
SIYE Time:2:31 on 8th September 2024
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Reviewer: Ranma-sensei Signed Date: 2016.04.06 - 05:51AM Title: Chapter One: It started with a kiss

An interesting premise, but you need serious help in both spelling and grammar. And I'd advise against making comments in-story. All in all, I'm interested to see more of this, though.

Keep narrating,

Reviewer: Ranma-sensei Signed Date: 2015.09.08 - 10:10AM Title: Chapter One: It started with a kiss


I am split on this.

On the one hand, this is an interesting premise, and quite possibly something that has not been explored in this form, yet.

On the other, it is drowning in spelling mistakes, bad grammar, and misused words. I would strongly suggest you get an editor to look this over before (if) you continue it.

In the hopes that this will be continued,

Reviewer: riegert8 Signed Date: 2011.09.02 - 11:33PM Title: Chapter One: It started with a kiss


I find this to be an Interesting story

Reviewer: Tindual Signed Date: 2010.09.12 - 07:33AM Title: Chapter One: It started with a kiss



Reviewer: Anastashia197 Signed Date: 2010.08.30 - 02:18AM Title: Chapter One: It started with a kiss

Whoa... Interesting!

Reviewer: game_on Signed Date: 2010.08.19 - 09:36PM Title: Chapter One: It started with a kiss


Wow! Amazing start! I love the clown nose!! What a fitting way to go as well. I look forward to the next chapters of this wonderful spin!

Reviewer: ginnyweasley777 Signed Date: 2010.08.19 - 09:19PM Title: Chapter One: It started with a kiss


an interesting start to the story and I look forward to seeing where you;re going to go with it and how things are going to play out with Harry and Ginny
keep up the good work

Reviewer: Larry Signed Date: 2010.08.19 - 03:49PM Title: Chapter One: It started with a kiss


I like it and you have my attention....I look forward to your next input. Regards,

Reviewer: skiutahnum1 Signed Date: 2010.08.17 - 04:02PM Title: Chapter One: It started with a kiss

Ah so now we will see something different I hope...kutgw

Author's Response: I can say, I've honestly never seen this done before. Whats coming, no one can guess. Hope you enjoy the ride. Thanks for reviewing.

Reviewer: fanfictiongoddess Signed Date: 2010.08.17 - 09:48AM Title: Chapter One: It started with a kiss

starstarstarhalf-star had me enthralled!! Especially the little teaser)at least it was to me) about the baby girl in the end!! *sigh* I just love H/G SBF's. I look forward to more.

Author's Response: There are MANY types of kisses. Not all of them...well, I'll leave it at that. The baby girl makes a breif appearance next chapter, then her part of the story begins. Thanks for reviewing. Jim

Reviewer: GinnySavesHarry1998 Signed Date: 2010.08.17 - 05:11AM Title: Chapter One: It started with a kiss


Hm. Interesting. I'm not sure what to make about that very beginning. Different.

Author's Response: Great. If you don't know, it'll be a surprise. Thanks for reviewing. Jim

Reviewer: Molewhisperer Signed Date: 2010.08.17 - 04:09AM Title: Chapter One: It started with a kiss


Great start! Can't wait to see where you take this

Author's Response: Thanks. Andthanks for reviewing. Jim

Reviewer: carolyn jinn Signed Date: 2010.08.17 - 04:02AM Title: Chapter One: It started with a kiss

A good start. I will be interested to see where you take it....(follow cannon or your own story).

Can't wait for the next update....:)

Author's Response: Cannon until fifth book, mostly. Then it hits the fan. Thanks for reviewing. Working on next chapter as we speak. Jim

Author's Response: Cannon until fifth book, mostly. Then it hits the fan. Thanks for reviewing. Working on next chapter as we speak. Jim

Reviewer: carolyn jinn Signed Date: 2010.08.17 - 04:01AM Title: Chapter One: It started with a kiss


A good start. I will be interested to see where you take it....(follow cannon or your own story).

Can't wait for the next update....:)

Author's Response: Second verse, same as the first. (Can you tell what movie that was from?) TFR Jim

Reviewer: jediprankster Signed Date: 2010.08.16 - 08:37PM Title: Chapter One: It started with a kiss


I think you have a fantastic beginning here. There were, however, quite a few typos. There were some minor ones, which can be ignored quite easily. But there were also some bigger ones that interfered with the flow of the reading. I've only mentioned the ones that tripped me up while reading. They were the important ones. I have listed them below.

Are you sure you meant 'preclude' in the summary. It doesn't make any sense that way. The definition of preclude is "to make impossible by necessary consequence: to rule out in advance."

Also, the prologue is called 'Too Kiss'. That should be 'To Kiss'.

One of the worst things fanfic authors can do is insert notes into the middle of the chapter. Their place is at the beginning or the end of a chapter. Even worse is when an author puts it in the middle of a sentence, such as you have done here. "So on sit back in your seats and draw the shades, (Extra kudos for the one who can tell where that line came from) as we start our tale of terror and humor, hate and love, and all that come in between." Also, I'm confused by the beginning of that sentence. 'So on sit back...'? Either the word 'on' doesn't belong there, or one of the others words is wrong.

There is an apostrophe that doesn't belong here: "...Werewolves that we’re loyal to Voldemort."

I think the word 'way' is missing here. "The only they would get the information from him was on the other side of death."

The war with Grimmauld? There was a war against the row house that contained the 'Most Ancient And Noble House Of Black'? Or perhaps you meant Grindelwald?

"Voldemort led the attacked..." attack?

It's Godric's Hollow, not Hallow.

"fate of the world on a young toddlers should..." toddler's shoulders?

There's not much that really jumped out at me that I liked any more than the rest. I just really liked what you've written here. For me to like something this much in spite of the large number of errors really says something, so please don't feel as though I am giving a negative review. I did really like it, I just thought I ought to point out the major errors. I look forward to the next chapter.

Reviewer: amanda163 Signed Date: 2010.08.16 - 02:37PM Title: Chapter One: It started with a kiss

Great beginning, i can't not wait to read more of it. I can't wait to see how you develop the characters and the story!

Reviewer: hgromance Signed Date: 2010.08.16 - 12:50PM Title: Chapter One: It started with a kiss


interesting start. let's see where you go from here.

Reviewer: HGRHfan35 Signed Date: 2010.08.16 - 12:48PM Title: Chapter One: It started with a kiss


Great start Jim.

Very promising and I hope to see more soon.


Reviewer: zeta_one Signed Date: 2010.08.16 - 10:54AM Title: Chapter One: It started with a kiss


Good start. Thanks for sharing.

Reviewer: Prof McGonagall Signed Date: 2010.08.16 - 03:28AM Title: Chapter One: It started with a kiss


Love different twists to the story. Great beginning, so please update soon as I am very curious how Harry and Ginny will "find" each other and will find out about what they need to do. I am sure it will be much harder to kiss when you know that you HAVE to kiss....Ginny probably does not like to be told what to do, even if she would really LOVE to kiss Harry...but I'm sure that's a few years/chapters down the road anyway.

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