
SIYE Time:19:26 on 4th December 2024
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Reviewer: Dad Signed Date: 2016.07.14 - 06:24PM Title: CH 14 The Dark Arts


Not nice for James, but the story is really building up momentum.

Author's Response: No, it is not nice for James. He has really been a good kid, and it is not fair that he has this happen to him. I hope to keep the story building. Thank you for letting me know it is working. Jet

Reviewer: MollyandArthur Signed Date: 2016.07.14 - 11:21AM Title: CH 14 The Dark Arts


Poor James. He is very young to be having to deal with such a horrible incident and the scars on his face and arm. Harry and Ginny have so much work to do to learn more about what is happening and try to keep their children safe, especially with Ginny pregnant again.

Author's Response: The accident is not a good thing. They cannot really heal it until they find out what happened. Who finds out what is, of course, the rest of this part of the story. Thank you for the review. Jet

Reviewer: skiutahnum1 Signed Date: 2016.07.13 - 09:18AM Title: CH 14 The Dark Arts

Well i hope james makes a full recovery and something tells me chen is going to make an exit fast....harry and ginny are in deep now....kutgw

Author's Response: People are suspicious, but there is no proof. Professor McGonagall has another pair of teachers to take the place of Professor Chen, and let Slughorn retire, but they are not scheduled to come until next year. Harry and Ginny are not looking for more adventures. It would not be much of a story if we just let them live out an uneventful life. Jet

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