
SIYE Time:13:56 on 3rd December 2024
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Reviewer: ngayonatkailanman Signed Date: 2014.09.15 - 09:45AM Title: CH 4 A Girly Car Seat


lOL. I love the back seat, cadillac and love making that went with the whole themed scenario. Very classic.

Author's Response: I had fun writing it. The big red 1960 Cadillac my father had did have a huge back seat. I never had a girl in it, or in any back seat for that matter. I'm glad you enjoyed the chapter. Jet

Reviewer: carolyn jinn Signed Date: 2014.09.04 - 09:55AM Title: CH 4 A Girly Car Seat


So Ginny is finding out that married life, with a child, can be quite busy. Let alone, going to classes to learn a new career.
When she does survive San Francisco, hopefully it will make her a stronger and more independent wife, daughter and mother.
Looking forward to more.

Author's Response: Ginny will become a full partner with Harry in their life together. She will fulfill the dual roles of Reporter and Mother reasonably well. The children will be a challenge, but what would you expect? It's just not going to all be bliss. What story is there in that? As always thank you for the review! Jet

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