
SIYE Time:1:27 on 7th December 2024
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Reviewer: seekers_destiny Signed Date: 2013.03.11 - 01:47PM Title: Chapter 1 - Molly's Family


If you published this before I missed it so this is all new to me. I almost got dizzy trying to keep up with all of the grandchildren but I'm sure Molly wouldn't be a bit intimidated. I liked a lot of the details, particularly the "recycled" Gryffindor table. "James Arthur" rather than "James Sirius" was interesting. Perhaps, some red-headed mother put her foot down? Perhaps some black-haired father felt a greater attachment to his father-in-law? He must be a handful by himself with the magical abilities he apparently possesses.

Turning to the broad dinning room window
Turning to the broad dining room window
dinning present participle of din (Verb)
(of a fact) Be instilled in (someone) by constant repetition.
Make a loud, unpleasant, and prolonged noise.

Author's Response: This is a story I wrote after I was about two chapters in to 'Heart of the Hero' (before Hallows was published!), the two were not envisioned to be connected in any way, though the more I write of HOTH the more I am leaning toward this story as a possibility for the future. I just thought I would throw this up here, so I am not a single story author. It has never been Beta-ed by anybody, it is as I wrote it. Maybe I'll send you the file so you can proof read it and make a few corrections? If it ends up that I want it to be an epilogue to HOTH, I will obviously have to re-write some of the details, as the Manors turned out differently, and a few other things don't match. What do you think?

Reviewer: potterfan2008 Signed Date: 2013.03.09 - 11:13PM Title: Chapter 1 - Molly's Family


It's a bit hard to follow and the names are a bit odd, but an interesting beginning. Jamie's power is very interesting and different.

Author's Response: Yes it is a lot of characters to be introduced to all at once. As you can see from the rest of the story the names of the children are not that important to remember, it is more the impact of the number of children. And, you really think the names are odd? they are all chosen from traditional names, there are no composites or made up names.

Reviewer: pottermania Signed Date: 2013.03.09 - 01:32PM Title: Chapter 1 - Molly's Family


Oooo, an intruiging end...

Author's Response: Intriguing enough to continue? I guess so! Thanks for the read and the comment!

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