
SIYE Time:14:56 on 3rd December 2024
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Reviewer: ngayonatkailanman Signed Date: 2014.09.15 - 09:02AM Title: CH 1 A New Life for Ginny


There are lots of threads in the plot and storyline. This could be a bit more tidy in time. The story itself is interesting. You made Ginny swear like a trouper and honestly, when she did not swear once in the Potter box during the Quiddittch game, it was more effective than when she spounted a string of swear words which I feel is over the top. You do not need loads of it to come across effectively.

Author's Response: I try not to have a lot of swearing in my stories, and with the help of my Beta keep the swearing more Potterverse than American or English. Ginny is rather hot headed at times, though. If I was getting paid to write I would almost certainly have to have rewritten everything over and over. It's not real tidy. I do have an ending I am gradually working to, but just like real life there will almost certainly be some loose ends. I hope you keep finding the story interesting, and put up with my faults. Keep pointing them out! I may not always agree and even if I agree I may not be able to do anything about something. I do listen to my reviewers, however, and have changed future chapters and even revised current ones because of a reviewer's comments. Thank you for the review. Jet

Reviewer: carolyn jinn Signed Date: 2014.08.15 - 01:04AM Title: CH 1 A New Life for Ginny


Welcome back. I'm looking forward to reading this next instalment in your epic story.
I'm glad Ginny is starting to work through her frustrations.
Teddy's view on life is very understandable. Not having his own parents and having everyone else care for him; it would be confusing for him.
Looking forward to the next chapter.

Author's Response: Ginny's life is going to have more really high highs and really low lows than most of us, but she is going to be a good mother, and love being a mother. How she gets there is, of course, part of the story. Teddy is still trying to figure out who he is. At five he does not understand why his mother and father are not taking care of him. He will find out, but it will not always be easy. Welcome back as a reviewer. FriedofMolly and I are slowly working through the story. Jet

Reviewer: Dad Signed Date: 2014.08.14 - 04:41PM Title: CH 1 A New Life for Ginny


This is a mammoth series.

Author's Response: I am turning 70 next year, and I'm beginning to wonder if I am going to live long enough to finish this! At least I come from long lived stock. Maybe it's madness. I don't know. Your comments, even when they are critical, are really appreciated. I hope I keep your attention. There will NOT be a week by week chronicle of Ginny's pregnancies. I'm trying to make the series move a little faster. Thank you for the review. Jet

Reviewer: SYLVELLE Signed Date: 2014.08.14 - 12:08PM Title: CH 1 A New Life for Ginny

Yay... Ginny's menstruation is starting again.. Here comes James.

Author's Response: She will become pregnant with James shortly. One of the first things I did when I outlined this series was to establish birth dates and birth order of the 12 'canon' grandchildren. Thank you for the review. Jet

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