
SIYE Time:15:29 on 3rd December 2024
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Reviewer: carolyn jinn Signed Date: 2014.10.18 - 08:05AM Title: CH. 9 Molly gets REALLY ANGRY


I think Molly is just wanting the truth about Bellatrix known. Samantha, on the other hand, doesnt understand what the truth is. She has been telling lies in a way that she wants to believe, for so long now. Samantha needs to stay in San Francisco and leave the British politics and way of life to them. I don't think she will ever change.
Good chapter.

Author's Response: There is a lot of truth in what you wrote. There will eventually be a biography of Bella, but writing it is going to take Narcissa, Andromada, and Molly years. Thank you. Jet

Reviewer: SYLVELLE Signed Date: 2014.10.17 - 02:40AM Title: CH. 9 Molly gets REALLY ANGRY


I think Molly is just wasting her time and making her self ill. Samantha will never respond as Molly wishes she would.
Good chapter.

Author's Response: You are probably right. Moll accomplished less than she wanted to. Molly and Ginny both have a problem with their temper. Thank you for the review. Jet

Reviewer: ngayonatkailanman Signed Date: 2014.10.16 - 08:08PM Title: CH. 9 Molly gets REALLY ANGRY


LOL. THis is my favourite chapter by a long short.

Author's Response: There is a lot of Molly in Ginny. Her children, in fact all of Molly's grandchildren, are going to be very aware that Mum or Aunt Ginny has a temper every bit as fierce as Molly. Lilly Luna is the wildest of the Potter children. To quote a 16 year old Lilly Luna, ‘Mum’s going to kill me. Well no, she likes grandchildren too much to kill me. What is she going to do? Send a howler to me announcing to the whole school that her oldest daughter has gotten herself with child at 16? Like I haven’t gotten howlers before. How many times did I get howlers? I can’t count. Maybe a school record. I got howlers from mum and grandma the same morning. It probably was not a good idea to get on the table and bow after getting both howlers. I got another two the next day. “Not amenable to discipline.” Mum and I do fight a lot. Is she going to yell when she finds out! Crap. Bollox. Boggarts.' I'm glad you liked the chapter. Molly, or Ginny, on a rampage, is fun to write. Thank you for the review. Jet

Reviewer: skiutahnum1 Signed Date: 2014.10.16 - 10:13AM Title: CH. 9 Molly gets REALLY ANGRY

Samantha is in for a rude awaking and soon she will be out of a job and thanks to molly she will get her revenge....where did the narccisa and molly get together happen. would have thought they where at odds but not so....hope draco and astoria get the grandchildren going for cissy is she is this good...kutgw

Author's Response: I am not sure Samantha minds looking foolish, as long as she can sell her trashy little publication. Molly and Narcissa started meeting reasonably early in my Bad Guys and Broomsticks story. Narcissa doesn't have any friends. The people on the side of Riddle hate her because she lied about Harry being dead, and the people on the other side are not natural friends because she was on the side of Riddle and the Death Eaters. That friendship becomes a very important part of the story. Thank you for your review! Jet

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