
SIYE Time:14:40 on 3rd December 2024
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Reviewer: carolyn jinn Signed Date: 2015.02.22 - 09:58AM Title: CH 22 James at 1 and what came next


Good couple of chapters. Loved this chapter, especially.

Author's Response: Thank you! James is basically a good kid, as we will see. Jet

Reviewer: skiutahnum1 Signed Date: 2015.02.21 - 12:02PM Title: CH 22 James at 1 and what came next

Ah it never takes long for new life to begin when the parents are ready for #2

Author's Response: Harry and Ginny certainly don't have any problem making babies. My wife says she only had to think "baby{" to get pregnant, although I expect I had a little to do with our four. Thank you for the review. Jet

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