
SIYE Time:13:46 on 3rd December 2024
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Reviewer: carolyn jinn Signed Date: 2014.12.12 - 06:15PM Title: CH 17 Problems with Muggles


Vernon is such a piece of work. I'm surprised that he didn't have a heart attack right there in the living room in front of everyone.
Ii is sad when you have a miscarriage; but you carry on and look towards the future. (I have experienced one before.) This will help Hermione become a better person.
Looking forward to the next chapter.

Author's Response: Vernon is a heart attack waiting to happen. He will not be much mourned or missed. I've written his death into the story, but it is a ways off. I am sorry for your miscarriage. Some couples do not seem to have any problem getting pregnant and having children. I have a daughter and daughter-in-law with fertility issues. It can be hard. My wife says she only had to think "baby" and she was pregnant, although I think I had something to do with it. My wife and I are moving, and the next chapters may be a little delayed. Thank you for your faithful reviewing. Jet.

Reviewer: skiutahnum1 Signed Date: 2014.12.11 - 04:56PM Title: CH 17 Problems with Muggles

So sorry for hermione about the baby but sometimes it's for the best and now she may see life a little differently and may start to relax a little more.....kutgw

Author's Response: I don't think Hermione will be too relaxed as a parent. I don't think it is in her nature. She will have her two 'canon' children, and at the proper time. Thank you for the review. Jet

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