
SIYE Time:15:11 on 3rd December 2024
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Reviewer: ngayonatkailanman Signed Date: 2015.01.12 - 12:56PM Title: CH 11 The Reluctant Politician


Good grief what a busy life. At least Teddy is so much a part of everything.

Author's Response: Yes, Teddy is close to being a full fledged son. Jet

Reviewer: SYLVELLE Signed Date: 2014.11.10 - 05:59PM Title: CH 11 The Reluctant Politician


Another great one. I must admit, and may have before, I was not happy with the path you put Harry and Ginny on. After everything they've been through I kind of want something happier easier for them, but alas it was not to be. But it was a great chapter again and they seem to have fun.

Author's Response: One of the problems with fiction, especially a story over as many years as my series,. is that you cannot write the long periods of happiness. Ginny had a fabulous Quidditch career. I didn't cover a single game. Harry is being very successful in the Auror Department. None of the small successes are covered. I wrote a couple of chapters when I first started, on another site, about Harry and Ginny's trip to New York and on to the US Midwest. I lost half my readers. It wasn't interesting enough. To keep the sorry moving I have to cover the exciting and unusual times, but my vision of their life is mostly happy. Thank you for your review. Jet

Reviewer: carolyn jinn Signed Date: 2014.11.07 - 09:08AM Title: CH 11 The Reluctant Politician


Sounds like they had a good time on their holiday. Although, the questions near the end would have been a bit embarrassing.

Author's Response: I think everyone would have had a great time on the holiday. Harry and Ginny both needed some time off. Life is going to get busy again. Thank you again for reviewing. Jet

Reviewer: skiutahnum1 Signed Date: 2014.11.05 - 09:01PM Title: CH 11 The Reluctant Politician

Sorry to hear that Ginny had a fall and compaction but then again the whole experience is that....kutgw

Author's Response: James has to be born for the story to be canon. Ginny is fine. Thank you again for reviewing! A regular reviewer is such a blessing. It is one of the main reasons why fan fiction writers keep writing. Jet LaBarge

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