
SIYE Time:19:29 on 4th December 2024
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Reviewer: ngayonatkailanman Signed Date: 2016.07.04 - 09:46PM Title: CH 11 Albus’s Wand


how interesting.

Author's Response: There is a reason for the title of the story. I hope it keeps getting interesting. Thank you for the review. Jet

Reviewer: Dad Signed Date: 2016.06.12 - 11:55AM Title: CH 11 Albus’s Wand


The Slytherin attack seemed a bit halfhearted. Was something else going on or was it just about the wand?

Author's Response: You will have to wait to find out the answer to that question. The attack by the girls was pretty lame. Jet

Reviewer: MollyandArthur Signed Date: 2016.06.12 - 07:57AM Title: CH 11 Albus’s Wand


So, young Albus has the Elder Wand. That is both comforting and concerning. I do wonder why the older Slytherin students launched that coordinated attack on the group, and what will be the consequences of them not reporting the incident. Albus is certainly completely in control of the group of four. He is a natural leader, but I am surprised that Rose does not even seem to question his decisions. Hopefully Albus will have the opportunity to confide in his father soon. Unlike Harry who had no one to naturally turn to for help during years of his childhood, Albus has two loving parents. Cleo continues to fascinate as a character. I would love to be able to hear her mind.

Author's Response: It os going to be interesting to see the relationship between Harry and Albus develop. Albus is secretive by nature, and it is not going to be easy for he and his father to share as freely as they should. Rose is not Hermione. As I develop her character you will see. Writing Cleopatra is interesting. I have been developing her character for a long time. Thank you for the reviews. Jet

Reviewer: skiutahnum1 Signed Date: 2016.06.12 - 07:42AM Title: CH 11 Albus’s Wand

Ah something tells me harry already knows soemthing happen with al and his wand....for the master of death harry was. Yes.....kutgw

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