
SIYE Time:19:05 on 4th December 2024
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Reviewer: skiutahnum1 Signed Date: 2016.04.22 - 08:20PM Title: CH 4 “The First Saturday”

Ah al is in a heap of trouble and cleo isn't helping any to fix it....kutgw

Author's Response: The trouble has just started, and Cleo will be right in the middle of it. Thank you again for the review. Jet

Reviewer: MollyandArthur Signed Date: 2016.04.22 - 06:24PM Title: CH 4 “The First Saturday”


Enjoying this story. The characters of Albus and Cleo are developing nicely. Having said that, I find all of the underlined words rather distracting. I understand that you are trying to show how emotional or loud Cleo can be, but it makes reading the story more difficult.

Author's Response: I will try to calm Cleo down a little. It is hard to write the underlines in HTML as well. I don't show Cleo much when she is with the girls in their room, where she can be very subdued indeed. I don''t want to make the story hard to read. Thank you for the compliments. I hope you continue to enjoy the story. Jet

Reviewer: Dad Signed Date: 2016.04.22 - 11:06AM Title: CH 4 “The First Saturday”


Some good qudditch and whatever else coming up, I hope.

Author's Response: There will be more about Quidditch, like most of the next chapter. Thank you. Jet

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