
SIYE Time:18:25 on 4th December 2024
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Reviewer: skiutahnum1 Signed Date: 2016.05.23 - 08:44PM Title: CH 9 Paranoia, Potions and Progress with Elves

Well the kids are makin head way but also making for harry and ginny they are going to need to relax and enjoy what they got for now soon or they are going to stoke out...kutgw

Author's Response: Harry and Ginny stay involved. Albus and Cleo make waves. I need to include more of Rose and Scorpius. Thank you for the review. Jet

Reviewer: MollyandArthur Signed Date: 2016.05.23 - 07:45PM Title: CH 9 Paranoia, Potions and Progress with Elves


Interesting chapter. The relationship between Albus and Cleo is so interesting. I am still trying to understand the nuances of it. Cleo seems to have such a different vision and knowledge of the world than Albus has. Yet, in many ways Albus is far more knowledgeable and aware of so many aspects of life than Cleo. I am eager to read the next chapter.

Author's Response: For all her watching of the CD's the elves gave her, Cleo has a very limited view of life, and not a lot of experience dealing with people. She also really does see the magic behind the magic, something that is not easy to deal with. Albus has his work cut out for him, and not just with Cleo. The few "soulmate" stories I have read have been rather trivial. I wanted to make something much more difficult and complex. I am glad that at least some people like it. Thank you for the review. Jet

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