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Reviews For Our Buried Life

Reviewer: NotACat Signed Date: 2008.06.11 - 08:07AM Title: PART ONE


Three guesses as to who can hoick Harry out of that mirror, and your first two don't count for beans ;-)

I like your book: it's a nice echo of Tom's diary, and she knows where this one keeps its brain.

Reviewer: Spenser Hemmingway Signed Date: 2008.05.06 - 11:23AM Title: PART ONE


This was completely different from anything I was expecting. The plot is excellent and so are your characterizations. They lend credence to the story and the situations we are encountering are enhanced by the cast's personalities; they compliment each other. I always look for stories that draw me in, make me think and draw upon my sympathies. Yours does all three and I'm thoroughly enjoying it. Thanks! Eric B.

Reviewer: wickedgirl93 Signed Date: 2008.04.30 - 10:55PM Title: PART ONE


I love it! Great writing, with great passion!

Reviewer: knightsbridge Signed Date: 2008.04.29 - 01:34AM Title: PART ONE

I think the trick was in your last line...and the line from first HP book. Dumbledore didn't see harry's aprents as he did, not did Ron. I would Like to think that harry came out of the mirror for the same reason the stone did (that and a bit of love). The stone wound up in Harry's pocket because he didn't want to use it, just rescue it from Tom.

Ginny feels pretty much the same about Harry. She doesn't want to use him, nor force him into anything, and he is obviously her hearts desire, which is what the mirror shows everyone.

So, if I'm wrong, I'm wrong...but that's what I would LIKE to think!!!


Reviewer: Zapatorf Signed Date: 2008.04.23 - 03:31PM Title: PART ONE

Somehow, I can see this winning something. Maybe best angst. I'll have to think about it. Anyway, I do have to say that I liked the opening, even if it was a bit confusing.

Reviewer: knightsbridge Signed Date: 2008.04.08 - 07:20PM Title: PART ONE


Bloody fantastic writing. Knowing Luna, she has already told Ginny the Answer, but at this point is Giiny does Ginny have enough love for Harry to free him?
Tune in for part 2!!! I look forward to it.

Honestly I would nominate this fic, if I could get anything but a blank page. Just me, or is SIYE having yet MORE problems?


Author's Response: I'm very, very happy to hear that, as you can imagine. =D According to the main page of the site, there's an issue with the voting system which is being worked on, and in the meantime the nominations have been temporarily disabled.

Reviewer: gejufan Signed Date: 2008.04.08 - 12:17PM Title: PART ONE


i like this. been reading HP fanfics for awhile now and this is the first time (that i can remember) i read anything like this.
very original, the writing is not bad but not excellent which mean you'll most likely get better as the story will go on especially if you have a good beta. like i said the story line is original. I was a little bit confused at first but things became clear as the story won’t on.

Looking forward to the next chapter.


Author's Response: Thank you very much. I don't actually have a beta, I've never worked very well with the process, but I hope it doesn't turn out too bad as a result... I'm glad to hear you like it so far. =]

Reviewer: rbackwards2 Signed Date: 2008.04.08 - 10:51AM Title: PART ONE


You're doing good stuff here. Harry in the diary - a great device for suspense! I really like your Ron - I like him in situations that give him more depth as a character, and I agree that tragedy is the catalyst for him to change. Looking forward to the next part.

Author's Response: Thank you. =] I feel like there aren't enough stories out there devoted to the Ron/Ginny dynamic, I thought it would be a welcome change. I'll try to get the next part out as soon as possible. =D

Reviewer: Zapatorf Signed Date: 2008.04.08 - 10:40AM Title: PART ONE


Well. This is certainly intruiging. I'll keep my eyes open for the next part.

Author's Response: Thank you very much, and I'm glad to hear it. =D

Reviewer: tear_away Signed Date: 2008.04.08 - 10:22AM Title: PART ONE


Wow, this is really good and seems like a totally diffferent idea to what anyone else would come up with for this challenge. The story is great and I already feel sorry that there will only be a second part and no more. It's one of those elusive first chapters that makes you want the story to never end.

A winner I am sure. 10/10

Author's Response: Thank you very much, I'm very glad you liked it so much. =] I originally considered writing the story in three parts, but I'm attempting to keep it under 10,000 words. We'll see how THAT turns out, however...

Reviewer: lilyevans_Jan30 Signed Date: 2008.04.08 - 10:00AM Title: PART ONE

Well, I had to read it twice to make sure I understood exactly what was going on, but I think your story is fantastic. Very unique, interesting, and well written. I am not generally a fan of AU stories, but you stay within the realm of realiity nicely, so it works for me (As evidence of what a "canon police" I can be, my challenge entry actually is my attempt to rebuild the canon of CoS despite the alterations in the plot created by the challenge rules) .

Your Luna is just great, and as I am also a fan of "nice big bro Ron", I really like the interaction between him and Ginny. Only minor nitpicking - more with respect to the terms of the Challenge - technically Harry is supposed to ride the Hogwarts express with Ginny - but I don't think it really matters that much.

Can't wait to see chapter two!


Author's Response: Thank you very much for all your kind comments, and I'm especially grateful that you spent twice as much time on my story as you might've, rather than just write it off as confusing. =D In regards to the express, I don't know if I was mistaken but I assumed that since that was mentioned only in the opening paragraph of the challenge, it was just part of a sort of introductory section meant to get ideas flowing, rather than an actual requirement. Afterwards it states "the author's challenge is to write a story to include..." and then lists several things, I assumed that those were the only requirements and the rest were just guidelines. Oh well... once again, I very much appreciate your taking the time to read and review my story. =]

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