
SIYE Time:17:47 on 4th December 2024
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Reviewer: MollyandArthur Signed Date: 2016.04.27 - 04:19PM Title: CH 5 Quidditch


Interesting chapter. Albus is certainly trying to bring about changes in Slytherin quite quickly. I am hoping to learn more about Cleo and the connection between her and Albus soon.

Author's Response: We will see how quickly Albus can change Slytherin. It will be interesting to see who helps and who his enemies may be. There is a lot more about Cleo and Albus. I have not forgotten Harry and Ginny. Most soul bond stories are written mostly from the point of view of the couple. I wanted to show how parents would react. As a father and grandfather I know how I would react. Thank you for the review. Jet

Reviewer: 1OldHPFan Signed Date: 2016.04.25 - 11:51AM Title: CH 5 Quidditch


Love how Albus is changing Slythern without really trying. Just doing the right thing. If he get what he asked the Firebolt company for I think that James will start crying about it. Awaiting the next chapter

Author's Response: Albus knows that Slytherin has to change. By himself Albus knows he cannot change things. It takes more than good will to change a culture like Slytherin. James has always been a little jealous of Albus. You will have to see how that plays out over the years as well. I am trying to post about a chapter a week. I have another one about ready to go, but several more need a lot of work. Thank you for being an old Harry Potter fan. I do not think I appeal to many adolescent girls. Jet

Reviewer: skiutahnum1 Signed Date: 2016.04.24 - 01:58PM Title: CH 5 Quidditch

Ah al is making some waves and will soon make more and if he pulls this one off then WOW....kutgw

Author's Response: Playing and winning are two different things. Later on we will learn what game Albus is playing, and it does not necessarily start and end with winning at Quidditch. Al will make waves if I do a good job of writing the story. Thank you for your faithful reviews. Jet

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