
SIYE Time:15:28 on 3rd December 2024
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Reviewer: ngayonatkailanman Signed Date: 2014.09.23 - 07:20AM Title: CH 6 Molly gives Ginny her First Pregnancy Lesson


oh no! just when things are about to get better, everything has gone mad! The poor dears! Poor Harry!

Author's Response: It is rather terrifying right now, but it will resolve itself quickly. Jet

Reviewer: carolyn jinn Signed Date: 2014.09.23 - 05:05AM Title: CH 6 Molly gives Ginny her First Pregnancy Lesson


Interesting chapter.
Ginny seems to be having a hard time accepting that she is pregnant. It is possibly just the hormones, but she seems insecure and on edge most of the time. Hopefully, she overcomes this as her pregnancy continues.

Who has got Ginny, now? Have to find out, hopefully, next chapter. (Hope it is a set-up by DMLE).

One small errata. When Molly is talking to Ginny about her brothers, Molly states that Fabian is Ginny's brother, not her brother. Then she goes on about getting the other boys out but Fabian was captured and tortured.

Author's Response: Molly has a bother Fabian who was killed along with his twin Gideon. Then Molly had a baby that she named Fabian after her dead brother, and Bellatrix killed the baby See my first story. I tried to make that clear, and even re-wrote it to make it much clearer than it was at first. Ginny will accept that she is pregnant soon enough. It is just hormones going wild early in her pregnancy. This is NOT a long Ginny is captured story. There is a lot of security around the Potters, not to mention a house elf. Jet

Reviewer: SYLVELLE Signed Date: 2014.09.22 - 04:53PM Title: CH 6 Molly gives Ginny her First Pregnancy Lesson

If they aren't at the DMLE are they at home>

Author's Response: You will see next chapter. You have the idea, though. Thank you for the review! Jet

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