
SIYE Time:1:54 on 7th December 2024
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Reviewer: Spenser Hemmingway Signed Date: 2007.10.14 - 06:45PM Title: Chapter 1


Harry makes a good point at the onset. Could his manipulation of the Castle’s magic possibly harm things? I have no doubt that Harry is adept at utilizing the wand, but he does have to rely on engineer expertise in its application. I’m looking forward to all the extra features that will be incorporated into the rebuild. I think that Harry should reconsider Ginny’s request…provided the room has a strong lock on the door. You’re off to an interesting start. Thanks. Eric B.

Author's Response: *chuckle* For a while I was actually considering the room, but then I changed my mind. Thanks!!

Reviewer: Professor_Chris Signed Date: 2007.10.05 - 11:40AM Title: Chapter 1


Great start, I like that the addition to the school is something that the kids would like added rather than just something Harry would have liked.

Looking forward to seeing the rest of the story.

Author's Response: Thank you, Professor Chris! I've actually finished writing the second chapter; just waiting for my beta to return it to me! ^_^

Reviewer: Mojomig Signed Date: 2007.10.05 - 10:38AM Title: Chapter 1


No Review

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