
SIYE Time:19:35 on 4th December 2024
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Reviewer: MollyandArthur Signed Date: 2016.04.09 - 07:37PM Title: CH 2 The Sorting


Well there were definitely a few surprises in the sorting. I feel it is rather dangerous for Albus to not have been told more about what is happening to him. Harry and Ginny really should have explained the soul mate situation to him. Looking forward to reading the next chapter.

Author's Response: As I have written it Harry and Ginny do not know all that much. Ginny has something of a double standard. She was ready to hop into bed with Harry when she was fifteen, but the idea that Albus may be married early terrifies her. Meanwhile, Albus is clearly not close to puberty, unlike Cleo. Even when they know that they are all but married how they, or Harry and Ginny, or anyone else should deal with the situation is not all that clear. In China a hundred years ago it may have been acceptable to a very young couple to share a bed and bedroom,. That is clearly not the standard in twenty first century Britain. Comments like yours help me shape the story. Many times when someone asks a question I know I have to add or change something in a future chapter. Thank you for the review. Jet.

Reviewer: skiutahnum1 Signed Date: 2016.04.02 - 07:34AM Title: CH 2 The Sorting

Ah al is growing up but then again mcg is in for a lot of trouble over the next few years....she may just reitre shortly.......kutgw

Author's Response: It would not be much of a story if there was not a certain amount of trouble. Thank you for the review. Jet

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