
SIYE Time:19:02 on 4th December 2024
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Reviewer: MollyandArthur Signed Date: 2016.06.22 - 09:08PM Title: CH 12 Harry Investigates


Nice chapter. I am really enjoying the way you portray the characters in this story, particularly the younger generation. It is rather sweet that Ginny is pregnant again and so happy about it. I also liked that Harry knew before she told him. I am feeling rather sorry for both Draco and Scorpius because of how Astoria is. Looking forward to reading what will happen next.

Author's Response: It is easy to portray Draco as evil. I think he is a much more complex character, caught between his father and mother, with a wife that does not support him, and grandmothers that are from another time. Scorpius has a better feeling for who he is, but has the same cast of characters in his household. By the time your wife is pregnant for the fourth time you know. I am glad you liked it. Glad I am keeping your interest. Jet

Reviewer: skiutahnum1 Signed Date: 2016.06.22 - 04:24PM Title: CH 12 Harry Investigates

Well sometimes its good to have the network in play becuase it makes life easier....sorta like the paintings in the castle....kutgw

Author's Response: I have not decided how involved the ghosts are going to get, although we will be hearing more from Myrtle. I am glad I added in this part. Thank you. Jet

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