
SIYE Time:19:30 on 4th December 2024
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Reviewer: skiutahnum1 Signed Date: 2016.08.23 - 06:35PM Title: Ch 16 Harry, Albus and the Elder Wand

Well i think cleo needs to have some alone time with ginny more offen....and allow some info to filter in to work out what is going to happen with her....glad to see harry do the right thing. Not the easy thing but for albus well he is going to be a for harry and ginny they are just going to have to roll with it for a while but they sure dont have to like it htought....kutgw

Author's Response: Ginny and Cleo will spend time together. As Ginny says, she really was not planning on two new children this year, a baby and a 12 year old. Harry and Ginny are finding out what it is to be the parents of children having troubles and adventures. We usually do not see that side of an adventure story. Thank you for the review. Jet

Reviewer: jmcmutt Signed Date: 2016.08.23 - 08:20AM Title: Ch 16 Harry, Albus and the Elder Wand


Ginny is seeing her feelings about Cleo are not blank and white. Cleo so needs a mothers care and love. James has a hard time seeing Albus always get what he wants.

Really enjoying your stories

Author's Response: Ginny's relationship with Cleo will remain complex. Cleo does need people, family above all. James is a little jealous of Albus, but at the same time James does not want to be like him. James really is focused on being the best Quidditch player he can be. James and Albus's relationship is also complex. Thank you so much for the review. Jet

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