
SIYE Time:17:44 on 4th December 2024
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Reviewer: MollyandArthur Signed Date: 2016.06.06 - 02:12PM Title: CH 10 The First Quidditch Match


This story really is fascinating, confusing, but fascinating. Cleopatra is a mystery they are all apparently trying to solve without much success so far. The letter from the children to their parents was amusing to put it mildly. Stubborn, headstrong parents will often have stubborn, headstrong children.

Author's Response: Albus is the son of Harry and Ginny. He has already put in at least close to the 10,000 hours practicing magic that it takes, we are told, to get really good at something. We are not privy to most of the arguments between Rose and Scorpius, but neither of them are exactly passive. We have just touched the surface of what Cleopatra can do. Of course I have personal experience of two headstrong parents having four equally headstrong children. I am sorry, but it is a little confusing. Maybe a lot confusing. I do have an ending, actually a couple of climax scenes, but they are a long way off. Thank you for reading and reviewing. Jet

Reviewer: skiutahnum1 Signed Date: 2016.06.05 - 08:50AM Title: CH 10 The First Quidditch Match

Well im glad the kids are trying to knock some sence in to there father's...well harry is ok with draco but ron and draco will never be ok...ginny now understands what harry ment about cleo....cleo is cleo. And until you meet her she is hard to discribe to someone else....kutgw

Author's Response: I see Draco as somewhat a sad and tragic figure. I write him as never really able to break free of trying to please his father, something he will never be able to do. You are correct; Ron and Draco will never get along. Cleo and Ginny are just started. You will see more of these two together. Thank you for the regular reviews. It really helps a totally volunteer author to know people read and appreciate their work. Jet

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