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Reviews For Taking the Train

Reviewer: kash2110 Signed Date: 2008.10.14 - 03:51PM Title: Cold and Hot


Phew that was a hard chapter to read, especially the end, when Ginny says “Save the hero speech, Harry, I am not interested.” .

My favourtie line however was when Harry said - 'Together. We were us' That brought the tears to my eyes, I feel that only someone who has REALLY loved someone could have wroe that line in the context it was mean't as it is such a powerful line!!

Reviewer: potslicker Signed Date: 2008.04.20 - 01:46PM Title: Cold and Hot


Yah, Harry has really gotten himself in to one big mess Has he lost Ginny? I hope not, but his work is cut for him. You have brought up a lot of good points in how he made such a big mistake, however, knowing Harry it would be understandable.. Ginny can not see that right now, however, can Harry get to her and convince her of the truth. You blew me away on this chapter.

Reviewer: Elvenlaughter Signed Date: 2008.03.07 - 04:21PM Title: Cold and Hot

Wow, that was the most intensely horrible exchange I've ever read between Harry and Ginny. Now I'm totally not going to be able to think about anything else until the next chapter comes out. PLEASE update soon! Don't leave me in pain!!

Author's Response: Thanks, I think. :) This chapter was a challenge for me to write because Harry and Ginny aren't acting the way I imagine that they would in canon. But your patience shall be rewarded.

Reviewer: hms42 Signed Date: 2008.03.07 - 01:07PM Title: Cold and Hot


No Review

Reviewer: dreadnok Signed Date: 2008.03.07 - 10:55AM Title: Cold and Hot


can't wait for more!!!!!!!!!

Reviewer: tenorspaz Signed Date: 2008.03.07 - 06:44AM Title: Cold and Hot


Quite the evil cliffhanger you've left us dangling on, eh? Love that we've finally identified the problem and when exactly Ginny lost that loving feeling. Can't wait to see how she gets it back again. Thank Merlin for Hermione and the Hogwarts library!
Great chapter! Update soon!

Reviewer: ProfessorBinns Signed Date: 2008.03.07 - 01:34AM Title: Cold and Hot


This is great, a very clever plot and some believable angst. Also, your writing is engaging. It's a bit puzzling that Ginny can go from completely affectless to really angry at Harry for not loving her enough--she didn't care at all a moment before.
You've set up a great next few chapters. How will Harry win Ginny back? I look forward to reading more. Thanks!

Author's Response: Thanks for your review! It becomes clearer in the next chapter why Ginny's attitude changes so quickly - I am writing it as fast as I can!

Reviewer: zoemcfoe Signed Date: 2008.03.06 - 09:21PM Title: Cold and Hot


Wow, that's one of the more unique and interesting plot twists I've seen in an H/G story. Really looking forward to seeing where you take this!

Reviewer: Laurendcg05 Signed Date: 2008.03.06 - 07:56PM Title: Cold and Hot


Seriously great chapter! I don't think that Ginny would have given Harry a second chance directly after the battle anyway. He said too much to get her to leave, didn't treat her with enough respect becaue of his saving people thing, and then there's the whole pretending to be dead bit. Yeah, I agree with this Ginny, even if she's completely lost her love for Harry, Hermione will set it right...hopefully. Anyway, keep up the great work!

Reviewer: Wolfric Signed Date: 2008.03.06 - 05:11PM Title: Cold and Hot


Thanks for the chapter. I am interested to see how all this is resolved. W.

Reviewer: hgfan1111 Signed Date: 2008.03.06 - 12:52PM Title: Cold and Hot


Absolutely heartbreaking. But brilliant all the same. Very nice chapter. I like the way you describe Ginny's lack of emotion and emptiness. Harry definitely has some making up to do. Hopefully Hermione can be brilliant herself and find the connection that they need to get back to where they are supposed to be. Thanks again for the great story and chapter.

Author's Response: Thanks for the review. I think it was MyGinevra who noted that Hermione is an excellent plot device for getting the characters to figure out what they need to know. She is going to come in handy in Ch. 6, although she actually finds the expert - she doesn't figure it out for herself.

Reviewer: Professor_Chris Signed Date: 2008.03.06 - 12:36PM Title: Cold and Hot


Great Chapter... I hope that they can fix this, yes Harry made a bad mistake but surely there is some hope for them.

Reviewer: Pooky Anonymous Date: 2008.03.06 - 12:01PM Title: Cold and Hot


You are so evil! So very evil! (LOL!!) Why oh why does there have to be angst!! I hate angst!! Especially between Harry and Ginny! I have read a million happy ending for Harry and Ginny, but despite that, my heart still aches whenever I read angst between them! Please, oh Please, let them fix this mess!! Don't let it end like this!! Please, don't let it end like this!

Chris (Pooky)

(Great job, keep up the great work and update soon! Please let there be a happy ending!!)

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