i know what i said....soemtimes that all that will get thought to a painful as that is.,.....(cringing thinking about it.

Author's Response: Lol... very interesting concept in regards to how Ginny can get Harry's attention. And you have the cringing part right... that just makes my eyes water thinking about it.

Reviewer: FistyGinnyLover Signed Date: 2008.01.07 - 05:12PM Title: Chapter 20: Blood, Sweat and Tears


Hey nice story so far but I think peronally that it needs a little more action also i have some ideas for later on in the story i would like to tell you plz contact me by email if you would be kind enoguh to take me up on my offer. Great job so far. Happy writing!^^

Reviewer: Ginny Guerra Signed Date: 2008.01.07 - 01:57PM Title: Chapter 20: Blood, Sweat and Tears


I had so much fun with this chapter in spite of the seriousnes of the issue!

Can't wait for the rest!

Author's Response: Yeah, I really enjoyed writing this chapter. In all honesty, it didn't really start out as a chapter where I intended to put humour, but in the end, some found its way in there nonetheless.

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