
SIYE Time:19:28 on 4th December 2024
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Reviewer: MollyandArthur Signed Date: 2016.04.09 - 07:00PM Title: CH 1 The Train Ride


Wow, a lot of interesting conversations going on in this chapter. Somehow, I can truly imagine Hermione's daughter giving a sex education lecture to her classmates, complete with diagrams and correct anatomical names.

Author's Response: As the story progresses you will see how Rose is like her mother, and how she is different. At least on the surface she is beginning the story a lot like her mother. Regular reviewers are a blessing. Thank you! Jet

Reviewer: skiutahnum1 Signed Date: 2016.04.01 - 03:46PM Title: CH 1 The Train Ride

The elfs have lost the war and should just give up now....they may see harry during the sorting and get the new instructions....kutgw

Author's Response: Frerin and Dis will have plenty of work keeping Albus and Cleopatra safe. Thank you for the review. Jet

Reviewer: jmcmutt Signed Date: 2016.03.31 - 06:17PM Title: CH 1 The Train Ride


Rose is definitely her mother's daughter but just not completely. Great chapter, I hope that Albus doesn't have to be in Slytherin. He is such a well adjusted and caring child and that is the one thing he doesn't want. Cleo and Scorpius seem so well adjusted to have been raised in such an enviornment.

Author's Response: Cleo and Scorpius are reasonably well adjusted, thanks to Narcissa. Rose is Hermione's daughter, but she is not a clone. It will take a while, but eventually you will see where she is not as talented as her mother, and where she is better. The dynamics between the four is very different than the Harry, Ron and Hermione dynamics. We will have to see what the Sorting Hat decides. Thank you for the review. Jet

Reviewer: Dad Signed Date: 2016.03.31 - 03:31PM Title: CH 1 The Train Ride


This could become very interesting.

Author's Response: I certainly hope that it will stay very interesting. Thank you for the review. Jet

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