
SIYE Time:15:32 on 3rd December 2024
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Reviewer: ngayonatkailanman Signed Date: 2014.09.15 - 11:14AM Title: CH 5 “Yes, Ginny, that kind of Pregnant


LOL. You are bonkers about that car!

Author's Response: I had this in mind when I introduced Boris and Natasha in Bad Guys and Broomsticks. The car will be notorious enough that Boris and Natasha will put it in storage, and I'm not sure I will ever bring it out of storage. They and their two children will end up driving a minivan, and of course their children will be at Hogwarts with the Potter children. Thank you again for the reviews. Jet

Reviewer: carolyn jinn Signed Date: 2014.09.14 - 07:52PM Title: CH 5 “Yes, Ginny, that kind of Pregnant


Well, they are pregnant. That is good.

Bit sad, that all Molly was worried about was whether they got pregnant in the back of the car. And, whether the papers and magazines were right about it.

Looking forward to the next chapter.

Author's Response: Molly is not worried about Ginny getting pregnant in the back of the car. Bill was conceived out of wedlock. I think all of the Potters and Weasleys are a little frustrated by all the rumors in some of the papers. Thank you for the review Jet

Author's Response: Molly is not worried about Ginny getting pregnant in the back of the car. Bill was conceived out of wedlock. I think all of the Potters and Weasleys are a little frustrated by all the rumors in some of the papers. Thank you for the review Jet

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