
SIYE Time:19:10 on 4th December 2024
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Reviewer: RighT3rantZ Signed Date: 2016.05.13 - 11:42AM Title: CH 6 The First Classes


Your writing is flowing a bit better now. You have reduced the redundant details from your earlier works, as a reader I thank you for that. Happy to see you improving your craft.

Author's Response: I hope I am learning. Some of the improvement is due, I am sure, to two great Beta readers and critics. Thank you. Jet

Reviewer: skiutahnum1 Signed Date: 2016.05.03 - 03:57AM Title: CH 6 The First Classes

Well im glad albus got to try the train but its time for a better system now that the camera are in place....kutgw and i can understand cleo problem of not getting a subject.......

Author's Response: Thank you for the review. Albus is going to have his hands full working with Cleo. Jet

Reviewer: MollyandArthur Signed Date: 2016.05.02 - 08:02PM Title: CH 6 The First Classes


Fascinating chapter. I am very curious about the way you are explaining Cleo and how she sees things. The way you are describing her abilities is very similar to some of the descriptions used for people with an autism spectrum disorder or with a sensory processing integration disorder, and how they learn in different ways. The relationship between James and Albus is concerning. James definitely deserves a Howler. The way that Scorpius and Rose are competing with one another is very amusing.

Author's Response: A very interesting analysis. As I am writing her Cleopatra really does see a reality beyond what we see. However you will see eventually that people with her abilities have had a very hard time fitting in, and often have been considered crazy. I have known people with autism spectrum disorders. I am very aware that we all see the world a little differently, and some see it much differently than most of us. Ideally we should celebrate the differences, but often that is not the case. I am glad you are enjoying the competition between Scorpius and Rose. They are not the same, and over this book and the rest of the series I will try to develop the differences. They are both very hard workers, however. Thank you for the most interesting review. Jet

Reviewer: Dad Signed Date: 2016.05.02 - 05:47PM Title: CH 6 The First Classes


Just to say I am really enjoying this.

Author's Response: Thank you. I am enjoying writing it. I always enjoy hearing from my adult readers. Jet

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