
SIYE Time:15:21 on 3rd December 2024
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Reviewer: SYLVELLE Signed Date: 2014.11.12 - 09:27PM Title: CH 13 Pregnancy Issues


Another excellent chapter, thank you. Very sorry Azalea had a problem. Happy they saved both her and Kevin. More new stuff happening because of the Potters. He can't help himself can he? Look forward to more

Author's Response: Harry really cannot help being in the middle of things. Thank you for the review. Jet

Reviewer: skiutahnum1 Signed Date: 2014.11.12 - 12:14PM Title: CH 13 Pregnancy Issues

Harry and kreacker are not to far apart...hope all keeps going well for his wife and child

Author's Response: I mentioned earlier in the story, and again in this chapter, that Kreacher and Harry had a lot of time to talk when they were traveling to all the vaults of Tom Riddle. I do think that, as far as possible for a wizard and house elf, they want the same thing. Old habits die hard, and understanding that Harry values Azalea and Kevin even if they cannot contribute materially to the Potter Estates is something that Kreacher knows but has a hard time believing. It is going to take a lot to "free" the house elves. A major part of my story, and more important when we get to the Albus part. Again thank you for the review. Jet

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