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Reviews For A Good Explanation

Reviewer: blackhair Signed Date: 2010.05.24 - 03:38AM Title: Chapter 1


Thats hilarious and quite stupid to say the least

Reviewer: SunDevil05 Signed Date: 2008.07.19 - 05:34PM Title: Chapter 1

That wasn't one of Voldemort's better plans, was it? And you know, I always knew Mrs. Weasley's hugs were deadly.

This was hilarious and I enjoyed every moment of it! Nice job.

Reviewer: sugarquill112 Signed Date: 2008.07.07 - 08:02AM Title: Chapter 1


That was very different take on the challenge, but it is extremely hilarious. The dialogues are very funny. I especially loved Ron when Ron says "Where?" every time Hermione says "Shush". The ending is quite AU-ish, as in Mrs Weasley killing Voldie, but it's very funny. I laughed a great deal reading the story. :)

Good luck for the challenge.

Reviewer: Spenser Hemmingway Signed Date: 2008.07.04 - 01:52PM Title: Chapter 1


Uhm...okay. This was something different. I've heard all manner of explanations for what happened, but this one takes the cake. Well any good reason for Harry and Ginny to go off and snog. I loved it. Thanks. Eric B.

Reviewer: Jim McGuffin Signed Date: 2008.07.03 - 03:30AM Title: Chapter 1


Judged for competition.

Well, this is certainly an interesting little ficlet, to say the least. And it's definitely a unique take on this particular challenge!

So no time travel actually occurs, but instead Voldie pretends to be Harry's daughter from the future, and presumably, Snape acts as Harry's son. I noticed how Harry points out that his children have the same names as his parents -- which raises an important question: how does Voldie know that Harry will name his children James and Lily? More importantly, how does Voldie know that Ginny will have Harry's babies, anyway? (Given that this is before OotP, Cho would've been a more logical choice as she is Harry's current crush.) Perhaps the Dark Lord really has the power to see into the future -- but then he would've foreseen that Harry will survive and that he will die, so why bother? Anyway, Voldie ends up making a self-fulfilling prophecy, since Harry and Ginny immediately snog. LOL!

The ending was quite hilarious, as Molly's hugging and mollycoddling actually kills Voldie! LOL! I know, this certainly isn't canon (What about the prophecy? What about the Horcruxes?) but given that this is a pure humor one-shot, all is forgiven. I once wrote a one-shot for a SIYE challenge that also ends in a noncanonical death of Voldie...

Overall, good job. I wish you luck in the challenge -- and I'll check out your second challenge entry sometime soon!

Reviewer: hpnopart Signed Date: 2008.06.26 - 01:52PM Title: Chapter 1


Absolutley brilliant! I have rarley seen any fic that short and yet that funny!

Reviewer: Ginny Weasley Signed Date: 2008.06.18 - 08:34PM Title: Chapter 1

Oh my goodness, this was amazing! Definitely a great take to the challenge. Good job!


Reviewer: lilyevans_Jan30 Signed Date: 2008.06.15 - 12:17PM Title: Chapter 1

Oh hehehehe. Compared to all the other challenge entries, which tend to be long and require a lot of explanation (mine included) this was a breath of fresh air. I loved the way you got to the point immediately and took a creative view of the challenge. Great!

Reviewer: lilyevans_Jan30 Signed Date: 2008.06.15 - 12:16PM Title: Chapter 1


Oh hehehehe. Compared to all the other challenge entries, which tend to be long and require a lot of explanation (mine included) this was a breath of fresh air. I loved the way you got to the point immediately and took a creative view of the challenge. Great!

Reviewer: pinkshades05 Signed Date: 2008.06.11 - 11:54AM Title: Chapter 1



^ That is the best line! *laughs* Very creative plot! I especially enjoyed Voldemort's therapy session. One does have to wonder ;)

Reviewer: NotACat Signed Date: 2008.06.09 - 01:29PM Title: Chapter 1


/me is speechless ;-)

Reviewer: muchoGracy Signed Date: 2008.06.09 - 08:34AM Title: Chapter 1


No Review

Reviewer: muchoGracy Signed Date: 2008.06.09 - 08:33AM Title: Chapter 1


Molly was ultimate... still laughing

Reviewer: GinevraMollyPotter Signed Date: 2008.06.09 - 02:40AM Title: Chapter 1

And I tried to nominate it for trinkate but that's still not working!!!

Reviewer: GinevraMollyPotter Signed Date: 2008.06.09 - 02:30AM Title: Chapter 1


*laughing out loud*

*laughing out loud*

*laughing out loud*

*laughing out loud*

*laughing out loud*

*laughing out loud*

*laughing out loud*

*laughing out loud*

*laughing out loud*

*laughing out loud*

*laughing out loud*

*laughing out loud*

Reviewer: deddinty Signed Date: 2008.06.09 - 02:19AM Title: Chapter 1



Oh dear, that's almost as good as Molly in the Last Battle

Reviewer: starvalised_ham Signed Date: 2008.06.08 - 11:04PM Title: Chapter 1



Reviewer: Kage James Signed Date: 2008.06.08 - 09:53PM Title: Chapter 1


I didn't read it all, but what I read was really funny. I'll probably go back and read it when I'm not so tired.

Reviewer: etj4Eagle Signed Date: 2008.06.08 - 08:17PM Title: Chapter 1


That was a fun little one shot and quite an interesting take on the challenge. While the characters were obviously out of character slightly, they were still close enough that the spoof worked without feeling like it was being forced.

I would have to imagine that the question of "How do you get together with mom?" when asked by Harry and GInny's real children is going to be a fun one to answer.

Reviewer: Lady_Gallatea_Ravenclaw Signed Date: 2008.06.08 - 07:47PM Title: Chapter 1


Very much a spoof. :D While not realistic, it did put a smile on my face! Good work.

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