
SIYE Time:20:26 on 8th September 2024
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Reviewer: seekers_destiny Signed Date: 2013.03.11 - 06:46PM Title: Chapter 3 - Birthing Babies


I just saw the reply on the first chapter. It would be unusual to post a epilogue before finishing the story but I've seen a story in a series started before the previous was finished so there is certainly precedent for that sort of thing. I also read the other reviews and realized that I'd just remembered the old view of "get the husband out of the way" and accepted that wizard society would still operate that way. I was there for the deliveries of both my daughters and it was an unforgettable experience.

James really is an amazing wizard even at his tender age. Given who his parents are though, it isn't a big surprise. I'm a little surprised that healers don't have something like a c-section since they are aware of them.

lead her away as Harry stepped to the opposite side
led her away as Harry stepped to the opposite side

Author's Response: I was just sort of going on the theory that very young Wizard children, especially those who are naturally extremely powerful tend to have a period of instinctive, often unpredictable power at an early age. James is experiencing a time of great natural power. Following form that power will begin to become repressed as he grows and his social/emotional world grows larger and more complex. When a wizard reached adolescence they seem to have reached the least powerful stage of their life, at puberty they begin to realize how powerful they may actually be, but things are not so well controlled or refined. finally as adults they begin to return to the power levels of their early childhood. Just an operative theory. Thanks.

Reviewer: potterfan2008 Signed Date: 2013.03.09 - 11:24PM Title: Chapter 3 - Birthing Babies


I think it is wonderful that Harry and Jamie were able to help deliver the babies. I didn't understand at first why Jamie was allowed in, but it made sense in the story.

Author's Response: Thus comes the magic... Being a father myself three times over, it was emotional to write.

Reviewer: pottermania Signed Date: 2013.03.09 - 02:04PM Title: Chapter 3 - Birthing Babies


I think I'd have a silly grin on my face too!

Author's Response: Me three!

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