
SIYE Time:4:29 on 8th September 2024
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Reviewer: buff802y Signed Date: 2008.03.13 - 10:03PM Title: Chapter 25: Countdown


Wow.Wow.Wow.Did I say wow! Grreat story and what an imagination to come upi with this. You are truly a talented writer.
I couldn't put it down.
I am so excited to see what happens next.
I cannot wait until you post again!

Author's Response: Glad you enjoy the story so far. I've just submitted the next chapter, so hopefully it's up in the next day or so. Thank you for your reveiw/comments and I hope you enjoy the rest of the story.

Reviewer: HGRHfan35 Signed Date: 2008.03.10 - 04:43AM Title: Chapter 25: Countdown


good chapter, more questions and uncertainties for Harry & Co.
Keep going, I think youre doing great. Thanx C

Author's Response: Glad you enjoyed the story and hope you like where it goes from here. Needless to say, things are going to take a slightly darker turn for the next little bit. Thank you for your review.

Reviewer: Ginny Guerra Signed Date: 2008.03.09 - 09:27PM Title: Chapter 25: Countdown


I'm quite worried with those spells!

Author's Response: There's good reason to be worried. You're gonna have to help me figure out the Latin names for them. Lol. Thanks for your help and support. Hopefully you'll enjoy where the story goes from here.

Author's Response: By the way, I made sure to give you credti for the non-Canon spell names.

Reviewer: elaithin Signed Date: 2008.03.09 - 12:43PM Title: Chapter 25: Countdown


No Review

Reviewer: skiutahnum1 Signed Date: 2008.03.09 - 12:39PM Title: Chapter 25: Countdown

and the hits just keep on has to get better after the next few mouths....kutgw hope harry makes a full recover soon...

Author's Response: Yeah, hopefully Harry will recover soon, but with training, there's bound to be a few nagging injuries that Madam Pomfrey will have to take care of. Glad you enjoyed the chapter and thank you for the reviews.

Reviewer: pokecharm Signed Date: 2008.03.09 - 12:26PM Title: Chapter 25: Countdown


this is really getting good - I can't wait to see where you go from here - good update!

Author's Response: Thank you. I'm glad you enjoyed the chapter.

Reviewer: ebonydawnpotter Signed Date: 2008.03.09 - 10:44AM Title: Chapter 25: Countdown


What a cliffhanger of an ending:(! I have to wait... I've never really been patient though...
Oh well, c'est la vie I suppose. An amazing chapter, as the rest have been also. I look forward to many more fantastic moments.
Keep it up.

Author's Response: Don't worry. You won't have to wait for too long. The next chapter is already well on its way to being finished. I'm glad you enjoyed this chapter, let's just say it was a pain in the butt to write for a while but I think it turned out very good overall.

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